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All in Favor, Say Ay
All in Favor, Say Ay
All in Favor, Say Ay
Ebook237 pages6 hours

All in Favor, Say Ay

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The story is set during the closing years of the eighteenth dynasty in ancient Egypt. It covers the rise of an ambitious child of a farmer, as he successfully climbs the ladder of power, until he wears the crown of the Pharaoh of all Egypt. During his rise, the novel tries to follow the accepted history of the known rulers. We meet Akhenaton and Nefertiti, Tutankhamen, and Ankhesenamun, and also Horemheb and Mutnedjmet. Many more known and unknown characters appear as we tie the story together. There is intrigue, treachery, and murder, as well as love, sadness, and joy. Its a bit of a saga as individuals come and go. This era of Egyptian history, for all of its study, has many blanks, and this story attempts to fill them in.

It is my hope that you will read it with interest and pleasure.
Release dateJun 12, 2012
All in Favor, Say Ay


Born in Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Graduated Upper Darby High School in suburban Philadelphia. Attended the Pennsylvania State University with a major in agricultural economics and rural sociology. Intended to become a buyer for a large meat processing company. This did not come to fruition. Honorably discharged after service in the United States Air Force. Having studied radio maintenance in the Air Force, I answered an employment ad for someone with an electronics background and was hired by Remington Rand Univac to learn computer operations. They were building their COBOL compiler, and I was trained on the Univacs I, II, and III. Spent a year working at George Washington University operating a control data computer. The work was exciting as a group of medical doctors and computer programmers were putting together a program that would analyze the electrocardiogram. Today, this tool is available to most doctors. Returning to Philadelphia, I took a job with Powell Electronics Incorporated and became the head of their computer applications department. My work was both as the computer operator and as their COBOL programmer. After thirty-two years, I retired as their senior applications programmer, analyst. I moved to Georgia to be closer to my youngest brother’s family and my widowed mother.

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    All in Favor, Say Ay - JACK MARTIN REID

    Copyright 2012 Jack Martin Reid.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

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    This novel is dedicated to my family and friends

    who have supported me throughout my lifetime.



    With the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1927, scholars have been fascinated with the period leading to the end of the eighteenth dynasty. The more they learned, the more questions arose.

    The uniquely uncharacteristic action of King Tut’s father has led to much speculation. Currently, the majority of historians agree that Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye (pronounced tee) were greatly concerned with the growing wealth and power of the Egyptian priesthood. Amenhotep III is known as the builder since he was responsible for the construction of numerous temples up and down the Nile.

    With so many gods in the Egyptian pantheon, almost every town had one as their own, and an elaborate and wealthy temple complex was the norm. As the priests gained ownership of farms and industries, their influence on the nation’s economy was staggering. The Pharaoh and his government were very much aware that their economic power was being eroded. The belief, therefore, is that these two wielded great influence on the heir to the throne. Their first-born son, Thutmose V, died before the end of his father’s reign; and this made their second son, Amenhotep IV, the crown prince. After an estimated thirty-eight years as Pharaoh, Amenhotep III died. His mortuary temple (which he had built) is considered colossal.

    When Amenhotep IV became Pharaoh, he took the drastic step of outlawing the worship of all the Egyptian gods but one. The Aten became the one and only god. The Pharaoh closed all the temples not dedicated to this all powerfull god and confiscated all their property for the crown.

    He also insisted upon building a new capital city where the land had not been previously desecrated by the worship of any other god. He changed his name to Akhenaten and named the new city Akhetaten. He and his queen, the beautiful Nefertiti, spent all their efforts in promoting their new god. The government leadership was left to run the country. The new city was built and inhabited in just three years. Today, it is mostly rubble, and it is known as Amarna.

