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The Lenzy Kelley Book of Sayings
The Lenzy Kelley Book of Sayings
The Lenzy Kelley Book of Sayings
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The Lenzy Kelley Book of Sayings

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About this ebook

This book will encompass a litany of sayings and quotes which will reflect the authors opinion of the world today. Some of the comments are sartorial and meant to be funny. However, most are meant to be serious and to drive home a point. The majority of comments and sayings in this book emanate from the print media, news articles, TV and movies. Some of the comments are original and deride from the authors personal experience and observations. This book entails 53 chapters of subjects that range from politics, government, race relations, and a plethora of other subjects.
Release dateJan 3, 2014
The Lenzy Kelley Book of Sayings


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    The Lenzy Kelley Book of Sayings - Bubba


    A domestic cat won’t do if one needs a Bengal tiger.

    If you run into a tiger in the jungle, you better hope his name is Tony and he’s busy eating a bowl of frosted flakes.

    Never open a can of worms unless you want to go fishing.

    Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up and realizes that he must outrun the fastest lion or be killed. Also, the lion realizes that he must outrun the slowest gazelle or starve. In Africa, it doesn’t matter who you are, when you wake up, you better start running.

    If ridiculous analogies were horses, intellectual beggars might get a ride.

    When you reach into the barrel of snakes, better you come out with an eel.

    If you run into a lion in the jungle, you better hope his name is Leo.

    When it comes to terrorist, if you cut off the head of the snake, it is replaced by 10 other snakes.

    There are different rattle snakes, but all are poisonous.

    A wolf in a sheep skin is still a wolf.

    Fur is worn by beautiful animals and ugly people.

    When you get the monkey off your back, don’t leave it on the house.

    If you run into a rhino in the jungle, you should hope that his name is Reggie.

    Be careful hunting tigers. They have been known to double back on the hunter thus making the hunter, the hunted.

    Tiger testicles are considered an aphrodisiac. There are over one billion Asians, do they really need one?

    Siberian tigers in Russia are killing and eating humans and no one seems to understand why. The reason why is because they are tigers and that’s what tigers do, kill and eat.

    When you go to the fox hunt, do not dress as the fox.

    Fishing does not work out so well for the bait.

    If I can’t have the whole dog, I don’t want the tail.

    If you sleep with a snake, most likely, you will get bit.

    Even if you run into Jake the snake chances are you will still get bit.

    There’s no such thing as a pet snake.

    The spineless snake has been identified as a US Congressman.

    If you clean up a pig, you will have a clean pig but never-the-less, a pig.

    There are some humans today who are meaner than the worst dogs.

    Even monkeys fall out of trees.

    The hippo is responsible for more human deaths than any other animal in the jungle. So if you happen to come face to face with a hippo, you should hope that his name is Harry.

    You have to pluck the chicken before you eat it. If you eat the chicken with the feathers, you must be a barbarian.

    At the zoo, what part of Do not feed the animals do people not understand?

    How did pythons wind up in Florida?

    It doesn’t matter what type of snake you are, if you run into an eagle, a hawk or a posse of mongoose, you’re in trouble.

    As black bears encroach further into Northeastern towns and cities, can Grizzly bears be far behind?

    Bear feet/paws are considered good luck for Asians. Unfortunately, there are not enough bears to accommodate over one billion Asians.

    If you’re being chased by a bear, do not climb up a tree.

    If you’re being chased by a grizzly bear, you only have to out run the person in front of you.

    If you’re being chased by a polar bear, do not jump in the water.

    Be aware as the gift horse could be a Trojan horse.

    If you give a dog and pony show, be sure to bring the pony.

    All poodles are not dogs and all dogs are not poodles.

    The turtle makes progress only when he sticks his head out.

    If you see a pile of crap, there could be a donkey somewhere close.

    The girl of your dreams could have 5 kids with different daddies, five dogs and six cats.

    If you’re swimming and come face to face with a killer whale, you better hope its Willie. If it’s not Willie, just keep telling yourself that there has never been a recorded attack by an Orca on a human in the open seas.

    If you’re swimming and come face to face with a great white shark (20 feet long, 2,000 pounds) if you don’t faint, the experts say, punch him in the snout and it’ll swim away. Experts have been known to be wrong. Experts also say roll him over on its back and it will go to sleep.—Good luck.

