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Comforting Christ
Comforting Christ
Comforting Christ
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Comforting Christ

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About this ebook

This book deals with the Messiah, the comforting Christ. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, I wrote my understanding of the comforting Christ. The comfort he gave to his disciples after explaining about his pending crucifixion and explaining and teaching about the one who will come after him. This finished product will help you to understand more about the Messiah, what his work was all about while on earth and the challenge his disciples faced when he was no longer with them. It will show the way to Christ and will point to a new way of life for us today as it did for his disciples after his death. It tells what his suffering meant then to those who gathers at the foot of his cross and what it means now to us who look back and marvel at what took place back then.
Release dateApr 20, 2012
Comforting Christ

Rev J. C. Washington

I am a native of South Carolina and was born in Charleston. I served two terms in the military. I received an honorable discharge and returned home to finish my education. After graduating from Laing High School class of ’60, I went to Boston, Massachusetts, attended Fisher Junior College, earning an associate degree in business. I went on to Boston State earning a BS in elementary education. I also attended ETS, Episcopal Theology Seminary, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. And I went on to Deliverance Revival Bible Institute, earning a ThD degree. In earlier years, I worked as youth director, teacher, lay reader for the Reformed Episcopal Church, clerk of session in the Presbyterian Church, and then pastor for twenty-one years. In other areas, I worked as a realtor and a businessman. Prior to going to Boston, I attended weekend classes at Cumming Memorial Seminary; for church school studies, in Sumter, South Carolina and received a certificate. In Boston, I took night classes at Lee Institute of Real Estate, Newton, Massachusetts; Stenotype Institute for court reporting, Boston, Massachusetts. And in New York Institute of Photography, I had a home course and received a certificate. I have received lots of awards, also including a letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives, for working with the youth. I attended workshops and seminars with a Bible scholar from a different country. I now work on the ministerial staff at Olive Branch AME Church Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. I am also the author of the book The Power of Prayer.

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    Comforting Christ - Rev J. C. Washington

    © Copyright 2012 Rev J. C. Washington.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4669-1446-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4669-1445-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4669-1444-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012902310

    Trafford rev. 03/19/2012

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    The Mesiah Finish Product

    (1) The Reality Of Heaven

    (2) Reality Of The Way

    (3) John 14:15-18 (KJV) Reality Of The New Life

    The Cross

    Tilte On The Gross

    (1) Greek Title

    (2) Latin Title

    (3) Hebrew Title

    Characteristics Of The Genuine Citizen

    (1) The Contrast

    (2) The Conduct

    (3) The Climax

    The Truth







    The Communion

    Suffering On The Cross

    Sacrifice On The Cross

    The Crucified Thieves

    Parted His Garments

    I Thirst—A

    No Broken Bone

    His Side Was Pierced

    The Sufficiency

    (A) Father Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do

    (B) This Day Shalt Thou Be With Me In Paradise

    (C) Behold Thy Mother… behold Thy Son

    (D) My God! My God! Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me.

    (E) I Thirst—B

    (F) It Is Finished

    (G) "Father Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit

    The Thief

    The Centurion

    The Sun

    The Veil

    The Disciples


    To My wife Mamie R. Washington, for her help in discussing with this topic, with her. And our children., thanks to all my friends.


    This book deals with the Messiah, the Comforting Christ. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, I am writing my understanding of the Comforting Christ. The Comfort He gave to His disciples after explaining about His pending, crucifixion. Explaining and teaching about the one who will come after Him.

    This Finish product will help you to understand more about the Messiah. What His work was all about while on earth and the challenge His disciples faced when He was no longer with them. It will show the way to Christ and points to a new way of life for us today as it did for His disciples after His death.

    It tells what His suffering meant then to those who gathers at the foot of His Cross and what it means now to us who look back and marvel at what took place back then.

