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Apocrypha 999: The Mystery of Solomon and Queen Bilqis of Sheba
Apocrypha 999: The Mystery of Solomon and Queen Bilqis of Sheba
Apocrypha 999: The Mystery of Solomon and Queen Bilqis of Sheba
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Apocrypha 999: The Mystery of Solomon and Queen Bilqis of Sheba

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This work reveals what has been hidden for 3000 years that has already been given
us by King Solomon when the Archetype Queen of Sheba went to GET this Name of
the God of Israel for which she paid about R5,93 Billion in Gold @ $700/oz in 2006.
It is the Ancient PRIMORDIAL religion that is ONE and was before where Judaism and
Christianity and Islam was ONE body and One religion worshipping the One and Only
God and it unlocks the SECRET, Hidden and LOST WORD of all Secret societies
who knows not that they know not.
In this work I hand you the KEY to unlock the SEPHER YETSIRA, the CABBALA, the
TREE of LIFE and the Etz Chayyim in essence and the Knowledge between GOOD
and EVIL, Life and Death, Right and Wrong.
Here you get the 296, the 345 of Pythagoras, the 358 and other mystic numbers that
cannot have any meaning to the Flatline PhDs where the worthies have now received
it already in the Ancient Science of the Gematria, (Haroof-e-Abjad) and the ELS of
professor Eliyahu Rips to assist us in fi nding ever greater TRUTHS hidden within
scripture for which discovery Dr Rashad Khalifa was KILLED on a Fatwa in 1990 when
translating the Quran into English.
In this work is given the essence of Gnosticism in math and science within the
Universal Absolute with PROOF of this NAME of God that is OVER IT ALL so that the
Curse of God on all Priests in Malachi 2 may be lifted to GLORIFY His Name and Bow
down to it as in Phil 2:9.
I am the WAY, the LIFE, the VINE and the DOOR as the Alpha and the Omega as the
ONE and the NINE in 19 as WAHD that is Over it all in sura 74:30.
The One and the Only NAME that can ever set us FREE to fl y into the Light without
the mythical burning of Icharus wings in the TRUTH of God that we too can BECOME
what we are as ONE with HIM in John 17:22
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateNov 21, 2011
Apocrypha 999: The Mystery of Solomon and Queen Bilqis of Sheba

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    Apocrypha 999 - Anthon von Lisenborgh

    Copyright © 2011 by Anthon von Lisenborgh.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       Pending

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4653-9169-8

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                       Ebook                                      978-1-4653-9170-4

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    The Mystery of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

    Here the LOST WORD is revealed for the first time in

    3000 years as the NAME that all shall again BOW DOWN

    unto and for which Bilqis paid BILLIONS to get it

    Book number one.

    The Queen of Sheba

    This is the Archetype within each and every person having to go in search

    of the Name of this God of Israel.

    Book number Two Bismillah

    Here the Mystery of this SEARCH is revealed when King Solomon gives

    it to Bilqis 3000 years ago where it was cryptographically encoded in 19

    letters as the NAME of this one and only God of Israel.

    Book number Three


    The number of Jesus Christ in the Tree of Life now sitting on the Right

    hand of God the Father as ONE/Wahd, that is Over it all as 19.


    The Queen of Sheba.

    Note. Erratum:1) Stonehenge diameter is not 316, 8ft as stated in this

    entire writing.

    Correction:Stonehenge has a circumference of 316,8 ft.

    The NAME of the One and Only God of Israel, was given unto

    Queen (Bilqis) from the land of Sheba (Yemen)

    when she went in search of the personal NAME of the God of Israel from King Solomon, for which she Paid R5,93 Billion (Equivalent Value in May 2006 @ $700/oz) ) in 4,5ton of gold, plus other

    valuable stones and Spices, to get this NAME of the God of Israel and, she got all she desired, as given us within in 1Kings 10:13, … . or else the Bible is a LIE.

    Background information and Preparation

    to this Holy Grail Blood Quest of EACH individual on earth having to as yet find this Name that is OVER IT ALL (sura 74:30, and Phil 2:9) to be written into your HEAD and Heart where the Queen of Sheba as the Archetypal Template, was the first of many as yet to come, even as Jesus was the first of many yet to come after Him, in His seed, as the Children of God which concept is ridiculed by the Idiopathic Religiose.

    The Hebrew word for Seven is Image383.JPG Sheba from the root Shaba which means complete, full, satisfied, satiated. Hence we often use the number 7 to represent completeness or Perfection and also has reference to an OATH sealed with seven sacrifices, and God’s covenant with Abraham was sealed with an SHABA or oath and JESUS is always the Fulfillment of the oath (Shaba) on the Great Seventh Day (sheba or shebee).The number 397 in HEBREW = JESUS,


    If we take the Hebrew Seventh= Image399.JPG it is 397 or 3+9+7 as 19 Image407.JPG

    In Sura 74:30 we see that OVER IT ALL is 19 Image414.JPG

    Muhammad insisted that he who is 19 shall judge all mankind one day.

    The Bismillah contains 19 letters and I show this as the Cryptic and Hidden (wrapped up means Muddaththir in Arabic) name of the God of Israel that Bilqis paid for to get it, and she got all she desired.

    Everybody is on a Quest when within this body and on a Mission to FIND.

    We are merely on a journey in this flesh, which is NOT our Final Destination.

    Every single body.

    And we all requested the chance to be here, to see if we can make it or not, to find this LIGHT of God to Set us FREE from our Lower Order, and to Fly away into the TRUTH of the Name within our Forehead.

