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- The Rastafarian Satanic Bible - 420 The Righteous Left Hand Path 420 "Emancipate yourself from mental

slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind." -Rev. Snoop JULY 13, 2005: LOS ANGELES COUNTY IN THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES AREA, A HILLSIDE FIRE BROKE OUT AND TOOK AT LEAST 10 MINUTES TO TAKE OUT ABOUT THE SAME TIME THAT STONERS DO AFTER SMOKIN A JOINT, THE FIRE BEGAN APPROX. ON 4:20 PM...IF THERES A GOD,SATAN, ETC. ETC. HE WAS GETTING HIGH!!! -Rev. Marvin "Knife" Sotelo ---------Introduction: Rastafarian Satanism is yet another carnal religion (like LaVeyan Satanism, Gonzo Satanism, and any other type of Modern Satanism) Rasta Satanism created by the mind of Rev. Snoop (Bob Munoz) of the First Rastafarian Church of Satan, the East Los Angeles Chapel of Satan, and a member of the SINagogue of Satan. Rev. Snoop was ordained by the Theocratic Priesthood and Livity Order of Nyabinghi and Universal Ministries he is an original individual that matches his attributes and characteristics, he was born on 4/19/87 one day away from the Stoners holiday meaning in the Tribe Table hes from the Judah Tribe which the apostle is Judas the traitor, so Rev. Snoop practically betrayed his Rasta religion and created the evil side of Rastafarian which obviously became known as Rastafarian Satanism, Snoop has created this philosophy, yes philosophy meaning were another unrelgion like LaVeyan and Gonzo Satanism, Rastafarian Satanism is only based on a philosophy that THIS is not a religion but an attitude and a way of life, a mix of the Rastafarian relgion and LaVeyan Satanism. The belief structure is plain and simple, we believe in everything in the Rastafarian religion, Rastafarians speak out against; poverty, oppression and inequality.....not just religious ideas but global problems. Rastafarians will use the Holy Piby, the Kebra Nagast and the Bible (interpreted with a Rasta soul) for guidance. The prime basic belief of the Rastafarians is that Haile Sellassie is the living God for the black race. Sellassie, whose previous name was Ras Tafari, was the black Emperor of Ethiopia. Rastafarians say scriptures prophesised him as the one with "the hair of whose head waslike wool (the matted hair of I black man), whose feet were like unto burning brass (I black skin)". Haile Sellassie was reported dead, Rastas do not believe it. They believe it was a trick of the media to try and bring their faith down. Ras Tafari (Haile Sellassie) is human and man is God. LaVeyan Satanism is the first carnal religion created by Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, Rest in Peace. LaVeyan Satanism is a philosophy, a Life-Loving, common sense philosophy based upon the realities of life, a Free Thinking philosophy that encourages "Individuals" to blaze their own path to self fulfillment, free of guilt and oppression - Satanists exalt reason, science and verifiable personal experience as the only paths to true enlightenment and personal evolution, a philosophy that encourages the Satanist to experience and enjoy life in the "Here and Now" without the fear of burning in an imaginary place called Hell. LaVeyan Satanists do not beleive in the diety Satan but rather see Satan as a symbol of human life (mankind) therefore men and women are Gods.

We also follow in the wise words of our Pope, Father Al Bundy, yup we are also another religion with twists and turns... FUCK ALL THE ENEMIES THAT INCLUDE RACISTS, KKK, NAZIS, XTIANS, IRAQUIS, AFGHANIS, THE FRENCH, PEOPLE THAT HATE ON GANJA ETC. ETC. BUT IF YOU RESPECT WE RESPECT, JUST THE CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS WILL BE IGNORED... RESPECT IS EVERYTHING DONT FORGET. HAIL SATAN ---------The First Rastafarian Church of Satan: The First Rastafarian Church of Satan is located on the evil side of Los Angeles, East Los... next to the Maravilla Projects on Floral Dr. and Vancouver Ave. FRCoS is an organization based on our way of life, FREEDOM is what were all about. Anyone thats anyone can be a Rastafarian Satanist First Rastafarian Church of Satan accepts any Styles, Races, Cultures, Ideologies, Nationalities, Sexuality's etc., although we do hate the French we also accept them as long as they respect (note to the French: we will tell you why the French are hated in this organization.) there is no need for membership Rastafarian Satanism is a way of life as long as the Rastafarian Satanist always claim who they are and claim that they're from the First Rastafarian Church of Satan, this is the only organization based on only teaching the individual about Rastafarian Satanism through this bible and their free to do whatever the fuck they want in the real world. No need for going to church but if you want to visit the First Rastafarian Church of Satan you shall, because some of our followers hang out in the church doing what we do best "SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY"... 10 Things Every Parent, Teenager & Teacher Should Know About Marijuana/Weed by The Greenlighter Council* on Drug Awareness *The Greenlighter Council is the official council of the Greenlighter Party runned by only Juan Munoz, Bob Munoz, Marvin Sotelo, and Edgar Rodriguez,its a political party reviving the original Democratic-Republican Party by Thomas Jefferson. The party is set to bring back the only political party that satisfied man;FREEDOM! 1 Q. What is Marijuana? A. "Marijuana" refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant, which contain the non-narcotic chemical THC at various potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being "high." The different strains of this herb produce different sensual effects, ranging from sedative to stimulant. 2 Q. Who Uses Marijuana? A. There is no simple profile of a typical marijuana user. It has been used for 1000s of years for medical, social, and religious reasons and for relaxation. Several of our Presidents are believed to have smoked it. One out of every five Americans say they have tried it. And it is still popular among artists, writers, musicians,

activists, lawyers, inventors, working people, etc. 3 Q. How Long Have People Been Using Marijuana? A. Marijuana has been used since ancient times. While field hands and working people have often smoked the raw plant, aristocrats historically prefer hashish made from the cured flowers of the plant. It was not seen as a problem until a calculated disinformation campaign was launched in the 1930s, and the first American laws against using it were passed. 4 Q. Is Marijuana Addictive? A. No, it is not. Most users are moderate consumers who smoke it socially to relax. We now know that 10% of our population have "addictive personalities" and they are neither more nor less likely to overindulge in cannabis than in anything else. On a relative scale, marijuana is less habit forming than either sugar or chocolate but more so than anchovies. Sociologists report a general pattern of marijuana use that peaks in the early adult years, followed by a period of levelling off and then a gradual reduction in use. 5 Q. Has Anyone Ever Died From Smoking Marijuana? A. No; not one single case, not ever. THC is one of the few chemicals for which there is no known toxic amount. The federal agency NIDA says that autopsies reveal that 75 people per year are high on marijuana when they die: this does not mean that marijuana caused or was even a factor in their deaths. The chart below compares the number of deaths attributable to selected substances in a typical year: Tobacco...............................340,000 - 395,000 Alcohol (excluding crime/accidents).............125,000+ Drug Overdose (prescription)............24,000 - 27,000 Drug Overdose (illegal)...................3,800 - 5,200 Marijuana/Weed........................................0 *Source: U.S. Government Bureau of Mortality Statistics, 1987 6 Q. Does Marijuana Lead to Crime and/or Hard Drugs? A. No. The only crime most marijuana users commit is that they use marijuana. And, while many people who abuse dangerous drugs also smoke marijuana, the old "stepping stone" theory is now discredited, since virtually all of them started out "using" legal drugs like sugar, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. 7 Q. Does Marijuana Make People Violent? A. No. In fact, Federal once told Congress just and pacifism. If he was agencies have not often Bureau of Narcotics director Harry Anslinger the opposite - that it leads to non-violence telling the truth (which he and key federal done regarding marijuana), then re-legalizing

