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Technology Infusion Presentation

Mitzi B. Helms Spring 2012 FRIT 8132

1st grade classroom

21 students
8 girls 13 boysYIKES!

12 Caucasian 8 African-American 1 Other

S1E1. Students will observe, measure, and communicate weather data to see patterns in weather and climate.
a. Identify different types of weather and the characteristics of each type. b. Investigate weather by observing, measuring with simple weather instruments (thermometer, wind vane, rain gauge), and recording weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky conditions, and weather events) in a periodic journal or on a calendar seasonally. c. Correlate weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky conditions, and weather events) to seasonal changes.

Technology Used:
SMARTboard LCD Projector SMART Notebook Student PhotoStory Computers

PhotoStory Project
The teacher enjoys using PhotoStory when teaching about weather. The students search Google Images to find and save pictures of the type of weather (thunderstorm, blizzard, rain, snow, lightning, etc.) they want to write about. Students find the pictures, type in the text, and press the record button. The video has a title slide with the video name and by: "student's name."

Learning Differences

All of the students have come so far during the course of the study on weather. Through independent use of the computers, with Google Images and PhotoStory, all of the students are able describe each type of weather. The students get so excited whenever the teacher uses any kind of technology. They love to learn!

Support Issues
School server is slow at times Only four student computers Next timeuse laptop cart Requires LOTS of patience with 6 and 7year-olds

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