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FIRST DRAFT A work in Progress Gospel Health Evangelism Position Paper A Proposal for Global Implementation

The Call & The Need Often while Christ was on the earth, it was the healing ministry that He used to bring the gospel of salvation before the people, yet Christ focused on the wholeness of man. His mission was to make man wholephysically, mentally, and spiritually whole. In His labors, He chose to perform His acts of physical and mental healing not in isolation to, but in connection with the blessing of spiritual restoration. To Christ, without spiritual restoration, physical healing would have been meaningless. In all of His labors, Christ sought to show Gods original plan for humanitythat we glorify God in mind, body, and spirit (Rom 15:6; 1 Cor 6:20), that we prosper and be in [physical and mental] health, even or just as our [spiritual] souls prosper (3 John 2). This missionto make man wholenot only characterized Christs labors, but also those of His early disciples. In fact, when He dispatched the twelve on their first mission of mercy, He commissioned them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick" (Luke 9:2). Christ taught that by meeting the temporal needs of the people, prejudice would be removed and the way would be opened for the entrance of spiritual truth. Today, this fact still holds true. In like manner, Christs commission to His disciples remains unchanged: Preach the kingdom and heal the sick. In our world today, suffering, sickness, crime, pain, bloodshed, and spiritual destitution abound. Yet through this seemingly unfortunate state of affairs, the Lord is seeking to once again glorify His holy name. He calls upon His faithful people today, those who believe on His name and accept Him as their personal Savior from sin, to become laborers in His vineyard, to work even as He worked, to offer lasting solutions to the problems of the twenty-first century. From everywhere, the cry goes up. More than ever before, workers, gospel health evangelists, are needed now. In view of these facts, there is an urgent need in Christendom today for a clear, well-defined, strategic plan for the training of workers to labor in the capacity of gospel health evangelists. There is also urgent need for a precise plan for the execution of the work of these laborers and the promulgation of their message, which is to be quickly carried throughout the world (Col 1:23; Mat 24:14). In order to produce workers who intelligently combine the heaven-approved art of healing with the work of preparing souls for the return of Jesus Christ, provision must be made for the receipt of a highly scientific and biblically sound training. This urgent need will be supported by a clear vision and precise layout of Gods plan for its fulfillment, an intelligent understanding of the work that is to be done, consecration on the parts of the people of God, dedication to His cause, solicitation and receipt of His blessings, and the bestowal of adequate funding. The Divine Blueprint for Health Evangelism The Word says that there is more joy in heaven when a sinner repents than there is for ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance (Luke 15:7). This is a heavenly principle that must actuate everything that we as believers doall that we do should be evangelistic in nature. We must labor in harmony with

Gospel Health Evangelism Position Paper

heaven for the salvation of souls. That being said, our education is also to be given with this purpose in view. As we train workers to combine physical and mental healing with the delivery of gospel truths, the scientific facts are not to overshadow the spiritual lessons, but rather they are to be intricately linked together, leading the student to place a right estimate upon the true purpose of education, the true meaning and purpose of this life. In order that physical and mental healing may be intelligently connected with the spiritual in the labors of our workers, there is need of thorough, scientific traininga knowledge of the body, its functions, and its needs is indispensable. This training is to be of an entirely different class to the training in medical and scientific lines that is generally given today, as it must eschew science falsely so called (1 Tim 6:20) while encompassing all that the Bible upholds as true science. With the infallible Word of God as the standard and foundation of our education, we will know by experience that surely all true wisdom comes from God (Job 28:20,23). As the students grasp this reality, all that it encompasses is allowed to permeate their lives. As they interact with humanity on a daily basis, as they use their scientific knowledge to help those around them, they will use the power of example and influence to introduce higher principles into the lives of those with whom they associate. In turn, as the world sees that they have sound ideas regarding health and wholeness and that the students genuinely care about the wellbeing of others, they will be inclined to believe that the students religious convictions are worthy of investigation. The Vision The plan proposed to meet this need and to equip believers to answer the call is to establish via a pilot program in a select location (preparatory to regional and global implementation) a school for the training of such workers, hereafter referred to as the College of Health Evangelists or CHE. As stated before, in addition to the preparation and training to treat physical and mental ailments, there will be need for biblical instruction, for if we, as followers of Christ, deviate from His method of working and separate physical and mental healing from the assurance of spiritual wellness, we do ourselves, others, and ultimately the cause of God a disservice. Thus each health evangelist (HE) is to have a superior understanding of the human body and its functions, as well as its Creator and how to maintain a lasting relationship with Him. Because HEs are following in the Masters footsteps in seeking to make man whole, they are not at liberty to dispense or prescribe anything that will break down the life forces or complicate problems by introducing unwanted side-effects. They will labor as did Christ by instructing their hearers concerning lifestyle principles as a means of disease prevention and reversal (John 5:14) and by using the remedial agencies so mercifully and bountifully provided by God in nature to give the body the most suitable environment for the re-establishment of homeostasis and advance the healing process (John 9:6; 2 Ki 5:10, 20:7; 1 Tim 5:23; Is 65:8). Health evangelists are not simply to be satisfied with the removal of visible symptoms of disease, but rather they are to direct their efforts toward the removal of the cause of illness, thus attending to the needs of humanity as a whole. By addressing physical, mental, and spiritual ailments, and by removing the cause of all types of diseases rather than merely tending to symptoms, HEs will cooperate with the One from whom all life comes to restore health and vigor to the ailing one. By precept and example, HEs will promote a lifestyle that is in harmony with the laws of our being, one that encompasses G.O.D.S. P.L.A.N.the eight laws of health: Godly trust, Open air, Daily exercise, Sunshine, Proper rest, Lots of water, Always temperate, and Nutrition. 2

