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Welcome to 2006!

A little course philosophy before we

jump into the next topic

Is mathematics a creative discipline?

Do you need to be creative to be good at math?
Does creativity help you or hurt you when you are working
on math problems?

What is the difference between an exercise and a problem?

Spend a few minutes answering these questions on

paper. Put your response in the journal section of your
notebook. It might make for a good introduction for your
January journal entries.
Transformation Geometry

A transformation of the plane can be viewed as a

Definition: A one-to-one function with the set of all
points in the plane as the domain and the range is called
a transformation.

What is a one-to-one function?

A function is one-to-one if the elements of the range are
not repeated. Each element of the range corresponds to
only on element in the domain.
For transformations, this means that no two points can get
mapped to the same point.
The inverse of a One-to-One function is also a function.
Let's play...Name that Transformation
(With a little introduction to some new notation)

1. T(x,y) = (-x, y) 1. ry-axis = reflection in the y axis.

2. R(x,y) = (-x, -y) 2. r0 = reflection in the origin.
3. U(x,y) = (x, -y) 3. rx-axis = reflection in the x axis.

4. (x,y) --> (y, x) 4. ry=x = reflection in line y=x.

5. (x,y) -> (-y, -x) 5. ry=-x =reflection in line y = -x.
6. D3 = Dilation by a factor of 3.
6. (x,y) = (3x, 3y)
7. R(x,y) = (x2, y) 7. Not a transformation!
8. T3,0= Translation 3 units right.
8. S(x,y) = (x+3, y)
9. Not a transformation!
9. T(x,y) = (3, -y) (not 1-to-1)
Translations, Dilations & Notations

A translation is a transformation that shifts all points

by a fixed distance in a particular direction.

Ta,b= Translation a units right and b units up.

Ta,b(x, y) = (x+a, y+b)
[of course, if a<0 we shift left. If b<0 we shift down]
Dk = Dilation by a factor of k. If k>1, the dilation
increases the size of [dilates] images.
Dk(x,y) = (kx, ky). If k<0, the the dilation changes the
size and also reflects the image through the origin.
The center of dilation is the origin, unless otherwise
Rotation Notation

A rotation is denoted by a capital R. The center of

rotation is the origin unless otherwise indicated.
The ones you should know are:
R90 (x,y) = (-y, x)

R180 (x,y) = (-x,-y)

R270 (x,y) = ( y,-x)

Do you remember the formulas?
The Geometer's Sketchpad does a great job
demonstrating these. If you can visualize these transformations,
you can always derive the formula if you forget!
Transformations: Sample Problems
You need to remember all the formulas.
If you get stuck, draw a diagram.

1. What is the image of P(4,-2) after R90 ?

R90(x,y) = (-y,x) R90(4,-2) = (2,4)
2. The image of Q(3,5) after a translation is Q'(0,-1).
What is the translation?
Find the image of P(4,-2) under this same translation.
The translation is T-3,-6 (3 left and 6 down).
T-3,-6 (4,-2) = (1,-8)
3. What is the image of (-3,5) after RO RO(x,y) = (-x,-y)
(reflection in the origin)? RO(-3,5) = (3,-5)

4. Give a simpler way of describing the

transformation R-300 . R60
Transformations: More Problems

5. What is the image of P(4,-2) after R-90 ?

R-90(x,y) = R270(x,y) = (y,-x) R270(4,-2) = (-2, -4)
6. The domain of f is {x | -5 < x < 5}. What is the
domain of g if g is the image of f after D2?
D2(x,y) = (2x,2y). domain of g is {x | -10 < x < 10}.
7. The domain of f is {x | 1 < x < 100} and the range is
{y | 0 < y < 2}. What is the domain of g if g is the image
of f after T2,6? Can you thinkIt of a function
smells like thelike
log f?
T2,6(x,y) = (x+2,y+6). domain of g is {x | 3 < x < 102}.
Range of g is {y | 6 < y < 8}.
8. The image of Q(-7,5) after a line reflection is (-5,7).
What line was Q releflected in? (x,y)->(-y,-x) The line y= -x
Examples of compositions (8.3 in RB)

Determine the image of the point specified.

1. T2,-1(3,0) = (5,-1)
2. rx-axis (T5,4(2,1)) = rx-axis(7,5)=(-7,5)
3. ry=x (T4,0(-2,1)) = r (2,1) = (1,2)

4. T3,2 D3(3,0) = (5,-1)

5. ry-axis T1,-4(-2,3) = (5,-1)
6. ry=-x T4,0(0,1)) = (5,-1)
7. T3,2 D3(x,y) = (5,-1)
8. ry-axis T1,-4(x,y) = (5,-1)

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