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Un lugar donde refugiarse
Un lugar donde refugiarse
Un lugar donde refugiarse
Ebook451 pages3 hours

Un lugar donde refugiarse

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Cuando Katie aparece en la pequeña localidad de Southport, en Carolina del Norte, su precipitada llegada provoca muchas preguntas sobre su pasado.

Katie es hermosa pero no le gusta lucirse y tiene una determinación obstinada por evitar cualquier relación demasiado personal hasta que una serie de desafortunados sucesos la obligan a establecer ciertos lazos: uno con Alex, un viudo propietario del colmado del pueblo y que tiene dos hijos pequeños y un gran corazón; el otro, con Jo, su soltera y muy franca vecina. Poco a poco, Katie irá dejando caer sus barreras, echando raíces en la comunidad y acercándose cada vez más a Alex y su familia. Pero Katie no puede dejar enterrado el oscuro secreto que oculta su pasado y que todavía la persigue y la aterroriza. Un pasado que la obligó a emprender un viaje a través del país. Katie acabará por darse cuenta de que debe escoger entre una vida segura pero carente de emociones y otra que aun siendo más arriesgada puede darle mucha felicidad?

Release dateApr 18, 2013

Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965. Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah, al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine, al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y La última canción. Es autor de más de 20 novelas que han sido traducidas a más de 50 idiomas y publicadas en 25 países.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Really exciting book!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Gripping story. Read it,in two days.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A sweet book. One that I read in a couple of days. I liked a lot of things about this book. Katie, the struggles that she has faced and decided she needed to fix it. Alex, widower with 2 sweet kids, trying to so his best. They both live in the same small down. And inevitably they meet. Kevin also an interesting character. It was great to get to see how he thought.I felt that this was a well written book with so much to keep you reading and keep your interest. 4 stars.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I stopped being a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks around the time I hit twenty. His writing and story lines used to seem so romantic to me, but then I started to notice trends among each of his books. Someone always dies and it was usually the character I wanted to live. Depressing to say the least.

    I read that this novel was different so I thought I would try again. I almost stopped towards the beginning of the novel when the main characters were beginning to "fall" for one another because I literally started to choke due to the mere cheesiness of it all. Luckily, Kevin's first chapter and "Kate's" back story began to emerge. It became interesting and I stuck with it. I liked seeing into Kevin's twisted mind because it is so far from my own. I wanted Kate to kick his trash!

    I like it up until the end. Kevin gets incredibly drunk and the narration becomes so hard to follow that I felt as if maybe I was drunk. (Then I realized it was the middle of a work day and I don't drink.) Sparks began to lose me again and then completely lost me with that weird ending. It isn't that I don't believe in spirits, it was just too much for me to handle.

