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The tale is a fairly common one.

A young girl, living alone in a big city and

holding down a good job in a Business Processing Outfit (BPO), makes friends with
a young man in the next apartment. They become romantically involved. Due to the
recession, he loses his job and begins to make financial demands on the woman.
Finally, she has had enough and tells him it’s over. A few days later, he goes
over to her apartment and stabs her several times. In a final act of desperation,
he stabs himself. He survives; the girl dies.

The murder of the young BPO employee Paloma Fernandes, while tragic, is also
symptomatic of today's instant-gratification society, especially among the young.
The older generation, growing up in more austere economic times, knew that they
had to strive patiently for something they wanted. But today's youngsters want it
all - and they want it now. The offshoot of this is that their tolerance levels
are very low and many of them are unable to handle rejection in a mature manner.

The young man, Aquino Martis, probably could not accept that fact that his
girlfriend was drifting away from him. In addition, he probably had to endure
frequent taunts from the girl and her parents about his jobless status. Already
possessing low self esteem, the final rejection from the girl he thought he loved
probably drove him over the edge. To his warped way of thinking, if he could not
have her, no one else was going to. Perhaps when he realized the enormity of what
he had done, he made a ham-handed attempt to end his own life.

This is what happens when things come too easily for you. To make matters worse,
over-indulgent parents mistakenly foster the belief in their offspring that they
are entitled to the good things in life, even without sacrificing for them. In
this case, what should have been a lovers' quarrel has tragically and needlessly
resulted in the loss of a promising young life and the ruin of another one.

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