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Summarize Transaction Data Retrieve IC_TRAN_PND transactional data SELECT s.doc_type, SUM( doc_type_total FROM ( SELECT t.item_id, t.

co_code, t.orgn_code, t.whse_code, t.doc_type, SUM(t.trans_qty) total_qty, t.trans_um, c.acctg_cost, c.acctg_cost * sum(t.trans_qty) total FROM ic_tran_pnd t, gl_item_cst c, cm_whse_asc a WHERE t.trans_date >= TO_DATE('01-FEB-2003 00:00:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AND t.trans_date <= TO_DATE('28-FEB-2003 23:59:59','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AND t.completed_ind = 1 AND t.delete_mark = 0 AND t.whse_code = a.whse_code AND c.whse_code = a.cost_whse_code AND c.cost_mthd_code = 'PMAC' AND c.item_id = t.item_id AND c.calendar_code = 'WTL' AND c.period_code = 'JU10' GROUP BY t.item_id, t.co_code, t.orgn_code, t.whse_code, t.doc_type, t.trans_um, c.acctg_cost ) s GROUP BY s.doc_type

Retrieve IC_TRAN_CMP transactional data SELECT s.doc_type, SUM( doc_total FROM ( SELECT t.item_id, t.co_code, t.orgn_code, t.whse_code, t.doc_type, SUM(t.trans_qty) total_qty, t.trans_um, c.acctg_cost, c.acctg_cost * sum(t.trans_qty) total FROM ic_tran_cmp t, gl_item_cst c, cm_whse_asc a WHERE t.trans_date >= TO_DATE('01-JUN-2010 00:00:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AND t.trans_date <= TO_DATE('30-JUN-2010 23:59:59','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')

AND t.whse_code = a.whse_code AND c.whse_code = a.cost_whse_code AND c.cost_mthd_code = 'PMAC' AND c.item_id = t.item_id AND c.calendar_code = 'WTL' AND c.period_code = 'JU10' GROUP BY t.item_id, t.co_code, t.orgn_code, t.whse_code, t.doc_type, t.trans_um, c.acctg_cost ) S GROUP BY s.doc_type

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