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Adaptation to Survive in Polar Climates:

Finding Food Keeping Warm Challenges People + Animals Face Adapted to Finding a mate/ Reproducing Hiding from prey Plants have to adapt to the weather

How Polar Bears have Adapted:

Large surface area to keep warm Small ears to reduce heat loss

Powerful legs to swim long distances

Acute sense of sight and smell to help hunt prey Long claws to grip ice and hold prey

Thick fur keeps them warm

Wide paws to spread weight over ice

Animals = fauna

How Plants Have Adapted:

Many have shallow roots as only the top soil has thawed out, the rest is permafrost (always frozen) They flower quickly to maximise short growing season Hard to find nutrients Small and grow close to the ground protecting from cold temperatures and the strong winds

Some are dark to absorb more heat

Some live inside the rock

Shortage of water

Plants = flora

How People Have Adapted:

Use of skidoos as the main form of transport Modern houses are built above ground to prevent snow building up

Roofs are sloping to prevent snow building up

All pipes are above ground because the ground is too frozen. They use anemical toilets, for example.

Roads arent tarmac or paved to avoid cracking

Cars are left running. Special heaters are plugged into them to keep the battery warm.


Global Threats: Polar Region

Permafrost ground melting could result in meaning many inuits would have to leave there homes. Sea ice is melting, this means that it is difficult for the inuits to find seals as the ice is not frozen. Rising sea levels mean people have to move further away from the coast. An increase in temperature could mean a higher chance of oil exploration and mining. Although there would be more job opportunities for people in the area, this would destroy natural surroundings and have an impact on their culture.

Managing the Threats: Kyoto Protocol

The Agreement
It was an agreement negotiated by many countries in December 1997 The terms of the agreement required at least 55 parties and for the total of those parties emissions to be at least 55% of global production of greenhouse gases. It came into force with Russia's authorisation on February 16th 2005 The parties agreed to cut emissions of: - C02 - Methane - Hydrofluorocarbons - Perfluorocarbons - Sulphur hexafluoride Currently, there are 169 countries involved in the agreement

The Targets

The goals were to see the participants collectively reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2% below the emission levels of 1990 by 2010 Individual countries were assigned higher or lower targets and some countries were permitted increases (e.g: The USA was expected to reduce emissions by 7%)

Kyoto - Success of Failure?

C02 levels are increasing and showing no signs of slowing as the population increases and many countries begin to develop and industrialise, so it was doomed to fail. Global temperatures are continuing to rise. Without the USA agreeing to the protocol developing countries such as China reducing emissions drastically the targets will not likely be met. The Kyoto Protocol should be viewed as a stepping stone to a new drastic action. Action which must be taken now.
http://www.yo ch?v=xbMLOW 3rwNQ&feature =related

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