Gospel Health Evangelism Position Paper

Additional subject to be taught in the CHE include basic core content, required skills in healthcare, and the true sciences. Included in the latter are anatomy, physiology, rational remedies, hydrotherapy, nutrition, food preparation and preservation, lifestyle principles, and therapeutic massage. Students will also learn practical skills, trades, and industries by which they may support themselves and their families while pursuing the primary goal of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Courses on practical ChristianityChristian standards, biblical work ethic, Christian finance and stewardship, and biblical counseling, for examplewill also be included in the curriculum. As a branch or auxiliary of the College of Health Evangelists, a sanitariuma place wherein ailing guests can come for a pre-specified period of time to be educated concerning the laws of health and treated according to their specific ailments using rational remedies for the ultimate goal of restored physical, mental, and spiritual healthwill be established. By working in the sanitarium, HEs will gain practical experience in caring for the sick. Statistical data concerning sanitarium guests ailments, treatments, and responses will be collected and quantified as a means of enhancing the efficiency of the sanitariums work and our understanding of the progression and subdual of disease. The revenue gained by patronage to the sanitarium as well as by other industries with which the students and faculty are involved, such as the production of herbal products, natural soaps and lotions, etc., will be used to maintain the CHE and sanitarium and to support the establishment of similar institutions worldwide. Upon completion of the course of study at the CHE, a health evangelist, especially one who has been present from the beginning phases of the institution to the completion of their course, would be able to duplicate the sanitarium system and intelligently instruct others in a school setting concerning the ideas and concepts that he or she has learned and experienced. Ideally, this newly-equipped missionary would then go and, with the aid of an equally-qualified team of individuals and the support of more experienced instructors and workers, start the pioneering phase of the establishment of a sister CHE and auxiliary sanitarium in another locale. The Method of Reaching People The education of the students at the CHE is not to be merely theoretical; they are also to receive practical training and experience in soul-winning. Too often we have seen life as two separate and distinct periodsthe period of learning and the period of doing. Rejecting this mode of thinking, our students are to work while learning, thus making their theoretical lessons practical. As a means through which this can be accomplished, additional branches of the CHE, called city missions, will be placed in operation. In the cities, we may establish healthful bakeries, modest clothing stores, thrift stores, healthy cooking and living classes, treatment rooms with health counseling available, health food stores with natural and herbal products, vegetarian restaurants, and many other enterprises that will reach and minister to those who dwell therein. Community health centersvenues wherein people can learn about quality of life as well as how to prevent and overcome harmful habits and find help and support for their innermost needswill also be established. As our student missionaries come into contact with the people who come to these various city missions, they will develop friendships and constantly watch for opportunities to speak words in favor of the truth. As the people come into contact with our missionaries, as they behold their Christ-like characters and unselfish service, they will certainly begin to inquire of the hope that is in them. In moments like these, the HEs, if humble, watchful, and consecrated, will be used by God to speak words in favor of the truth and to turn many to Him. Also as a part of the evangelistic work to be conducted in the cities, the students will engage in systematic literature evangelism (the sale and distribution of truth-filled literature and publications) and 3