    If you’re chased by a polar bear and manage to reach shelter, the polar bear will park outside for 2-3 days and wait for you to come out. So you best have food and water.

    How did we end up with a rattlesnake channel?

    Dogs will love you rich or poor.

    Deer hunters claim that they are doing the deer a favor by killing them thus preventing them from staving as they over populate. How exactly did deer’s manage to survive before man arrived on the scene?

    Since they are having snake round-up’s and hunts in Florida. How about a rat and roach round up in New York?

    When are people going to learn that you don’t go to Australia, travel to the outback, and then go swimming? Unless, of course they missed crocodile Dundy.

    Sheppard’s may change but sheep remain sheep.

    Just because the monkey is off your back, doesn’t mean that it’s left the room.

    You lose your car keys, your cat, dog, your women, your job, your money and your mind. But you don’t lose your pet cobra.

    Before you play with the big worm, make sure the big worm is not a snake.

    A guy in New York had 300 snakes in his house. He said he had 300. Suppose it was 301 and the missing one is a cobra.

    If you are killed by a lion while in the lion’s den, why kill the lion? He is only doing what his DNA is wired to do and that’s to kill.

    The tiger lady says she only had 19 tigers. New Jersey says she has 20 tigers. Is it possible that a full grown tiger is roaming around the woods of south Jersey?

    If you go to a show attended by 20 thousand people and the show’s producer introduces a 50 foot gorilla in chains. When the gorilla pops the first chain you should then be at the exit door.

    Never play leap frog with a unicorn.

    Never give a bear hug to a bear.

    When wrestling with your pet 2000 pound bear, never scream. Because if you do, your scream will trigger his killer DNA and it will think that it’s lunch time.

    If you’re a politician running neck to neck with an opponent, then at the very last moment, it’s leaked that you do not like dogs, your opponent will win by a land slide.

    If you run into a bear in the woods, you best hope his name is Smokey.

    Yesterday, a peacock today a feather duster.

    To the turtle, fast is the F word.

    Asians believe that Gorilla hands and feet bring good luck. There are over One billion Asians in the world and less than 1000 gorilla’s remaining—Do the math.

    Spain and Mexico have a National sport that entails the slaughter of beautiful, majestic bull animals. This a sport?

    Beating a dead pig won’t get you any extra sausage.

    When you kick up dirt, only the worm gets annoyed.

    A man in New York distraught over an on-going battle with his co-op board over his three dogs jumped out his 5th floor window and survived the fall. He must have really loved his dogs. Were they female?

    It’s a shame that local ordnance’s and laws must be passed to get dog owners to clean up after their pets.

    It’s better to be a live rat than a dead lion.

    It’s hard to believe that some now are concerned about the IQ of chickens.

    There are more chickens in the world than people.

    There are contests where fishermen kill sharks and compete for prizes for the biggest shark. Why?

    Whatever happened to Rin Tin Tin?. The Army did not tame the west. Rin Tin Tin did single handedly.

    Whatever happened to lassie? This dog took on escaped convicts, snakes, bears and escape lions and lived to bark about it.

    Whatever happened to Fury? This horse took on more mountain lions than Rin Tin Tin and lassie.

    Everyone wants to eat turkey, but no one wants to ring its neck.

    When you fox hunting don’t forget to bring the dogs.

    You know you have problems when your talking parrot doesn’t speak to you.

    Bad oysters in the sea are like dead canaries in a mining cave.

    An over fed bear is no match for a pack of hungry wolfs

    When dealing with sharks, don’t be the chum.

    In the African jungle, there are no table manners.

    If the hogs don’t come running when you yell suuwie, then you have to use language that hogs understand

    Don’t adopt a pet lion cub feed him red meat then act surprised when he grows up liking blood.

    The lion and cheetah always know where the hyena is.

    How did the lion get to be king of the jungle? No one sent that memo to the black mamba, elephant or the hippo.

    Curiosity did not kill the cat. Getting found and adopted did.

    When it comes to food, the eagle sees it, the deer hears it and the bear smells it.

    You don’t get a bear to leave you alone by throwing salmons at it.

    How is killing animals helping to conserve them?

    It’s only a matter of time before someone’s pet cobra or black mamba escapes into an environment where it can breed.

    Starting a war is like walking into a lion’s den. When you get ready to leave, the lion may not let you.