    The only real difference is just that some know it, and others don’t as yet know it, and these are they who know not that they know not even when already having read the story about the Holy Grail and the Golden Fleece amongst the many other stories when regarding everything as myth that they do not understand within their cocoon.

    Since the earliest of times we have been on this Quest, which we see given us through science, novels, myth, and dressed up in a multitude of various stage-clothes, yet it too never changes but is what it is, because in the Primal State, this Name was known and we have forgotten it now, having to again press the RECALL button so as to BE.

    On the 05-04-2005, the well-known and worldfamous professor Andre P. Brink of Gordon’s Bay in Cape Town appeared on e-TV as a recipient of many previous literary world prizes, on his 70th birthday.

    What he had to say on this occasion, was pertinent and very relevant to this Archetypal Human Quest for the NAME of God in the Queen of Sheba story of IKings 10 within each and every single person, if they now know it or not, that I now reveal in this work, for the first time in 3000 years, on the Instruction from God, to DO so. The reason I do so is that because the Priests having received this very same Commandment, refuse to DO so.

    For this part of not doing then they are yet, all of them today, living under the Curse of God in Malachi2 when in denial and not giving GLORY to this Most HOLY NAME so as to make known this Holy Name that is indeed Over it all, rather than merely preaching in it as Satan does daily from his pulpit-throne, without revealing it as instructed, and telling

    the Pew Parasites that this Name is meaningless as is presently the case in so many of our Churches in South Africa today.

    This professor Andre P. Brink had written about 16 world acclaimed novels and he insisted that with each book written he actually moved a bit closer to the brink (no pun intended here) of knowing what and who he was in his Kavady quest of getting to know what and who, and where he was going.

    Each new book written andpublishedpermitted him moving ever closer to the edge of that chasm of not knowing ignorance, to the knowingness part upon the other side.

    Almost like the varied Stages of the Ziggarut when climbing up that Jacob’s Ladder to the Top wherein was the proverbial House of God, for fellowship with Him in that other world situated at Babel which word can mean chaos in Hebrew but it is NOT a Hebrew word so we go to the source in Sumerian and there it means Gateway to God.

    As we climb ever higher like Jacob, when having crossed the stream, upon his Ladder into a new Framework of reference all the time with each next rung, we get to this Gateway understanding of things previously Hidden and wrapped up which is only thus to those not prepared to MAKE the journey like the Historical Queen of Sheba did, and to PAY for the Name of God within our forehead as the CUBE and then also placed within our Heart in the Mansion with so many rooms, of our Father.

    What A.P Brink did not say was even more pertinent to the issue of what he did say.

    What he did not tell us was how close he then actually got to the Brink of that crevice.

    His not saying permits us to see that he did not then as yet cross-over that terrible Brink of the great gap of the two worlds with one in Egypt as the proverbial Land of Darkness and enslavement, into the NEW and Promised Land of Plenty and Abundance on the OTHER side of the waters, and like the Pharaoh who was to follow and also wanted to cross-over did not then make it within the covering it up again and having to Drown in the closure in his attempt to Passover the waters to the other side in the Land of Promise.

    And we also know that the Greatest Distance in the entire Universe, is that Distance between RIGHT and WRONG, between Good and Evil and the KNOWLEDGE thereof.

    When people have crossed over to the other side, when they have passed on, they can NOT then return to communicate with the ones left behind, to give some good in retrospective advice as the distance is too big.

    Even as the distance between that of right and wrong is too big.

    Anyway, he insisted on being on that QUEST and moving ever closer and closer with each new book written as a new experience, but what good is it if not then also being permitted to cross-over into the Promised Land of Plenty and Abundance which is indeed possible for the ones who know, even within this life, in the flesh?


    Moses was not permitted this crossing over and Joshua was selected to lead the people over the Jordan into the Land of Promise.

    This is all analogy of what is, in Real Being, of the Becomingness, of EACH person who must go on that QUEST, rather sooner, than later.

    Others see it as Metaphor, Myth and hued abstractions or Imponderables but as yet only the WORTHY ones can ever be permitted to see REALITY within the Mirror of reflective issues that makes them to know the difference and truly to see Illusion or Maya as the real thing that fades as the shadow when that mirror is shattered for them.

    And so, throughout History, we find this yearning Quest, to Become what we are, HAVING TO Passover the waters on our RETURN journey of Life, into the Primordial State or the proverbial Garden of Eden when in Fellowship with God, as it was Before.

    Which can only be had upon the crossing over which this work then is about to teach you for to know and find, as with awakening the Archetype of the Queen of Sheba Template within you in your Quest to getting it all that your Heart desires because that is ALL this Queen of Sheba story within the Bible is really about, once again as an analogy, for YOU to find and Be what in Reality you are, to get the NAME in your Head and in your Heart, as ONE with God in John 17:22.

    If you do not equally do as the Queen to go in SEARCH and the FINDING of the NAME, like the Queen going on that QUEST in that search to find the NAME, which is NOT simply a Historical event but an Archetypal and eternal NOW moment of time thing in the here and now, in YOU, to do equally as she did then as you are to do now, you cannot cross over and can not be and will not be permitted entry level into the New Land, but who as yet knows this Kabbalistic Truth as yet Hidden within the Typology thereof?

    Only the FEW shall enter into that Land of Plenty, here and Now as in the PROMISE of God for all to Return back into the Paradisiacal State of Before, in His NAME.

    Before proceeding.

