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-hotarat -nehotarat -zero REGULI: 1) substantivele abstracte la singular si plural au articol zero cand au inteles general. Daca le precizam, primesc articol hotarat. Eg. Life is beautiful. Beauty is truth. The life I lived in the countryside was wonderful. The beauty of that girl is overwhelming.
2) substantivele concrete la plural, precum si cele colective ( ca people, police, clergy)

au articol zero cand nu sunt determinate. E.g. Elephants are wild animals. People are both good and bad. DAR: The people in the street are strikers.
3) substantivele concrete la singular au articol hotarat chiar daca au inteles general.

E.g. The dog is a faithful animal. EXCEPTII: subst. care denumesc alimente, bauturi, materii si materiale. E.g. Sugar is sweet. Beer is a popular drink. Water boils at 100 C. Wood floats on water.
4) Numele de persoane la singular au articol zero:

E,g Mary is my sister. Dar: She is the Mary I know.

5) Numele de familie la plural are intotdeauna articol hotarat.

E.g. The Browns are my neighbours. 6) Substantivele care denumesc titluri de noblete si academice, precum si grade militare au articol zero cand sunt insotite de nume proprii. E.g. Queen Elizabeth was a strong woman. Professor Johnson lives next door. General Nelson was a hero. Dar: The poet Mihai Eminescu lived 39 years.

6) Numele de continente, tari, orase, munti si insule la singular au articol zero cand nu sunt

precizate (determinate). E.g. Asia is the largest continent. England is part of Great Britain. The England of the 16th century was very prosperous. 7) Numele de tari care formeaza o uniune au articolul hotarat: E.g the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic(of..) EXCEPTII: the Hague, the Ukcraine, the Argentine (dar Argentina), the Sahara, the Gobi
7) numele de oceane, mari, ape curgatoare, munti si insule la plural au totdeauna articol

hotarat: the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Hebrides, the Alps E.g Everest is the highest mountain. The Carpathians are in Romania.
8) subst. care denumesc anotimpuri, culori, boli, sporturi, obiecte de studio, mese, precum si

subst. man, au articol zero cand nu sunt determinate: E.g Spring is my favourite season. Football is played all over the world. Man is an intelligent being. Lunch is the main meal of the day.
9) subst. precedate de Genitivul sintetic pierd articolul:

the books of John- Johns book 10)unele subst. cand sunt folosite in scopul in care au fost create au articol zero: bed, table, school, church, cathedral, prison, market E.g Mother goes to market every Saturday.
10) subst. care denumesc profesiuni sunt insotite de articol nehotarat a/an:

E.g Im a teacher. He is a student. NB! Cand functia este unica se foloseste articolul zero. E.g Mr Smith, president of the committee, Omisiunea articolului: Articolul se poate omite in telegrame, indicatii scenice, titluri de carti, capitole de carti, articole de ziar.

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