    Is shark week over yet?

    Believe it or not, fish can drown

    Just because your dog loves you, that in its self doesn’t make you a nice or good person

    If you take a bath with a cobra, chances are that something bad is going to happen.

    It’s only a matter of time before someone’s pet cobra’s gets away and start to populate as the pythons did in Florida.

    If the Orca’s (Killer whales) from Sea World are not from the wild, where do they come from? If they were born in captivity they are now better off?


    Arab men like to throw around the whore word.

    To an Arab man if a women is educated wears make-up, speaks her mind and has a job, she a whore.

    The only use an Arab man has for any women is to bear his children.

    When her husband is making love to her if an Arab women wants to commit suicide, all she has to do is to wrap her legs around her husband’s waist and say ooh-baby…

    Arab men have their female daughters circumcised (removal of the little man in the boat) at an early age. Arab women are not supposed to enjoy sex. That pleasure is for men only.

    Arab men are not supposed to look at or talk to another woman unless they are blood relatives. However, once they travel to a western country, all bets are off and everything goes.

    If an Arab or Indian women (woman from Asia Minor) is dumb enough to fall in love with a foreigner, their families will send an uncle or cousin to kill them.

    Arab women are stoned to death for adultery but men get off scot free.

    Young un-married Arab men do not have an active sex life. That’s why they have the time and energy to engage in terr orist activities.

    In the middle-east, an off the record remark can get you an off-with-your head punishment.

    Arabs today are no more intolerant or other religions then ladder day Christians were during the inquisition.

    Saudi Arabian rulers treat American journalists the way the Augusta National Golf Club treats women.

    In America, Muslim men and their families have an opportunity to succeed. In Europe, they meet only poverty, discrimination and humiliation.

    Where exactly are the moderate Arabs? Why didn’t we hear from them after the death of the American Ambassador? It would be nice if they spoke up a little.

    In the Middle-East, there is no such thing as a good trip.

    American’s are killing Sunnis and the Shiite’s are standing by waiting to take control.

    Most Arabs who take to the streets to protest remarks resulting from a book or movie were looking a reason to riot in the first place and found it.

    Why aren’t Arabs in America protesting and rioting about books and movies? Maybe because they are too busy watching HBO and reading Playboy, Hustler and Penthouse.

    Arabs come to America become of certain freedoms. One of those freedoms is freedom of speech. As such, the Government does not censor and is not responsible for books or movies it does not like.

    With the on-going riots in the Middle-East directed at American Embassy’s, this is a perfect intoxicating opportunity to pack up our personnel, our check book, blow up the Embassy’s and get out of town.

    The riots in the Middle-East are the good will 20 years of war has brought us.

    The Arabs were looking for a reason to riot and they found one. The producer of the movie they’re up-set over is Egyptian. Why don’t they riot in Egypt? Oh but they are, at the American Embassy.

    I getting a little tire of the Arab protests and riots whenever there is a perceived insult directed at their religion.

    People in the Middle East may not like the film they are protesting but we have privileges in this country that they do not. The Bill of Rights allows for freedom of the press, speech and religion. Our Constitution protects the rights of film makers to make movies.

    We keep hearing that Islam is a religion of peace and that most Muslims are peace loving people. Further, it’s only a few radicals that give Muslims a bad name. That sounds like the "New York City Police Departments, Few Bad Apple Theory.

    Where else but America could the son of a Lebanese immigrant be considered to become Army Chief of Staff?

    The Palestinians are the first people in history to lose a war and then demand as terms of a peace treaty the unconditional surrender of the victor.

    When are we going to get it, the Saudi’s are not our friends.

    Why don’t the Saudi’s establish a no-fly zone over Syria? They have F-16s.

    The Middle-East is a central clearing house for bad things.

    The United States has managed to accomplish what no one else has managed to achieve in the last 5,000 years, the successful uniting of the entire Arab world against us.

    Rhetoric is the opium of the Islamic elite.

    In the Middle-East, if a woman refuses a man’s marriage proposal, she could be killed and/or beheaded.

    Palestinians fired rockets at Jerusalem. Just suppose rockets were fired at Mecca or Medina by Israel…

    Afghan men are upset that legislation is being discussed that would ban girls under 18 from getting married.

    If Arab men are marrying girls under 18, doesn’t that make them pedophiles?

