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Alice nel Paese delle meraviglie
Alice nel Paese delle meraviglie
Alice nel Paese delle meraviglie
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Alice nel Paese delle meraviglie

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Il racconto e pieno di allusioni a personaggi, poemetti, proverbi e avvenimenti propri dell'epoca in cui Dodgson opera e il "Paese delle Meraviglie" descritto nel racconto gioca con regole logiche, linguistiche, fisiche e matematiche che gli hanno fatto ben guadagnare la fama che ha.

Release dateJun 29, 2015

Lewis Carroll

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by his pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English writer, mathematician, logician, and photographer. He is especially remembered for bringing to life the beloved and long-revered tale of Alice in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass (1871).

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Rating: 3.0078125 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don't feel like the modern illustration fits with the classic work for some reason. Otherwise the images are beautifully done.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A good way to introduce a child to the idea that words and sentences can have multiple meaning depending upon the context. A sort of point-of-view pontification.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great Illustration
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The problem is this particular edition (Bookbyte digital), which is not complete, and does not include the introductory poems.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Ugh, I hate nonsense books. I get that this is for kids and the whole premise is fun nonsense. When Alice falls asleep she goes down into a rabbit hole and enters Wonderland, a place where everything is fun and nonsense. There is no point to anything and everyone is weird and can you tell how much I dislike this book. There is no plot, just a dumb kid named Alice, wandering around Wonderland talking to animals and packs of cards, playing croquet with flamingos and the like. Totally bonkers.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was okayy..
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is my boyfriend's favorite book, but quickly became one of mine, as well. I think that it was well written, funny, and there's a lot to take from it. In the end, I could go on and on about how much Alice seemed like a little brat, or how the mad tea party is my favorite scene, but that would make this review much bulkier than I would like. However, I would have to say that the story is able to be read over and over, which I have done.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very nicely read. Enjoyable audiobook.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ya, I know it's a children's book. But certain children stories transcend age and have something to say to people of every age. Such is this one. Tightly written the character and plot develop right away, the humour is also quite amusing this story takes a little thinking on what it actually means
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The author of this book was either crazy or a genius, maybe both as they tend to walk in pairs.
    Well, this is a classic fable set in a fantasy world where everything could happen. There are so many extravagant characters that you'll lose count. It's is impossible not to fall in love with this book.
    I think I'll rename one of my cats Cheshire.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Strange, but interesting. I was not as profoundly moved as I thought I was going to be.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was such a whimsical vacation read. It was funny and crazy and strange and amazing. The world that Lewis Carroll created was so believable despite its obvious absurdity. The characters are interesting despite only brief encounters with some of them. The crazy poetry and songs were literary works of art in and of themselves. The best part of the book was the ability to lose yourself in Wonderland and allow your imagination to run along with Alice on this fantastic adventure. It was a light read with no deep thought required...perfect for summer vacation!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    An Exercise in Insanity

    This book was insane. The adventures she had and the creatures she met...It all sounded like what a bad acid trip would be like.

