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Why have an enema ?

This is the second part of the most vital thing you MUST do during a fast. You must take an enema every day. DON'T LAUGH and don't stop reading.

We do not like to talk about going to the bathroom to defecate. Only comedians of the grossest type use bathroom humor. We are embarrassed about it. A husband and wife can be married for 50 years and experienced many intimate situations together. They can share sexual secrets and fantasies that would shock their children. They may have very few secrets, but there is one area where they are alone and do not share. Whenever they have to do a #2, defecate, boo boo, BM, or a host of other names, it becomes a completely private matter. In men's rooms, urinals are usually out in the open. A man will stand hip to hip with another man and urinate. Yet the stalls where #2 takes place are not only closed in, but they have locks on the doors. Why do we need locks on the door? When we are sitting on the commode, we feel embarrassed and powerless. We want no other human being to be in our "boo boo" space. How often and when we boo boo is a closely guarded secret. It is taboo. The technical name for it is "Bowel Movement." Most of us have called it BM from the time we were children. So, that's what I will use, "BM." Let's become mature, unlock the door and talk about BMing. There is nothing to be ashamed of. If you are sitting somewhere in public reading this book, look over at the

person nearest you. No matter how rich they are, no matter how well dressed or how well educated or sophisticated, that rich, sophisticated person BM's just like you do. If they do not BM, you will not see them around for very long. The colon is an organ of elimination. Our entire digestive system is essentially one long tube. Your mouth is on one end of the tube and your anus is on the other end (the anus is the hole that your BM comes out of). At least you cannot say that I did not thoroughly explain things to you. BM, (the solid stuff), is called "feces." The "bowel movement" refers to the act of defecating, not the "solid stuff," but I think it is clear what we are talking about. There is no need for overly technical terms, "BM" will suffice for describing the act and the solid stuff. The tube with your mouth on one end and your anus on the other (technically called the alimentary canal), is more than 20 feet long. Some people have a greater distance between their mouth and their anus than others. That's both a physical and a philosophical statement. The tube or alimentary canal consists of four basic parts: 1. The Pharynx - The section of the alimentary canal that extends from the mouth and nasal cavities to the larynx, where it becomes continuous with theesophagus. 2. The Esophagus - The muscular, membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach. 3. The Stomach - a saclike principal organ of digestion. 4. The Intestines -The portion of the Alimentary Canal from the stomach to the anus, consisting of the small and large intestine. We often take our digestive system for granted. Again, go to the drug or grocery store and look at the shelves. Look at the laxatives and at digestion aids. Notice how filled the

shelves are with antacids, the pink stuff, stuff for coating stomachs, stuff for diarrhea and stuff for gas. Our digestive system is serious business. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in this country. The bypass operation is the leading operation. You get your heart bypassed because the vessels are clogged up with M.E.S.S. Call it cholesterol or plaque or whatever name you choose. It is still M.E.S.S. Heart disease is No. 1 and cancer is No. 2. The National Center for Health Statistics cites the leading form of cancer is CANCER OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Respiratory (lung) cancer ranks behind digestive system cancer. Guess where the most digestive system cancer occurs. It's in the colon. There is death in the colon of most Americans. For women, colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths, right behind breast cancer. Television ads show women how to examine breasts for breast cancer. Yet, for women, colon cancer is immediately behind breast cancer. Shouldn't we examine our colons? Digestion of food begins in the mouth, the beginning end of the alimentary canal or digestive tract. Food is chewed and mixed with saliva which contains the enzyme ptyalin (amylase) which breaks down starch. Food leaves the mouth, travels through the esophagus to the stomach. Once in the stomach, the stomach lining secretes gastric juice that contains hydrochloric acid and various enzymes. The enzyme pepsin begins protein digestion, lipase speeds the hydrolysis of certain fats, rennin (in infants) curdles milk. The stomach has a churning motion that breaks food into tiny particles while mixing the food with gastric juice. The liquid food called chyme then enters the duodenum (the beginning portion of the small intestine). Solid food remains in the stomach until it liquifies (usually 1 to 6 hours). Some absorption of water, alcohol and drugs occurs in the stomach, but chyme passes mostly unabsorbed into the duodenum. Most digestion and absorption occur in the small intestine.

The surface of the small intestine is covered by a mucous membrane that contains millions of villi. Villi are small hair like projections that wave like wheat in the wind. For digestion, numerous enzymes enter the small intestines produced by the intestinal lining and the pancreas. Pancreatic enzymes include trypsin, which breaks down protein into its individual amino acids; lipase, which breaks down fats to fatty acids and glycerol; and amylase, which breaks down starches to sugars. Intestinal enzymes include erepsin, which also breaks down proteins to amino acids; lactase, maltase and sucrase, which breaks down complex sugars. A deficiency in lactase results in the inability to properly break down lactose (milk sugar) and gives people gas and other difficulty when they drink milk or eat some milk products. Finally, enterkinase is secreted, which activates trypsin. Bile is secreted by the liver which helps neutralize stomach acid and aids the small intestine to emulsify and absorb fats and fat soluble vitamins. Emulsify means to dissolve fatty stuff (fats and oils) into water based solutions. When the food reaches the point where the small intestine joins the large intestine, virtually all the nutritional value has been absorbed. The large intestine is called large intestine because it is actually much larger in diameter than the small intestine. The large intestine primarily absorbs water from the remaining material and stores the residual stuff before passing it out during a BM. This was a brief summary of what happens to your food once you put it in your mouth. At least this was what is SUPPOSED to happen once you put the food in your mouth. Unfortunately, it does not usually work out that way. First, we often fail to thoroughly chew our food. Many foods will not properly digest if not thoroughly chewed. If the initial enzyme, Ptyalin, is not allowed to begin the digestive process, the food will not be properly digested.

We are often in a hurry. We not only order fast food but we eat it fast. Food should be chewed until it is virtually a liquid before you swallow it. The professional advice is this, "You should drink your food and chew your liquid." You should chew your food so thoroughly that you practically drink it. This helps to ensure, even with "bad foods" that the digestion process will continue. This does not mean that you drink along with your food. Health experts all say that you should not drink ANYTHING, not even water, with your food. When you drink while eating, you dilute the digestive juices and reduce the efficiency and completeness of your digestion. You should chew your liquids. Chewing your liquids refers to swishing the liquid in your mouth to thoroughly mix the liquids with saliva before drinking it. Just as solid foods require digestion, so do liquids (other than water). Liquids are foods too, and they have to be broken down, digested and absorbed. When you chew your liquids, you allow the digestion to begin in the mouth. Second, we hinder digestion when we eat the wrong combination of foods. We generally think nothing of eating six to 10 foods at a meal. We never stop to think if all of these foods are going to digest well together. There is a good probability that they do not. In the brief lesson above, you learned the stomach secretes an acid. An acid is what is needed to digest a protein. But an acid is not what is needed to digest a starch. An alkali, which is the OPPOSITE of an acid, is what is needed to digest a starch. So what happens when you eat a protein and a starch together? It sits in your stomach for hours on end trying to get digested. Proteins and starches just do not digest well together. It's a great deal for the drug companies. They get to sell you millions of dollars of antacids as you try to recover from dumping all of that acid in your stomach. You are trying to digest starch when the starch is hollering for an alkaline solution.