    I think this is one of Sparks better novels. (All the people you really like don't randomly die.) I think this will be the last one I pick up for a few years. I need to recover from the cheese factor.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Inhaltsangabe:Katie ist fremd in dem kleinen Ostküsten-Städtchen Southport. Und ihr kleines Häuschen in einem Wald ist genau das, was sie suchte. Abgeschiedenheit! Denn sie will nicht gefunden werden und versucht auch sonst alles, um unsichtbar und geheimnisvoll zu bleiben. Selbst bei der Arbeit im Ivan’s gibt sie nicht allzu viel von sich preis.Alex, Witwer und Vater von zwei kleinen Kindern, bleibt die geheimnisvolle Schöne trotzdem nicht verborgen, schließlich muss sie ab und zu in seinem Laden Lebensmittel einkaufen. Und seine Tochter Kristen verhilft ihm ungewollt, die geheimnisvolle Frau näher kennen zu lernen.Katie und Alex freunden sich mit der Zeit an, aber ihr großes Geheimnis bleibt lange vor ihm verborgen. Schließlich erzählt sie ihm, das sie vor ihrem gewalttätigen Mann geflohen ist und eine andere Identität angenommen hat. Denn ihr Mann Kevin ist Polizist und hat so seine Methoden, um sie aufzuspüren.Währenddessen hat Kevin sie tatsächlich aufgespürt und macht sich auf den Weg, um sie ein letztes Mal nach Hause nach Boston zu holen.Mein Fazit:Dieses Buch hatte ich bereits im Herbst 2011 gelesen, während der Mutter-Kind-Kur. Aber zu der Zeit hatte ich schon keine Rezensionen mehr (oder nur sehr wenige) verfasst und so ergab es sich, das ich nach dem Film das Buch noch einmal bestellte und sozusagen ein Re-Read startete. Und ich muss gestehen, ich bereue es nicht eine Sekunde.Ich bin ein glühender Fan dieses Autors und die meisten Bücher haben mir bislang ausgesprochen gut gefallen. Und obwohl ich den Film kürzlich erst sah, hatte ich bei diesem ebenfalls das reinste Lese-Vergnügen. Der Schreibstil ist nach wie vor sehr einfühlsam und dennoch leicht. In dieser Geschichte haben zwei geschundene Seelen zueinander gefunden. Katie ist seit vier Jahren mit Kevin verheiratet. Und obwohl sie ihn anfänglich sehr geliebt hat, wurde sie in der Ehe nicht glücklich. Denn Kevin ist gewalttätig, kontrolliert sie auf Schritt und Tritt und hält sie an der kurzen Leine. Sie darf nicht arbeiten gehen, soll sich nur um das Haus und ihn kümmern. Freundschaften gibt es nicht und zu den Nachbarn hat sie nur heimlich näheren Kontakt. Als Kevin schließlich wegen eines Gerichtsprozesses, wo er als Polizist aussagen soll, eine Nacht außerhalb der Stadt verbringen muss, ergreift sie die Chance und flüchtet. Und dieser Versuch (es ist bereits der Dritte) gelingt ihr.Alex ist Vater von zwei Kindern, Josh und Kristen, und ist Witwer. Seine Frau Carly starb an einem bösartigen Gehirntumor. Seither versucht er das Leben zu stemmen und führt noch den Laden am Hafen von Southport. Auch wenn er kaum Zeit hat, über sein Leben nachzudenken, so hat er oft das Gefühl, einsam zu sein. Deutlich bewußt wird es ihm, als er Katie kennen lernt. Sehr sensibel baut er eine Freundschaft zu ihr auf, ohne aufdringlich zu erscheinen. Durch seine frühere Tätigkeit bei der Militärpolizei spürt er sehr schnell, was bei Katie los ist und gibt ihr alle Zeit der Welt, ihm irgendwann ihr Geheimnis anzuvertrauen. Doch da hat er sich bereits in sie verliebt!Der dritte im Bunde, Kevin, taucht erst ungefähr ab der Hälfte des Buches auf. Er glaubt, seine Frau wäre undankbar und egoistisch. Nur mit Mühe konnten sie das Haus finanzieren und dennoch brauchte sie nicht arbeiten. Er glaubt, er hätte sie aus einer ausweglosen Situation geholt und dafür sollte sie ihm stes dankbar sein. Er ist ziemlich gläubig und arrogant dazu und so kann er absolut nicht verstehen, warum sie die Flucht ergriffen hat. Mehr noch, er glaubt, sie käme ohne ihn nicht zurecht. Während der ganzen Odyssee wird er von seinem besten Freund, dem Alkohol, begleitet und er steuert auf eine Katastrophe zu.Alle Figuren handeln nachvollziehbar (Ausnahme ist natürlich Kevin) und sie haben Tiefgang, Ecken und Kanten. Ganz langsam baut sich die Spannung auf und nach zweidritteln des Buches weiß man, worauf es zusteuert. Nicholas Sparks hat dabei auch Kevin nicht ausgenommen, hat sein Handeln und seine Gedankengänge sehr gut aufgezeichnet und dabei das Bild eines Mannes portraitiert, der vom Wahnsinn und Alkohol zerfressen ist. Man konnte schon fast Mitleid mit ihm haben, wenn er nicht so brutal gewesen wäre. Ich stelle es mir schwierig vor, so etwas zu schreiben.Die Geschichte hat mich von der ersten Sekunde an gefesselt. Die Szenenwechsel sind hervoragend gelungen und ich konnte dem sehr gut folgen. Alles hat gepaßt und auch das Ende ist logisch und nachvollziehbar. Von mir bekommt der Roman volle fünf Sterne.Veröffentlicht am 15.10.15!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was AMAZINGGGGG! I finished it in a day and it was so good! i couldnt stop reading! i thought all the characters were very well developed and the story line was very easy to follow. the characters touched your heart, and thats the mark of a great novel. its just another amazing book by Nicholas Sparks.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was really good. I bought it to read before I would go see the movie. It started out interesting and ended well. The characters were interesting. I have read other Nicholas Sparks books that were much better than this one but this was a great read as well.