    At this year’s Miss World beauty pageant in Indonesia, out of respect for Muslims, we won’t be seeing any bikinis. It’s too bad that Muslims don’t show a similar respect for other religions.

    Arab men do things in the West that they would never even think about at home in the Middle-East.

    Arabs are selling fried chicken to black people in black communities.

    How did Arabs gain control of gas stations in American?

    How did Sikhs gain control over 711s in America?

    Did Arabs and Sikhs get small business loans or did they come to America with money.

    So Tunisian women are going to Syria to have sex and get impregnated by Syrian rebels as a form of Jihad?

    What do you call a woman who was born in Syracuse, lived in Oklahoma and grew up in Michigan?—Filthy Arab terrorist, Miss 7-11, or Ms AL Qaeda Answer—Miss America.

    Well, well, well—it appears the Saudi’s are mad at us and will no longer pretend to be our friends.

    Women drivers in Saudi Arabia could have their passports confiscated, lose their jobs, arrested and sentenced to receive lashes.

    Hard line Islamist in Saudi Arabia, feel that women drivers would unravel the very fabric of society.

    Hard-line clerics say that women drivers will lead to licentiousness.

    A prominent cleric claims that medical studies show that driving a car harms a woman’s ovaries.

    In the Arab world, words leave a women’s mouth but are not heard.


    Black and Latino men like their women looking like the weather girls.

    Black and Latino men will not leave their women for being fat. They will leave them for other reasons (Child support, spousal abuse, incarceration).

    Black men do not kidnap white children.

    Black men will not rip off Wall Street—But they will rob 711 and kill everybody there.

    A lot of Afro-Americans spend a great deal of time separating themselfs’s from other blacks. However, when the situation suits them they raise their gloved covered fist.

    The black community has less regard for a black man married to a white woman than the street corner crack dealer.

    Black people need a million man March to run the thugs out of their neighborhoods.

    Black men spend a good portion of their lives reminding white people what their forefathers did to our ancestors.

    Black men do not like to work week-ends. Week-ends are for partying.

    Orientals work 24 hours a day to keep a business going around the clock. To do so, they work in shifts sharing the same bed. The money they make is for the family. Black men would never do this. On Friday, they want to get paid.

    Why can’t black guys swim as good as white guys? Don’t tell me it’s because there are no pools in the hood. There are pools in the hood. Unfortunately, people throw bottles, broken glass and pee in the pool. Maybe blacks really don’t have time to learn how to swim. They are too busy working on their next or first rap record (or rap sheet).

    Why are black kids today so angry? They didn’t march in Alabama and Mississippi and get chased by police dogs.

    A defiant Blackman still makes white America feel uncomfortable.

    During slavery how did blacks get labeled as lazy and shiftless? They were not exactly sitting around on the porch drinking mint-juleps.

    Pay your taxes. The IRS will come after you the same way they go after white guys. When it comes to taxes, the IRS does not discriminate (Ask Wesley Sipes).

    Black and Latino men should stop blaming white people for all of their ills in life.

    How many black men have to be killed by other black men with guns before black people say enough start taking steps to stop the killings?

    Records, videos, television and movies portray blacks as thugs, weed smokers, hoochie mamas, baby mamas, ho’s, hood rats and drug dealers. Unfortunately, a lot of us are.

    Black comedians are no longer funny, they are vulgar.

    There are black men who think they should have a record contract when what they really should have is a job.

    A black man with a squeaky clean image is another way of saying he appeals to white people.

    Black communities have become a dumping ground for drugs, alcohol and other vices.

    Black unity is an oxymoron.

    When is the last time you’ve seen a black man pumping gas?

    There are more black men in jail then college.

    A successful black man will be confronted with situations that will remind him that he’s still a nigger.

    If you listen to ex-ESPN commentator, Rob Parker, it appears that black men must take and pass a blackness test to determine if they are real soul brothers or corn balls. According to Parker, RG3 is Black. He kind of does the thing. But he’s not really down with the cause. He’s not one of us. He’s kind of black, but he’s not really like the guy you want to hang out with because he’s off into something else. Oh, he also has a white girlfriend.

    One can only image the carnage to Black America slaves if the South had won the Civil war.

    Blacks forced to fight for the Confederation were executed if captured by Union forces.