    Chapter One

    The Mesiah Finish Product

    Let me ask you this question Is The Messiah a liar? This is a question that must be asked Truly and to the point. The starting significance of this question should in reality force us to see the place that we have given Christ Jesus. Many would answer this question instantly with a flat and emphatic No. Then some people, however, will in their idle moments discuss eternal truths and speculate upon certain realities with the result that their conclusion make Christ Jesus a liar. How can you believe the truths of God if you do not believe the truths as it is taught by the Son of God? It has been the purpose of this book to present the Lord Jesus Christ The Messiah That we may Believe and see the Truth as it is in Him. It is impossible to take one’s stand on both sides of an open Lake. It is impossible for some one to deny the Truth that Jesus teaches and not make Him a liar. The fundamental Truth that many people must learn is that they must not pick out a few verses of Scriptures that they can fit into their lives, and then throw overboard the rest of The Messiah’s teaching; but that they must accept Him as a Teacher, worthy of acceptation, and believe His teaching in it’s entirety.

    Is The Messiah a liar? This a question that cannot be answered with a Maybe or in any half-hearted way. The answer is either Yes or No. The answer does not need to come through your tongue for it is seen in your life. If you do not believe Jesus to the extent that you are ready to obey Him then your faith is lacking. If you truly believe in Him then your life is a positive life and the power of Jesus is seen in you. Your answer is either a negation or an affirmation. You will either deny the Truth of The Messiah, or else you will confirm them. If you do not know the Truths of the Messiah, then do not persist in your ignorance and continue to make Him a liar through your ignorance. There are hundreds who discuss the great important Truths taught by The Messiah and because of their ignorance, they make Him a liar. How often have we heard people ask the question. Do you really believe that there is a Heaven and a Hell? Well, if you don’t really believe it, then you are one who through your ignorance of the Word and the teachings of The Messiah make Him a liar. It was Christ Jesus The Messiah who said in Matthew 25: 41 (KJV), Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. This is not the statement of any impassioned disciple or any enthusiastic evangelist or zealous pastor. These are the words of The Messiah. Is Hell then just what we make our life here on earth as some have imagined? Many people try to, in form me that the only, Heaven or Hell we have is that which we experience here on earth if The Messiah is a liar, then maybe these sophisticated persons know the answer. The Messiah teaches me, however, that Heaven and Hell are realities. Therefore, although I cannot understand all of the details about some of these Truths, still I am ready to take my stand along with The Messiah and believe Him. His Word is Gospel to me.

    The ignorance and confusion of the majority of people is the cause of their failure to know God as reality. On every hand, people are crying out from the depths of their souls for The Word which is the knowledge of God as a reality. There are millions who do not know God as a reality and the cause is very obvious. No one will ever know God as a reality who makes The Messiah a liar, Before you can know God as a reality. You must know Jesus as a reality. If Christ Jesus is a reality in your life and you have had a real experience with Him as Lord and Savior, then you know Him as the Truth and know the basis of your belief. Stop speculating and arguing about these things you don’t understand and turn to the teachings of the Messiah. If people would do a little studying of the Word Of God they would not do so much idle talking. The Messiah know that there would be those who would make Him out a liar and so He said to his disciples in The Upper Room, If it were not so, I would have told you. I think it will help us if we will sit with Jesus in the Upper Room just a short while before the crucifixion and listen to what He has to say about these realities. Let us sit with Him as He Comforts His disciples with these greats Truths and we will hear what He has to say about. The Reality of Heaven: The Reality of the Way and The Reality of the New Life.

    JOHN CHAPTER 14: 1-6

    "Let not your heart be trouble; ye believe in God , believe also in me.

    In my Father ‘s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

    And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am , there ye may be also.

    And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

    Thomas said unto him, Lord we know not whither thou goes and how can we know the way?

    Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    (1) The Reality Of Heaven

    As Jesus the Messiah faces the Cross, He finds that it is necessary to comfort His disciples. He has washed the disciples’ feet and they have observed the Passover. Now that He has instituted the, Lord’s Supper, we see Him in the Upper Room with His disciples just before they go out to ward the Garden of Gethsemane. Probably they are standing and as they are ready to go, The Messiah delivers His farewell discourse to them. The whole purpose of these farewell discourses as found in John, 14, 15, and 17, is to comfort his disciples. They are alarmed and anxious about the events that are to follow. Their Master has been teaching the strange Truth about His death and the future. Now, the disciples present a gloomy picture as they stand there around the Messiah. They need to be comforted and The Messiah (Jesus) turns to them and say Let not your hearts be troubled. Now, amid the gloomy forebodings of that eventful night, The Messiah spoke peace to His disciples and body the waves of their distress grow calm. How did Jesus bring peace to them and what was it He taught them which would bring comfort to them? Nothing else but "The Reality of Heaven!

    In order to quiet their fears, The Messiah drew aside the curtain of the future and showed them where His Father dwelt. After instructing them not to be troubled, He explains to them the foundations for dwelling with His Father. He says, Ye believe in God, believe also in me. It is important that they realize not only believe in the existence of God is not sufficient. They must believe in Him also. How many people are standing deluded today, because of a mere belief in the existence of God! On every hand, we hear people say, Well, don’t we all believe in the same God? There are those who feel that if they have some sort of a belief in a supernatural power, or some cosmic force, or the existence of God, that is sufficient. It must be understood that there is no place in place in the New Testament that teaches only that a belief in God will result in Salvation. The heathen, the tribal warrior, the Buddhist, the sun worshipper, the Indians, and in short, all man kind have some belief in a god. This is not sufficient. It is, however, the first step for one must believe in God before you can turn to Him. Many try to defend themselves by saying. Is not God the Creator and the Father of us all ? It is true that God is the Creator of all, but it is not true to say that He is the Father of all. Before He becomes a Father to us, we must become His children. As a child is born into this world to his parents, so are we born into the kingdom of God. There must be the new birth before we become a child of God. Now we read, And as many as received Him (meaning Jesus) to them He gave the Power to become children of God. That is the reason Jesus said, Ye believe in God, believe also in me.

    Jesus gives them a sound basis which to build their hopes and to be comforted. If God’s hand be upon the helm of our lives, are there any rocks that can shatter it? Will there be any storms that can wreck or any shoals that will submerge? Certainly not. If we have the proper faith in God the Father and in God the Son, then we can be brave in the face of the foe and calm in the time of storm. The comfort of faith always comes before the comfort of hope. Believe in God, believe also in me. said the Messiah and then He gives the hope of the future as He says, In my Father’s house are many mansion. Are you crossing an unsteady bridge over a swift and angry current? If so, have the comfort of your faith and then lift your eyes to the farther shore which Jesus points to.

    With this comfort of faith, the hope of the future will be a realization. How Jesus comforts them by telling them that Heaven is real. He states that there is no lack of room there, but instead, In my Father’s house, are many abiding places. Then comes the important declaration, If it were not so, I would have told you. Not only does He declare that there are many abiding places, but then He states that it is a glorious Reality. Not only is it a glorious Reality, but He says that He is going to prepare that place for us. In short, He is comforting them with the hope that in the future they shall not be separated from Him, but that they shall be with Him forever. That is His purpose in preparing this place, for He says, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. That is exactly what takes place. At death, He receives us unto Himself. Absence from the body means presence with the Lord. More specially though he receives us at His second coming when the body shall be raised in incorruption, reunited with the redeemed soul and taken up to be with the Lord forever. It is interesting to note the use and the progress connoted in the two passages that use the word receive. First we read, And as many as received Him, and then we read, That I might receive you unto myself. This is exactly the process that makes eternity and salvation a reality; first, we receive Jesus The Messiah as our Savior, and then He receives us unto Himself,. What a hope!

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