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sample letter to editor

Congratulations, you are now taking positive action to reverse the insidious actions of Agenda 21 whose goal is to take land out of private ownership, reduce and concentrate the population and make huge areas of the Earth, including half of the U.S. OFF LIMITS. Many communities are bailing from the worldwide land grab under Agenda 21 as the truth slowly is coming out. And committees to review the damage are in order and actions to put the land back to private ownership as Palmer is doing are great! Beware of these red flag words: Sustainability, Open Space, Green Community, Low Income Housing, Preservation Trusts and Commissions, Community Preservation Act, Planning Commissions, Stretch Codes, ICLIE (Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, CLURPA (Comprehensive Land Use Reform and Partnership Act) and other "official" sounding projects. They do all this through NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations - registered with the U.N.) and other community development agencies. One or more people on these committees and commissions are aware of the end game, but many members aren't and are used as pawns. When a member sees what is going on and objects to the action, they are drummed off the commission. They are funded through federal and state grants, donations by unwitting corporations and property tax surcharges. These agencies have their sites set years in advance and are constantly looking at parcels of land to either lock up or build low income housing on. If you hear of someone willing their land to Open Space forever, it is a ploy of Agenda 21. Land is constantly being removed from property tax rolls, leaving the remaining property owners to fund their budget through increased taxes. This is a Soviet style structure by the government and is a danger to all freedom-loving people of U.S. (and the world). They hate single family homes, private transportation and private land ownership. Local communities do the bidding of non-elected people who wield more power than our elected officials. Fortunately, many communities are reversing actions taken by planning boards and town councils. Agenda 21 is a 40 Chapter book you can see on line at the United Nations website. You can learn more at

Easthampton - you might not want this project for several reasons, but the PRIMARY reason they want to stack and pack low income housing is that VCDC is doing the bidding of <b>Agenda 21</b>. Their goal is to take land out of private ownership, reduce and concentrate the population and make huge areas of the Earth, including half of the U.S. OFF LIMITS. Beware of these words: Sustainability, Open Space, Green Community, Low Income Housing, Preservation Trusts and Commissions, Community Preservation Act, Planning Commissions, Stretch Codes, ICLIE (Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, CLURPA (Comprehensive Land Use Reform and Partnership Act) and other "official" sounding projects. They do all this through NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations - registered with the U.N.) and other community development agencies. One or more people on these committees and commissions are aware of the end game, but many members aren't and are used as pawns. When a member sees what is going on and objects to the action, they are drummed off the commission. They are funded through federal and state grants, donations by unwitting corporations and property tax surcharges. These agencies have their sites set years in advance and are constantly looking at parcels of land to either lock up or build low income housing on. If you hear of someone willing their land to Open Space forever, it is a ploy of Agenda 21. Land is constantly being removed from property tax rolls, leaving the remaining property owners to fund their budget through increased taxes. This is a Soviet style land grab by the government and is a danger to all freedom-loving people of U.S. (and the world). They hate single family homes, private transportation and private land ownership. Local communities do the bidding of non-elected people who wield more power than our elected officials. Fortunately, many communities are reversing actions taken by planning boards and town councils. Agenda 21 is a 40 Chapter book you can see on line at the United Nations website. You can learn more at

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