    What black owned and run business besides the liquor store is open 7 days and week?

    Mexicans and other immigrates have revitalized neighborhoods and communities left scorched by Blacks and Puerto Ricans.

    Children of middleclass Blacks (What’s left of them) in America have to take out student loans while children of ill-legal Mexicans get Pell grants (At the expense of the US tax payer).

    Blacks think that Latino’s are in their corner. However, most Latino’s believe they are white and when the chips are down they will side with conservative Republicans.

    Black men are notorious for not paying people back that they owe money. So since we have a black President, to the people we own $19 trillion dollars we can tell them when we get it, they will get it. Or our memory can go bad with what money? I don’t owe you no money. I don’t know what you be talking bout. Best get out of my face with that bull.


    The only time a man can be brave is when he is afraid.

    Bravery and cowardice are flip sides of the same coin.

    There is a thin line between bravery and cowardice.

    There is a thin line between running to the sounds of gun fire and running away from the sound of gun fire.

    There is a thin line between cowardice and cleverness.

    There’s a fine line between being very-very brave and very-very stupid.

    One should be smart enough to know when he should be afraid.

    All men would be cowards if they only had the courage.

    Some find courage only in numbers. True courage is found when alone facing odds.

    People should have courage of their convictions.

    Some people have courage of their ignorance.

    A lot of people have liquid cocktail courage.

    When backed into a corner, you’re forced to come out fighting. However, if the corner was not there, some would still be backing up.

    Heroism is shallow if not rooted in wisdom.

    Nothing is worst than dining room hero’s.

    Fear can find the flaw in all of us.

    Fear is no illusion.

    Fear can motivate a person into action.

    Fear can cause crippling indecision.

    Unwarranted fear is a cruel dictator.

    If you scare people first, then they won’t see how scared you are (What black folks call wolf tickets).

    Some people mistake fear for respect.

    Fear can compel you into action or cripple you into indecision.

    Fear can also be a motivational tool.

    Fear is powerless without our consent.

    Fear can be overcome by a greater fear.

    Some talk a good game. However, when it’s time to stand up, all of a sudden their butts feels like it weights a ton.

    Many fears are borne of fatigue and loneliness.

    In the absence of facts, fear will flourish.

    Information breeds confidence, silence breeds fear.

    Fear is not a license to kill, unless you’re a Policeman.

    Without honor, courage and devotion to duty, darkness looms.

    Doing something when you’re scared is what courage is all about.

    They don’t give medals for calling in the Calvary; they give medals to the Calvary.

    It’s hard to be scare and hungry at the same time. When you’re scare, the hunger goes away.

    The only road block to opportunity is fear.

    America would not be land of the free if it was not home of the brave.

    When people are afraid, they will consider almost anything to feel safe again.

    Don’t be afraid to be right.

    People fear what they don’t understand and hate what they can’t conquer.

    Sometimes in fear, we accept the impossible as truth.

    Sometimes it pays to be a little nervous, a little scare and not too brave.

    Some people lack the courage for change.

    It’s not always necessary to accept all challenges.

    We should not cozy up to one group by exploiting their fears or prejudices about other groups.

    No courage is more powerful or enduring than the courage born of liberty.

    Courage like cowardice is contagious but not all people will catch it.

    Hero’s and martyrs are ordinary people who behaved extraordinary in the service of other human beings.

    The strength of character that defines a hero often times obscures their weakness.

    Courage must be tempered with good judgment.

    Yes, the mark of a true champion is the ability to get back up after you’ve been knocked down. But just suppose you too afraid to get back up?

    Courage is when you see something that’s so wrong that you have to act, even if it means harm, injury or death to you.

    You can’t turn bravery on and off like a switch.

    For some there should be a medal of dishonor.

    What good is it to have courage when you are trapped with no way out?

    Just because a man doesn’t want to die doesn’t mean he’s a coward.


    Watching Courtney Love, can anyone still wonder why her late husband blew his brains out?

    Martha Steward and Tiger Woods are suffering from the latest American sport. Build them up, chop them down, Can Oprah be far behind? (Forgot OJ)

    If celebrities choose to go public with their feelings, then they must be willing to hear the public’s response. If that response is negative and hurts the box office or pocketbook, then so be it.

    People who pay $100,000 to hear Sarah Palin speak are also those who make professional wrestling and NASCAR racing the most watched American sports.