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The story of Katie and Alex is classic to any Nicholas Sparks novel. A love story with two people who never want to love again, escaping from some dark past… But as predictable as Sparks is, I find him enjoyable. This writing – the descriptive nature – makes the reader able to picture exactly what the writer wants them to see, without being too detailed to make the scene feel drab or boring. He runs his narration is a manner that is interesting and gives little pieces of the personality to each character away, just when it is needed. Most of all, his characters feel believable – not real, but believable. Katie is running from her past, trying to escape the abuse of her husband by disappearing into the Carolinas. She finds a small cottage in a small town and picks up a job, trying to make her life and her home once more. This is where she meets Alex – the widowed father of two – who runs the local grocery store, above which his home sits. His two precocious children seem rather advanced for their age in writing style, but they are endearing. Soon Katie and Alex are drawn together through the greater forces of Sparks’ creative mind, and their romance begins. Without spoiling the ending, of course all cannot go as planned. There must be a dramatic twist at the end, and, as always, there is. Katie’s husband, Kevin, finds her and is none-too-pleased with her loving another man. The only disappointment I have with this book is how neatly it all wraps up in the end. I had trouble believing the authorities would be so quick to smile, nod, and walk away from everything that happened with Kevin and Katie, but Sparks obviously needed to wrap up the book and was ready to do so. The twist with Carly made me roll my eyes a bit, but I didn’t expect anything else from his writing. I’m used to it.Overall, I liked the light, chic-lit read that this was. It was romantic and sweet, and I am looking forward to seeing how terrible the movie will be.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a breeze to get through. One lazy Sunday and BAM it's down. Occasionally, I like to read a fast, no brainer, romantic book and this fit the bill. Nicholas Sparks has the ability to suck you in with his too good to be true romances and this is no exception.Katie is a girl running from a haunted past (aka abusive husband) and she lands in, Southport, a sleepy town thousands of miles away from her husband. She tries to stay inconspicuous and under the radar but soon she attracts the attention of Alex, an attractive widower with two small children. Of course Alex is the most perfect of men and she succumbs to his good looks and manners, but what happens if her past catches up to her? Read to find out more. This is a perfect beach read, although not my favorite Nicholas Sparks novel (I do however plan on seeing the movie next month!)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this Nicholas Sparks novel. The characters are well-drawn and likeable and the suspense builds up to a satisfying climax. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Nicholas Sparks as you would expect. Even though you know what's going to happen in the end, he manages to keep you involved in the characters and the story until you get there. Even the characterization of the "villain" is developed so that you get the sense of a man who has lost control of his life and is desperate to find it again, rather than a black-and-white "bad guy" as he looks at the beginning. A good read for a relaxing time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    4.5 out of 5 starsI have just one word for this book: wow. Nicholas Sparks really nailed it at this one. I picked up Safe Haven this last week and even though I was quite busy and tired with school,I couldn't resist but read until late at night. Generally,I'd say I am a fan of Nicholas Sparks. I've read many novels by him — and enjoyed them all — but this book is quite another thing. It's more than a love story in a small,quite town. I'd say it's a romantic suspense. When you pick up a book by Nicholas Sparks you know you're in for a love story and we all like love stories,of course, but sometimes they get too cheesy. I am happy to say this book won't be the case.The story revolves around the life of Katie who moved to a new town to escape her abusive and violent husband. She's very determined to avoid forming close relationship with anyone but then — of course — she meets Alex. Alex is the dad of two kids who had lost his wife. I must say I loved the way their relationship started. So natural and easy and without even understanding Katie's guard was down and she found herself falling for this man who saw her in a way she was never seen before. I also loved reading about her relationship with the kids. A motherly relationship but not trying to be their mom. It was so sweet. Until this moment, Nicholas seems to stick to his usual scenario but then he adds the suspense factor.The story starts getting so interesting when Kevin — Katie's ex-husband — appears. Looking for her. Kevin is a detective and this helps him a lot to follow Katie's traces. The thing that made me love this book so much is that Nicholas touches a very delicate and hurting topic nowadays. That of the abused women. Kevin is a drunkard who'd lose his control and beat and kick and punch Katie in the most terrible way, even risking her health and life. And even though it's a sad reality that made me think of how many other women are abused in that way. It's just so sad. And I think Nicholas did his best job to built such great characters like Katie and Kevin. Kevin