marijuana should be considered as one way to curb violence in our cities. The simple fact is that marijuana does not change your basic personality. The government says that over 20 million Americans still smoke it, probably including some of the nicest people you know. 8 Q. How Does Marijuana Affect Your Health? A. Smoking anything is not healthy, but marijuana is less dangerous than tobacco and people smoke less of it at a time. This health risk can be avoided by eating the plant instead of smoking it, or can be reduced by smoking smaller amounts of stronger marijuana. There is no proof that marijuana causes serious health or sexual problems but, like alcohol, its use by children or adolescents is discouraged. Cannabis is a medicinal herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable theraputic uses - from stress reduction to glaucoma to asthma to cancer therapy, etc... 9 Q. What About All Those Scary Statistics and Studies? A. Most were prepared as scare tactics for the government by Dr. Gabriel Nahas, and were so biased and unscientific that Nahas was fired by the National Institute of Health and finally renounced his own studies as meaningless. For one experiment, he suffocated monkeys for five minutes at a time, using proportionately more smoke than the average user inhales in an entire lifetime. The other studies that claim sensational health risks are also suspect, since they lack controls and produce results which cannot be replicated or independently verified. 10 Q. What Can I Do About Marijuana? A. No independent government panel that has studied marijuana has ever recommended jail for users. Concerned persons should therefore ask their legislators to re-legalize and tax this plant, subject to age limits and regulations similar to those on alcohol and tobacco. "CHOICE IS YOURS" FOOTNOTES TO THE TEXT: 1. The same plant, known as hemp, has an estimated 50,000 non-drug commercial uses including paper, textiles, fuels, food and sealants, but these uses are also banned by existing laws. Sources: Encyclopedia Britannica, federal documents and historical records. 2. Coptic Christians, Rastafarians, Shintos, Hinus, Buddhists, Sufis, Essenes, Zoroastrians, Bantus, various Satanists and many other sects have traditions that consider the plant to have religious value. 3. Their personal correspondence and records reveal that U.S. Presidents Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and others smoked hash, as did Benjamin Franklin and Mary Todd Lincoln. President John F. Kennedy is also reported to have smoked marijuana to relieve his back pain. Many of America's greatest leaders and Founding Fathers (including George Washington) were hemp farmers. Sources: National Archives, published reports.

4. Archeologists report that cannabis was possibly the first plant cultivated by humans - about 8000 B.C. - and was used for linen, paper, and garments. Source: Columbia University, _History of the World_. It was being smoked in China and India as early as 2700 B.C. 5. Turkish smoking parlors were popular in both Europe and America. as well as the Middle and Far East, as recently as the turn of the Century. 6. The exhaustive Indian Hemp "Raj" Commission report (1986) by British authorities found no reason to restrict its use. But the notorious yellow journalist William Randolph Hearst fabricated and published horror stories about marijuana that were eventually investigated and shown to be lies, but not until long after the marijuana prohibition was enacted in 1938. Source: Larry Sloman, _Reefer Madness_. 7. Laws against marijuana were passed a year after the invention of a machine to harvest and process hemp so it could compete commercially against businesses owned by Hearst, the DuPonts and other powerful families. Source: Jack Herer, _The Emporor Wears No Clothes_. 8. Marijuana does not lead to physical dependency. Costa Rican Study, 1980; Jamaican Study, 1975; Nixon Blue Ribbon Report, 1972, et. al. 9. Source: Psychology Today, Newsweek, 10. Source: All univerity medical studies: UCLA, Harvard, Temple, etc. 11. Costa Rican Study, 1980; Jamaican Study, 1975; "The legal drugs for adults, such as alcohol and tobacco...precede the use of all illicit drugs." Source: National Academy of Sciences. 12. The FBI reports that 65-75% of criminal violence is alcohol related. "Pacifist syndrome" testimony was given by Federal Bureau of Narcotics Director Harry Anslinger before Congress (1948). However, the "Siler" Study conducted by the U.S in Panama (1931) reported "no impairment" in military personnel who smoked marijuana while off duty. 13. "The only clinically significant medical problem is that scientifically linked to marijuana is bronchitis. Like smoking tobacco, the treatment is the same: stop smoking." Source: Dr. Fred Oerther, M.D. 14. Coptic study (UCLA), 1981; "There is not yet any conclusive evidence as to whether prolonged use of marijuana causes permanent changes in the nervous system or sustained impairment of brain function and behavior in human beings." Source: National Academy of Sciences. 15. Source: Dr. Tod Mikuriya, _Marijuana Medical Papers_. Marijuana could replace at least 10-20% of prescribed drugs now in use. Source: Dr. Raphael Mechoulam. Marijuana was a major active ingredient in 40-50% of patent medicines before its ban.

16. 1976 17. 1983 18. The U.S. Government reports that the oral dose of cannabis required to kill a mouse is about 40,000 times the dose required to produce symptoms of intoxication in man. Source: Lowe, _Journal of Pharmacological and Experimental Therapeutics_, Oct. 1946. 19. In another famous study, Heath/Tulane (1974), wild monkeys were brutally captured, then virtually suffocated in marijuana smoke over a period of 90 days. Source: National Institute of Health. 20. Examples: the "LaGuardia" Committee Report (New York, 1944) and President Richard Nixon's Blue Ribbon "Shafer" Commission (1972). ---------Beliefs: *Rastafarian - Rastafarians acknowledge that their religion is the blending of the purest forms of both Judaism and Christianity; they also accept the Egyptian origins of both these religions. In affirming the divinity of Haile Selassie, Rastafari rejects the Babylonian hypocrisy of the modern church. The church of Rome, and even the council of Rome, are considered to be particularly Babylonian: was it not from this city that Mussolini invaded the holy land of Ethiopia in 1935? Religions always reflect the social and geographical environment out of which they emerge, and Jamaican Rastafari is no exception: for example, the use of marijuana as a sacrament and aid to meditation is logical in a country where a particularly potent strain of 'herb' grows freely. Marijuana: The Weed of Wisdom In fact, the herb "ganja" (marijuana) was regarded as "wisdomweed," and Rasta leaders urged that it be smoked as a religious rite, alleging that it was found growing on the grave of King Solomon and citing biblical passages, such as Psalms 104:14, to attest to its sacramental properties: "He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man, that he may bring forth food out of the earth." Ganja, or better known to non-Rastas as Marijuana, is used for religious purposes for the Rastafarian Satanists. They find its use written in the Bible. The use of this herb is very extensive among the Rastas not only for spiritual purposes as in their Nyabingi celebration, but also for medicinal purposes for colds and such. Other names for it are Iley, callie, and holy herb. Following are a few of the many Biblical texts that Rastas embrace as reasons God (Jah Ras Tafari), gave them the use of the herb: ". . . thou shalt eat the herb of the field " (Genesis 3:18) ". . . eat every herb of the land " (Exodus 10:12) "Better is a dinner of herb where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith" (Proverbs 15:17) He Causeth the Grass to Grow for the Cattle, and Herb for the Service of Man (Psalm 104:14) Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." (Genesis 1:29)