    Before we can advance with this work, you must know that it is written specifically for they who already know that they know, and more simply as a reminder of what IS, and then such are to disseminate this Knowledge to the sinners unto whom they will be sent, even as Jesus was sent to the Sinners and NOT to the PhD Pharisees, Priests or Rabbi’s and other know-it-all Sadducees who contrived to silence and KILL him for revealing the TRUTH that can set free. This Truth is what Satan hates with a Passion even as Darkness hates and cannot have existence right in the LIGHT of the sun.

    It is most certainly NOT written for those functional as yet upon the Mundane plane with traditional PhD’s which are then totally useless, and who may not cross over with a bit of worthless paper, but the ones either with or without higher learning for this is NOT a criteria for knowledge and intuitive awareness, having already moved up the Spirit Ladder, or they earnestly seeking the TRUTH upon the Higher planes and are prepared to suffer and persist to hold on at whatever cost, even if then not with us because Jesus did not come for such who already know, or with professorial and theological PhD bit of entry papers to cross over but specifically for the Lost sheep and sinners to bring them back into the fold so READ Ez.34 for these False Shepherds and you might begin to understand this.

    This work is given so that the recall button may be pressed to bring back all the stored up knowledge of the Past, resident within you as it relates to the Akashic record stored within the DEEP recesses of the mind, all there yet still HIDDEN, to be recalled.

    Whomsoever think to criticize this work, they have the RIGHT to do so even as they have the RIGHT to anything for this is all we have in Reality been given, which is Free CHOICE as nothing else in this world ever belongs to us, but then you must also realize that each choice you make, has a Price/Reward system, so choose the TRUTH and not that which you simply imagine the TRUTH to be but TEST it with scripture.

    Everyone damned Einstein and his work, and they mainly still do not understand it today, even as the Theory of Everything which he elaborated on is a mystery to such within that Shoe string concept.

    With all their PhD’s they cannot see through the VEIL of Scripture, and they cannot see the TRUTH, but this is as it must be where only the very FEW must enter, even as it is written, for broad is the Way to Destruction and Narrow the road to Eternity.

    FEW are they who eventually Find it as the Chosen Ones of Israel in the Name of the One and Only God of Israel as the LOST WORD, which Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba paid so much for to gain it and to KNOW it and to have it in her Forehead and within her Heart, so that each and every single one for all eternity can also have it, to BE.

    Most condemned Jesus Christ in his day and MOST, especially our theologians, still do it in this day whilst preaching in His Name but not REVEALING His Name out of pure simple IGNORANCE, but here too the Price is a Heavy one to pay with the CURSE of God upon these Priests and their arrogant refusal to Obey and to give Glory unto the NAME of Jesus Christ so read Malachi 2 again, … and again.

    Intuitive awareness then is also related to Revelation from God directly, for which others receiving this, are called Geniuses, but this too is not thus except that they are selected to BE, (everything is in the eye of the beholder they say but this depends entirely from what level you view a thing) and as such, intuitive awareness then is simply come to replace what other framework Academics, call intellectual logic and rational consciousness but the one involved functions not upon the coming down to the Differential dissemination backsliding, but preferably to Coming up-ness of the Integrating Plane of Tri-Unification which Einstein was but as yet touching the hem thereof in his theory of Everything, and had to go his way without ever seeing this truth.

    That which God has joined together, let no man break asunder refers.

    This work then is to join together what man has broken down from where it was.

    It is yet better on the Integration level in transcending but this calls for a Dimensional Framework change into the next following-up rung upon the Jacobian ladder or what they would call a dramatic Paradigm, Dimensional, shift.

    The given but as yet Unknown Factor raised from one, to Two, and eventually to the power of three and beyond to what scripture refers as the added on DEPTH after having already given us the Length, and then the Breadth, and then the Height of the Cube, within the Innermost recesses even of the Temple as the Most Holy of Holies because, like the Jerusalem ABOVE, it is ALWAYS a CUBE.

    A true Cube and not a false thing that is presently called a cube by not just the ignorant masses, but the ones having PhD degrees perpetuating this LIE today by calling that thing in Mecca a Ka’abah which in fact it is NOT when having the measure of 10x12,5x16m, and a child will tell you that this is NOT a Ka’abah/Cube.

    And yet people with a PhD still call it a Cube (Ka’abah in Arabic).

    This then is not ignorance as I do not believe people with that level of intelligence or learning can be so Foolish for this is not ever possible.

    The only logical and reasonable conclusion that I can then come to is that they are intentionally DECEIVING the people with the LIE as children of the great DECIEVER themselves, and we all know that if a lie is perpetuated and REPEATED and RECITED for long enough by the Ignorant Masses in Parrot fashion, it becomes their truth, for which they will gladly DIE and even KILL as a Jihadist Bomb strapping fanatic to gain Hero worship Status as a Martyr in any sick and diseased society then promising that person immediate remission from all past sins and direct entry into Heaven with rivers of wine and hundreds of Virgins.

    Which Pew Parasite will not accept such an offer?

    When you reach that level of the Cube in a Cube, (the Double Cube as 19x19) your Advance is dramatic, Fast, and effective, so that now people can not see or comprehend what you are about or mean when speaking, for you speak way above their heads for being Way above their Lower framework of reference, and then their eyes start glazing over when you speak even in the very simplest, and most Basic terms, for they of the world will not and can not comprehend the Basics of Spirit body as yet, as a fish cannot understand the human for they live in two completely different worlds altogether, made up of substance upon alternating vibration of a different frequency level altogether connected to the ONE from which it is Sourced.

    The first sentence within the Book of John, has Great significance.