    After Nefertiti gave him five daughters, a son was born to a secondary wife named Kiya. It was the fourteenth year of his reign, and it is believed that Kiya died in childbirth. After this birth of his heir, Tutankhamun, Nefertiti disappears from the historical record. The dates and the record itself becomes blurred at this point. It is belived that Akhenaten died when his son was still quite young. Some believe that a regency ran the country with the army chief of staff Smenhkare as the acting pharaoh. When Tutenkhamun was crowned as Pharaoh, he was still a young boy and the regency continued to run the governing of the nation.

    Tutenkhamun married his half sister, Ankhesenamun. Mummified remains found in the young king’s tomb are believed to have been his daughters. One was probably stillborn and the other was still a fetus.

    Before going off to lead his army into battle with the Hittites, Tutankhamun wrote out a last will in which, since he had no heir, he named Ay to be his successor. Not much is known about this man, but all believe he was related to the royal family. It is also believed that he may have been Tutankhamun’s prime minister.

    Ay is believed to have been considered an old man and without an heir of his own. For that reason, Tutankhamun also named a second successor. The current army chief of staff, Horemheb.

    King Tut was only around nineteen years old when he died. Studying the mummy, the original cause of death was believed to have been murder, and the culprit to have been none other than Ay.

    There was a hole in the back of the skull, which most interpreted as the result of a blow to the head.

    As technology has advanced, more studies have discounted this and attributed the hole to a botched process of mummification. There was a broken left leg just above the knee. An accidental fall while hunting followed by an infection became the accepted cause of death. A recent MRI revealed a degenerative, genetic condition in the left foot. This explained the presence of over one hundred walking sticks and canes in the Pharaoh’s tomb. It also shed light on the presence of so many known medications in the tomb. Finally, it is now believed that young Tut suffered from a particularly virulent form of malaria that actually may have killed him.

    Ay succeeded Tut to the throne of Egypt in accordance with the will of the young Pharaoh.

    It is known that he sought to marry Tutankhamun’s queen, Ankhesenamun, and that she took the unthinkable step of writing to the king of the Hittites and asked him to provide one of his many sons as a husband and to support her in her bid to be restored to the throne of Egypt. No one knows what became of her after this. Ay’s reign lasted only four years, and he was succeeded by Horemheb.

    Horemheb married Mutnedjmet who is supposed to have been the half sister of Nefertiti. He was Pharaoh for about twenty-eight years and tried to eradicate all records of his predecessors: Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and Ay. When he died, he had no heir, so his Vizier Paramessu became the Pharaoh, Ramesses I, and founded the nineteenth dynasty.

    Through the years, I have always had a certain fascination with the age of Tutankhamun and the astounding archealogical finds of ancient Egypt. In the case of this book, I found myself trying to fill in the blanks—to answer the questions, to understand the age. I hope my readers find my efforts enjoyable.



    1. EGYPT: Akhetaten is shown as El Amarna; Thebes, Karnak, and Luxor make up modern-day Luxor.

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    THE UPPER NILE: Nubia and Sudan.

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    MODERN-DAY LUXOR: Thebes, Karnak, and Luxor.

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    Year 1352 BCE, Thebes, Egypt.

    The final year of the reign of Amenhotep III.

    It is not unusual for a father to apprentice his son to a respected, successful professional; it is quite unusual for such a man to accept the son of a farmer as his apprentice. Tuku is eight years old when he is told by his father that he will be leaving his family and moving into the temple dormitory to study for the priesthood. This is even more unusual since the priesthood is usually the reserve of the children of the noble families—those who can trace their maternal lineage back to some branch of the royal families of Egypt. Tuku’s father, Muht, is a tenant farmer on one of the many farms belonging to the temple of Amun-Ra near the Winter Palace in Luxor. He and his three older sons go off each day to work in the fields. Tuku, his mother, and two older sisters spend the morning working in the family vegetable garden. After lunch, when the women retire to a shady spot to rest and even nap, Tuku walks to the temple library where he has come to know most of the acolytes. (Tuku was seven years old the first time he did this. As he was exploring, he heard voices coming from one of the buildings. This drew him inside where half a dozen young men were listening to the instruction of an older man. When this man saw the child peering in at the door, he smiled and beckoned to him. This man was Kanooch, the high priest and servant of god. All the young men were smiling at him, and they made welcoming comments as he entered the room. Kanooch questioned Tuku to learn the circumstances of his unexpected appearance. As Tuku answered the priest’s questions, he was drinking in the surroundings, and soon, it was he who was asking questions. Tuku had never seen so many scrolls. They were all carefully stored in slots along the walls. These slots all had identifying markings as did each individual scroll. Tuku moved to the shelving and pointed to a hieroglyph that he recognized; he informed all gathered that he knew what it meant.)

