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Year 9 Biology (extended) Course Overview

Course Objectives iGCSE Biology is a two-year course that is both interesting and comprehensive. My Year 9 programme builds on the content and skills acquired in Year 8 Science and is designed to provide students with the knowledge, ability and precision to achieve their full potential in the external iGSCE examinations at the end of Year 10.

Specific Teaching Objectives: As an experienced teacher, I recognize the importance of setting clear and high expectations for my students. Before I outline these expectations, I believe it is equally as important to clarify what you can expect from me. Along with presenting relevant, interesting and concept-based content focused on the Cambridge International Curriculum (CIC), I also aim to fulfill the following specific teaching objectives: Familiarize students with command terms and key science vocabulary Mentor and guide students whilst encouraging independent learning and self-responsibility Inspire and develop critical thinking and problem solving skills Show students how to prepare and present high-quality assignments Improve students laboratory and report writing skills Engage students high order thinking skills through the use of technology Provide opportunities for collaboration with peers both inside the classroom and via the world-wide web Initiate and promote discussion on topical issues and current events in science Teach students how to study science, accompanied with good examination technique

Student Expectations: Further to my specific teaching objectives, the following are expected from all students in my class: Arrive ready to learn with a positive attitude and the correct equipment Be on time to class and with homework and assignments Listen and follow instructions carefully Behave and speak appropriately Be in correct uniform Complete all class work and homework Work cooperatively with others Check every day Always try your best

Every member of my class has the ability to achieve success, regardless of ability and English level.

Course content: Each unit is based around a key science concept, which follows the Complete Biology for Cambridge IGCSE textbook. Below is a summary of all the topics covered, the first six of which will be covered this year: Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Cells and cell processes Animal nutrition Plant nutrition and transport Respiration and the human transport system Coordination, Response and Homeostasis Reproduction in Plants Human reproduction

Brief description
The characteristics of living organisms, classification and simple keys, cell structure and function, movement in and out of cells and enzymes are covered in this unit. This topic includes nutrition and nutrients, and the key processes carried out by the human digestive system. Key plant processes including photosynthesis, transpiration and translocation, as well as leaf structure and mineral requirements for plants are investigated. The heart, blood and circulation are covered here, as well as the processes of respiration and gas exchange. The structure and function of the kidney and nervous system is the focus for this topic, as well as hormones, tropic responses in plants, homeostasis and drugs. This topic deals with asexual and sexual reproduction in plants and growth and development of seeds. The structure and function of sexual reproduction, methods of birth control and sexually transmissible diseases are covered in this topic. Mechanisms of inheritance, cell division, punnett squares, variation, selection and genetic engineering are considered in this topic. This topic looks at the relationships of organisms with one another and their environment in the form of energy flow, food chains and webs and nutrient cycles. Key ideas in this topic include features of populations, agriculture, pollution and conservation.

6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks

Inheritance and Evolution Organisms and their Environment Human influences on their environment

6 weeks

9 10

5 weeks 4 weeks

Assessment Each unit will be assessed at least three times throughout the course of the year. The form of assessment can be any of the following: a practical experiment, whereby a written laboratory report will be submitted a research assignment an interactive presentation a written end-of-topic test

All class work and homework grades will be recorded on, where each student will be given a username and password so they can access their grades at any time. All work throughout the year is known as continuous assessment and will account for 20% of the final grade. The end-of-year examination is worth 80% of the final grade. More information regarding the external IGCSE examinations will come at a later date. Contact I encourage all students and their parents/caregivers to communicate openly with me. I have my own website,, where I post details regarding lessons, homework and upcoming assessments. Please use the contact form on the homepage if you would like to correspond with me. Alternatively, you may email me at I very much look forward to working with you this year. Warm regards,

Mrs Stacey Dawson

High School Biology & Physics

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