    It is a cryptic Cypher, and has DEEP significance related to how the WORD of God vibrates from the invisible Spheres and manifests itself in the Physical almost like a Violin when the strings are played can manifest and give visual vibrating structures in the sand and where the word, AUM itself when hummed correctly, gives forth and manifests itself in the two Inverted Triangles or Star of David multiplication, where Iron filings is placed upon a paper, but only the FEW as yet know this and even fewer still can understand it but each and every single one who knows not can criticize it to show their buffered knowing in total and arrogant ignorance for this too is only revealed through the words they speak unto others who know.

    The Bible is a BOOK full of such secret and Hidden messages, which only the Selected and Chosen Ones will and can ever find and reveal, as they are to Iqra,(Proclaim the Name of God as instructed by Jesus to reveal it to the Nations) or to keep silent about it for they have a choice either way and know the pitfalls on both paths.

    Solomon was one such man who gave us a very important message, contained in a very simplistic appearing little sentence, that today is muttered parrot fashion Billions of times each day in total Ignorance, and he gave it directly unto the one who was on such a Quest and who was prepared to PAY a great sum of money for it.

    She was after one thing only. She wanted the NAME of the GOD of Israel who gave it all to Solomon,who made him so wise and the richest man who ever lived, and who in turn then gave the secretly encoded NAME to her. Then she placed this HIDDEN Secretly wrapped-Up Name within the constitution of her land and somehow GOD miraculously placed it in the Quran, sura 27:30 equally for all to see within the 114 Bismillah’s.

    See 1Kings 10 NOW, and read it, before proceeding any further, now!!!

    Remember what I have just said.

    THE GOD, as the ONE and ONLY GOD, of the legendary King Solomon, whose NAME she traveled such a vast distance to find and was prepared to PAY a MASSIVE sum of money in Solid Gold and Spices and precious Stones galore.

    And then in 1 Kings 10:13 we find that he in fact gave it unto her when literally giving her, all that she desired.


    Solomon gave her the NAME of GOD, cryptographically contained for ALL TIME, in a single sentence, with 19 letters which adds up to 786 as the second supernal within the Etz Chayyim or Tree of Life, that all people within all this world, can KNOW IT and have LIFE in this Name OF God manifested for all eternity within the Name of Jesus Christ, whose Name is OVER IT ALL in Phil 2:9 and sura 74:30.

    This NAME is the one and only Universal scientific and math Absolute from which all exists and returns back unto, as ONE!

    It is not contained (the Name can never be contained) but GIVEN us by GOD, within the Bismillah.

    The Macrocosm within the Microcosm.

    Where the flesh has now been left behind, the Body has entered into a Fire-birth framework of Spiritual up-lift-ment on that higherfrequency level.

    Even where the lower order cannot see the Ultra violet spectrum of light, so can they not see the Higher Body structure.

    Just as a fish then will think the human to be mad, so will the flesh think the one of the Spirit to be filled with demons, as they truly then are in the world but not part of it.

    The world sees only things of the world and cannot see that of the Spirit

    Just as we today are adopting the Ostrich Mentality related to the Ancient Builders of the Pyramids, refusing to acknowledge that thousands of years ago these people had Advanced Scientific Elevated knowledge related to Molecular structural changes when functional on the elevation levels and having cutting edge laser beam technology at their disposal in the SHAMIR (a small hand-held little gun-like Ray emitting tool) and that they gave us knowledge related to the Name of God as the figurate encased within the very Structure thereof, so too the people of today are still in total denial of the cryptographically encoded Secrets of the Name of God as it is contained in our Book of LIFE and the Most Holy of Holies in the Bible and at Mecca as it was built for a Monument to the Name of God even as the Dome of the Rock is built on His Name and even as all the Star systems are created from His Name, over it all, within which structure this Name is eternalized as on the diameter and circle of the earth equally where He placed it as within the CUBE as the Place for my Name.

    We see that even within the Circumference of the outside Sarcen circle of STONEHENGE that was built long before the Birth of Jesus, here too the NAME of Jesus Christ is eternalized within the MEASURE thereof in 316,8 ft on the Circumference, even as mentioned in Isaiha 40:22 stating that it is HE who sits upon the Circle (of the earth), just as in Hebrew Gematria He placed His name on the Mean diameter of the earth, being 7920 miles, where squaring the Circle it becomes 3168.

    It is not long now, before the Final End Time, that this KNOWLEDGE will be revealed unto all of the Nations to whom His NAME shall be revealed as it was to the Queen of Sheba 3000 years ago already, within the Bismillah.

    I will at this stage not go into that but if interested, you can go to the Net and study the works of Bonnie Gaunt as an Introduction to this field of study related to the Cosmic and stellar NAME of God, but she does not enter into the Higher academics, thank goodness, but supplies us with easy to understand complexities of God in basis and understandable Simplicity, and this is pure unadulterated genius of the Highest order.

    I am sure you are going to be shockingly surprised but there are things much greater than that even which the Adapts know but will only ever be released at the appropriate times, and then also ONLY to the chosen ones, found worthy to receive it, who have a Burning and unquenchable Flame that can never be put out, with the FIRE upon their tongues also, and within which they then too stand upon that Mountain of knowledge to receive the things of God, in Person, as WORTHY to receive it, which then becomes their commission in Life to reveal it unto the Nations ere Shilo (also 19 if you know) can again return to this Fold.