is one of those characters you will hate as if they were real people. I absolutely hated him for who he was,for who he thought he was and for what he did to Katie. He's such a worthless person who has nothing but animal instincts. I like the way the author wrote the story. It comes from two points of view, Katie's and Kevin's. And by the end they meet and the story gets quite intense and absolutely amazing. Everything is described in such an amazing and realistic way, it feels like you're watching a movie.So overall,this is a must read story. It has it all. The love story,the suspense, and a little bit of a 'wow factor' which is how I like to call it. I'm not going to spoil it but Jo is the wow factor in this story. I absolutely recommend this book. I believe you won't be disappointed. All I can say in the end, is thank you Nicholas for this incredible story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not the usual story from a Nicholas Sparks' , this is a life changing story.I usually read Sparks' books after dense or complicated novels to have a "break" and relax with a simple and easy going kind of writing. This time, however, I was positively surprised because the story got me somehow. This is not another love story to dream about the perfect prince coming to save the damsel in distress. This is the story of an abused woman (which is sadly a real enough situation for more people than we would dare to think of) who has the courage to run away and to start anew somewhere else. And trying to build a life out of nothing. The characters are well constructed, the story is solid all the way through and the last chapters become page turners, with a gratifying and heart warming final surprise, which I have to admit had been nagging at the back of my consciousness for some time, but it was a nice outcoming all the same.Maybe one of the best I've read by Sparks so far, so a sure shot if you're one of his followers and if you are not, just give the book a chance, it might grow on you!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Much too predictably Sparks to be anything special. Or my head just wasn't into it.Radically abused wife of police officer finally escapes him and finds herself in a small Southern town. He goes nuts, starts drinking way too much, gets himself suspended and decides to hunt her down and bring her back. Meantime she is just beginning to feel safe and begins to trust people shortly before he finds her. Things turn sour very quickly. Best part of the book:"She'd put the steaks in the marinade the day before:red wine, orange juice, grapefruit juice, salt and pepper.The acidity of the juices made the meat tender and gaveit extra flavor. It was in a casserole dish on the bottomshelf of the refrigerator."I think I am going to have to try that marinade.I rated this one a 2 1/2 star read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Katie's running from her abusive husband who, unfortunately for her, is a very talented police detective. After a lot of ingenuity and courage, she lands in a small North Carolina coastal town where she's trying to pick up the pieces. She meets a local store owner, Alex, who is patient and kind and is a widower with two children whom she is drawn to when she visits the store. She also befriends a woman, Jo, who moves into the cottage next to hers. Jo is a grief counselor and Katie finally shares her story and secrets with her new friend and is encouraged by the somewhat pushy woman to trust Alex and even to start a relationship with him.The relationship progresses slowly and comes across as a true friendship and healing for them both, and Katie provides a needed presence in the children's lives as well.In the meantime, Katie's husband's life is disintegrating and his mental state is progressively getting more and more erratic, causing him to get suspended from the police force. Now he can devote all his time to tracking down his wife. Yikes. I liked how the author gave us his point of view as well and we were able to see what he was thinking as he was in his downward spiral and while he was lost in his rage. Crazy stuff goes down before Katie and Alex get their happy ending. : )
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Safe Haven is a fiction story about a young woman who has recently moved to the small town of Southport, North Carolina. She moved into a small cottage and found a job waitressing at a local restaurant. She tries to keep a low profile while trying to go unnoticed and keep her past a secret. The longer she lives in Southport the more she finds comfort in two friends she meets along the way. She lets her guard down and allows herself to fall in love, but in time to come her past still haunts her. The author writes the story as if he was telling the story of the young woman and the people that are in her life. He allows the reader into the minds of the characters to experience their thoughts and their emotions. That allows the reader to become more attached to each character and feel for them. In my opinion this book was a good read. In the end of the story there was an unexpected twist to it that I didn’t see coming at all. The twist allows for the readers imagination to take them where they think it appropriate while also giving them a little direction. Also it’s a great love story with some shock and sadness to it but then again what love story doesn’t have though things. Grace B.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Yikes really thought I wrote a review for this...