What are proteins and starches? Meat and potatoes, bread and meat, spaghetti and meatballs and even fish and chips. But these are American standards! I know they are. But the American gut is in a mess. Or shall I say shall the American gut is filled with M.E.S.S. Isn't a potato a vegetable? Yes, if you eat it raw or steamed. When you bake it or fry it, it becomes a pasty starch. The principles of proper food combining will do wonders for your digestion, energy and weight. It is not complicated or hard to do. Again, I suggest that you get the book, FIT FOR LIFE. It will thoroughly explain and tell you all you need to know about how to eat to prevent colon cancer and an upset stomach. You only need to read Part 1, which is only 137 pages, to learn all that you need to know. When we eat fast, eat the wrong combination, eat the wrong foods, our food does not get properly digested. What happens when it is not properly digested? There are ONLY TWO THINGS THAT CAN HAPPEN. The undigested food is either eliminated, or it stays in us. Some of both happens depending upon whose system it is. Some comes out, and some stays in. When it stays in, it cakes up in the digestive tract. Often, it stays caked up until the person dies, festering and decaying in 100 degree, moist heat. Estimates by fasting experts suggest that the average person has between 5 to 35 pounds of caked up, blackened, hardened, rotting, undigested food in their colon and digestive tract. I heard this over and over as I read about it in books on fasting. I heard about it as I attended The Natural Hygiene Seminars, but I did not believe that it was true about me. I did not believe it for several reasons. I eat correctly. By correctly, I mean that I eat very healthy. Since I was 17, and attended the first Natural Hygiene

Convention, my diet has been fairly pure. I ate very little meat and dairy products. I ate an abundance of fresh fruits and steamed vegetables. My body was slim, I had no potbelly, my stomach was like the proverbial washboard. I exercised regularly. I never used drugs (legal or illegal), smoked cigarettes or consumed alcohol. I did not have any of the classic signs that would indicate any caked up M.E.S.S. in my digestive tract. When I decided to go on a fast, Dick Gregory gave me another bit of advice, he said, "make sure that you take an enema EVERY DAY." He explained that the poisons that would come out of my system must be flushed out or they could poison my system. I did not believe him. I had fasted many times before and had never taken an enema, and I did not have any problems, why did I need one now? I believed that it was true that "other folk" were caked up, but not me because I was clean. After I had been on my fast for three days, I decided that I would try an enema. I had never taken an enema before. I did not think it was necessary for me because I had been on The Eden Diet for nine days before I started my fast. I was in Hollywood, Florida. I had gone to the ocean for my fast. I had started fasting in the winter, so it was a good idea to be in warm weather during the fast. I had to first find the enema equipment. Most drug stores only had the little 8 oz. plastic squeeze jar with the nozzle on it. It came with a pre-filled solution in the jar. That will not work! For an enema on a fast, you need a real enema, not the little squeeze jar. You need a MINIMUM of a 1500 ml enema bag. Enema bags generally come in two sizes, a 1500 ml or a two quart bag. Either will do, but the two quart bag is better. I found two types of nozzles. They both look very similar but with one major difference. One type of nozzle has a

hole only at the tip, the other type has a hole at the tip and one on the side about a half an inch behind the tip. If you can find it, get the type with the two hole nozzle, it works MUCH better than the one hole type. Also, a transparent bag is better. A see-through bag does not work any different, but you can visually see when the water is out of the bag. Taking an enema is simple once you are used to it. When I took my first enema I was shocked. I thought that my colon was clean, especially since I had been on The Eden Diet for nine days, and I had a BM for every meal that I ate. This description may get a little gross, but a BM is not known for its fragrant appeal. After the first enema I looked into the commode. It was a full bowel movement. The commode was full of feces. The feces was normal. "Boy," I thought, "I had a full BM still in me, well at least that's all out now." I reasoned that I still had a full colon since there was no new food to push the last food out. There is one thing that happened after the first enema and continued to happen after each enema. You feel great after an enema. The next day I decided to take another enema, "just to see" if anything else was left. Was I surprised! Not only was there plenty left, but it was not normal feces. It was horrible, and there was plenty of it! It was black and very smelly. My feces (BM) normally does not have much odor. This stuff was foul! I took an enema that morning and another that night. Both times, stuff poured out. It was stringy, like bits of seaweed, only it was jet black and it stank to high heaven. I became an instant believer in the necessity of daily enemas. During that entire fast, I took an enema in the morning, and an enema before I went to sleep. Each time the horrible stuff poured out. "When is this stuff going to stop coming out?" I wondered.

Although it was very gross, the scientist in me was amazed. How could this much stuff possibly be in me? I was socalled "clean." Day after day, enema after enema, it poured out. I estimate that at least one to two pounds of M.E.S.S. came out of me each day. Because I had studied much about fasting, I knew what was happening, I just could not believe it was happening to me. Trust me on this. You will see it for yourself when you PROPERLY go on your fast. YOU HAVE AT LEAST 5 TO 35 POUNDS OF JUNK CAKED UP INSIDE OF YOU AND IT IS ROTTING MORE AND MORE EACH DAY This is not being boastful, just honest. If I had that much in me, and I eat virtually none of the things that clog you up, imagine what the average American has. While on the fast I went out to the beach. People were strolling constantly along the boardwalk. Seventy five percent of the men over 35 had one thing in common. They had potbellies. Most had rather significant potbellies, beer guts or whatever you want to call them. A significant majority had major potbellies. As I took my enemas, I could not help wondering. If my stomach is flat as a board and this much is coming out of me, what is in those big potbellies? The thought of that made me shiver. We are a nation that is rapidly becoming poisoned from the inside. Bloated bellies are a sign of either starvation, malnutrition or clogged undigested food malnutrition. No wonder colon cancer is the second leading cancer and will probably get much worse. If you saw what came out of me, and imagined that still inside you, you would make an immediate effort to get it out of you. I could easily see how such an internal cesspool could cause cancer. That kind of M.E.S.S. sitting for years on end in your