Prince Emmanuel is the re-incarnate of the Christ 2000 years ago, fulfilling Revelations: 5, as the Lion of Judah, no more Lamb to the Slaughter. Prince Emmanuel had founded and brought back the order from the past back to its true order in the future, the Boboshanti Order, it is the order of Moses but in a new name so to say. In 1958 Prince Emmanuel brought them together in Spanish Town, Jamaica, during this time as the church was built the government had to send them trodding, they moved to nine places until finally settling down pon the hill top looking over the harbor of Kingston, Jamaica at 9 Miles Bull bay Jamaica aka Zion Hill. It is still situated their up to today, and it has been widespread through out the entire world. Prince Emmanuel was recognized as the Christ because of how he came to us and the journey and the way of his life, he had the spirit of the Christ. Emmanuel came without mother nor father, just as Jes-us Christ came, Joseph & Mary was not his Father or Mother, Jah, Selassie I, chose them to conceive HIS son. Emmanuel lived like the Christ, showing love, teaching the word of his Father, teaching wisdom. Emmanuel restored the church by bringing back the order & law of Moses, because Christ himself say "If you cannot believe in the words of Moses then how can you believe in what I say," so now we Boboshanti live and follow Moses order to show Christ that we do believe in him and we will make sacrifice to show him this. =The 10 Stoner Rules of the Earth= 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Cars can hurt you. You cannot fly. Its never a good time to die. taking your clothes off will draw attention. Keep mouth shut at all times in public. Although you may see things that are not there, you won't NOT see things that aren't there 7) don't forget how to burp 8) only carry a house-key, some loose change, and your address in your shoe 9) nobody can tell you are tripping till you tell them "I'm tripping". 10) no matter how fucked up you think you are, you'll eventually come down. *LaVeyan Satanism - Indulgence is the fulfilling of desire, the force that's drives us towards or goals and our wants. The urge to experience life and to live it to the fullest. Do what makes you feel good, Do what you think is right for yourself and others. Abstinence is the suppressing of desires and wants, the repressing of ones true nature and drives. Satan represents doing what one desires and fulfilling the goals of ones will. Vital existence is our true existence, our life here on earth. The reality we know of everyday. Pipe dreams are the hopes and dreams of weak theistic religions, thinking of a heavenly here after and wasting their life serving a lie. Satan represents Reality. Undefiled wisdom is the wisdom you gather in life through your earthy experience. Knowledge that you learn from other people around you that you have proven works, and is true to you through the experience of it. Undefiled wisdom is natural law, Science and common sense. Self- Deceit is the holding of false beliefs as truth and believing in things, events, or person's that are not proven as fact. This is damaging to the mind and the body. Satan represents Experience and natural law. You can't love everyone and if you think you do your wasting energy and depriving it to those that should really have it. Loving only those that to you deserve that love is placing your love on a higher level, it gives your love

worth and respect. To be incapable of hate is to be incapable of love, without hate loves has nothing to be measured against. Theistic peoples say to love all for the fear of "God". Who would you trust more, the Satanist who's love is strong, and goes to those who are deserving of it for the sake of himself and what he feels is right. Or the Christian who would only love you for the fear of God? Who would kill you if they had the chance when it comes down to it? Satan represents real love and real hate. Satanism does not like cowards or yellow bellies, we fight for survival and will defend that life in tell we are dead. Never turn your back; never let someone push you around. Be vigilant and strong, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Satan Represents Courage. A note on Survival: Survival is not very hard these days. Bums can even survive in this world and run away teens. Survival isn't an issue to a middle class Satanist, just the enhancement of the quality of life and the practice of ones desire. Responsibility is the most important of all; indulgence, compulsion, desire, false guilt, and repression are all keep in check with responsibility, natural Law and common sense. This is what keeps you alive and out of jail, responsibility! And responsibility should only be given to those who can use it properly; all others are slaves to one thing or another and a lesser human being. Psychic vampires are not blood drinking gothic teens or new age energy feeders, they are all the social parasites, slackers and leeches of this world, those people who get by on others and cant stay alive on there own. Satan represents common sense and hard work. Man is not special in the universe. We are an animal like any other with a high level of intelligence and social development (well maybe!) because of man's religious ego and self centered delusional divinity we have neglected reality and the world we live in for a false here after as "Gods" favorite little people. I say "what Bullshit!" Satan represents the carnal man, the true undefiled self. The sins of the Christian church are all suppressed desires and indulgences of man, which can be healthy when performed with responsibility and common sense guided by the laws of nature and your will. Remember, indulgence is not compulsion, never become a slave to your desire, don't let it destroy you or those who love. The Satanist is always in control of his mind. Without the Devil to point their fingers at and to threaten people with, the church has stayed alive. Delusional fear of a myth is common in the theistic world. Satan is mans best friend. =The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth= 1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked. 2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them. 3. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there. 4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy. 5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal. 6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved. 7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. 8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject

yourself. 9. Do not harm little children. 10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food. 11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him. Dogma Quotes: Until the philosophy which hold one race Superior and another inferior Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned Everywhere is war, me say war. -H.I.M. Haile Selassie I "Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor they deserve, either one." -Thomas Jefferson "Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny." - Bob Marley "Let one write his own future and calculate the number of the beast 420." -Rev. Snoop "The Lover of life's not a sinner." -Rev. Snoop "The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." -Benjamin Franklin "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." -Bob Marley "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." -Albert Einstein "If men as individuals surrender to the call of their elementary instincts, avoiding pain and seeking satisfaction only for their own selves, the result for them all taken together must be a state of insecurity, of fear, and of promiscuous misery." -Bob Marley "There are no facts, only interpretations." -Friedrich Nietzsche

"My music fights against the system that teaches to live and die." -Bob Marley "I believe in freedom for everyone, not just the black man." -Bob Marley "Prohibition...goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." -Abraham Lincoln "In any civilized society, it is every citizen's responsibility to obey just laws. But at the same time, it is every citizen's responsibility to disobey unjust laws." -Martin Luther King Jr.

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other in order that the people may require a leader." -Plato "Forty million Americans smoked marijuana; the only ones who didn't like it were Judge Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton." -Jay Leno "I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry. It would be wonderful for the state of Maine. There's some pretty good homegrown dope. I'm sure it would be even better if you could grow it with fertilizers and have greenhouses." -Stephen King "The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture." -Thomas Jefferson "Forty million Americans smoked marijuana; the only ones who didn't like it were Judge Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton." - Jay Leno ---------The 9 Rastafarian Satanic Commandments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. It's okay to call hooters "knockers" and sometimes "hooligans." It is definitely wrong to be French. It's okay to put all bad people in a giant meat grinder. Lawyers: see commandment 3 It is okay to do whatever the fuck you want if it helps you get babes. Everyone should car pool but me. Bring back the word "sinchee" Synchronized Swimming is not a sport. Womens Mudwrestling is a sport.