    Most celebrities can’t determine when the script ends and life starts.

    In order to be famous, just look at the famous crowd and observe how crazy they act then act crazier.

    The plaque also exists for the famous.

    Whose idea was it to cast LILO as Liz Taylor?

    Who does Lindsay Lohan have to kill in order for her to get some serious jail time?

    If Lindsay Lohan was black and lived in the projects she would be doing 15-20 years of hard time.

    LILO must be banging the judges and prosecutors. How else is she still walking the streets?

    Now that Madonna has popped her breast in public, should she be surprise when her daughter does the same?

    With all the turmoil on going in the world, most of us are concerned about what’s really important such as, Madonna’s breast, Justin Beiber, Manti Te’o, Kim Kardashian, Chris Brown, Drake and Rihanna. They’ve even managed to push Sarah Jessica Parker and P-Diddy off the front pages.

    Kim Kardashian married to one man and carrying the baby of another man. What a role model for young girls.

    Now that its seems Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together again, nobody wants to hear anything the next time he whips her ass.

    What a surprise, the concert for Lady Gaga in Indonesian was cancelled in a country with a 40% Muslim population.

    What made Kim Kadasinan think that she could to go Bahrain (a Muslim country) to put on a show?

    Some entertainers are one trick pony.

    Memo to Drake, Rihanna and Chris Brown, money cannot buy class.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is claiming spousal abuse? What a wussy.

    So a vagrant broke into P-diddy’s house and chilled for the week-end? Puff daddy can’t afford a security system?

    Actors are people who are paid enormous sums of money to read aloud words written by others. For some reason, they believe they have the smarts, insight and stature to lecture the rest of us about life, art, politics and taste.

    I guess that Camelot thing hasn’t worked out too well. Has it?

    It appears a woman would have to be crazy to marry a Kennedy.

    The Kennedy women are not exactly a prize.

    RFK Jr. had his ex-wife’s casket moved to another grave site—Why?

    Yet another boozed up or drugged up Kennedy strikes again.

    It amazing, how the Kennedy’s never run out of excuses for their bad behavior. Their memories fail them as the deed happens and then clears up afterwards.

    A lot of entertainers today are thin skinned, egomaniacal, relentless self promoters.

    Isn’t it strange that ordinary folk’s show up at their jobs every morning, never suffering the breakdowns celebrities seem to endure?

    If Taylor Swift had married into the Kennedy clan, in two years she would have been drinking Jack Daniels straight from the bottle.

    Isn’t Russell Simmons too old to be wearing his hat backward or sideways?

    Russell Simmons chants and mediates about greed and letting go of needless material things then goes out and throws a lavish pre-New Years eve party in St. Barts at the expensive Hotel Eden Roc. He can spend his money however he likes, just stop the phony preaching.

    When is Kimora (Russell Simmons ex) going to start putting on some clothes before she goes out.

    Emulate the Kennedy’s. The next time you’re in an accident, tell the Police you took a sleeping pill, you had a seizure and blacked out and don’t remember anything.

    Kerry Kennedy’s lawyer is claiming that the prosecutor wants the courts to be tougher on her than ordinary defendants. To the contrary, the DA is trying to be just as hard on Ms Kennedy as he would be towards John Q or Jane Q citizen.

    For some celebrities, God gave them talent, plastic surgeons gave them their good looks, the fans gave them wealth but nobody stepped up and gave them a speck of good judgement.

    Most Americans know more about the travails of drug addled actor Charlie Sheen than the tax troubles of Rep Charles Rangel.

    If Tiger Woods woke up one morning with a black woman asleep beside him, he would most likely have a heart attack or blow his brains out.

    It appears that Tiger Woods always has an excuse when he loses—I’m too intense, I’m too relaxed, the crowd was making too much noise, the flash bulbs detracted me, my back, my knee.

    General David Petraeus should consult with Tiger Woods for advice on how to not keep your mistresses.

    When is the former mistress of General Petraeus (Paula Broadwell) going to be prosecuted for taking home classified documents on an un-secure laptop.

    The entertainment industry debases men, women, children and everything of human value and takes us beyond vulgarity and sensationalism.

    This country by and large maintains a culture crippled by celebrity worship.

