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Individual reading

You put tick mark to the liness you have under



mark to the lines you don't understand.

Put 'X'mark to the line you like most.

Could you read full? Where have you reached now? or How, far you have completed Have you got full idea ?
Have you got the feelings ofRukiya when she write the letter ?

Do you want to share your idea in the group ok. Shall we sit in group

Share in group what you have understood.

Let them share the idea that they under stood, did not understand, the idea they liked most)
Collaberative reading (Here teacher should visit each group and interact. Teacher may call the names of each child and enquire whether he shared the idea.)

eg: Raji which line you under stood, not

understand. Did you share it to othere


Interaction (to each group) Where have you reached now

Have you under stood the theme
? ?

Did you get the feelings of Rukhiya Did you share it to others

Did you finish sharing the idea that you have

? ?

Have you clarified your doubts

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