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Upper Respiratory Infection Overview

The respiratory tract is divided into two categories based, which is based anatomy. The upper respiratory tract includes the mouth, nose, throat, larynx (voice box), and trachea (windpipe). Upper respiratory infections are often referred to as "colds." The lower respiratory tract includes the bronchial tubes and the lungs.Bronchitis and pneumonia are infections of the lower respiratory tract. The "common cold" is usually caused by a viral infection and treatment is directed at managing symptoms while the body's own immune system fights the infection. Common symptoms of an upper respiratory infection such as a cold include a runny nose, post-nasal drip, cough, and nasal congestion. If laryngitis develops (larynx=voice box + itis=inflammation), the patient may lose their voice or becomehoarse. It is often difficult to know the difference between an acute upper respiratory infection and influenza (seasonal or H1N1 flu). However, influenza tends to cause symptoms and complaints that involve the entire body, including fever, chills, muscle aches and pains, and general malaise or feeling poorly. Colds tend not to have such broad body system involvement. If the health care practitioner is concerned about the diagnosis of influenza (flu), antiviral medications may be prescribed. There are no specific antiviral medications to treat the common cold

Upper Respiratory Infection Causes

People "catch" colds when they come into contact with airborne viruses. Most often, the virus spreads from person to person in respiratory droplets from sneezing or coughing. Transmission of viruses can also spread due to poor hand washing techniques as the virus can be passed from person to person by coming in contact with respiratory droplets from an infected person with a handshake, touching the nose, eyes, or mouth after coming in contact with the virus. Some viruses can live on surfaces such as sink faucets, door and drawer handles, table surfaces, pens, and computer keyboards for up to two hours. People should understand that upper respiratory infections are contagious and are spread from person to person. Individuals are infected with the virus before symptoms arise and are therefore potentially contagious even before they know they are ill. Thus, hygienic measures such as covering sneezes and coughs, and regular hand washing should be a routine habit practiced by everyone even when not ill. Rhinovirus (rhino from the Greek word for nose) and coronavirus are the two most common viruses causing upper respiratory infections. Other viruses including parainfluenza virus,respiratory syncytial virus, and adenovirus can cause colds but may also cause pneumonia, especially in infants and children.

Upper Respiratory Infection Risk Factors

Not everybody exposed to or who comes into direct contact with an ill person will "catch" their cold. People are especially susceptible if there is a decrease in the body's immune system so that the virus can begin to spread and cause symptoms in the body.

Upper Respiratory Infection Symptoms

Symptoms of the common cold may include: o o stuffiness (nasal congestion), runny nose, low grade fever, post-nasal drip, and cough; the cough is usually dry (no sputum form the lung is being produced); with post-nasal drip, the cough may bring up some of the nasal secretions that have dripped into the back of the throat; and sinusitis symptoms such as fullness in the face, increased nasal drainage, and occasionally pain and fever; In some infants and children, the upper airways may become inflamed causing croup(laryngotracheobronchitis, acute LTB). In addition to runny nose and stuffiness, the upper airways, especially the larynx can become inflamed causing a croupy or "barking cough."

When to Seek Medical Care

Most patients with acute upper respiratory infections will have a self limited illness with symptoms resolving in a few days. Depending upon circumstances and symptom progression, some patients should seek medical care. Fever, chills, and shortness of breath are not commonly seen with upper respiratory infections and may signal a potentially more significant infection such as influenza, pneumonia, or acute bronchitis. Patients who are pregnant or under 2 years of age with shortness of breath or who have underlying illnesses such as asthma oremphysema should seek medical care. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are not usually associated with an acute upper respiratory infection; however, further evaluation by a health care practitioner may be necessary if these symptoms occur. Although infants often catch colds, babies less than three months of age who develop fever should be seen immediately by a health care practitioner because their immune system is not yet fully developed and other infections may be present. Patients who are immuno-compromised due to medications or illness should contact their health care practitioner if they develop a fever, even if it seems to be due to an upper respiratory infection. Most colds resolve within a week. If symptoms persist, it may be an indication to seek medical evaluation.

Upper Respiratory Infection Treatment Self-Care at Home

The treatment of upper respiratory infections often is directed at symptom control while the body fights the virus causing the infection.Antibiotics are not effective against viruses and are usually not prescribed unless the health care practitioner believes that a bacterial infection is present in addition to the cold. Home remedies and OTC medication Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, which also moistens the nose and sinus membranes. An air humidifier to keep the air moist will assist in keeping the nose and sinus membranes moist. However, use caution to avoid scalding burns due to hot water when humidifying air. Cool mist humidifiers may be a better option. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be used to relieve minor fevers or facial soreness. Aspirin should not be used in children or teenagers because of the risk of Reye's syndrome. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, over-the-counter (OTC) cold medications should not be used in infants and children because of their lack of effectiveness in controlling symptoms and the potential for significant side effects. For infants with stuffy noses, saline nose drops used with a bulb syringe may be helpful in clearing the nasal passages. Over-the-counter cold medications should be used with caution is adults as well. These preparations may contain multiple active ingredients that can increase blood pressure, cause heart palpitations, and promote sleepiness. Alcohol is one of the active ingredients in many OTC cold medications. Read the labels before taking any medications and discuss any questions or concerns with a pharmacist or health care practitioner in regard to potential side effects. Alternative treatments such as vitamin C, echinacea, and zinc have been used by some individuals; however, their benefits have not been scientifically proven.

We live in a social world in which people come into close contact with others every day. Upper respiratory infection prevention includes: avoiding people who are ill; if you are ill, remain at home until you are no longer contagious; avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth; cover the cough and sneeze; sneezes and coughs should be covered with the elbow or sleeve - not the hand; and wash your hands often, and properly (20 seconds or more with soap and warm water).

Lifestyle modifications such as smoking cessation and stress management may decrease your susceptibility to "catching" the common cold

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