gut has to cause some problems. I just could not get over what came out of me, but I was glad that it did. Each time I saw the commode blackened and stinking, I knew that something was being made clean and something was being made dirty. The sewer system was being made dirtier, but my system was being made cleaner. On the seventh day of the fast, I went to Hallendale Florida to get a colonic. I had to call around to find a colonic clinic nearby, and I found one. There was so much stuff still coming out that I needed to get something to get that M.E.S.S. out of me even faster. A colonic or colonic irrigation is really a high powered enema. A technician lays you on a table and inserts the tube into your anus. Water is then pumped into you just like the enema. The technician does this over and over, sometimes for over an hour until they think the colon is clean. The technician ran water in and out of me for 30 to 40 minutes until the water ran almost clear. The water at the end had a slight yellowish cast to it. "That's bile from your liver detoxifying," the technician said. I had informed them that I was fasting and that was why I wanted a colonic. "Is this everything in me?" I asked. "That was it," the technician said. "Everything should be out of you now, you will not need to take any more enemas," the technician responded. During the 25 to 30 times the technician ran water in and out of me, I could see the M.E.S.S. coming out through the clear tube. The tech said it was mucus and feces coming out. The technician would massage my stomach to manipulate the colon and physically break up M.E.S.S. that was there. I also did this during my enemas. A colonic costs anywhere from $50 to $75. Most cities have several colonic clinics. The quality of the technicians will vary as with anything else. How long it will take when you get a colonic will depend upon how clogged you are.

When I arrived back at my motel room, I was relieved that I had all the M.E.S.S. removed from my system. The next evening, I decided to take one more enema just to make sure everything was out. Guess what? Stuff still poured out. Awful, ugly, stinking stuff and piles of it, poured out. I then realized why fasting and enemas were so necessary. The M.E.S.S. inside you is caked up. It is hardened like baked on mud. When you fast, your body devotes its energy to breaking down and removing the junk. It did not get in there in a few days, it took decades. It will not come out in a few days. The colonic did not get all the M.E.S.S. out because the colonic could only remove the loose M.E.S.S. Much of the M.E.S.S. was still in the hardened form and was slowly being broken loose layer by layer. A colonic is good, but it will in no way replace the daily enema or enemas. I took two enemas a day, approximately 12 hours apart. I took an enema at 9 or 10 in the morning and one at 9 or 10 at night. Each time, a load of M.E.S.S. came out. You may not believe that there is that much in you. I know I did not. But believe me, it is there, and it needs to come out. All the M.E.S.S. is not in the colon. When you fast, the body cleans itself out. M.E.S.S. from every organ, from stored toxic fat deposits, M.E.S.S. from all parts of the body is flushed out and into the colon. Fasting is the only way to get it out. And you must take enemas. During my first 7-day fast, I did not take an enema and I had no BM's after the first day. Many people do experience a BM every day while fasting, but that is probably because they were highly constipated in the first place. I think back on how much M.E.S.S. was left in my system because I failed to take the daily enemas. You may have your doubts about what I am telling you. I will tell you two words in answer to your skepticism. TRY IT! Try it and see.

It will not cost you a thing. It will actually save you money on food. For seven days try this simple plan. For the first three days, go on The Eden Diet. For the last four days go on a full water fast. Take an enema daily during the full fast and see what happens. You may be even more surprised than I was. A note of caution: Enemas can be too depleting and strenuous for some elderly fasters although many elderly use enemas regularly as a laxative. Also, once you have removed the caked up M.E.S.S. from your system, enemas will be less beneficial and usually unnecessary for a fairly clean system on subsequent fasts. Enemas have their greatest benefit for the initial removal of the years of caked up, hardened, and blackened deposits that exist in the vast majority of adult westerners. Now that you know that you must take an enema while you fast, you must also know how to properly take an enema. The instructions follow in the next chapter.


First you need the proper equipment. You need at least a 1500 ml (about 1 1/2 quarts) preferably a two quart enema bag. Enema bags are usually sold as a combination enema/douche kit. The bag is the same, the only difference is the nozzle. One type is used for douching the vagina and another type is used for an enema. If you can find it, get the type of enema nozzle that has two holes in it, one at the tip and one on the side behind the tip. I bought this type from the colonic irrigation clinic. Surprisingly, it was a better unit and it was less than half of the cost of the unit from the drug store. You will need some fresh lemons or brown vinegar, a piece of thin cloth for straining the lemon juice, a plastic gallon jug, and some lubricant for placing the nozzle in your anus. Do not use petroleum-based products. You may use either natural oil-based products, , pure Olive Oil, or a water soluble lubricant. You must first prepare the water solution. Fill the plastic jug with lukewarm water. The water should be around body temperature (95o to 100oF). Do not have the water too hot. You cannot hold the water in you very long when it is too hot. Cut the lemon in half, place the cloth over one half and squeeze the juice into the jug. Repeat for the other half. You may use either lemon juice (best) or brown vinegar (second best) but you do not need both. If you use vinegar, add 2-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Mix the lemon juice or the vinegar in the jug. Place the enema bag about two to three feet above the floor in your bathroom. Hooking the enema bag on the doorknob is usually about the right height. The higher the bag is above you, the stronger the flow of water. You do not want the flow too strong. Often the discomfort of an enema comes from two areas. The water is either too hot or cold, or the bag is too high and the water flows too hard. The bag must be placed at a point where the tube can easily reach your anus when you are laying flat on the floor.

You can set up your bag on the bathroom floor, in the shower or in the bathtub. You may use STRONG clothes hangers to lower the enema bag from the curtain rod to a point 2-3 feet above you. Enema bags come with a clamp that fits over the tube near the nozzle end. Clamp the tube shut. Fill the bag with your warm water solution to the fill line on the bag. You will still have half of the solution left. I recommend that you repeat each enema twice at each session. Place the jug on the floor and place the nozzle in the jug. Open the clamp and let about one half cup of the water flow into the jug from the bag. This removes all the air from the line. You only want water going in you. You do not need air in there. There is probably enough gas there already. Place some lubricant on the nozzle. Use your finger to place some lubricant around your anus. You do not need much, just enough to make it slippery. Place a towel over the spot where you will lie flat. You are now ready to begin: Lie on your LEFT SIDE, not your right, always start an enema on your LEFT SIDE. There is a good reason for this. I had to look at an anatomical diagram of the intestines to understand why you need to start an enema on your left side. The colo-rectal tube does not go straight up from your anus. It makes a 90o turn to the left and then goes up the left side of the body, then it crosses over and goes down the right side of the body (see page 136). If you started an enema on your right side, the water could not go beyond the first few inches. Imagine placing a horseshoe against your stomach with the open end facing down. Now imagine a tube running from your anus to the LEFT end of the horseshoe. That's about how your colo-rectal tube is made. That is why you MUST start an enema on your left side.