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Bible work (the holding of Bible readings and the giving of Bible studies). As the students establish themselves in an area and develop relationships with the people there, those souls who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness will come to know them, and expect and welcome their company. Thus the students will be used by God to break the Bread of life to starving souls and, most importantly, to lead others to personal relationships with the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As the students sell and distribute truth-filled literature, the people with whom they communicate may not always be immediately receptive, but the printed page has ever been the Lords silent messenger. Though they may not read it today or tomorrow, as has often been the case, at some point in the future unbeknownst to the student, the Lord may redirect their minds to the literature and it may be the means by which He saves a soul from destruction. As with literature evangelism, Bible study endeavors should be systematically structured. Time and time again, this method has proven to be most effective. When small groups of missionaries labor from house to house, dispatching Bible studies week after week to interested individuals and returning at appointed times to discuss and collect the lessons, leaving the next one behind, relationships are formed and the people begin to expect and even look forward to the missionaries return. By the faithful, consistent efforts of dedicated missionaries, many souls may be won to Christ. As an additional aspect of the evangelistic city work to be conducted, students will make health evangelistic tours among the towns and villages. Traveling to a specific area and offering physical, mental, and spiritual healing through treatments, health and lifestyle counseling, and short talks on spiritual topics, the students will disarm prejudice and open the way for the entrance of greater truths. As they do this work, they will gather a rich harvest of souls from both the higher and the lower classes. HEs can also conduct health expositions, weight-loss seminars, and other health programs. Funding The Lord will provide individuals, health professionals, lay-workers, and corporations to humbly devote their time and their means to the accomplishment of this work. By the establishment of a non-profit organization or 501(c)(3), corporations and individuals alike will be able to make tax-deductible contributions in support of this work. Credentialing The College of Health Evangelists will offer biblically-approved, academic and clinical excellence in gospel and health missionary evangelism. Upon completion of their course of study, while remaining humble and dependent upon the Lord in all of their labors, students will be proficient in the recognition of disease, its causes, methods of prevention, and treatment using Christs methods of healing. Upon completion of the core curriculum of training and the exhibition of demonstrated competence in both theoretical and practical knowledge, HEs will receive certification from the CHE. Accreditation by an outside accrediting organization is always a compliment to an institution in the eyes of the public; however, because of our unique mission and standards, our greatest asset will be the quality of our HEs, the continuing contribution that they make to the health and wholeness of humanity, and the work that the Lord uses them to accomplish in the preparation of themselves and others for His soon return. Data Gathering A simple but scientific method of accurate data-collection will be taught and implemented in the CHEs and sanitariums. This data will be published in a scientific journal circulated by the CHE and auxiliary sanitarium. It may also be channeled to various scientific institutions for publication in reputable scientific journals. The data could also include and reflect any increase in Bible study, prayer, quality of 4

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relationships, baptisms, attendance, and comparative quality of health of church members as a result of engaging in active ministry. Pilot Program This new proposal will be first introduced potentially in some location in the United States of America, contingent upon the outworking of Gods providence in this regard, and then on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. It will be subsequently expanded throughout the Caribbean, and then implemented around the world. As believers in other countries or locales see the work that is being done in the pilot areas and express a desire to implement this system in their home countries, missionaries who have been thoroughly equipped in the pilot program will be dispatched to those regions to then equip our brothers and sisters in the host countries who are desiring a thorough preparation for the Masters service. Intercessory Prayer We ask that everyone to whom this proposal may come will choose prayer partners from around the world to fast and pray. Individuals can choose an hour or one day to fast from some cherished item and to pray for Gods blessing and the furtherance of this vision. The focus of the prayer should be to intercede for compassion, a spirit of tolerance, resources, workers, humility, unity, direction, wisdom, power, and a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Conclusion We need to train many HEs in order bring about the global implementation of health evangelism. Alternative methods of funding need to be explored. A means of accurate data collecting needs to be devised. A pilot program is to be implemented, preparatory to the final program being introduced into the world field. In order to obtain true success in reaching the people, we must labor as Jesus labored. We must first ourselves be converted and rededicated to the cause of Christ. Then, an outflow of love from the renewed heart will lead us to possess genuine love and concern for those who are perishing in sin. When we, with humility of hearts and penitent, submitted minds, begin to long for the salvation of souls, even as Jesus longed for the salvation of those with whom He associated, then Gods blessings will attend our feeble human efforts and many will be led to follow Christ. As we come close to the people by personal effort, more souls will be led to lasting relationships with Christ than would if our attempts to reach them consisted of the delivery of weekly sermons alone. Following the example of Christ, adhering to His mandate, wholly trusting in His power to direct and provide, we can fulfill our glorious destiny and play our pivotal, ordained roles in the return of our compassionate Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. We must partner with God in the work of making man whole and preparing our world for the return of Christ Jesus. Updates Prayerfully read, preferably when rested or fasting, and submit additions, suggestions, questions, and corrections to: Janelle Agard 404-285-7748

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