---------*Rastafarian Satanic Reasons on Righteousnees: Righteousness exalts a nation, sing bringeth a reproach to the people. Cleanliness is the first sign of Godliness. This world is a kingdom of wrong, a kingdom of Satan master of evil. "Christ died for nothing." Our God in three persons, blessed, trinity and power. Hon. Marcus Garvey, now field Marshall in Uganda, standing on the shores of Liberia clearing out all white wicked out of the promise land for us to come and inherit: His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. The only living monarch: Melchesideck the High Priest of Salem. The Black King of the Jews: Prophet, Priest & King. ---------Rastafarian Satanic Credos

"The Rastafarian Satanist's proud name was built on a philosophy of lying. Well, lying, owing money and perhaps drugs. Yes, lying, owing money and drugs. The only thing that separates us from the Kennedys is they got money." "It's what keeps us from being happy. There's no point in fighting. It's what seperates us from the ordinary losers. They can have their moments, but not us. Never us. we are Rasta Satanists. We are truly doomed." "We don't eat vegetables." "A Rastafarian Satanist never wins, but a Rastafarian Satanist never quits." "A Rastafarian Satanist cares." "When a person is embarrassed, the rest of us feel better about ourselves." "We don't call the cops. They call the cops on us!" "Lie if your wife is awaking. Lie if your belly is aching. Lie if you think she's faking. Lie, sell shoes, lie." "Rastafarian Satanist's dont believe in love thats why Rastafarian Satanic marriages work." "Gangsters make the world go round." "Revenge is great. It's phenomenal! It's the only thing that separates us from the animals." "A Rastafarian Satanist never wins, but a Rastafarian Satanist never quits." "If a Rastafarian Satanist has a vivid dream due to the individuals weed habit, he or she is definitely a prophet." ---------Words to live by, the words of Father Al Bundy (explained): Remember our motto: We ain't got it. (this is our prime basic belief, always lie) It's only a game if you win but if you lose it's a fucking waste of time. (as it plainly says) If God had wanted women to play ball, he would've made them men. (there is no God, man are Gods) Something sinister's going on so I know a woman's behind it. (always suspect the worse) Life didn't pass me by, it sat on my head. (Hell, Here & Now!)

Love is not only blind but stupid. (fuck love) Threats don't work on me... I've already been to hell. (your experiences in the world, never turn the other cheek) Revenge... is great! (what goes around comes around) We better not lose to the Christians, Im warning you. (fuck xtians) Its only cheating if you get caught. (as it says) Theres no hell like home! (home/life is Hell) Pretty women make us buy beer. (as it says) Ugly women make us drink beer.

Its good to hate the French. (their the first pussies of the world) Making mistakes and not caring, thats what being a man is all about. (thats what usually happens) Those articles that say married couples have sex every month are just sensationalistic lies perpetrated on the public to sell magazines. Its hooey, I tell you, hooey. (who would beleive that) Oh. life is good! (our way of life) You think I'm a loser? Because I have a stinking job that I hate, a family that doesn't respect me, and a whole city that curses the day I was born? Well, that may mean loser to you, but let me tell you something. Everyday when I wake up in the morning, I know it's not going to get any better until I go back to sleep. So I get up, I have my watered-down Tang and my still-frozen Pop-Tart. I get in my car with no gas, no upholstery, and six more payments. I fight honking traffic just for the privilege of putting cheap shoes onto the cloven hooves of people like you. I'll never play football like I wanted too. I'll never know the touch of a beautiful woman. And I'll never know the joy of driving through the city without a bag over my head. But I'm not a loser. Because, despite it all, me and every other guy who'll never be what they wanted to be, is out there, being what we don't want to be , forty hours a week, for life. And the fact that I didn't put a gun in my mouth years ago - that little fact makes me a winner, baby! (strength) You've desecrated the toilet I call home! (if the individual disrespects in your territory, FIGHT!) I don't know what we're put on this planet to do but we're here damn it! (we'll never know the meaning of life until are afterlife) It's never quite the same when you're sober. (things are more fun and better if your high, drunk, nos'd, cracked, or gee'd the fuck out) IF GOD WANTED WOMAN TO BOWL HE WOULD HAVE PLACED THEIR BREASTS ON THEIR BACKS TO GIVE US SOMETHING TO WATCH WHILE WAITING OUR TURN! (yet again there is no God)

We have just one life to live. (as LaVeys here and now philosophy) We hate cops. (truth)

---------Religous Holidays: Rastafarian Satanism (there is only one religous holiday)4/20 - The stoners holiday Rastafarian23rd July - celebration of the birth of Tafari Makonnen (Haile Sellassie) 17th August - Birth of Marcus Garvey 27th August - The reported death of Haile Sellassie I........a celebration that he lives on within our spirits. 11 September - Ethiopian new year 2nd November - Anniversary of the crowning of Ras Tafari Makonnen Emperor Haile Sellassie I Power of the Holy Trinity, Two Hundred and twenty-fifth Emperor of the Solomonic Dynasty, Elect of god, Lord of lords, Negus Negast kings of kings, Conquering lion of the tribe of Judah ) LaVeyan SatanismYour Own Birthday - Why not celebrate the most important day of YOUR life, If it were not for your own birthday you would not be here. Imbolc (candlemas) - Feb. 2nd - Day of indulgence and fertility. Spring Equinox - March 20th/21st - The First Day of Spring Satanist new year or Crux. The Druidic Alban Eiler. Walpurgisnacht (walpurgis night) - April 30th - Day of lust and indulgence. Beltane - May 1st - The Day of Fertility and Growth. Summer Solstice - June 21st - The First Day of Summer - Day of Celebrating ones sense of humor. The Druidic Alban Heruin. Lughnasadh or Lammas - August 1st - Day of the celebration of being the predator not prey. Druidic, The First Day of harvest. Autumnal Equinox - September 22nd - The First Day of Fall Time to reflect on ones self.

Halloween (all hallows eve) - October 31st - Night of Fire and Festival. The Druidic Samhuinn Winter Solstice - December 21st - The First Day of Winter - The Celebration of being self-emancipated. Yule - Dec 21 to Jan 2 - Celebration of the death of the earth, and the remembrance of the which seems dead is only dead on the out side, but it will soon come back. --------*The Stoner Rules 1. never sit there wondering if the way you felt last time is ever going to get here, because by then you're already through the way it feels to be here now. 2. never try to get on the computer.... seriously. you may not remember your apartment number, but can login like it's in your script, but that doesn't mean its right. example right here. 3. NEVER watch those stupid fuck n pups shows that come on past the hours of goodly people, where desperate blonds fight it out for jocks with dicks longer than their iq is high. it'll sour you on the fate of humanity, it really will. example: it's 3:03 here, I've had two hours of them, and i'd rather go commune with the grass than go talk to my neighbor. 4. never sit in the middle of your apartment courtyard in your bathrobe wondering why you aren't supposed to sit out in the middle of your apartment courtyard in your bathrobe.... 5. don't write stupid stuff to friends thinking they feel the same way as you right now; chances are they don't and you'll feel funny when they call tomorrow.... *grin* get off the damn computer! Rev. Snoop "Quick to judge, quick to anger.... slow to understand. Ignorance and prejudice, and fear, walk hand in hand." -Neil Peart *The Pot Smokers Etiquette # The most important rule is: Thou shalt SHARE your weed! Don't smoke alone, if there are other people around. Let the others share in your smoke, even if you spend your last money on that weed. Even if you've sold your mother to be able to buy it. EVEN if you don't like the other people that much. There are no excuses. Nothing is worse than having to look at someone who's smoking a fatty all by himself. So don't be greedy. # The person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark up the joint and gets first hits. That's the last rule.