ALWAYS START AN ENEMA LAYING ON YOUR LEFT SIDE While laying on your left side, gently insert the nozzle from the enema bag into your anus. The instructions with the bag will indicate how far to place the nozzle in your anus. Usually two to three inches is as far as it needs to go. Open the clamp on the nozzle and let the water flow. The first time you take an enema, the water flowing is a rather odd experience. You become used to it after a few times. As the water flows in, gently BUT FIRMLY, massage your abdomen where the colon is. This does two things. It helps to break up and release the M.E.S.S. as the water flows in. It also releases trapped air as the water flows in. As the water flows in, air is displaced. Constantly massage your abdomen. If you have a transparent bag, turn on your back after 1/3 of the water has gone in. If you do not have a see-through bag you have to estimate when 1/3 of the water has gone in. Continue to massage your abdomen while on your back. After another 1/3 of the water has gone in, turn on your right side. Continue to massage your abdomen while on your right side. After all of the water has gone in, massage your abdomen while turning from your right side, to your back, to your left side. Remember, the water is washing the inside of a dirty tube. You should try to let the water stay in you for 10 to 15 minutes. You may not be able to hold the water in that long. Often the urge to BM becomes urgent after the water has gone in. When you stand up to BM, shake your stomach from side to side, back and forth, and round and round. You will hear the water sloshing inside you. Imagine a washing machine because that is what is happening inside. The more you can shake and slosh the water, the more cleaning you get, and

the more M.E.S.S. you will break loose. Do not get too vigorous with the shaking if you are not in shape for it. I would not want you to throw your back out of kilter. Some suggest that you should just lie there while the water is in you and move from the left side to your back, then to the right side. I don't think so. If you are trying to remove M.E.S.S., you need several things to speed it up. You need a cleaning agent, (water and the lemon juice) and you need contact time. The longer the water is in contact with the M.E.S.S., the softer and easier to remove it gets. You need mechanical action. Mechanical action is simply scrubbing. When you move and slosh the water, it scrubs. It is the same as a washing machine agitator. When you wash clothes you have a pre-soak cycle, but the sloshing is where the cleaning takes place. Lie there and pre-soak, but slosh to get the M.E.S.S. out. You also need to slosh while lying down. Remember the colon is shaped like a horseshoe and you must make sure the water gets to the right side, not just the left side. While lying on your back, raise your hips and slosh. That will help the water get evenly distributed throughout the colon. Hold the water for 10 to 15 minutes or for as long as you can if you can't hold it 10 to 15 minutes. After the time is up or either you can't hold the water any longer, you are ready to learn how to BM.

Now I am going to tell you how to properly BM.

This one piece of knowledge has affected more people and lasted longer than any other single thing that Ive said. You BM every day (hopefully one time for each meal). Once you see the truth and make the change, you will continue to do this for the rest of your life; which should be longer and healthier because you are doing this. I can hear you saying, "I may not know a lot about fasting, but I know how to BM. I have been BMing all of my life." I know you have been BMing all of your life, but you probably have not been BMing properly. Again, look at your pets. When they have a BM, what do they do? Do they sit on a toilet? No. They do not have a toilet. Even if you provided a kitty or doggie toilet, they would not use it. Why? Because they are not supposed to sit while they BM and neither are you! Look at the diagram of the colon. The colon is a tube. When you sit, the tube is chinked. You know what happens when you put a kink in a water hose. The water stops flowing or at least it slows down a lot. Eighty percent of all colon cancers occur in the spots where the kinks are. Most people in primitive countries do not have toilets, but they BM properly because they squat. Squatting straightens out the tube and allows proper contraction of the muscles that assists in BMing. That is how your cat or dog defecates. They squat. So should you. Not only will it reduce your chances of colon cancer, but you will eliminate much more without the kinks in the tube. Don't take my word for it. TRY IT!

How can you squat on a commode? You can't practically, but you can imitate the same relative positioning and muscle tension as squatting. I own a device called the Welles Step that helps you. It is really nothing but a raised step that you place your feet on while sitting on the commode. You can duplicate it very easily. This is my own invention, but it really works. It is quick and easy and requires no devices. I no longer use the Welles Step because this works better for me, plus I dont have to worry about pulling the step out or going to a bathroom where there is a Welles Step. Don't associate this with the name "Bronner." I don't want this to be called "The Bronner Maneuver." Although if people employed this technique it would save lives and reduce illnesses, I still would rather my name not be attached to it. I can imagine a large sporting event, a man gets up, his friends ask him "Where is he going?" "I going to do a Bronner Maneuver," he replies. I would rather be famous for something else. When sitting on the toilet, do two things: (see other pics pg. 138) 1. Bend your head forward and down to the position where your head is between your knees. Your back should be as close to parallel to the floor as possible. Your shoulders should touch your knees. Grab your legs between your ankle and knee (the closer you grab to your ankles the better) . Grab your left leg with your left hand and your right leg with your right hand. 2. Pull your shoulders down against your knees and BM. That's it. By bending forward and placing your head between your knees you effectively straighten the tube out. By pulling your shoulders down you cause muscles to contract that aid in elimination.

You will feel the difference this position makes. You may notice that up to TWICE AS MUCH BM comes out this way. Not only does more come out, it comes out faster and easier. You should ALWAYS BM like this. NEVER BM sitting straight up on a toilet. I even checked with a chiropractor to make sure this procedure is safe for your back. It is. You will always eliminate faster, with less strain and you will eliminate more in this correct position. This is the next best thing to squatting. Now you know HOW to BM properly. This information alone will be worth hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of times the price that you paid for this book. When your colon is clean, you feel better and have less chance of all diseases. This maneuver, helps to keep your colon clean. This is an interesting testimony concerning this procedure on how to BM: I actually demonstrated this procedure on my television program in Atlanta so quite a few people saw it and began practicing it. I was attending a large conference when a lady ran up to me. She shouted and pointed at me as she ran towards me, Its your fault! You are the reason for this! as she held her dress outward to show me that the dress she was wearing was vastly oversized for her. I saw you demonstrate how to use the bathroom on TV and I tried it and look what happened! Now, NONE of my clothes fit because Ive lost so much weight just from doing what you said! I honestly couldnt tell whether she was praising or fussing at me because she was so animated and her clothes surely didnt fit. It looked as if she would need an entirely new wardrobe and I could tell that she had been extremely large

from the size of the dress. Weight loss was a side effect that I hadnt expected, at least not to the magnitude that the lady showed but who knows what happens when you unblock your colon. Now that you know how to BM, on with How To Take An Enema. Note: The enema information following is ONLY for those fasting, the How to Use The Bathroom knowledge is for everyone all of the time. After you have taken the first enema, and had a BM, repeat the exact same procedure with the remainder of the water in the jug. You will usually find that you cannot hold as much water the second time as the first. You may need to go through the procedure several times to get the entire gallon of water in and out of you. You feel different after a good enema. Your body knows that it has just eliminated a pile of toxic waste, and you will feel the difference. Make sure that you keep the nozzle well lubricated with a good lubricant. The enemas are not harmful but your anus could become irritated if proper lubrication is not used for the nozzle. To sum up WATER, WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE. The first water is the washing of the external body. It is the least important but good for personal hygiene and to allow the skin to rid the body of many poisons. The second water is to drink 75 to 100 percent of your body weight in pounds converted to ounces of distilled water each day. You may add the freshly squeezed juice of one lemon per gallon of water. The third water is to take at least one enema per day, with a minimum of a 1500 ml enema bag. Use lemon juice or brown vinegar in the enema water. Slosh the water well when it is in you. Always use the proper squatting position when you BM.