    Here the Fire of the Kundalini rising like the snake to coil up the Shushumna canal within the crossing over phases related to the Chakra’s or seven Doors of Revelation, has significance even as the snake having to be Uplifted within the Desert and that same symbol found on the present day Department of Allopathic practitioners but here too then only the Uplifted ones can explain this in understanding because if this Fire is given or awakened prematurely, it can have serious and most dangerous consequences to the recipient if not knowing or ready as yet in that unprepared state to receive the Light and here the Damascus Road experience also relates to in going blind, if extremely fortunate or blessed, but if not, spontaneous combustion can destroy the body offlesh whilst not touching even the chair that body is sitting on, to simply evaporate into thin air as Night must before the light of the Sun.

    Whilst they shall most certainly NOT understand all the very rudimentary Basics even, which is common knowledge unto others, they must simply Hold-on because I promise that sooner or later, it all depends on your earnestness and being found WORTHY, you shall receive such Wisdom that it will eventually make you cry great tears of great sorrow, for knowledge is a very rare and valuable commodity gift, not given out at random to all, except they who earn it the hard way through sorrow and sacrifice to have already then paid their life’s school fees, the HARD way, believe me, for here I speak of the Jobe issue, as it even relates to myself, and this qualifies me to speak thus, in all humility.

    Having lost it all you then gain the Greater, but this you only ever see in retrospect and then, if you have lost it all which previously meant it all to you, and broke your back or neck or ribs with multiple cranial fractures and going blind temporarily as in my case, then naturally it is something to give thanks for each minute of your being, for now the things being lost does and can never compare to the Greater and you have a completely NEW value system where the things of OLD, is like the skin of the snake, to be discarded as such in new and focused motion.

    Going through the various stages in their climb up Jacob’s Ladder when having crossed over the stream of Jabbok (try and understand this typological eternally NOW concept for this also relates to the Red Sea, the Jordan or the Stream of Cedron always ever Now) is like to go through school from grade 1 up to grade 12 and having passed on merit and nothing else like Corrective Action in South Africa as institutionalized by the totally corrupt and inept ANC government, which merely provokes and enacts mass action and strikes out of all proportion where the masses are sidelined and forgotten after voting for their Masters as with Mugabe in Zimbabwe having already killed thousands of his own people and buried the Joshuah Nkomo people of the South in mass graves when killed by the imported Koreans when they were not in agreement with his dictatorial rule.

    The Fish always rots from the head down they say.

    Initially however, frustration levels will prevail but these are simple devices to eliminate the unworthy ones those not of the True Israel Nation of God and not as yet CHOSEN ONES or CHILDREN, but still caught within the demographics and lines of own making upon the lower enslavement levels which scripture likens to the Desert and Egypt, which must be left behind, and I refer to as the bounded encasement of the narrow restriction of the railway lines model, which will not permit you going left or right unless to be derailed.

    We also know that not all are Jews or of Israel according to scripture, unless of the Heart and this is that which Solomon requested of Bilqis, rather than all her Gold.

    The present Israel then cannot claim anything based on the Historical unless through the Heart as it is purified and given to God who makes everything clean and this acceptance of the NAME and Blood is all He requires that Israel can again be placed first and foremost as HIS Chosen ones.

    The Blood which washes it all to be WHITE and PURE and so it is also no good wearing white clothes as stated explicitly within the Qur’an, if the heart is not pure, and can even be a curse upon the one making him what he is not, under such false pretenses like in Matt 23 with Rabbi’s enlarging their Phylacteries to be seen of men.

    So if you hold fast, the nerve ends will eventually be joined even within the peripheral zones, and things previously not understood, will be revealed so as to make INTENSE sense when the Real, inner light, shines within and you are able to discard the Menorah (artificial Light) for then seeing with another eye because the worthy ones know that first you are given the outside light of the Sun in the outer courtyard and then, when entering the Temple, the Menorah shines on you and finally within the Inner Chamber where no physical light shines except HIS Inner Light which outdoes anything else and permits you to see in detail without any other light of the below.

    Revelation through His LIGHT is so intense and it HURTS but this hurt is a retrospective sorrow and forgiveness plea of Mercy and terrible Joy for it is a Blessing to be Hurt that way in the receiving thereof when at last, being found worthy by HIM who is over it all and giving of Himself, which He can never do if the recipient is not opened and worthy or the Blood is not found on the DOOR to his heart and the Name is not found within his Forehead.

    This means LOVE in the heart and UNDERSTANDING in the head and has nothing to do whatsoever with outside and Physical show like the Tephellim/Phylactery Cube made of leather on the head and heart (left arm) or the Tikka in Hinduism which is mere symbolism having since lost much of it’s real Spiritual Meaning through ignorance of John 17:22 that we are to Be ONE again as Before with our Husband having his Name within the Head and heart for all time,… in understanding.

    Before anyone can shout Eureka, they must undergo terrible hardships and suffering (only in this is great joy then also to be found having to give thanks for) to get there when SUDDENLY, in a FLASH, the light enters to shine with a Brilliant luminescence that no human can ever describe to another not as yet having received it because it is like no other light of the below and it shines ONLY within the head of the one found worthy to get it, to then see clearly with eyes that don’t, and this is why the Sun is given, in the Outer courtyard, then the Menorah in the Inner court and finally, the Inner, Most Holy of Holies which has no LIGHT of this Below but that from within.

    That is also why God destroyed the Temple since NOTHING made of human hands is worth anything to HIM except where HE makes His Temple in our HEARTS and in our Heads. This is all He wants for us to be ONE with Him as Before.

    In this inner Cube there is NO artificial light except the LIGHT of God,… within.

    When the shadow or Veil is removed you do not see through a glass darkly anymore and the Vision is Clear and Simply from another Dimension altogether and only then, and not ever before then, can you too explain things unto others from the Higher to the Lower, and not before.