# If the joint/bong is passed to you, don't smoke too much. A good rule is: puff, puff, pass! # After passing the pipe or bong around after taking your hit, always pass the lighter with the pipe or bong, never hold it and forget about it unless the bowl is cherry. # If someone rolls a nice joint, its good to give the person a compliment on his rolling skills... # If someone starts bogarting the bowl and starts using the excuse that it's okay for him to begirt it since it's his weed, this is definitely not cool. The punishment depends on the quality of the weed and how much he put in. (if it was real crappy and he was real cheap with it, then you bug on the person and rag on him :-) # If someone is too palsy to light the bowl (due to being too stoned or the person is just a retard :-) then they must relinquish control of the lighter to someone more able to get it lit. <--this does NOT mean the person who lights gets free hits... this privilege tends to get abused ("hey lemme light it for you...") # If someone is so much of a palsy that they blow INTO the bowl and blow all the shit on the floor, this person must be ragged on and the person can't smoke on the next round (unless it was his stuff) # If you smoke with someone in your house, you should let them eat some munchy food you may have lying around.. don't be cheap with your food if you have food... # If someone who's smoked asks for a sip of your soda, you must give him some.. (drymouth is not fun) (Note): if you ask for a sip, don't take a large gulp # If smoking from a bong or a joint, never put the whole thing in your mouth and get it all sopping wet.. it's disgusting and it messes up the joint. # If you're smoking from a bong and there's not enough in the bowl for a whole other hit, you should save the smoke in the chamber for the next person..(don't let go of the rushhold or 'carb' and take it all yourself) # Never bitch about someone else's weed being no good! If you don't like it don't smoke it! # If a friend gets you high sometime in the future you need to get that friend high # Thou shalt not turn down a smoke. Never! # If you buy weed from a friend or a friend of a friend, it is polite to roll a joint, (a small one, if you wish) and smoke with the person who sells you the stuff. # It is very impolite to hand someone an empty bowl, without notifying that person of it's possible cashed-ness. A proper warning would be 'Here ya go...I think it might be cashed. # The person who fills the bowl is given the opportunity to take the first hit. It doesn't matter who's bowl it is. Unless of course, they request you take the first hit. # Always remember to thank a person who has gotten you high. # When using a bong, DON'T blow out the ashes, unless that's what the "homeowner" does. # NEVER go to someone's house EXPECTING them to get you stoned. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule... # If you spill the bong, clean it up! (And don't forget to put water back in it!!) # When the roach gets too small, if someone has a problem with it, it is common courtesy here to put the roach in a bowl and finish it that way.. that way the people who don't mind burning their fingers

don't get it all. # Do not, I repeat do not smoke your pet out if he is under 5 lbs. Because you do not want to kill your pet, unless it deserves to die, in which I can't think of a pet that does. # Do not lie about the amount you have smoked in the past if someone asks you. # When you take your tokes no matter how big they are, do not cough out all the smoke, because all you are doing is wasting that person's bud. # If you have major munchies, do not eat all the food at person's house you are at, after all, he has to pay for the shit. # If you are selling someone weed, don't lie about the amount you are selling or the kind of weed that's in the bag. # Do not always bum people for weed, it is not cool unless they are willing to give you some. # If you have a resinated pipe, do not smoke tobacco in it. Because that is just fucking stupid. *The Stoner Rituals: -----------Introduction -----------ok.. i know these are kinda small.. just something i wanted to do... i did it in about 4 hours... anyway.. it is 5:00 am ... i ve been workin since 1:00 damn.. bus comes in 1 hr & 1/2... fuck school then. well.. now i have time to upload it when i get up around 9 (am) or 10 who knows goodnight. one tired mo-fo Feb 20, 5:11 am

-----------------------------Part 1: The Real Stoners Guide -----------------------------Real stoners know the difference between 1 1/2 papers and 1 1/4.

Real stoners often hang out with other stoners or anyone else that smokes weed like gangsters rockers etc. etc. Real stoners often are gangsters, rockers etc etc. Real stoners always use Zig-Zag papers (if there are none, then they use Job or Joker) Real stoners are never available at home on a Friday or Saturday night. Real stoners never act like real geeks, real losers, or the like. Real stoners know that you can't buy Weed on Sunday night (mandatory). Real stoners know what a real bong is and have seen, made or.used one. Real stoners don't use thier pipes to smoke pipe tobacco. Real stoners would never smoke menthol cigarettes. (Real stoners smoke Marlboro Reds) Real stoners never use matches. They have real lighters. Real stoners laugh when some kid is pretending to be a real stoner. (They can tell because real stoners know how to inhale, french inhale, and optionally blow smoke rings.) Real stoners don't need to read this phile, because they are real stoners. Real stoners like to use spray paint cans on thier Un-Real school. Real stoners don't really give a shit. Real stoners can roll a joint. Real stoners own a real pipe. (whether it is bought, ripped off,

or homemade) Real stoners also own a real roach clip. --------------------------Part 2: How To Roll A Joint --------------------------First off... you need some rolling papers, I recommend Zig-Zag 1 1/2. (the orange pack) Now all you need is some weed, a wet tounge, and some skillfull fingers. (yeah... I'm stalling for time.) ok... take out 1 rolling paper. (1 1/2) here's how it should look: ___________________ | : | | : | | : | | : | | : | | : | |_________:_________| |_________:_________| ^ | crease ok.. fold it to look like this: ___________________ | : | |---------:---------| | : | |---------:---------| | : | | : | |_________:_________| |_________:_________| ^ | straightened out crease now, add the weed as follows:

<-gummed strip

<-new creases <--/

<-gummed edge


___________________ | : | <- flap a |---------:---------| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | <- weed |---------:---------| | : | | : | |_________:_________| |_________:_________|

fold flap a over the weed, trapping it in, (the little space is the end that you put your mouth on, call it area b) now roll down to the end, and lick the gummed edge, like an envelope. Now seal it. Here's what it looks like now: _____________ O__________|__|

<- Area B

Now fold area B's lower right hand corner up to look like this: _____________ O____________/

