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POTHOHAR PLATEUE It is located in the province of Punjab and thewestern portion of Azad Kashmir.

it is an undulated area between river indus and jehlum with hazara hillson the north and salt range on the south.the area is badly eroded.the elevation ranges from 1000 to 2000 feet.the most important rivers of the area are soan and harrow rivers.the kala chitta range rises to an average height of 450 to 900 metrs and highest mountain here is sakesar. The area has a history of sorian culture which is related to the discovery of remains of the old archaeology,fossils,coins and tools.potwari language is spoken by the jocals.river jehlum is on the east and river indus is on the west of this plateue.the average height of kala chitta range is about 450-900 meters or 3000 ft extending for almost 72 kilometers or 45miles.the highest mountainofthe area is sakesar.

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