    When this happens to a person, usually in a most meditative, contemplative and sorrowful moment of introspection in a totally switched off and relaxed mood of perception and entering-into channeling,(everything coming out of) doing something without being there or even knowing to do it, that moment is NEVER forgotten.

    It reveals things previously having thought to be on or from another world as it truly then is when this LIGHT shines and answers are given in a flash for this is the Spiritual awakened rebirth where some are Baptized and touched by the Spirit without even having as yet gone through the waters, and immediately,… they KNOW.

    They now know that they know and do not simply believe the thing blindly anymore.

    Only few get this touching on.

    Stick with it, I know you will not understand it yet, but hold on, for I assure you, that as we proceed, you will get things, the eyes will open up and you shall awaken to BE and to BECOME, and this concept too shall then be seen to BE within the Quiet Time.

    Be still and know that I am God.

    How can God speak to you or make contact through Rasta beats and other music not as based on the earth frequency of the sixty rhythms of Baroquefor this has metamorphic Resonance with the Above on this Below which very Few as yet know about since it reflects the Earth’s Breathing, but believe me that it is since the earth is NOT a dead something but a live entity that moves and can think and breathe, and through it we can integrate various concepts to highlight things or permit things coming to us via this tool as it was given us to use when looking for answers.

    Sheila Ostrander touched on this in her works but this she all learned from the Ancients and simply repeated the matter.

    Nothing is ever new at all except for us to rediscover that which has already been given us to receive, when worthy to enter and have Fellowship with Him, as it was Before, in our Nakedness within the Garden.

    The person of this earth, in the body of the flesh, can ONLY see things of the earth upon the lower, in the flesh and never of the Higher, as this is not possible, ever.

    The Water birth and the Fire Birth are two totally DIFFERENT bodies in one, as the enclosed, limited and en-Darkened Larvae with the Cocoon is denied the LIGHT of the Sun, so too with us when as yet within the Flesh body, not as yet born into the Light of the spiritual God body as it relates to the FIRE Birth or Parthenogenesis that our theologians cannot as yet explain logically and then go and deny the virgin Birth.

    As soon as that pupating larva is readied and conditions permitting on the outside, it gets a signal and eats through to remove the Veil of Dark Night-time survival to then spread the wings and fly into the light of the Sun when becoming what it was all along but not knowing it as yet on the lower level.

    When readied we too are leaving this Old Body behind, when BORN into the New Body through this Fire Birth, into the Body of Jesus Christ with Him as the Head, to spread our wings and BECOME what we are, as ONE with Him. John 17:22.

    To fly into the New world of the Above or the Beyond, in the New Body that none within this Below can as yet see, and having this NAME written into our forehead, which only we can see to know who and what we are in the New Body.

    The WINGS lovingly embroidered upon the CUBE Veil within the Inner Most Holy of Holies and set apart (apartheid) Cube of God, which veil has now been torn apart when the BLOOD did Flow, permits YOU entry level Fellowship with God inside the Name, the Cube and with Him as One for Eternal Fellowship because this is the RETURN of the Lost Son analogy, to claim your Inheritance, and BECOME!

    This is also the Bride and Groom story and also the eradication of the HIGH Priest having to have fellowship with God once a year for now all may have direct Fellowship when the Intermediary has been removed, and you are permitted entry level fellowship with HIM, anytime, all the time, through the Bloodflow event and crucifixion.

    Only when within the Higher and Uplifted Body of the Spirit, can you ever see the things of the Spirit through eyes of the Spirit and NEVER before this will you understand the things on the next rung of the Spirit ladder of Jacob.

    It is simply not possible, and that is why greats like Newton, could not see things which he looked for and longed for in such earnest in his last few years, related to things of God, for having rejected the Trinity in his own wisdom.

    If you BE, then you would have covered the greatest distance in the Universe in a flash to know the difference between Right and Wrong, truth and lies, Satan and God, almost like the pupae within the own spun veil covering of the Chrysalis which is so thin yet hides it within it’s own Darkness, from the Light of the SUN.

    On the one side it is content in the Night of it’s confused struggle state or the proverbial comfort zone, and on the other side, once having eaten through that less than one millimeter thick covering, it sheds the Body of OLD, and BECOMES what it in fact had within its very own essence as the potential to Become all along, what in fact it has in reality always been from the start, as the most beautiful Butterfly.

    Then it starts shaking the wings, to practice it, and flies into the sun to show the world all the most beautiful colors of display having thus been hidden in the Body of Old and now manifested in the NEW Body which it never even knew it had.

    Like the pit of the Peach which by itself is useless within the Light of the sun, but needs to be planted within the darkness and the wetness of the soil Below, before ever it can germinate to BECOME truly what it is as the TREE that then grows ABOVE the soil and in the LIGHT of the sun, to supply our needs and from which we may eat to get filled by the labors of our love.

    So too are we, within the Darkened Flesh Body in the water birth of this Below, having to germinate and swell up to BECOME what we in Reality are when growing our wings and being born into the FIRE birth or Spirit Body of the ABOVE BEING for this is what we are from Before and now having to BECOME about which some Idiopaths as yet blaspheme in their incomprehension of the lower world ignorance.

    Only then can we truly BE what we are, and give forth what we have received, that others too, equally then, are to be BORN within the SEED from above, of Him who was the FIRST BORN and in whose seed we are then rather than the seed of our earthly father’s wetness but the Fire from the unseen and above Body in Him as this is all that LIFE is, in then also receiving HIS NAME in our foreheads.