    I'm honestly not sure I enjoyed it. This may require a re-read in the future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Classic children's story. Lots of fun nonsense. The very last paragraph is really sweet.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is an enjoyable read for all years from 2 to 99 years old. It is a fantastic and fun read and should be read to children and grandchildren and handed down from generation to generation. Reading it as an adult, the symbolism is very noticeable in the narration. If you haven't read Alice before, you should not hesitate as it should not be missed!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I used to think the iconic Tenniel illustrations could not be bettered, but Jansson's are wonderful. The only edition of Carroll that contains a glyptodont (Doedicurus). Bonus fact: the first country mentioned in the text is New Zealand.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Lewis Carroll was the pen name of Arthur Dobson, a gentlemen reputed to like VERY little girls and who woiuld probably be photographed and put among the "unclean" today. This is arguably the most imaginative childhood story ever written that does not involve violence (the Red Queen is no exception! She yells off with their heads" a lot, but note she never actually does it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This marks the first book I've read on my iPod Touch.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?"Through the Looking Glass is much better, but you'd have to be an unfeeling clod to not like Alice in Wonderland. Or perhaps have had unfeeling clods for parents who didn't introduce you to Alice before you were old enough to think the puns were a little overboard.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Addressing strange and difficult issues as time, size and perspective, transformation and introducing the game theory almost a hundred years before it was presented as a mathematical idea in the conventional way, amongst other philosophically difficult ideas - and then engage children successfully, is a great achievement - leaving the readers of all ages curious about the nature of our existence - as compared to other living matter - as well as the nature of our observation of ourselves and everything outside ourselves. Carroll made a sensible, highly readable, enjoyable story out of (what for most people) is nonsense, no less.Wonderful reading.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Alice in Wonderland is a classic book. One day Alice sees rabbit and she runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit hole and she arrives in the Wonderland. Then many exciting things happen. I think this book is read by many people of many ages. This book made me so exciting. This story is one of my favorite books!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I think this book is the epitome of English eccentricity, which is why I loved it. There are several stories around the author, one that he was an epileptic, and that the falling down the hole was a description of one of his seizures, another one which my sister insists on was that he was a drug addict, which sort of taints my view of this as a children's book. I prefer to think he was a brilliant man with a vivid imagination, why is that so hard for people to believe? It's the perfect book to read to a child to spark their own imagination and give them a love of books and reading.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The most over-rated book of all time in my opinion - in the face of stiff opposition from Pilgrim's Progress and Catcher in the Rye, to name but a few. I was both bored and disturbed by the claustophobic and nightmarish nonsensity of this messy fever dream of ghastly characters. The mad hatter, that terrible queen, all those odd substances saying eat me and drink me, then swimming through the sea of dormouse tears - most off-putting. Mind you, that might have been 'Through the Looking Glass', possibly the only book I hated even more than Wonderland.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The genre of this story is classics.I know this story but I haven't read this story ever.So I enjoyed reading this story.Alice falls down a hole and go to The Wonderland. There are lots of unique character,for example the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter and so on.The character of this book is very unique and I like them.This is very interesting story for me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Johansson is an absolutely delightful narrator for this iconic children's story. She brings all the characters to life. Enough has been written about this. I just loved listening to the story. As an adult I can hear the poignant straddling of childhood's joys with childhood's fears, in a manner which endears and delights!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This edition contains both "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" and "Through The Looking-glass" As with the general understanding of the two stories is mainly presented to today's culture through the Disney's animated classic, most people know of both these stories. Upon reading them both, I noticed the elements that were used from each of them. A majority of it was obviously from "Alice's Adventures" with only some pieces from "Looking-glass" added.
    In my opinion "Alice's Adventures" was much more enjoyable when I read it. I enjoyed the poetic elements in "Looking-glass" but for overall likability, I side with "Alice's Adventures"
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Written in 1865, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a wonderful fantasy adventure story about a little girl who drinks a potion, which makes her very small. She falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy world populated by absurd anthropomorphic creatures. Reading level: 9-10.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A book about a girl's adventure into an unknown world, experiencing many new and different things while making friends and enemies along the way. Taking the reader into this fantasy world, the book also leads the reader through Alice's journey through her identity crisis and self-discovery.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't get past thinking that this book just really wasn't written for children. It was so frustrating...everyone was so mean to Alice.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    To celebrate the release of Alice Through the Looking Glass, I thought of rereading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland as well. At the thrift store, I've found this beautiful Russian/English edition from 1967 with gorgeous illustrations in black, red and white. A neat addition to my collection! ~ June 2016

Book preview

Alice nel Paese delle meraviglie - Lewis Carroll


Capitolo 1

Nella conigliera

Alice cominciava a sentirsi assai stanca di sedere sul poggetto accanto a sua sorella, senza far niente: aveva una o due volte data un’occhiata al libro che la sorella stava leggendo, ma non v’erano né dialoghi né figure, — e a che serve un libro, pensò Alice, — senza dialoghi né figure?

E si domandava alla meglio, (perché la canicola l’aveva mezza assonnata e istupidita), se per il piacere di fare una ghirlanda di margherite mettesse conto di levarsi a raccogliere i fiori, quand’ecco un coniglio bianco dagli occhi rosei passarle accanto, quasi sfiorandola.

Non c’era troppo da meravigliarsene, né Alice pensò che fosse troppo strano sentir parlare il Coniglio, il quale diceva fra se: Ohimè! ohimè! ho fatto tardi! (quando in seguito ella se ne ricordò, s’accorse che avrebbe dovuto meravigliarsene, ma allora le sembrò una cosa naturalissima): ma quando il Coniglio trasse un orologio dal taschino della sottoveste e lo consultò, e si mise a scappare, Alice saltò in piedi pensando di non aver mai visto un coniglio con la sottoveste e il taschino, nè con un orologio da cavar fuori, e, ardente di curiosità, traversò il campo correndogli appresso e arrivò appena in tempo per vederlo entrare in una spaziosa conigliera sotto la siepe.

Un istante dopo, Alice scivolava giù correndogli appresso, senza pensare a come avrebbe fatto poi per uscirne.

La buca della conigliera filava dritta come una galleria, e poi si sprofondava così improvvisamente che Alice non ebbe un solo istante l’idea di fermarsi: si sentì cader giù rotoloni in una specie di precipizio che rassomigliava a un pozzo profondissimo.

Una delle due: o il pozzo era straordinariamente profondo o ella ruzzolava giù con grande lentezza, perchè ebbe tempo, cadendo, di guardarsi intorno e di pensar meravigliata alle conseguenze. Aguzzò gli occhi, e cercò di fissare il fondo, per scoprire qualche cosa; ma in fondo era buio pesto e non si scopriva nulla. Guardò le pareti del pozzo e s’accorse che erano rivestite di scaffali di biblioteche; e sparse qua e là di mappe e quadri, sospesi a chiodi. Mentre continuava a scivolare, afferrò un barattolo con un’etichetta, lesse l’etichetta: Marmellata d’Arance ma, ohimè! con sua gran delusione, era vuoto; non volle lasciar cadere il barattolo per non ammazzare chi si fosse trovato in fondo, e quando arrivò più giù, lo depose su un altro scaffale.