Why and How to Take an Enema (2)

updated: 25th Sept, 2012 At first, taking a home enema seems like an uncomfortable, embarrasing practice, and many try to find a reason to dismiss it as unnecessary. This is how I felt at first, but after a few experiments I find it to be a powerful cleansing tool and quite easy and comfortable to do. I wrote 'Why and How to Take and Enema' to report on the benefits I have found and to explain how to easily perform this at home. It is truly a cheap and powerful health remedy, living up to the name of this website. This article introduces the basic salt-water enema for cleaning and detoxifying the colon, as well as coffee enema for detoxing the liver and releasing gall stones. To put it simply, an enema is a powerful tool to help the body detoxify and cleanse the colon. The colon works like a dehydrator and draws liquids from the food you eat and whenever you eat starchy foods, such as white flour products or potato, they turn into a glue-like substance and stick to the colon walls. The longer the food matter stays stuck in the colon the more toxic it becomes, and the more it hinders the colon function, putrifies, rots and prevents the absorption of nutrients. Eating a lot of meat and other non-fibrous foods can make the problem worse, as we need fibre to 'scrape' the colon walls clean and move stuck material. (Note: many people have a problem digesting fibre because of weak stomach acids - a very common problem in the Western countries. This problem should be addressed to enable the body to properly digest the all-important fibres present in fruit and vegetables.) An additional problem with eating a lot of meat - as reported by many pro-vegetarian health professionals - is that our digestive system is somewhere between that of a meat-eating and that of a vegetarian animal - and in fact our digestive system is too long for digesting meat. As a result it putrefies and becomes toxic. Meat is also very labour-intensive to digest and often stays in the body for many days before being excreted. The colon has an extremely important function in detoxifying the body, absorbing nutrients and its proper function is essential for the strength of the immune system.

I truly realised the power of the enemas during my 21-day juice fast. As my body was cleansing due to the liquid diet, I would start getting detox symptoms if I didn't have an enema every 1-2 days. The typical symptoms were throatache, achiness, weak muscles, headaches, and just general feeling of being unwell. As soon as I took an enema, however, these symptoms would be relieved and some hours after, completely disappear! During three weeks of experiencing this again and again, I became convinced of the efficiency of the enema to help the body detoxify. For a day-today diary of this process, follow the juice fasting link above. On the day I broke the fast, I took a coffee enema, without expecting much in terms of results. I had just read that it helps to cleanse the liver so I thought it would be a good thing to do. And although taking the coffee enema itself felt like an easy and gentle process, the results were quite dramatic. First I felt and heard a squirt on the LEFT hand side of the belly, just below the rib cage and then I passed what seemed like a HANDFUL of gall stones. This seems odd, because the sound is meant to be on the right side of the body, nevertheless in my case I felt it on the left side. I had no idea I had gallstones! This inspires me to take the coffee enema a few more times, to help the liver cleanse even more. Reading more about this on various websites, it seems that gallstones are not only in the gall bladder but, in fact, the whole liver can be full of them. Some information a toxic liver from an online article on the Petaluma Healing Arts & Rejuvenation Centre's webpage: "The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush": "A skin irritation, weak eyesight, a bowel problem, an irregular menstrual cycle, a recurring headache, weight gain, loss of energy, sudden aging, restricted blood vessels, bloated intestines, digestive problems, breathing difficulties, memory and concentration loss, pain in the joints, or any major illness such as heart disease, cancer, MS, diabetes or Alzheimer's, to mention a few, would not occur if the liver were in optimum shape." - I have highlighted the symptoms I have recently had problems with. The author of the website is Andreas Moritz, the writer of the book: "The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush". She continues: "By removing the stones through a series of liver cleanses (usually six to eight are sufficient to fully restore liver performance), and consequently maintaining a reasonably healthy

diet and lifestyle, the liver returns to its natural efficiency, and most, if not all, symptoms of discomfort begin to subside. Energy and well-being notably increase with each cleanse. "Sweeping the liver clean eliminates thousands of bits of poisonous substances that have helped form the stones and block thousands of liver bile ducts. Cleansing the liver bile ducts from gallstones may indeed be one of the most important and powerful procedures around to dramatically improve one's health and raise the body's vibration. By re-opening the bile ducts, the body's energy circuits becomes restored and healing can take place on all levels of body, mind and spirit." I have certainly experienced enhanced energy since the liver cleanse - although this might have a lot to do with the juice fast as well. I will aim to complete five more coffee enemas to see if my energy increases even further. The above website also reports that contrary to common belief, most gallstones reside inside the liver, and not only in the gallbladder. Also, there can be hundreds, even thousands of stones in one person. This is an explanation of Andreas Moritz' personal experience with a different method of liver cleanse, which she promotes, involving apple juice, olive oil, epson salts, etc.: "During my first cleanse, I passed 500-600 gallstones, pea-size and larger, which had been impacting my liver for decades. Almost immediately, I was overcome by a simultaneous feeling of disgust, tremendous relief and euphoria. [...] Among numerous other complaints, which I almost had forgotten about because they had so much become a part of my life, the chronic backaches, indigestion and permanent numbness of my left leg disappeared (for good) and mental clarity reached unprecedented heights within several hours after the first cleanse. The positive effects continued to unfold and intensify after I passed another 3,000 or so gallstones during the following six cleanses. "I still feel perplexed about how I possibly could have survived with several handfuls of gallstones in my liver that were loaded with poisons, harmful bacteria and other noxious substances. Soon, I discovered that gallstones in the liver are more common than I ever could have imagined."

How to Take a Salt Water Enema

1. Boil approximately a liter (a quart) of water. Normally it is adviced to boil this for 10 minutes in a pot but I just let the water reach a boiling temperature and turn it off after to save time. 2. Put the water in a container, I use a large glass bowl. Put the bowl in the sink and run cold water into the sink so that the water in the bowl cools down. I use tap water boiling but many say that using distilled water is quite important. 3. Check that the water is body temperature. It should feel slightly warm to the hand, not cold and not hot. If the water has cooled too much, add a little boiling water to bring it to a comfortable temperature. 4. Add one tablespoon of sea salt or other natural salt. Do NOT use normal table salt, which is chemical and typically has anti-caking agents in it. Use a natural table salt, such as pink Himalayan salt or sea salt. 5. Add the juice of half a lemon into the water (optional). 6. Spread a towel onto your bathroom floor (you may do couple of the first enemas lying in the bath if you feel better about it but an enema doesn't have to be very messy at all. I find that a towel on the floor works fine). 7. Hang the enema bag some one meter (three feet) above the floor, use string to tie it to something if necessary. 8. Use lubricant if needed and let the water flow into your bum/ colon. The easiest position to do this seems to be on your knees bending over. 9. Lie down whichever way feels most comfortable. If you wish, you can follow Paavo Airola's instructions of first lying on your back for a minute, then on your right side, then stomach, and then on your left side. This, as well as massaging the abdomen, will help the water reach different parts of the colon. 10. Hold the enema for 10-15 minutes if it feels easy and comfortable. 11. Sit on the toilet to let the water out. If you are very dehydrated, it might be that much of the water does not come out but gets absorbed into your system. Don't worry, drink water and, if you like, perform another enema. 12. Clean your enema pack, run some more hot water through it, with soap, rinse thoroughly. Soak the nozzle in boiling water or in disinfectant alcohol. Let it dry, store away.


