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Jump!: The Discovery of the Universe
Jump!: The Discovery of the Universe
Jump!: The Discovery of the Universe
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Jump!: The Discovery of the Universe

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Amalia Martin has never been able to remember her dreams, all her life she thought it was just because of her bad memory and she didnt really think dreams could mean anything special. She moved to England to learn the language when one day she had the most amazing and unexpected of dreams which opened her eyes to a different view of the universe. She had never been a regular girl, magic has always taken part on her life, but what she discovered will for ever change humans ways of thinking about our planet and where we all come from.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateDec 27, 2013
Jump!: The Discovery of the Universe

N. Karina Tovar Naidenoff

Karina was born in Caracas, Venezuela 1st of October 1986, she travelled to England to learn the language in 2007 when she was 21 years old, her main passion has always been to travel the world and get to know people from many nationalities. Her mother Ninoska Naidenoff and father Jesus Tovar are descendants of European nationals which was the reason of why she chooses England to study the language. She became interested in books when she was over 18 so her knowledge of the industry was not so wide. Jump came to her mind after a dream she had during her travels in England and she decided the world needed to know what was on her mind. She spent 3 years working on it and developing the story as she saw it in her dream, until she finally got her ideas in order and walked us through a journey inside her imagination.

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    Jump! - N. Karina Tovar Naidenoff

    Copyright © 2013 by N. Karina Tovar Naidenoff.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2013919838

            Hardcover                               978-1-4931-2476-3

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4931-2475-6

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4931-2477-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 11/23/2013

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    My Bad Memory

    The Dream


    The Diamond Stones

    Emissary 8

    The Black Jelly

    The Butterfly

    The Planets

    Planet X

    The Indigo Planet

    Planet Antartida

    The Two Lost Continents

    In memory of my grandmother, Elisa, you were always there, taking care of me and believing in me. I know wherever you are; you are still watching over me and helping me through every single one of my journeys. I will always follow your path and remember all you’ve taught me. Thank you very much for everything! I hope it’s worth it.


    Thank you to my family especially to my mum for believing and supporting my dreams. You are a star!

    Thank you to my love; I don’t know what I would have done without you through this journey. I love you.

    Thank you to my lovely editors and publisher and all the team behind this unbelievable experience for all their support and their advice.

    Thank you to Ivette, whose art described the ideas in my mind and gave life and colour to my story.

    And finally, thank you to all of you, the readers, as without you there will be no one to tell the story to. I hope you like it!


    Just a thought…

    Do you sometimes have that feeling that someone is looking at you, or get goosebumps for no reason, or when you take a picture, see some weird image in the photo that wasn’t supposed to be there, or even believe all those stories that we always hear about ghosts, UFOs, bright lights, the Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, and the Egyptian pyramids? Think of those times when you heard noises in an empty room, or when you closed a door before you went to sleep and the next morning found out it was open but no one else was there to open it, or when you were lying down and suddenly you felt like you were falling but you were not. What would you think if there was a clearer explanation for all these things? I don’t know if what I’m about to tell you will make sense to you, but I have a theory!

    But is it just a theory? Not all theories are wrong; in fact they are almost all right. Actually when scientists talk about theories, they are trying to explain something unknown in a more logical way, finding the right answer to a question. Yes, sometimes some of those theories just don’t make sense for some people, but at one time we all thought the earth was flat, didn’t we? Until adventurers told us something different, and now we know better, but we don’t know it all.

    My Bad Memory

    I have been in many different places and have seen many different things as many other people have done, I’m sure. I’m not trying to make my life more exciting than anybody else’s—it really isn’t—but I have my theories. Is it possible that these places really exist, and if they do, how do I get there again?

    Some of my friends call me Dory from Finding Nemo as I forget everything! Well, everything that happens recently, that is. My friends say I must have some kind of problem with my short-term memory. I remember the first time that the movie was in the cinema. All my friends were trying to make me watch it, and I did. I really couldn’t find any relation between my life and that of Dory’s. At that moment I thought that I wasn’t capable of forgetting things. I mean, I could remember that one time when I was two years old and I just started walking. My mum was arriving at my grandmother’s house with my new born little brother, and I was just learning to walk. I started running and crashed against the metal front door of their house. I was bleeding everywhere, and they took me to the doctor, where I ended up having to get ten stitches on my forehead. I remember it as if it were yesterday but also as if I were looking at it from above like a flying baby. I don’t know if that happens to everyone. I guess I have never thought of asking.

    When my grandfather found me lying on the floor, I was bleeding quite badly. They had to lock my mum in the house while they took me to the hospital because she was going to hurt herself after seeing me like this having just come back from giving birth to my baby brother in the hospital.

    My grandad stayed with her and my dad, and my grandmother took me to the emergency room. Luckily, there was a local shopping centre with an emergency clinic on the ground floor of the building, so we got there fast. I was looking at everything from above as if I were floating. If I knew what I know now, I would say I jumped, but back then I just thought my memory was amazing. Now that I know myself a little more, I’m not sure if I remembered it right or if it was just the horrific way that my grandmother described it to me a few years later while she was trying to stop me from running around her house again, but I guess we will never know.

    Well anyway, when I was 10, I discovered what a bad memory I really have when I forgot my little 3-year-old sister in the park outside my building after talking with my friends from school. We had decided to go and get some ice cream and come back, but we got distracted as we used to live in the same neighbourhood in a residence with very tall buildings all divided by towers from A to H, eight towers to be precise. Each building had sixteen floors and a shopping centre on the ground floor with a gym, restaurants, etc. That day after ice cream, we went to my friend Lucy’s house because the new album of our favourite singer was out and her father brought her a copy from one of his trips abroad. Most of the flats in the buildings had the same layout, but her house felt different. I loved to go there because it felt so peaceful. Even though her family had the same number of people than mine, they were quieter and looked happier—probably had something to do with the love story of her parents; he was studying to be a priest, and she was a singer in the chorus of the church. It was love at first sight, so they got married. He left his practice, but he kept being forever a very peaceful man. My house was quiet too but

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