Now don't make area b really tight, or you won't be able to get a good hit, but not so loose that the tobacco comes flying into your mouth. Have fun... (thanks to me huh?) ---------------------------Part 3: How To Smoke A Joint ? ---------------------------First off.. you need a joint. Ok.. now , you need a fire. any kind will do, lighter, match, fireplace, blowtorch, flamethrower, a burning building... etc... ok... now light and take a drag, don't inhale, now swallow it, and repeat this

procedure intill you can't hold it no more.. (about 7-9 of them) now, you can inhale , now that you have been doing it the other way.. i like to dragon lung inhale, it is alot eaiser to do because once you inhale it, it is there for good, and you can keep all the smoke in your mouth, and breath through your nose.. then continue. but anyway, for the next couple of hours you will have a garunteed, or your money back, blast. ----------------------------------Part 4: How To Have Fun While Fried ---------------------------------- here are some good suggestions, they have been personally tested by me to insure safeness. Go over to Photon with a few friends who are also fried. Play goonies on your computer. print out some of those anarchy things on terrorizing the nieghborhood and go test em out. if your a gangster you know what to do. play pole position on the freeway. get sum pussy. read a book.. (trips your brain) it makes you feel like you are actually there. play bicycle football.. really funny if your watching, but it hurts like hell playing. cruize around. go to astroworld (i have'nt tried this one, but i am sure it would be

great.) if i have'nt typed it, it ain't worth doing... (execpt for a few things) like gettin even more wasted. -----------------------------------Part 5: What To Do With your Roaches -----------------------------------Roaches are the part of a joint that you can't smoke because it is to hot for your fingers. I like to eat the roaches. It will get you stoned awile after you eat it.. it has to have time to get the THC to your brain. use a roach clip. (something like tweezers, an alligator clip,etc, used to hold the joint so you don't burn your fingers) I take my roaches and drop them in my pipe, when it has like 10-12 roaches in there, I tamp it, and smoke.. Save it up and make tea. take the unused portion out of the paper, and put it back in your ziplock baggie full of weed. whadda mean you don't use a ziplock baggie, do you want stale weed or what? ---------------------------Part 6: How To Make Weed Tea ---------------------------ok.. take a lipton tea bag, and open it up and trash the tea.. pour in your weed, tape or staple the bag back together, and just act as is you were making ice tea or sun tea, or hot spice tea. Rastafarian Satanists like it hot with sugar ---------------------------------Part 7: Related Subjects: 'Shrooms ----------------------------------

"The way to identify them is if the stems turn blue after you break them . . ." -Phineas "I don't trust anything that grows out of cow flop! I don't trust anything that doesn't come in a nice clean gelatin capsule!" -Fat Freddy ok... do you live near a cow pasture? or have access to one? ok.. get some rubber gloves and closepins. ok.. closepin your nose, and climb over the barbed wire fence. ok.. go around looking under and inside of cow patties (sounds fun so far eh?) ok.. look for little green mushrooms.. a friend of mine found a big one about 6 inches diameter.. ok.. take them home and wash em off.. now you have shrooms! wow! now boys and girls, what chemical is in shrooms? thats right, lsd. squeeze the liquid out onto a sheet, and then take one of those hole punchers with the little blue holders so the paper holes don't fly away and make a mess. now take the hole puncher and punch out all of the paper... (make sure the paper has been sitting for around an hour before punching) , now empty those out into a ziplock baggie and take it to school.. effects last for about 6 hours. I got away with selling them for 50 cents each... sold 'em to little 6th graders, and 7th graders that think they are "REAL STONERS", although i am sure none of them have a pipe, know how to inhale or have even ever seen weed. but anyway... the drug doggie passed it by.. ok... now for the fun, you can

blackmail them, (threaten to tell thier mommie, or the principal) , and if they say, well, I'm gonna tell you sold it to me! then just tell him about the part how you got it from a cowfield, and i assure you, although you will have no more customers, that the kids are not about to tell anyone they had something that was under shit in their mouth.

heheh... (don't tell them that you thouroghly washed, or that it is only the juice, not the thing it self.) -------------------------------------Part 8: Related Subjects: 'Shroom Soup -------------------------------------now you have shrooms! now boil them, and slice them up, and put them into like a chicken noodle soup or something... the affects last for about 12-24 hrs. a real blast. sell this one too. give a few spoonfuls to friends, or get them to help with the whole process, and they can have a few gallons. --------*TWELVE REASONS TO LEGALIZE DRUGS: There are no panaceas in the world but, for social afflictions, legalizing drugs comes possibly as close as any single policy could. Removing legal penalties from the production, sale and use of "controlled substances" would alleviate at least a dozen of our biggest social or political problems. With proposals for legalization finally in the public eye, there might be a use for some sort of catalog listing the benefits of legalization. For advocates, it is an inventory of facts and arguments. For opponents, it is a record of the problems they might be helping to perpetuate. The list is intended both as a resource for those wishing to participate in the legalization debate and as a starting point for those wishing to get deeper into it.

Are we ready to stop wringing our hands and start solving problems? 1. Legalizing drugs would make our streets and homes safer.

As Jeffrey Rogers Hummel notes ("Heroin: The Shocking Story," April 1988), estimates vary widely for the proportion of violent and property crime related to drugs. Forty percent is a midpoint figure. In an October 1987 survey by Wharton Econometrics for the U.S. Customs Service, the 739 police chiefs responding "blamed drugs for a fifth of the murders and rapes, a quarter car thefts, two-fifths of robberies and assaults and half the nation's burglaries and thefts." The theoretical and statistical links between drugs and crime are well established. In a 2 1/2-year study of Detroit crime, Lester P. Silverman, former associate director of the National Academy of Sciences' Assembly of Behavior and Social Sciences, found that a 10 percent increase in the price of heroin alone "produced an increase of 3.1 percent total property crimes in poor nonwhite neighborhoods." Armed robbery jumped 6.4 percent and simple assault by 5.6 percent throughout the city. The reasons are not difficult to understand. When law enforcement restricts the supply of drugs, the price of drugs rises. In 1984, a kilogram of cocaine worth $4000 in Colombia sold at wholesale for $30,000, and at retail in the United States for some $300,000. At the time a Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman noted, matter-of-factly, that the wholesale price doubled in six months "due to crackdowns on producers and smugglers in Columbia and the U.S." There are no statistics indicating the additional number of people killed or mugged thanks to the DEA's crackdown on cocaine. For heroin the factory-to-retail price differential is even greater. According to U.S. News & World report, in 1985 a gram of pure heroin in Pakistan cost $5.07, but it sold for $2425 on the street in America--nearly a five-hundredfold jump. The unhappy consequence is that crime also rises, for at least four reasons: * Addicts must shell out hundreds of times the cost of goods, so they often must turn to crime to finance their habits. The higher the price goes, the more they need to steal to buy the same amount. * At the same time, those who deal or purchase the stuff find themselves carrying extremely valuable goods, and become attractive targets for assault. * Police officers and others suspected of being informants for law enforcement quickly become targets for reprisals. * The streets become literally a battleground for "turf" among competing dealers, as control over a particular block or intersection can net thousands of additional drug dollars per day. Conversely, if and when drugs are legalized, their price will collapse and so will the sundry drug-related motivations to commit crime. Consumers will no longer need to steal to support their habits. A packet of cocaine will be as tempting to grab from its owner as a pack of cigarettes is today. And drug dealers will be pushed out of the retail market by known retailers. When was the last time we saw employees of Rite Aid pharmacies shoot it out with Thrift Drugs for a corner storefront?