Obviously, if you have any complications with your colon, check with a doctor first to ensure that it is safe to do this.

The whole process of taking an enema can be surprisingly quick. This is a very cheap health cure but if you prefer an upgraded method of this, and wish to spend money, you can book an appointment with a colon hydrotherapist/ nutritionist to take a colonic. With a colonic, the process is done by an experienced professional, and often the waste water comes out through a transparent hose so that you can see what comes out, whether parasites, mucuous, or other things. It is also a more throrough cleanse than an enema because the water is allowed to run in and out of the colon over a period of time. The salt in the water is important because it brings the level of sodium in the water to a similar level as the body's own fluids. It will be much more comfortable and easy to retain the enema for longer since the body is not trying so hard to expel the fluid. I have experienced this first hand. The difference between the comfort levels of a warm water enema and a salt enema is to me like night and day. Note that the first time you may not be able to take in the whole one liter of water, that is ok and quite normal. Just take in what feels comfortable, try to retain the water for 10-15 minutes but don't stress yourself - if it feels uncomfortable, just sit on the loo and let it come out. You can take the whole 1 liter in a series of enemas, if you wish. After taking the enema you may feel unusually tired or thirsty. This is true of most detoxification procedures because the body is performing some functions to complete the cleaning. Support your body's cleaning functions by whatever way you can; keep hydrated and rest if you feel like you need to.

How to Take a Coffee Enema

It is important to have performed the water enema for a few times before attempting a coffee enema. It can be quite harmful if the colon is blocked up and the toxins released from the liver/ gallbladder can't come out quickly enough. The other important thing with coffee enema is the time. The recommended time to retain the coffee enema is 10 minutes and it is not adviceable to hold it for longer - in fact it can be harmful. Within this

limited time, the coffee should not (unless you have an underlying health problem) go into the blood stream. I was caffeine free when taking the enema and felt no adverse effects - I didn't get a caffeine rush. But I did feel surprisingly energetic and well after taking the enema. A coffee enema follows the same procedure as the salt-water enema above but instead of sea salt and lemon you mix in some coffee. It is important to use organic fresh coffee, and NEVER instant coffee. I just bought a single espresso from my local organic shop and mixed it in the water (half an enema bag - less is better with coffee enema). The better way of doing this (some say crucial for the enema to work) is to boil a tablespoon of ground organic coffee (in ground up beans form - not liquid!) in a pot of water for 10 minutes and then sieve it, before cooling the water down.

Update: 4th May 2012

It's been two weeks since I took my last enema, at the end of the 21-Day Juice Fast. I decided to take another coffee enema, since the first time I did it the results were so promising. I wanted to continue with the liver cleansing. Some six coffee enemas in total should do it, and I am quite happy to leave long breaks in between to let my liver adjust and recover from the cleansing effort. I took a salt-water enema first, to ensure that my colon is as clean as possible. Coffee enema releases a lot of powerful toxins from the liver, so it is important to make sure that they have an opportunity to come out as quickly as possible. For the same reason one should not hold the coffee enema for more than 10 minutes. This time I also laid on my right side, as recommended on some websites specifically for the coffee enema. The difference between the water enema and the coffee enema was huge. The salt-water and lemon juice enema I took first (1 liter/quart of boiled and cooled tap water, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tablespoon of sea salt) was very easy to retain and came out mostly clear. The coffee enema, done soon after, came out a muddy mess, with what felt like gall stones, although I couldn't see them this time. Coffee enema was also a lot harder to retain, due to the lack of salt (I wouldn't recommend salt in it, however, since that may help to retain the water longer, which - again - slows down the excretion of the toxins.) So in terms of the level of detoxification there is a clear difference between the two enemas. And I can understand why it is a general rule to do at least three succesful water enemas before attempting a coffee one. (More about this written above: 'how to take a coffee enema'.)

I also felt a slight 'high' after the coffee enema, which may have been due to the caffeine - although it is not meant to be able to absorb into your system if the enema is only retained for 10 minutes. I have been caffeine free for 5 weeks now. I also felt a little shaky afterwards and I do have this 'fresh' feeling at the top of my chest, which started already after the water enema. It is difficult to describe, and it is not the 'sparkly' feeling I've described before. Just a refreshed feeling, as if slightly cool air was passing through the top-middle of my chest. A subtle feeling, but very nice. I am glad to have succesfully detoxed my liver again. I hope this will increase my energy levels even more (last coffee enema definitely did).

How to Take an Enema (3) (ehow)

Enemas are a healthy and safe way to treat constipation and promote good digestive health. Learning to take an enema is easy, but since you're dealing with a delicate part of your body and risking exposure to human waste, it's important to know the right way to do it.

Prepare for your enema by making sure you have the right equipment on hand. If you're taking a water bottle or steel can enema, you'll need a stand or hook to hang it from. To ensure the proper flow and pressure, make sure the enema fluid is suspended 18 to 24 inches above your rectum.

2 Mix your desired cleansing solution and funnel it into your enema bottle.
Water should be 97 to 105 degrees F. This will prevent cramping or scalding of your bowels.

3 Lubricate your rectum prior to inserting the enema nozzle. Popular lubricants
include K-Y Jelly, Astroglide and Vaseline. Gently insert a fingertip into your lubricated anus before attempting to take the enema nozzle.

4 Select a comfortable position and insert the enema nozzle. The most common
position when taking an enema alone is to lie on your left side while drawing your right leg towards your stomach. If you have assistance, try resting on your hands and knees with your buttocks raised.

5 Open the enema valve and allow the cleansing solution to enter the bowels.
Once the enema bag has been emptied, remove the nozzle from your rectum and remain in position.