    From that day onward, Tuku makes a daily visit. The young men all take his education as their personal responsibility and are pleased when he shows a quick intellect. The child has learned to read and write both in hieroglyphs and the Egyptian shorthand—hieratic. He is very proud—as are his teachers—of his elegant and precise forms. His favorite teacher is Tahrir who is training to be a lector- priest (he who is over the Festive Scroll). To reach this level, Tahrir has first mastered the training of the scribe—studying and copying the sacred texts. The two boys (Tahrir is sixteen) become close friends. Tuku loves reading the ancient texts stored in the library. The boys are often together, and it is obvious that they are developing a special bond. Kanooch has been greatly impressed, and it is he who visits Tuku’s family and initiates the move to the temple where he, Kanooch, wishes to become Tuku’s mentor.

    Kanooch has held his position as high priest for many years. He was chosen for this exalted assignment by Amenhotep II. A cousin by marriage (it always pays to be related to the royal family), Kanooch can claim to be a member of the aristocracy of Egypt. He had served in a number of temples in the major cities, making him well qualified for this appointment by his Pharaoh. Now, with close support and special consideration from the royal family, his temple has become very wealthy.

    The temple owns many farms that produce an abundance of foodstuffs. In addition to feeding the many families employed by the temple to operate the farms, there are specialized employees—from the carpenters, weavers, herders, and overseers, to the priests themselves. All are primarily paid in produce.

    There are hundreds of mouths to feed, and still, the temple has more to sell in the marketplace. They have what today would be called a marketing department and accounting department and all the other departments necessary to run a large, multifaceted business.

    Besides all this, the treasury room contains a large amount of gold, silver, ivory, precious gems, and jewelry. The temples all over Egypt control so much wealth that they serve as the backbone of the prosperity of the nation. And here, in this Temple of Amun-Ra, the man in charge is Kanooch.

    When Kanooch pays an evening visit to the home of Tuku, the family is almost driven to panic.

    Such an authority figure has never before entered their home. It is the boy who proceeds to make their guest welcome. After a great deal of confusion, Tuku introduces his family to his good friend, the high priest, Kanooch. Tuku first asks Kanooch if he will accept some refreshment; and when the priest assents, Tuku’s mother, Naku, almost stumbles in her haste to bring forth a cup of weak wine. She apologizes for the humble fare. Kanooch is most gracious. He smiles and says, There is no need for that, my dear, I’m sure there is no liquid more sustaining than that of the fig. With that, he takes a sip from the cup, and then looking directly at Muht, he reveals the reason for his presence.

    Please, he says, I have come to ask that your son, Tuku, join my acolytes in the temple. He has been with us on many an afternoon, and I believe he has shown the necessary qualities that we seek for training as a priest. I know that you may feel that he is too young to leave his home and his family, but you must recognize that he will be living within the temple grounds just a short walk from here. He will be permitted to visit you quite often, and the chance to join the priesthood is not to be had by just anyone.

    He pauses and takes another sip from his cup. He sees that the family does not know how to react, and he goes on, We will expect Tuku to move in with the other students in two days. He need bring very little as the temple will provide for all his needs. Now, if I may, I must return to the my duties. I sincerely thank you for welcoming me into your home. As he sets his cup down and gets to his feet, everyone in the room scrambles to their feet. Turning to Tuku, he says, Tahrir has asked that your sleeping couch be placed next to his. I will expect you in two days. With that and a wave, he leaves.