    Do you really only get one chance for love? Safe Haven is a book about one woman who thought she was in love, but only ended up scared for her life. And a man who loved and lost. I liked parts of the book better with the build up of her escape instead of the movie.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I didn't think I would like this book but I was shocked that in the end I loved this book. This was the first book by this author that I have read and I was pleasantly surprised. I loved the storyline in this book and I loved everything about the ending. I saw parts of the ending coming but the major parts I had no idea was going to happen and I love when books can surprise me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed the suspense toward the end of the book. It was more suspenseful than other Nicholas Sparks I have read. An enjoyable easy relaxing book to sit in the recliner with on a Saturday afternoon.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The suspense in this book kept me from putting it down. Not like other Nicholas Sparks books where I was left sobbing. I really enjoyed reading this book. Don't watch the movie. Hollywood didn't do it justice. The book is much better,
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a compelling love story with a twist of sadistic suspense. It compels you deep into the story but abruptly wipes all your romantic notions in an instant. Though, it does lack consistency in some parts, it alleviates its shortcoming with a different kind of twists that most Nicholas Sparks’ books never left without. If you want to have a different reading experience then you have to include this book on your list but if you want to be starry eyed and fall in love over and over again well this book is definitely not for you.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Another okay Sparks' book. The same old Sparks' plot with different characters in different circumstances and situations. A woman or man with a past and they fall in love but the other one is hesitant because of the his/her past but what the heck they still fall in love. A man is always present to ruin their relationship but at the end there will always be a confrontation wither verbally or physically and their love becomes stronger. One of them will be a single parent or divorced or both. I've read it all before with "The Lucky One", "True Believer", "Dear John", "The Rescue", etc. Ever since "The Notebook" and "A Walk to Remember" Sparks haven't written a BETTER novel. I've been waiting for it for so long and I'm always disappointed or left hanging. One thing good about this novel is the twist in the end where Katie's friend Jo is really Carly, Alex's dead wife. Creepy but a really nice touch. The letters she wrote would really affect you and I love how Sparks write letters (remember the letters in "Message in a Bottle"? Really good). I do hope his next novel would be really really good!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A beautiful, powerful ending made up for a bland main character who's personality seemed to be defined exclusively by the man she was with, and the man she left. She seemed to only be motivated by survival and making others happy; she had no quirks, no dreams, no passions. Despite all this, I did enjoy the story much more towards the end.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    While Nicholas Sparks is not a fantastic writer, he does know how to tell a love story any girl will fall for. Overall the writing was predictable and flat, but the more I read, the more I needed to finish.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Safe Haven is about a woman named Katie who flees to an obscure town in North Carolina after years of suffering from the abuse of her husband. She meets a widowed man named Alex and falls in love with him and his two kids. There is just one problem; Katie is still married, and her husband is looking for her.Safe Haven was a pretty typical Nicholas Sparks book. There were sad parts and happy parts, and I really liked the ending. It ended as well as it good have under the circumstances. After reading Nicholas Sparks' memoir, I began to notice a lot of similarities between things that happen in his books and things that happen in real life. I really like that he adds such personal connections to his stories.If you like Nicholas Sparks books, you will like this one.Happy reading!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    So goddamn depressing. Good book though. Definitely not my ideal evening read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another wonderful love story by N. Sparks that provides great reading for a rainy weekend or vacation time read. A woman escapes her abusive husband-who also is a cop-to rebuild her life in a new town. Of course her past comes back to haunt her and she must face her abuser.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A little slow at the start but then it picked up during the last few chapters. I didn't even go see the movie.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Predictable, but good.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely loved this book! Nicholas Sparks has a way of drawing the reader in and keeping interest throughout the entire book.