When drugs become legal, we will be able to sleep in our homes and walk the streets more safely. As one letter-writer to the Philadelphia Inquirer put it, "law-abiding citizens will be able to enjoy not living in fear of assault and burglary." 2. It would put an end to prison overcrowding.

Prison overcrowding is a serious and persistent problem. It makes the prison environment, violent and faceless to begin with, even more dangerous and dehumanizing. According to the 1988 Statistical Abstract of the United States, between 1979 and 1985 the number of people in federal and state prisons and local jails grew by 57.8 percent, nine time faster than the general population. Governments at all levels keep building more prisons, but the number of prisoners keeps outpacing the capacity to hold them. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons' 1985 Statistical Report, as of September 30 of that year federal institutions held 35,959 prisoners-41 percent over the rated prison capacity of 25,638. State prisons were 114 percent of capacity in 1986. Of 31,346 sentenced prisoners in federal institutions, those in for drug law violations were the largest single category, 9487. (A total of 4613 were in prison but not yet sentenced under various charges.) Legalizing drugs would immediately relieve the pressure on the prison system, since there would no longer be "drug offenders" to incarcerate. And, since many drug users would no longer need to commit violent or property crime to pay for their habits, there would be fewer "real" criminals to house in the first place. Instead of building more prisons, we could pocket the money and still be safer. Removing the 9487 drug inmates would leave 26,472. Of those, 7200 were in for assault, burglary, larceny-theft, or robbery. If the proportion of such crimes that is related to drugs is 40 percent, without drug laws another 2900 persons would never have made it to federal prison. The inmates who remained would be left in a less cruel, degrading environment. If we repealed the drug laws, we could eventually bring the prison population down comfortably below the prison's rated capacity. 3. Drug legalization would free up police resources to fight crimes against people and property. The considerable police efforts now expended against drug activity and drug-related crime could be redirected toward protecting innocent people from those who would still commit crime in the absence of drug laws. The police could protect us more effectively, as it could focus resources on catching rapists, murderers and the remaining perpetrators of crimes against people and property. 4. It would unclog the court system.

If you are accused of a crime, it takes months to bring you to trial. Guilty or innocent, you must live with the anxiety of impending

trial until the trial finally begins. sluggish for civil proceedings.

The process is even more

There simply aren't enough judges to handle the skyrocketing caseload. Because it would cut crime and eliminate drugs as a type of crime, legislation would wipe tens of thousands of cases off the court dockets across the continent, permitting the rest to move sooner and faster. Prosecutors would have more time to handle each case; judges could make more considered opinions. Improved efficiency at the lower levels would have a ripple effect on higher courts. Better decisions in the lower courts would yield fewer grounds for appeals, reduing the caseloads of appeals courts; and in any event there would be fewer cases to review in the first place. 5. It would reduce official corruption.

Drug-related police corruption takes one of two major forms. Police officers can offer drug dealers protection in their districts for a share of the profits (or demand a share under threat of exposure). Or they can seize dealer's merchandise for sale themselves. Seven current or former Philadelphia police officers were indicted May 31 on charges of falsifying records of money and drugs confiscated from dealers. During a house search, one man turned over $20,000 he had made from marijuana sales, but the officers gave him a "receipt" for $1870. Another dealer, reports The Inquirer, "told the grand jury he was charged with possession of five pounds of marijuana, although 11 pounds were found in his house." In Miami, 59 officers have been fired or suspended since 1985 for suspicion of wrongdoing. The police chief and investigators expect the number eventually to approach 100. As The Palm Beach Post reported, "That would mean about one in 100 officers on the thousand man force will have been tainted by one form of scandal or another." Most of the 59 have been accused of trafficking, possessing or using illegal drugs. In the biggest single case, 17 officers allegedly participated in a ring that stole $15 million worth of cocaine from dealers "and even traffic violators." What distinguishes the Miami scandal is that "Police are alleged to be drug traffickers themselves, not just protectors of criminals who are engaged in illegal activities," said The post. According to James Frye, a criminologist at American University in Washington, the gravity of the situation in Miami today is comparable to Prohibition-era Chicago in the 1920s and '30s. It is apt comparison. And the problem is not limited to Miami and Philadelphia. The astronomical profits from the illegal drug trade are a powerful incentive on the part of law enforcement agents to partake from the proceeds. Legalizing the drug trade outright would eliminate this inducement to corruption and help to clean up the police's image. Eliminating

drug-related corruption cases would further reduce the strain on the courts, freeing judges and investigators to handle other cases more thoroughly and expeditiously. 6. Legalization would save tax money.

Efforts to interdict the drug traffic alone cost $6.2 billion in 1986, according to Wharton Econometrics of Bala Cynwyd, Pa. If we ad the cost of trying and incarcerating users, traffickers, and those who commit crime to pay for their drugs, the tab runs well above $10 billion. The crisis in inmate housing would disappear, saving taxpayers the expense of building more prisons in the future. As we've noted above, savings would be redirected toward better police protection and speedier judicial service. Or it could be converted into savings for taxpayers. Or the federal portion of the costs could be applied toward the budget deficit. For a change, it's a happy problem to ponder. But it takes legalization to make it possible. 7. It would cripple organized crime.

The Mafia (heroin), Jamaican gangs (crack), and the Medellin Cartel (cocaine) stand to lose billions in drug profits from legalization. On a per-capital basis, members of organized crime, particularly at the top, stand to lose the most from legalizing the drug trade. The underworld became big business in the United States when alcohol was prohibited. Few others would risk setting up the distribution networks, bribing officials or having to shoot up a policeman or competitor once in a while. When alcohol was re-legalized, reputable manufacturers took over. The risk and the high profits went out of the alcohol trade. Even if they wanted to keep control over it, the gangsters could not have targeted every manufacturer and every beer store. The profits from illegal alcohol were minuscule compared to the yield from today's illegal drugs. They are the underworld's last great, greatest, source of illegal income--dwarfing anything to be made fromgambling, prostitution or other vice. Legalizing drugs would knock out this huge prop from under organized crime. Smugglers and pushers would have to go aboveboard or go out of business. There simply wouldn't be enough other criminal endeavors to employ them all. If we are concerned about the influence of organized crime on government, industry and our own personal safety, we could strike no single more damaging blow against today's gangsters than to legalize drugs. 8. Legal drugs would be safer. issue. Legalization is a consumer protection

