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Declaration1 on compliance with state aid regulations and gratuitousness of project results for Romanian Beneficiaries/ partners of projects financed by Joint Operational Programme Romania Ukraine - Republic of Moldova 2007 - 2013 I, the Undersigned ........................... (name, surname) in my capacity of legal representative of ......................................... (name, address and VAT no. of the institution) acting as the Beneficiary / Partner, knowing that false in declaration represents a crime under the Criminal Code, hereby declare that:

The joint Action (title of the joint Action) does not create an economic advantage to a specific undertaking; All studies or other results of the non-investment research and development actions, created by and / or resulted from the joint Action shall be made available for free to all interested individuals or legal persons, in a nondiscriminatory way; All the joint Actions results, achieved under my responsibility, shall be free of charge, for the general public, and they shall be located in a public space/area, ensuring access to the public; All expenditures foreseen in the joint Action, for which implementation I am responsible, shall be realized in accordance with the relevant legal framework on public procurement;

I, the Undersigned accept that the grant can under no circumstances result in a profit or income for me. Profit is defined in the case of a grant for a joint Action, as a surplus of actual receipts over the actual costs of the joint Action in question when the request is made for payment of the balance. In all cases, financial operations are performed at market values. I hereby, also declare that I shall be the subject of continuous monitoring carried out by the Joint Managing Authority in relation to the compliance with state aid rules. Signed by the legal representative on behalf of the Beneficiary/partner: Name Signature, stamp Position Date

This declaration must be provided by all applicants and partners located and registered in Romania.

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