    Such are WE.

    Resident within the Old Body of the Flesh which is having to die, and to be REBORN in the seed of Christ, to BECOME what we are, according to DESIGN, as ONE with Him, our Source, to which all must one day RETURN back unto again.

    To leave behind the thing of Old and take on the NEW Virgin Birth Fire Body (Parthenogenesis), in the Spirit body of our REAL Father in the Above, in US.

    The New Person, in the New Body, having crossed over the waters, to be in a NEW WORLD of Promise where the earthly body is not even whilst as yet in it but not a part of it, is what this work truly is for, and to understand it, for I go through a very tedious and slow but sure process, intentionally REPEATING myself over and again for a reason that only I understand as yet as the Teacher, that leads to eventual understanding but not from the outside in but rather from the INSIDE out.

    This repeating is not scholarly and is to be denied but I know that it is vitally important as yet on the lower.

    I remember even in math classes how that, after explaining a thing over and over, the chap still somehow cannot get it into his head, until the penny drops, much later.

    This inside out is from the Source, and Essence of it all within the very epicenter of it all, from within the NAME, which none wills as yet to understand whilst even mentioning it many times every day in repetition like the Parrot.

    Everyday you say my name and yet you know me not.

    The NAME concept is as yet so much BIGGER than anyone of logical thinking or their so-called reason within academia can as yet even begin to comprehend because it is NOT of the lower though the lower is BUILT upon it and they stand on it, but this they see not, even as the Fish cannot see the waters in which it is but without which it cannot be, and still they deny that which gives them the structural support on which all LIFE is built, in ignorance as yet. The fish does not deny the water, the bird does not deny the air currents, but the Human denies LIFE in the Name of God and this is reason and Logic??

    O! How my people must suffer for the lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected (this) knowledge, I have rejected YOU. Hos 4:6.

    It is as yet far, far, beyond anything they can presently even begin to imagine on their infantile level of thinking to know and then not knowing that they know not.

    It is BIG, so please believe me when I say this for I know that I know as it was given me for it is not of me, as I too am but what I am as a sinner and a fool, but all I know is that it was directly given, as it was given, and this all cannot ever be contained in words sufficient to describe it or even within one short lifetime.

    It was then also given me to find ways to explain it as best I could on my lower level of confusion and without the proper educational tools to do so even, which methinks is a bonus rather than a restriction any day for I had to learn words, their many multi-meanings and hidden gold within the unspoken words thereof, and how to type and eventually how to use a word processor which I still have not the time or inclination to really know except as a tool to convey something given.

    I just do not have the words at my disposal to confuse even more so what I say, I say in the simplest of terms, on the very basic level without taking tenses, syntax and other grammatical frame-working models into joining consideration for the simple fact that I am not competent or learned in that field and except a thing is not understood on the very basic level, I care naught for rhetoric and fancy word-play like unto lawyers giving things all sorts of shades of meanings and shadowy string attachment to confuse the court even more than they today are doing in this country, and this is how they survive, not live, for such ones cannot then truly have life to live on that plane of DECEPTION and with a degree from a tertiary institute of learning, where they are taught within that structure with such evil intent.

    What are we then to make of such education in higher learning where today we see in South Africa that most third level hand-outs by

    Government, are in reality unable to even spell English in their higher erukashon.

    Look at such ones like the O.J Simpson case lawyerfor example, based purely on greed and money and look at what happened to this lawyer a very short while later when he is no more and will go to where he must within death, not Life.

    Is it Right and GOOD and Legal or Godly to protect and fight for your client that is paying you millions when knowing he is a ruthless unrepentant killer?

    Look at the Michael Jackson case and how that man has gotten away with crimes repeatedly when paying these small boys millions of dollars compensation as Hush money and yet others, their Fans, glorify and hypostasize such evil men, but they too have a place ready and prepared for them, already, so they too must know this.

    It just gets better and better all the time where the Money factor is concerned to permit anyone to be above the law as a Law unto themselves and in their Chaos.

    Within the present Education model there are way too many borders and railway lines going only in one direction on which you then find yourself locked into a Flat line Dimension, not ever daring to go outside of these lines due to premeditated and conceived beliefs of restrictive practice imbedded within the mother-lode thereof.

    If a thing was not taught to us at any of our Tertiary Institutions, then it simply does not exist and we are not really to look at it, to stay away from it under the false guise that these then are things of God, not meant for us, or as based in science, on insufficient data which is the general escape clause of Ignorance and the inability to go beyond the lateral thinking flat-liner minds, into a New Dimension process.

    Just hold fast, and never look back.

    Broad is the way to destruction, narrow the way to Eternity.

    Few ever find it.

    This work then is for these FEW and NOT ever for the ones of and in the below and of their father, the DECEIVER, who tells others that they know it all, for they will NEVER understand this work, ever, so let them be what they are, where they are, and happy to be the way they are.

    A Rhino speaks Rhino to another Rhino and the Human speaks Human to another Human but the Spirit speaks in the Spirit to one of and in the Spirit which the Human of this earth cannot ever understand.

    This work is ONLY for the select ones of God who have awakened from their Inner sleep state of pupation, and now wanting to eat through that thin VEIL of restriction, having to then go into the Light of God where all can see their eloquence in Silence when spreading their WINGS (the SIGN as found embroidered upon the Veil over the Inner most Holy Cube that has since been rent asunder) to show all what they are so as to then equally have eternal Spiritual bonding Fellowship with God, as one, in their Quest for the Name they have so eagerly sought out, like Sheba’s Queen within you.