    Mediocre people can look up to successful actors and sports celebrities. However, when their neighbors or ordinary people succeed, they are looked at with envy, demise and are despised.

    Celebrity like wealth can be a currency. You can spend it, do something self-indulgent or use it to benefit others.

    A sense of entitlement by some celebrities should not extend to the law.

    So Chad Johnson and Evelyn have gotten a divorce—I’m shocked!!

    Do any of the women from Basketball Wives have a real job? Oh! I forgot, collecting alimony and going to lunch every day can be somewhat taxing. Final word: When is someone, going to punch out those bullies Tammy and Evelyn?

    For some unfathomable reason, words spewing from the mouths of celebs often influence the culture in great disproportion to the speaker’s intelligence.

    Hollywood is a conclave of celebrity infested ivory towers and gated communities.

    Why the fuss about First Lady Michele Obama clothes? I don’t remember any other First Lady shopping at Alexander’s bargain basement. First Lady’s always dress better than ordinary citizens. No one complained about Jackie Kennedy. Michele Obama is a lovely woman, leave her alone.

    Unfortunately, star power trumps bargain power.

    In today’s celebrity centric society, fame is all.

    Celebrities are like you and me, except they receive donor organs before we do and most of the times don’t do the time for the crime.

    It’s nice to live in a country where actors, poets, musicians and their soul-mates are afforded the luxury of indulging their high minded moral superiority while true patriots are busy doing the difficult real work of safeguarding that moral high ground.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger came to America, learned English and became a success with no Government handouts or help. No wonder the Democrats don’t like him.

    Little Wayne and Chris Brown are the posture child for everything that’s wrong with black youth in America.

    Can the Daily News and NY Post print one daily without an article or picture of Puff Daddy/Diddy Combs and Sarah Jessica Parker or the other two sex in the city bimbo’s?

    If you’re a celebrity, it doesn’t matter if you’re guilty or innocent. The prosecutor will view you as a stepping stone.

    How come when a celebrity says something insulting about the United States they then state that they were miss-quoted? You would think that actors could find reporters that wouldn’t miss-quote them so often.

    For some celebrities their usual and favorite time slot is happy hour.

    Who exactly is Sean Puffy Combs/P-Diddy and what is his claim to fame besides being a rap producer. Oh! I forgot, he’s the black Frank Sinatra.

    What’s going on with Russell Simmons and his emotional crying fits? Isn’t money supposed to buy you happiness?

    If you want to get hurt, stand—between Gloria Allred and a TV camera.

    When is Madonna going to grow up and stop taking off her clothes. Someone needs to tell her that she’s not that hot anymore (if she ever was). Besides, I liked her more when she was chubby and like a virgin.

    Barbra Streisand performs at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn and tickets start at $105.05. What’s the 5 cents for?

    It appears that Romney’s wife really had her sights on being first Lady… . . Bummer.

    Who appointed Spike Lee spokes person for black people?

    So Spike Lee does not like the new Jamie Fox movie (DJANGO UNCHAINED). He says it’s offensive to his people. Who exactly are his people? Who left him in charge of black people? Could it be that Spike is a little jealous?

    Besides going to Knick games (Self appointed spokes persons for the Knicks) what else does Spike do besides complaining about Tyler Perry and Jamie Fox movies insulting black people?

    What should be insulting to black people (especially women) is Spike Lee’s first movie, She Gotta Have It. In this movie, a black woman has three boy friends and is banging all three.

    Spike Lee—attention starved, scene stealing, excessively self-entitled, overly indulged and TV’s idea of the ultimate cool fan.

    Once again the publicity hog Spike Lee managed to get TV face time during the recent NBA draft.

    Todd Akin (women can shut down rape) should open up a nation-wide chain of women crisis centers.

    So, Donald Trump is calling for a revolution if Obama is re-elected? That’s dumb. Aren’t billionaires the first one’s beheaded during a revolution?

    What was Michael Jackson thinking when he decided to name his son Blanket?

    What were Kim Kadasinan and Kanye West thinking when they named their baby North?

    Kanye West now considers himself the world’s greatest entertainer. Oh really!!

    Here comes Honey Boo Boo has emerged as must see train wreck TV.

    Honey Boo Boo is beloved by parents who neglect their children and children on their way to incarceration and an early pregnancy (Most likely by an uncle).

    Honey Boo Boo will

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