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Questions to God: Preguntas a Dios
Questions to God: Preguntas a Dios
Questions to God: Preguntas a Dios
Ebook133 pages

Questions to God: Preguntas a Dios

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When I was in my mid-twenties, I started questioning the meaning of life, I thought it was interesting to find out more information about the evidence for a designer, Ironically I've always "knew" there was a creator, a God; and I knew Jesus Christ was a real person who lived in Israel a couple of thousand years ago. I did some research and found out about a website called this website gave some very good, thoughtful, reasonable and meaningful explanations and provided solid arguments about the existence and deity of Jesus Christ and the scientific evidence which shows that we are not a mere accident of nature but a purposeful creation of God. I found out about The Fibonacci Sequence and I thought it was very interesting how it clearly showed the "signature" of God in his work, from little seashells to immense galaxies...

I became very curious about the reason why God created anything at all, and that topic was my inspiration for this book.

Cuando yo tenía veintitantos años, comencé a cuestionar el significado de la vida, pensé que valía la pena encontrar más información sobre la evidencia de un diseñador inteligente. Irónicamente, siempre he "sabido" que había un creador, un Dios; y sabía que Jesucristo era una persona real que vivió en Israel hace un par de miles de años. Empecé a investigar y encontré una página en la web que se llama hay aprendí unas explicaciones muy buenas, reflexivas, razonables y significativas, y me proporcionó argumentos sólidos sobre la existencia y la deidad de Jesucristo y la evidencia científica que demuestra que no somos un mero accidente de la naturaleza, pero una creación directa de Dios. Me enteré de la secuencia de Fibonacci y pensé que era muy interesante cómo mostraba claramente la "firma" de Dios en su trabajo, desde pequeñas conchas marinas hasta inmensas galaxias ... Me dio mucha curiosidad la razón por la cual Dios creó algo, y ese tema fue mi inspiración para este libro.
Release dateJul 28, 2020
Questions to God: Preguntas a Dios

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    Questions to God - Alejandro Escudero


    Copyright © 2020 Alejandro Escudero.

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    "Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English

    Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry

    of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved."

    ISBN: 978-1-7169-1284-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7169-1283-2 (e)

    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 06/09/2020


    By Alejandro Escudero

    Edited by Taylor Rae Escudero


    This book is dedicated to my God, who also is the God

    of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To The Lord Jesus Christ,

    and The Holy Spirit, they created everything.

    I want to thank my wife Isaca for her patience and support and my earthly parents, German and Edith, for giving me life and the necessary tools of learning. I especially want to thank my dad German for telling me to test all things and do what makes sense; those words resonate in my head.

    A special message to my kids and step kids: Taylor, Elizabeth, Sophia, Nayla, Nylai, and Grace; do not waste your time. This life is very short. God has given you a useful purpose, special powers, and gifts, use them for his glory, ask him what his purpose for your lives is, please do.





    Time is the progress of existence and events in the past, present and future. Einstein believed that time is not just something that we experience mentally, he believed time itself is a physical reality.

    In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model that fuses the three dimensions of space: up and down, left and right, forward and backward, and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. These are the dimensions that we humans experience physically.

    Humans also experience dreams. I am going to refer to dreams as another dimension that we all experience. Sometimes we are conscious about the fact that we are dreaming. Sometimes dreams are so real that we are unaware that we are dreaming. When we die, we will experience other dimensions.

    God told us in the very first verse of the Bible that he created time. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What an incredible statement. What an amazing statement. When I first started reading the Bible, I’ve always overlooked the magnitude of the very first words that God decided to write in his book for his special creation; us mankind.

    God has always existed. He created the beginning of time, which has always been an interesting subject to study and understand. God also created the Heavens, which is space. That is a little bit easier to understand because it is more physical. At least we can observe space, see the nebulas, (through telescopes) as well as the clouds. Material things are always easier to comprehend. For instance, we can touch a coin, play with a basketball, and play a guitar. We can see things. We can hold a baby. We know the baby and these objects had a beginning. We can buy a newspaper and see the date it was printed on. We remember what we did this morning, what we did yesterday, what we did last Christmas, or at least most of us can. We can understand how time works. We know this very moment is part of today. In a few hours it will be midnight, and tomorrow will be another day. I became curious about the subject of time when I was little. Movies such as The Terminator 1 and 2, and tv series like Star Trek: the next generation and The Outer Limits made that subject even more interesting to me. I used to ponder about the possibility of time travel. Now that I’m older, I believe we are not meant to travel physically through time. I believe God put us on earth for different purposes, such as witnessing the truth of his existence.

    If we have the privilege of spending eternity with God after our bodies die, we will have many tasks to do. We will have perfect and indestructible bodies that will allow us to do things we can’t do with our current bodies. I’ll surely ask my heavenly father, Jesus, is it possible for me to travel through time and see Lincoln’s presidential inauguration speech? Could I go and see how Adam and Eve lived? How Noah built the ark? What did the Nephilim look like? I’d like to see Noah warning people about the incoming flood. I’m sure I’ll ask him questions about history, time, matter, eternity. As well as mysterious things such as black holes and neutron stars. I’ve always been fascinated about how compact the material that makes a neutron star is. I’ve read that it is so utterly dense that if we put a teaspoon of neutron star material on earth, it would weigh more than most mountains! I’ll even ask him to explain to me how he can be in all places and know everything, even though the saved ones will have eternity to learn things. I have a feeling there may be some things that we may never fully understand. I wonder if God may not fully reveal everything, and faith alone may suffice.

    I believe we will be able to explore this universe, and even what is beyond the known universe…so many questions. After all, God made us like this, so curious and inquisitive.

    I’ve read many articles and seen many documentaries about black holes. They are so incredibly compact that its gravitational field affects time itself and doesn’t allow anything that goes in to come out, even light itself.

    In heaven, we will have eternity to spend with God, angels, fellow believers, and saved family members. There will be so many places to see, things to do, and new knowledge to acquire. We’ll be able to learn and discover things. God will possibly reveal to us what is inside a black hole, and with our perfect and indestructible bodies we may even explore one. We’ll have all the time in the world to become wiser and smarter, but we will never know everything. We also will never be omnipotent, but we will be extremely powerful. Like angels, we will never be omnipresent. But we will be able to travel amazingly fast between places. I believe much faster than the speed of light, likely at the speed of thought.

    Only God can be omniscient; be in all places at the same time. Also, only God knows everything. He also knows everything that has ever happened and everything that is happening. His wisdom is perfect and infinite. He is also infinitely powerful. He can create stars by just speaking a command or willing them into existence with his thoughts.

    The fact that I am 40 years of age and I know how short life is, makes me realize we are here on Earth for a little while. We have been given a useful purpose. There is pleasure whenever we accomplish things. Using our God-given gifts for God’s glory and goals should be one of our top priorities. This is not only because it is a commandment from the Lord, but also because this will also determine the level of glory we will have in heaven. What we do here on earth will have repercussions for all of eternity.




    When this body of mine dies, by the grace of God, I know I’ll be living in heaven. This is not because of my mediocre works but because I confess, believe, and acknowledge with my mouth and my heart that Jesus is God’s only begotten son. He paid the ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross. Even though I often fall, he picks me up every time. Thank you, God, for your almost infinite grace. We should

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