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Choose Your Greatest Reality: A Channeled Work by Leah Baldwin
Choose Your Greatest Reality: A Channeled Work by Leah Baldwin
Choose Your Greatest Reality: A Channeled Work by Leah Baldwin
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Choose Your Greatest Reality: A Channeled Work by Leah Baldwin

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About this ebook

As you rest further and further into your journey toward enlightenment, there are some important questions that must be asked of the self. There is an honesty that must be sought and an offering up of the self to the unknown. As you begin to implement the truths that are revealed to you, learn to still the chatter of the egoic mind and listen to your inner voice, your entire being will start to shift into alignment with your divine life purpose and unique pathway to awakening.

This book takes you on that journey of self-discovery and guides you to the place where true honesty with the self can be reached. You will come to discover all that is holding you back from your greatest reality and a life lived in joy, peace, and love of all things!

Come to let go all that no longer serves you. Rest into love and love will rise up to embrace you, unfold you, and show you the truth of who you really are!

Release dateAug 27, 2014
Choose Your Greatest Reality: A Channeled Work by Leah Baldwin

Leah Baldwin

LEAH BALDWIN is a qualified Acupuncturist, Yoga Instructor and published Author. She has dedicated herself to deepening her spiritual practices and cultivating divine communion through meditation. Committing to living a life following her heart, inner wisdom and the guidance given from the divine!

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    Choose Your Greatest Reality - Leah Baldwin

    Copyright © 2014 Leah Baldwin.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2527-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2528-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/26/2014


    Preface: A life’s Journey, how it all came to be!

    Introduction: A Brief Channelling

    Cycles of Perpetuation

    Part One

    The Voice of Spirit

    Chapter One

    -   The Perpetuation of Cycles

    -  You are the Creator of Your Reality

    Chapter Two

    -  The Perpetuation of Cycles

    -  The Complex Web That You Are

    Chapter Three

    -  The Perpetuation of Cycles

    -  Manipulation

    Chapter Four

    -  The Perpetuation of Cycles

    -  Relationships

    Chapter Five

    -  The Perpetuation of Cycles

    -  Jealousy

    Chapter Six

    -  The Perpetuation of Cycles

    -  Anger and Rage

    Chapter Seven

    -  The Perpetuation of Cycles

    -  Love and Joy

    Chapter Eight

    -  Living As Christ

    Chapter Nine

    -  Why—Why is it so Hard?

    Part Two

    The Voice of Mary Mother of Jesus

    Chapter Ten

    -  The True Self

    Chapter Eleven

    -  Mother Mary Sit Well With Your Silence

    Appendix I: What is an Opinion Anyway?

    Essene Essence

    A life of Spiritual Devotion and Right Mindedness

    BE IT


    Soar with the Eagles


    Dedicated to:

    Jayem and the Way of Mastery Texts. Thank you for your journey Jayem and the amazing teachings you have bought forth, they have bought me to where I am, and I am eternally grateful. With much love and gratitude – thank you!!


    Thank you to Jeshua, the master of all way showers!! I love you beyond compare!!


    And thank you to my mum who has stood by my side every single step of the way. My first way shower, thank you for planting the seed, watering it and helping me to grow!! Thank you!!


    A life’s Journey, how it all came to be!

    F OR ME, MY SPIRITUAL journey began from a very early age. I was born with the ability to see that which most others cannot, and although for many years, even up until my late twenties I did not necessarily view this ability as a gift. At times it was quite frightening to be woken at night by spirits and see them standing there at the edge of the bed staring at me. For what reason they did this I have no idea! But this ability to see beyond the ordinary served not only to show and convince me but to have me believe without doubt that there is life after death, that spirits do exist and that we are much more than just the body. There is something eternal, something that outlasts the body, something that is not just what external appearances would show us or have us believe.

    As a young child I thanked God daily for giving me a mother that understood me and that believed me when I told her what I was seeing. Even when one morning I told her how that night as I lay on the floor (I used to get scared and sneak into her room) beside her as she slept, I saw a blue misty blob floating above her body that was attached to her by a cord of the same colour. When it noticed me looking at it, it freaked out and zipped straight back into her body!

    My mother just smiled and told me all about astral travel and our astral body and that this is simply what I saw. She told me it was perfectly normal and happens all the time but that most people don’t realise it is occurring.

    So it was my mother that was my very first guru and teacher in spiritual matters. Although at the time I did think she was a little crazy when at the age of about ten she had me and my sister sitting out in the back yard, quietly under the shade of a majestic tree, learning three stage deep yogic breathing! So I thank her once again eternally for this and for being brave enough to live outside the norm, especially in those days!!

    I feel blessed to have had a life steeped in spiritual learning and practice, constant reading and searching for that greater awareness. Although life does get busy and our focus can be shifted from time to time, I always came back to my spiritual self. For it is here that I find my centre, where I feel my best and most like me.

    In recent years though (around my mid-thirties) I really began to feel the call and pull toward following and dedicating myself to that inner voice, to listen to my soul and what it was trying to tell me. I could not have it take the back seat any longer. So after some very tough life decisions and the blessings of spiritual pilgrimages to the United States and Bali, I began to not only listen to that inner voice, but I chose to sit as often as time and energy would allow in deep meditation abiding within the soul space that can be reached through this practise. I sat in the bliss that is obtained with the releasing and the letting go of the world and social distractions.

    Visions started coming to me. Awareness of things far greater than I have known in my daily life were shared with me. Suggestions would be given, understandings of events and of other people’s reactions. It was amazing and I loved it. I couldn’t wait for the kids

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