6 7 8

Retain the cleansing solution in your bowels for 5 to 15 minutes. This might be slightly uncomfortable, but it's a necessary step. The longer you're able to hold the solution, the farther into your bowels it will be able to cleanse. Evacuate your bowels. You will discharge a mixture of cleansing fluid and fecal matter. Expect to make frequent trips to the bathroom for up to an hour after taking an enema. Thoroughly clean all your enema supplies. Take the time to flush each tube with soapy water. Make sure the enema equipment is dry before storing.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Giving Yourself an Enema (4)

What is an Enema?
An enema is an injection of liquids into the colon via the anus. The most common form of enema is the use of large amounts of liquid to fill and flush the colon. Enema formulas can range from simple salt water to more complex herbal or medicinal preparations. Lesser known enemas include the introduction of oil into the colon for the purpose of lubrication and the elimination of certain symptoms. Enemas have been used as an efficient cleansing and healing practice for centuries. Both Allopathic and Alternative Medicine promote the use of enemas for restoring and maintaining health. The ancient healing science of Ayurveda, has valued the use of enemas in its cleansing therapy (panchakarma) for over 5000 years. People may administer an enema for a variety of reasons such as:

relief from constipation relief from gas and bloating colon cleansing reducing toxic load in the body elimination of intestinal parasites reduction of candida overgrowth improving overall health and well being

Giving yourself an enema is actually a very simple process. The steps below are outlined in detail to ensure that you get the most out of your enema. An enema can be an awkward procedure for some, but the more preparation you do and the more informed you are, the more comfortable your enema will be.

1. Buy your Enema Equipment

First you will need an enema bag or canister; there are various types available: Reusable Enema Bag - This bag can also double as a hot water bottle. It is sturdy, durable, and keeps your enema solution from cooling too fast. However, this bag can be difficult to clean. If you are using only water, or salt water, this bag will be fine with

only a rinse, but this type of bag is not recommend if you are using other formulas because of the difficulty to clean inside the bag. Another drawback for some people is that you cannot see the fluid level in this bag.

Disposable Enema Bag - Even though it is called disposable, this bag can be used multiple times if you rinse it out thoroughly. These have a wider opening at the top, making them easier to refill and to clean than the hot water type bag. The disposable bags are transparent and often have the fluid level indicators marked on the bag.

Enema Can - These cans are usually made of stainless steel and will easily last a lifetime. The tubing may need replacing at some point, but the cans themselves may be the best option if you plan to make enemas a regular part of your life. These are the easiest to clean after use, and the easiest to refill if you are doing a few consecutive enemas.

High-Volume Enema Bag - Most enema bags and containers are 1.5- 2L but high volume bags up to 4L are also available. Using a larger bag will eliminate the need to refill the bag if you are administering high-volume enemas. Although, it is not recommended to administer a high-volume enema on your first try, this may be the bag for you if high-volume enemas are your ultimate goal. This bag holds a lot, but it is still a bag, so consider if the convenience of not having to refill the bag outweighs the extra effort for cleaning the bag.

Bulb Syringe - The bulb syringe is another option for an enema. Although they can be found in sizes that hold up to 750ml, most are under 500ml in volume and are somewhat useless if your goal is to cleanse your colon; they just dont hold enough solution for this purpose. These bulbs are good for small children, but for an adult sized colon, stick with a larger container.

Another problem with the bulb syringe, is that once it is in your rectum and you have squeezed it, if you release the pressure of your hand, the bulb will inflate, sucking fluid, or matter, back into the bulb. You have to hold a very firm grip on the bulb while the nozzle is in you rectum to avoid drawing anything back into the bulb. The bulb syringe may be of interest if you would also like to try an oil enema. There are wonderful benefits to be had from oil enemas but this page is dedicated to larger volume enemas for the purpose of colon cleansing. See How to Do and Oil Enema for oil enema benefits and instructions.

Other things to consider when purchasing your enema equipment:

Make sure whichever enema container you choose comes with a clamp on the end of the tube to help control the flow and to prevent fluid from leaking out when filling the enema container. Check that the nozzle (also called rectal tube) is smooth. Sharp or jagged edges may cause damage to the rectal lining. Most bags are made with latex, so if you have allergies, purchase a silicone bag or an enema can with latex-free tubing.

2. Choose an Enema Solution

You will need to know ahead of time what kind of enema solution you will use to ensure you have all the necessary ingredients for your enema. For your first enema, a salt water solution is best. Use 1tsp of pure sea salt per litre of water. Salt water is preferable to plain water because salt water is more neutral to the body. When plain water is held in the colon for longer periods it draws electrolytes from the body. Repeated use of plain water enemas may cause electrolyte depletion. Keep your enema solution as simple as possible in the beginning, and then, when you are more comfortable with the procedure, you can explore other effective enema solutions and herbal enemas. Make sure you use clean, filtered water in your enema. You do not want to introduce harmful bacteria or chlorine into your colon. If you are doing a few successive enemas, in your last enema you may want to include some acidophilus powder in the solution. This well keep the large intestine populated with the beneficial flora, and reduce the chance of over population of pathogenic organisms and candida. When you become more experienced with enemas and want to try other solutions, refer to the page 7 natural enema solutions you can use at home.

How much solution should you use?

That depends. Certain enema solutions require less fluid, but if you are using a plain or salt water enema to relive constipation 1-2 litres will suffice. If you are trying to achieve a deeper colon cleanse you will want to use more water. Keep in mind that most individuals will not be able to hold more that 2 litres of water the first time they administer an enema; you may have to build up the volume over a series of enemas. (Note that 1 litre equals approximately 1 quart). If you have been fasting for a few days before your enema, you will be able to hold more solution. This is because there is no new new waste entering the colon. If you are administering a series of enemas, you will find you can retain more solution each time as the colon gets cleaner. If you are nervous about administering an enema, start with a low volume enema (about 500ml) for your first try. This will relieve any anxiety about the procedure, and then you can proceed to taking in a higher volume of solution. You might be surprised how much the colon can actually take in. Colon size does vary; an adult colon can hold between 3L and 6L of water. The average is about 4L. It is rare for most individuals to hold more than 3L, (unless they are on a cleansing or fasting regime) because there is usually a fair amount of fecal matter built up in the colon.

