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O Princess !

For Cantata Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa 2 December 2012 Long Beach, New York Text in Latin and English

o princeps vere estis dementasset cor meum imprudentes vestra timiditas dulcedinis tuae solacia nobis ex hoc crudelis mundi et hoc post meridiem cum tu et ego Furatus momenta de romanorum a brutali manus de providentiae dum fuimus una sine verbis felicitas o princeps vos non scitis Incendia estis ignitum in me hanc retinens inspirationem hanc pacem hoc amore in oculis vestris pro me o princeps quid fiet de nobis cras et occulta nostra romanorum remanebit aenigmate ad mundum et volo clamito

tuum nomen tuus pretiosus nomen o princeps cum ferventius amore cecidi O Princess ! Truly you have bewitched my heart Inadvertently; Your coyness, your sweetness; My solace from this cruel world And this afternoon Together, My Princess and I ! Stolen moments of romance From Fates brutal hands When we were together Wordless The happiness ! O Princess ! You do not know The fires you have ignited in me ! This inspiration This peace This love I see in your eyes, For me ! O Princess ! What will become of us Tomorrow ? And our secret romance Shall remain an enigma To the world And I want scream Your name Your precious name O Princess !

I am falling fervently in love with you ! ! !

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