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Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The buck has antlers. Antlers are bony, branching growths on heads of male deer, elk, or moose. Lets say the word together: antlers. Demonstrate The elk shed his antlers. A moose has enormous antlers. We could see the buck behind the tree because of its long antlers. Apply Do you think antlers are soft or hard? What do you think an animal uses its antlers for? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: antlers.

Pencil Talk
Draw a picture of an animal with antlers. Write a sentence that describes your picture. Use the word antlers in your sentence. Make a list of animals that have antlers, horns, or tusks. When you have finished, check with classmates to see what animals they named on their lists. Complete this sentence frame: __________ are animals with antlers.

Grade 3 Unit 3 Week 2 Pushing Up the Sky


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The girl looked out the window and imagined what her visit would be like. Imagined means made a picture or idea of something in your mind. Lets say the word together: imagined. Demonstrate Chloe imagined she won first prize in the contest. I imagined what my birthday party would be like. It was snowing, but Kent imagined it was warm and sunny. Apply Have you ever imagined what you might do when you grow up? What did you picture yourself doing? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: imagined.

All Together
Im going to tell you a sentence. Wearing a blanket as a cape, Herman imagined he was a superhero. What is a synonym for imagined? Lets choose a word and say it together. Im going to describe the behavior of some animals. If you think the behavior is imagined, say Imagined. If you think the behavior is real, say Not imagined. squirrels talking cows singing birds flying dogs barking

Grade 3 Unit 3 Week 2 Pushing Up the Sky


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The sign lists instructions in many languages. Languages are the different kinds of human speech, spoken or written. Lets say the word together: languages. Demonstrate Europeans speak many different languages. German and English are related languages. Carole speaks three languagesEnglish, Spanish, and French. Apply Which languages do you know? Which languages would you like to know? Why? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: languages.

Team Talk
Share with your partner any words you know in other languages. After you say a word or words, let your partner try to guess the language before you name it. Take turns making a list of languages. Start with English and see how many other languages you can name. Yes in English is da in Russian. What are the words for yes in other languages? Find out how many you and your partner know.

Grade 3 Unit 3 Week 2 Pushing Up the Sky


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The narrator read his lines. A narrator is the person who narrates, or tells, the story or tale. Lets say the word together: narrator. Demonstrate Paula is the narrator in our class play. The narrator spoke directly to the audience. In the story, the narrator explained what was happening. Apply If you were going to be the narrator of a story, which story would you choose? Why? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: narrator.

Team Talk
Tell a short, familiar fable, such as The Tortoise and the Hare, to your partner. Then have your partner tell the same story to you. How did changing the narrator change the story? Take turns completing this sentence frame with adjectives: The best story narrator would be __________. Discuss with your partner why an author might include a narrator in a play or story. Think about what a narrator can do that other characters cannot.

Grade 3 Unit 3 Week 2 Pushing Up the Sky


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The plane flew overhead. Overhead means over the head, above. Lets say the word together: overhead. Demonstrate Overhead the sun shone brightly. The clouds drifted overhead. A flock of birds passed overhead. Apply What is overhead in an indoor stadium? What is overhead in an outdoor stadium? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: overhead.

Take a small classroom object and follow these directions: Hold the object behind you. Hold the object overhead. Hold the object to your left. Name things that can pass overhead outside. As you name each thing, act out how it moves as it passes overhead.

Grade 3 Unit 3 Week 2 Pushing Up the Sky


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The boy poked his father gently to wake him. Poked means pushed with force against someone or something, jabbed. Lets say the word together: poked. Demonstrate Steve poked holes in his clay art to make a nice design. My brother accidentally poked his finger through the screen. Gina frowned at me after my elbow poked her in the side. Apply If you poked someone on purpose, what do you think his or her reaction would likely be? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: poked.

Show how you have poked something. Use your finger to poke your desktop three times. Act out the following situations: To get his or her attention, you tapped the person politely. To wake him or her up, you gently poked the person. To tell him or her something very important, you grabbed the person by the arm. Discuss the differences in these actions.

Grade 3 Unit 3 Week 2 Pushing Up the Sky

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