    This work may also then be likened to the grade 1 school child lessons for in other work that follows, that which you do not fully understand now, will begin to make logical sense and when this LIGHT of Understanding HITS you, right between the eyes like a hammer.

    This I assure you, is the beginning of your TRUE QUEST for the SEARCH of your LIFE and travail as then the real journey has only begun for you to find Eternity as it has been programmed into us from even before the very beginning of Time by our Creator, God, to Return Back to Him, the eagerly awaiting Father God on His throne who will then have a Feast for the Return of His Beloved awakened LOST SON.

    Some call this QUEST the Kavady in Hinduism or Tenth Insight as likened to the Celestine Prophecy where others have entrenched it in the Icharus Myth flying to the Sun for knowledge (see the association with the Sun-King? Sol-o-Mon) and yet others have written about the Holy Grail or the Golden Fleece or the Argonauts and their Eternal puzzle for the Meaning of LIFE and the True spirit Essence of the matter for compassion, forgiveness and Jacobean tenacity of holding on to never letting go for only such ones who persevere and is prepared to sacrifice, will GET and BE.

    All these stories have literally hundreds of other shadowy interpretations, all depending on source and environment, but the essence must forever remain the same.

    These can all be collectively bonded into one Archetypal Story which I will then reveal in this work, as it is my Duty to DO for receiving it in His LIGHT, and in the doing the Queen Ant will be seen, and the Butterfly will Become. And you will be born in and of and out of a Fire in a NEW Body with a New Name in your forehead.

    The Pupating Larvae will recognize itself within the THRONE of it’s very own Darkness inside that Chrysalis through which it is as yet having to be releasedfrom that self-exiled and as yet voluntary Burden in it’s own Egyptian Bondage.

    This Egyptianised Bondage from which to be released and go into the Desert of exile in order to Cross over the Waters unto the Promised Land on the other side where Abundance and Plenty awaits you yet, within Hiss Promise.

    The VEIL must first be lifted from off that darkened zone to give the Light of the Sun vision unto your eyes having become accustomed to that dark sleepy state of the OLD body now dying to Becomingness.

    When a person has reached the Higher Order in Tertiary Math, it generally becomes easy to explain, what appears complicated proofs, to the not-knowing ones but then the Teacher usually becomes bored with such vain repetitions going over a thing, over and over like a parrot, and he strips or gives the answer and goes his way but with Spiritual Truths of Reality (not related to Quantum physics’ improbables) and hypotheticals or abstractions based as yet on the imponderables on the lower orders, it becomes even more difficult to explain because of the simple fact that here we have to contend with other, more Powerful Forces within spirit world Hierarchy of evil denials who only FEAR one thing and that is the revelation and the Understanding of the one and only Universal Absolute of Wahd/One, as it is contained within the NAME of God.

    These Forces will do everything possible to hide and not reveal the LIGHT of the NAME of God, as this is all that Satan really fears with a terrible vengeance and will do all in his power to prevent people from seeing what in reality they are also and able to BECOME as ONE in Him as he is in the Father according to John 17:22.

    Because I have now seen and been given things from another Dimension altogether, and because I have learned how to Fear the Name of God, it is generally easy for me to combine hitherto Biblical imponderables for it to make sense whereas before this, it was simply a nice sounding little story, without any ulterior meaning or maybe a little morality hidden within, but now the Truth can be revealed and it can come forth, out of the Person Himself in His own Quest of Being, to literally then BECOME.

    Become that which in REALITY he is and has been potentially, all along just as the Larvae can now Become the Butterfly when released of the Chrysalis Veiled Bondage to throw off the yoke of the Dark past and go forward to fly in the Light of the Sun.

    All these myths and stories can be compacted and joined into one story for greater and more expanded Vision of clarity and that is exactly WHY I have taken the Quest of the Queen, within YOU, Me, Us all, to bring it out and bring you closer to your King within the Marriage, as One.

    The Name of God.

    This we see in many ways, in many secret societies, all over the world in the greatest of the Mystic Orders, repeatedly emphasized.

    In the Free Mason Order we find Pike’s 33rd Degree, mentioning it as the LOST WORD, itself having the greatest of Power in the Universe within it whilst the Quran of A Yusuf Ali also insist that this NAME of God (p1682 notes) has all the power of the Universe within it.

    They conveniently forgot that we say this name everyday but know it


    It is true, and we have seen that even Satan knows this, but like Satan, they will to not ever reveal it in their disobedience to God’s word, for then they too, will be not.

    Like Satan their father then, they too are equally within that Framework of deception as the DECEIVER of old.

    Let us look where this NAME of the God of Israel eternal within the Son whose NAME is OVER IT ALL and Higher than any other Name in Heaven, on the earth and under the earth unto which all knees shall as yet bow down unto( as stated in Phil 2:9) is first mentioned within the Bible.

    In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Gen 1:1.

    Can you see the name? Can you see the ALPHA? Can you see 2701 which is ONE/Wahd? Can you see the Name of Jesus Christ here that is 2368 as 19 OVER IT ALL within sura 74:30 in the Quran and in the 114 Bismillah’s as given to Bilqis 3000years ago by Solomon?

    Well this is the reason I was commissioned to write this book and why Dr Rashad Khalifa was KILLED on a Fatwa (Islamic Decree from the

    Judicial Council) on the 31st of January 1991, when he discovered this Muddaththir (wrapped up secret) in the Quran in 1974 when translating the Quran from Arabic to English, on his computer.

    Some insist that the word God is the name but like Mister, so

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