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Activity Exercise: JSP Processing Directives

Main Objective:
Make use of the JSP processing directives discussed.

1. Creating a JSP Page that allows a user to send either an inquiry or a comment to another JSP page TestForward.jsp header.jsp


Modify lines 9 to 11, instead of having a static html tag, have it as a JSP using while loop. Generally, each JSP page should handle foreseeable errors and the JSP code should also indicate another page to deal with any unhandled exceptions. Create another page that will handle unchecked exceptions and indicate it that page in your fsetup.jsp. Use this error page to handle unchecked exceptions from here onwards. The content is up to you.

2. Creating your TestForward.jsp page. TestForward.jsp

Insert the necessary declarations starting from line 2. If you leave this page as is, your application server will not be able to render the page.

3. Create your own CommentProcessing.jsp and InquiryProcessing.jsp pages. Make use of the header.jsp as you html header. Import the date class so that your page contains the date when it was accessed by a visitor. 4. I encourage you use CSS to make your pages look more professional.

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