Because it is illegal, the drug trade today lacks many of the consumer safety features common to other markets: instruction sheets,

warning labels, product quality control, manufacturer accountability. Driving it underground makes any product, including drugs, more dangerous than it needs to be. Nobody denies that currently illegal drugs can be dangerous. But so can aspirin, countless other over-the-counter drugs and common household items; yet the proven hazards of matches, modeling glue and lawn mowers are not used as reasons to make them all illegal. Practically anything can kill if used in certain ways. Like heroin, salt can make you sick or dead if you take enough of it. The point is to learn what the threshold is, and to keep below it. That many things can kill is not a reason to prohibit them all--it is a reason to find out how to handle products to provide the desired action safely. The same goes for drugs. Today's drug consumer literally doesn't know what he's buying. The stuff is so valuable that sellers have an incentive to "cut" (dilute) the product with foreign substances that look like the real thing. Most street heroin is only 3 to 6 percent pure; street cocaine, 10 to 15 percent. Since purity varies greatly, consumers can never be really sure how much to take to produce the desired effects. If you're used to 3 percent heroin and take a 5 percent dose, suddenly you've nearly doubled your intake. Manufacturers offering drugs on the open market would face different incentives than pushers. They rely on name-brand recognition to build market share, and on customer loyalty to maintain it. There would be a powerful incentive to provide a product of uniform quality: killing customers or losing them to competitors is not a proven way to success. Today, dealers can make so much off a single sale that the incentive to cultivate a clientele is weak. In fact, police persecution makes it imperative to move on, damn the customers. Pushers don't provide labels or instructions, let alone mailing addresses. The illegal nature of the business makes such things unnecessary or dangerous to the enterprise. After legalization, pharmaceutical companies could safely try to win each other's customers--or guard against liability suits--with better information and more reliable products. Even pure heroin on the open market would be safer than today's impure drugs. As long as customers know what they're getting and what it does, they can adjust their dosages to obtain the intended effect safely. Information is the best protection against the potential hazards of drugs or any other product. Legalizing drugs would promote consumer health and safety. 9. Legalization would help stem the spread of AIDS and other diseases. As D.R. Blackmon notes ("Moral Deaths," June 1988), drug prohibition has helped propagate AIDS among intravenous drug users. Because IV drug users utilize hypodermic needles to inject heroin and other narcotics, access to needles is restricted. The death of

needles leads users to share them. If one IV user has infected blood and some enters the needle as it is pulled out, the next user may shoot the infectious agent directly into his own bloodstream. Before the AIDS epidemic, this process was already known to spread other diseases, principally hepatitis B. Legalizing drugs would eliminate the motivation to restrict the sale of hypodermic needles. With needles cheap and freely available, the drug users would have little need to share them and risk acquiring someone else's virus. Despite the pain and mess involved, injection became popular because, as The Washington Times put it, "that's the way to get the biggest, longest high for the money." Inexpensive, legal heroin, on the other hand, would enable customers to get the same effect (using a greater amount) from more hygienic methods such as smoking or swallowing--cutting further into the use of needles and further slowing the spread of AIDS. 10. Legalization would halt the erosion of other personal liberties. Hundreds of governments and corporations have used the alleged costs of drugs to begin testing their employees for drugs. Pennsylvania Rep. Robert Walker has embarked on a crusade to withhold the federal money carrot from any company or agency that doesn't guarantee a "drug-free workplace." The federal government has pressured foreign countries to grant access to bank records so it can check for "laundered" drug money. Because drug dealers handle lots of cash, domestic banks are now required to report cash deposits over $10,000 to the Internal Revenue Service for evidence of illicit profit. The concerns (excesses?) that led to all of these would disappear ipso facto with drg legalization. Before drugs became big business, investors could put their money in secure banks abroad without fear of harassment. Mom-and-pop stores could deposit their cash receipts unafraid that they might look like criminals. Nobody makes a test for urine levels of sugar or caffeine a requirement for employment or grounds for dismissal. However, were they declared illegal these would certainly become a lot riskier to use, and hence a possible target for testing "for the sake of our employees." Legalizing today's illegal drugs would make them safer, deflating the drive to test for drug use. 11. It would stabilize foreign countries and make them safer to live in and travel to. The connection between drug traffickers and and guerrilla groups is fairly well documented (see "One More Reason," August 1987). South American revolutionaries have developed a symbiotic relationship with with coca growers and smugglers: the guerrillas protect the growers and smugglers in echange for cash to finance their subversive activities. in Peru, competing guerrilla groups, the Shining Path and the Tupac Amaru, fight for the lucrative right to represent coca farmers before drug traffickers.

Traffickers themselves are well prepared to defend their crops against intruding government forces. A Peruvian military helicopter was destroyed with bazooka fire in March, 1987, and 23 police officers were killed. The following June, drug dealers attacked a camp of national guardsmen in Venezuela, killing 13. In Colombia, scores of police officers, more than 20 judges, two newspaper editors, the attorney general and the justice minister have been killed in that country's war against cocaine traffickers. Two supreme court justices, including the court president, have resigned following death threats. The Palace of Justice was sacked in 1985 as guerrillas destroyed the records of dozens of drug dealers. "This looks like Beirut," said the mayor of Medellin, Colombia, after a bomb ripped apart a city block where the reputed head of the Medellin Cartel lives. It "is a waning of where the madness of the violence that afflicts us can bring us." Legalizing the international drug trade would affect organized crime and subversion abroad much as it would in the United States. A major source for guerrilla funding would disappear. So would the motive for kidnapping or assassinating officials and private individuals. As in the United States, ordinary Colombians and Peruvians once again could walk the streets and travel the roads without fear of drug-related violence. Countries would no longer be paralyzed by smugglers. 12. Legalization would repair U.S. relations with other countries and curtail anti-American sentiment around the world. a. When Honduran authorities spirited away alleged drug lord Juan Matta Ballesteros and had him extradited to the United States in April, Hondurans rioted in the streets and demonstrated for days at the U.S. embassy in Tegucigulpa. The action violated Honduras's constitution, which prohibits extradition. Regardless of what Matta may have done, many Hondurans viewed the episode as a flagrant violation of their little country's laws, just to satisfy the wishes of the colossus up North. b. When the U.S. government, in July 1986, sent Army troops and helicopters to raid cocaine factories in Bolivia, Bolivians were outraged. The constitution "has been trampled," said the president of Bolivia's House of Representatives. The country's constitution requires congressional approval for any foreign military presence. c. One thousand coca growers marched through the capital, La Paz, chanting "Death to the United States" and "Up with Coca" last May in protest over a U.S.-sponsored bill to prohibit most coca production. In late June, 5000 angry farmers overran a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration jungle base, demanding the 40 American soldiers and drug agents there leave immediately. U.S. pressure on foreign governments to fight their domestic drug industries has clearly reinforced the image of America as an imperialist bully, blithely indifferent to the concerns of other

peoples. To Bolivian coca farmers, the U.S. government is not a beacon of freedom, but a threat to their livelihoods. To many Hondurans it seems that their government will ignore its own constitution on request from Uncle Sam. Leftists exploit such episodes to fan nationalistic sentiment to promote their agendas. Legalizing the drug trade would remove some of the reasons to hate America and deprive local politicians of the chance to exploit them. The U.S. would have a new opportunity to repair its reputation in an atmosphere of mutual respect. --------The 13 Required Readings of Rastafarian Satanism is listed below: 1. The Holy Piby by Robert Athlyi Rogers 2. The Satanic Bible & The Satanic Rituals by Anton Szandor LaVey 3. The Cannabible by Jason King 4. The Holy Bible King James Version (some passages dealing with herbs) - 5. Kebra Negast by E. A. Wallis Budge 6. The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy by Fitz Balintine Pettersburg - 7. The Promised Key by G.G. Maragh 8. The Emperor Wears No Clothes 9. The Anarchists Cookbook IV by Exodus 10. The Ganja Guide by Cannable Corpse 11. The Ganja Digest by Evilive 12. Marijuana and the Bible by The Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church 13. The Cannibus Cookbook by Eric Bloodaxe ----------


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