    There is a moment of stunned silence followed by pandemonium. Finally, Tuku’s father is able to quiet the family, and he asks Tuku if he wishes to study for the priesthood. When Tuku answers in the affirmative, he says, Well, then it’s settled. There is no discussion. Tuku’s father, acknowledging the authority of the high priest, commands that no one in the family is to question the decision. And so, Muht, with obvious pride, tells Tuku that he must prepare to move to the temple.

    Amenhotep III and his wife, Queen Tiye, are both worshipers of Amun-Ra and are close friends with Kanooch. This temple is only a short distance from the Winter Palace in the southern part of Thebes (Luxor), on the east bank of the Nile. The great palace of Malkata is on the west bank, beyond the Valley of the Queens. Malkata Palace is where the royal family resides during the heat of summer; it is called the Splendor of Aten and has its own Temple of Amun-Ra on the palace high grounds. (The Aten is one of the minor gods in the Egyptian pantheon. It takes the form of the sun-disk.) When the royal family goes to this palace, Kanooch and his staff join them and reside in this temple. There is also a large Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak in the northern part of Thebes, on the east bank of the Nile. This temple is the traditional site where a Pharaoh is crowned and has its own resident high priest, Maadum, and his resident staff. Still, it is the temple at Luxor that is the favorite of Amenhotep III and his family.

    Thebes is the capital of Egypt, and thus is the home of the Pharaoh and his government. (The move from Memphis was proclaimed by the Pharaoh only a few years before.) Queen Tiye is the actual power behind the throne. She is both wise and discerning. Meeting her, one is impressed by her demeanor as a sweet, loving mother with a lively personality. She is, however, a very astute and knowledgeable woman. She has an extensive understanding of the workings of the government and the desires of the people. Even more, she instinctively recognizes the shortcomings of any individual with whom she comes in contact. With keen insight, she works hard to insure the approval of the Pharaoh’s government and of the popularity of the Pharaoh himself. At this time, the people of Egypt love their Pharaoh and their queen.

    This couple have had six children who survived to adulthood. All except the crown prince have been married to members of the Egyptian nobility. Actually, the original crown prince, Thutmose, predeceased his father, thus moving their second son, Amenhotep IV, into this position in the royal succession. Most of the aristocracy of Egypt are, in fact, extensions of the many royal dynasties that have ruled here for centuries. It is rare when anyone from beyond the recognized nobility achieves an appointment to a position of power and influence. Though an Egyptian Pharaoh may have many foreign wives in his harem, it is a rule that no Egyptian princess may marry a foreigner. To do so might disrupt the succession, allowing a non-Egyptian to lay claim to the throne.

    * * *

    Tuku is a fast learner. Kanooch is very pleased with his rapid progress. Whenever his work is praised, which is often, he responds with the appearance of humility; but his heart swells with pride. He quickly realizes that hiding his pride actually increases the praise he receives, and he relishes that praise. He also understands that he is more likely to get ahead by downplaying any sign of ambition. Already, at the age of eight, he is developing an instinct to hide his vanity and ambition and to manipulate others.

    An important event has been scheduled. This day, the Pharaoh will be dedicating the new third pylon and new forecourt at the Temple of Amun-Ra in Luxor. Outside the palace, two platforms on four legs have been placed on each side the portico. The platforms match the height of the portico, about four feet above the ground. Each bears a throne of carved wood inlaid with ivory and gold. Each has carrying poles decorated with ivory and gold. Arriving on the portico, the crown prince assists Queen Tiye to her portable throne. Her ladies arrange her garments and place the crown of Tauret upon her head. This is a tall, elaborate headpiece featuring a sun disk surmounted by vertical feathers all covered in silver. Meanwhile, the crown prince helps his father to his portable throne. Amenhotep III is suffering with arthritis and uses two canes while walking. Once seated, his servants take away the

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