Bene, — pensava Alice, — dopo una caduta come questa, se mai mi avviene di ruzzolare per le scale, mi sembrerà meno che nulla; a casa poi come mi crederanno coraggiosa! Anche a cader dal tetto non mi farebbe nessun effetto! (E probabilmente diceva la verità).

E giù, e giù, e giù! Non finiva mai quella caduta? — Chi sa quante miglia ho fatte a quest’ora? — esclamò Alice. — Forse sto per toccare il centro della terra. Già saranno più di quattrocento miglia di profondità. — (Alice aveva apprese molte cose di questa specie a scuola, ma quello non era il momento propizio per sfoggiare la sua erudizione, perchè nessuno l’ascoltava; ma ad ogni modo non era inutile riandarle mentalmente.) — Sì, sarà questa la vera distanza, o press’a poco,… ma vorrei sapere a qual grado di latitudine o di longitudine sono arrivata. (Alice veramente, non sapeva che fosse la latitudine o la longitudine, ma le piaceva molto pronunziare quelle parole altisonanti!) Passò qualche minuto e poi ricominciò: — Forse traverso la terra! E se dovessi uscire fra quelli che camminano a capo in giù! Credo che si chiamino gli Antitodi. — Fu lieta che in quel momento non la sentisse nessuno, perchè quella parola non le sonava bene… — Domanderei subito come si chiama il loro paese… Per piacere, signore, è questa la Nova Zelanda? o l’Australia? — e cercò di fare un inchino mentre parlava (figurarsi, fare un inchino, mentre si casca giù a rotta di collo! Dite, potreste voi fare un inchino?). — Ma se farò una domanda simile mi prenderanno per una sciocca. No, non la farò: forse troverò il nome scritto in qualche parte.

E sempre giù, e sempre giù, e sempre giù! Non avendo nulla da fare, Alice ricominciò a parlare: — Stanotte Dina mi cercherà. (Dina era la gatta). Spero che penseranno a darle il latte quando sarà l’ora del tè. Cara la mia Dina! Vorrei che tu fossi qui con me! In aria non vi son topi, ma ti potresti beccare un pipistrello: i pipistrelli somigliano ai topi. Ma i gatti, poi, mangiano i pipistrelli? — E Alice cominciò a sonnecchiare, e fra sonno e veglia continuò a dire fra i denti: — I gatti, poi, mangiano i pipistrelli? I gatti, poi, mangiano i pipistrelli? — E a volte: — I pipistrelli mangiano i gatti? — perché non potendo rispondere né all’una né all’altra domanda, non le importava di dirla in un modo o nell’altro. Sonnecchiava di già e sognava di andare a braccetto con Dina dicendole con faccia grave: Dina, dimmi la verità, hai mangiato mai un pipistrello? quando, patapunfete! si trovò a un tratto su un mucchio di frasche e la caduta cessò.

Non s’era fatta male e saltò in piedi, svelta. Guardò in alto: era buio: ma davanti vide un lungo corridoio, nel quale camminava il Coniglio bianco frettolosamente. Non c’era tempo da perdere: Alice, come se avesse le ali, gli corse dietro, e lo sentì esclamare, svoltando al gomito: — Perdinci! veramente ho fatto tardi! — Stava per raggiungerlo, ma al gomito del corridoio non vide più il coniglio; ed essa si trovò in una sala lunga e bassa, illuminata da una fila di lampade pendenti dalla volta. Intorno intorno alla sala c’erano delle porte ma tutte chiuse. Alice andò su e giù, picchiando a tutte, cercando di farsene aprire qualcuna, ma invano, e malinconicamente si mise a passeggiare in mezzo alla sala, pensando a come venirne fuori.

A un tratto si trovò accanto a un tavolinetto, tutto di solido cristallo, a tre piedi: sul tavolinetto c’era una chiavetta d’oro. Subito Alice pensò che la chiavetta appartenesse a una di quelle porte; ma ohimè! o le toppe erano troppo grandi, o la chiavetta era troppo piccola. Il fatto sta che non poté aprirne alcuna. Fatto un secondo giro nella sala, capitò innanzi a una cortina bassa non ancora osservata: e dietro v’era un usciolo alto una trentina di centimetri: provò nella toppa la chiavettina d’oro, e con molta gioia vide che entrava a puntino!

Aprì l’uscio e guardò in un piccolo corridoio, largo quanto una tana da topi: s’inginocchiò e scorse di là dal corridoio il più bel giardino del mondo. Oh! quanto desiderò di uscire da quella sala buia per correre su quei prati di fulgidi fiori, e lungo le fresche acque delle fontane; ma non c’era modo di cacciare neppure il capo nella buca. Se almeno potessi cacciarvi la testa! — pensava la povera Alice. — Ma a che servirebbe poi, se non posso farci passare le spalle! Oh, se potessi chiudermi come un telescopio! Come mi piacerebbe! Ma come si fa? E quasi andava cercando il modo. Le erano accadute tante cose straordinarie, che Alice aveva cominciato a credere

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