High-Volume Enemas
There is some fear of high-volume enemas, but these larger enemas have been advocated by many reputable Doctors throughout the last century and are regarded as completely safe if you follow common sense guidelines. In his book The home hand-book of domestic hygiene and rational medicine Dr. Kellogg recommends enemas ranging from 4-6L for a variety of conditions. High-volume enemas are used by many, and are not to be feared. Aside from professional colonics, high-volume enemas are actually the only way you will achieve an effective colon cleanse. It is often stated in health literature that if one uses enemas for the purpose of colon cleansing it is absolutely essential to fill the colon completely in order to be effective. J. Parsons DSc, author of Naturopathic practice, recommends 5L as the normal maximum for a thorough enema, stating that the results of your at-home-enema can be just as good as what you would experience with professional colonics. Some practitioners even suggest that you should do a series of high volume enemas to obtain the best results. In his book Back To Eden Dr. Kloss recommends

repeating enemas until 4L can be held for 5-10 minutes. He suggests that one should repeat the high volume enema several times until what is evacuated is only the clear fluid, free of fecal matter. Dr. Swartout, author of Modern Medical Counselor, similarly states states that one must hold as much water as possible, and repeat the procedure until a clear bowel movement is achieved. Even though many Doctors recommend to keep going until what comes out is completely clear, a lot of the advice comes from before 1950 when diets consisted of primarily whole foods and the colon was much cleaner in general. Today, the average person eats a fair amount of refined an processed foods. The average diet today is low in fiber, which causes more waste to accumulate in the colon. Even if you eat healthy now, poor eating habits in the past will have had an impact in the colon. Trying to get it all cleared out in one go, may be a bit overenthusiastic. Even in very healthy individuals there is a limit. Dr. Moser, author of How and When to Be Your Own Doctor, claims that the colon will begin to protest and will not accept any more than 3 successive enemas. This is a bit of a generalization; each person is different, but this is still a good guideline to keep in mind. If you are feeling tired, or if you are getting clear signals that it is time to stop cleansing, then stop. Even if the solution coming out is not completely clear, it is better to take it easy, than to risk over-doing it. You can always repeat the procedure on another day when you colon is ready for more. Remember to listen to your body and do not overdo it! Very practical and cautious advice is offered by Parsons in his book Naturopathic Practice. He recommends to build the enemas up successively, starting with no more than 500ml for your first enema and increasing daily by 500ml until you have reached the maximum of 4-5L. Choose a volume which feels safe and comfortable for you to start out with. If you find it was not enough, you can always add more. If you are part way through the procedure and you find that you overestimated your colons current capacity, you can stop at any time, there is nothing to prove.

3. Prepare Yourself for the Enema

Dont administer your enema at any random time; there are things to consider before starting the procedure. You most likely will not cause harm if you do your enema mid-day on a full stomach, but its not going to go as well as it would if you did it at the right time with a little preparation.

When is the best time to take an enema?

An enema should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Ideally you should have a bowel movement before beginning your enema; it is not essential, but it will make the process more comfortable. Plan to stay at home or somewhere you have easy access to a toilet for 1hr after the enema. Make sure you do not have any big plans the day you schedule your enema, as you may feel slightly depleted afterward. Choose a day when you will not be interrupted. If you live with others, tell them your anticipated washroom schedule. Unless you are an exhibitionist, youll probably want to secure some private time for this.

What should you eat the day before an enema?

Dietary changes are not absolutely necessary, but preparing your bowels in this way will allow you to benefit more from your enema. Fast on only fruits the day before you plan to do your enema. You can fast even longer if you wish, but fasting on fruits for even one day will ensure the stomach and small intestine are completely empty before you do your enema. This will make your enema more efficient and decrease the chance of nausea. It is not that common, but some people may experience nausea if they take an enema while there is food in the digestive system. If you are unable to do a complete fruit fast the day before, then at least try to ingest only foods which are easily digestible. Stay away from flour products, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, potatoes, bananas, beans and legumes. Make sure to drink at least 3L of water the day before your enema. Avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages.

4. Prepare your Space and Equipment

Prepare the space where you will do your enema and get all of the necessary equipment ready. Having everything in order will make you feel more at ease.

Choose your Space

Choose a place to do your enema where you will be close to the toilet. Make sure it is a space where you are comfortable and can relax. The bathroom floor is a good option, or you can use your bed. Lay a few old towels on the floor for comfort and for

catching any solution that may leak out. The room should be warm, as you will probably want to be naked from the waist down. You will need a place to hang the enema bag; a door handle or towel bar works well. Alternatively, you can install a hook at the appropriate height. If you are using a canister, you will need a counter top, table, or a ledge to place it on. The enema container should be 1.5-3 feet above the anus. The bag or canister should not sit more than 3 feet above the anus. If it is higher than this, the pressure and speed of flow may be too much and can cause discomfort. Also, be sure not place the container too low (under 1.5 feet) as the pressure will not be enough to allow all of the solution to flow into the colon.

Warm your solution to the appropriate temperature

Make sure the temperature of your enema is in the proper range before you insert it into your rectum. An enema that is too cold will cause abdominal cramping and cause you to evacuate too soon. An enema that is too hot may damage your intestinal lining. A comfortable temperature range is between 98 and 104 degrees F (37-40 deg C). When the temperature is right it will feel comfortable inside your colon. If you get it just right you may not even feel the water flowing in. You can use a thermometer if you want to be accurate, but if you do not have a thermometer, than testing the temperature on the inside of your wrist will provide a good indication. Its easy to discriminate which temperatures would feel comfortable or uncomfortable to inject into a delicate area of your body. If you are planning to refill your enema bag, you may want to heat your refill slightly (only slightly!) warmer than your first bag. Unless you store it in a hot water style bag, the temperature will drop a little in the amount of time it takes for the first enema bag to be be emptied into your colon.

Fill the bag

Once you have the right temperature it is time to fill your enema container. Have everything you need in place and be ready for your enema before you fill your bag. The solution can cool quickly if you are using an enema can or a thin disposable bag. Before you fill your container, ensure that the tubing in secured to the container and that the clamp is closed tightly so you do not spill your solution out the other end.

Have the refill solution ready

If the enema container you are using is less than the volume you want to take in for one enema, than you will need to make sure it is possible for you to refill the bag while still injecting water. You can always have someone assist you in this. You want to refill the enema bag before it empties completely, otherwise you will risk injecting air into the colon. Make sure the solution which you are refilling the bag with has been measured so you do not take in too much. Keep the per-measured refill close to you, so you can easily refill the bag. You may have to stand up or kneel with the tube still in your anus to refill, this is fine, just lay back down once the bag is refilled. A fuss-free option is to fill 2 enema bags and have them hanging next to each other. When you empty one, all you need to do is remove one nozzle and replace it with the other.

5. Get Into Position

Once you have everything in place for your enema, it is time for you to get into position. There are 3 common enema positions:

Left-side: This is the best position for taking an enema. Lay down on your left side. Keep the left leg straight and bend the right knee towards the chest, knee resting on the floor. You can rest your head on a pillow or on the left arm. Your right arm will be able to reach your anus easily in this position, making inserting and removing the nozzle quite comfortable. On the back: Another common position. Lay on your back with the knees to the chest. Hands can rest on your knees. You can place a pillow under your head for comfort. It may be more difficult to reach the nozzle in this position. Buttocks up: Get onto your knees and elbows. The head should hang low and your buttocks will stick up in the air. It may be more comfortable to rest your head on your hands with your chest closer to the floor. You can place one or two pillows underneath your chest to make things more comfortable. Also make sure there is enough cushioning under your knees and elbows. This position may be more difficult to relax in and does not provide as easy of reach to the anus as the left-side laying position. The nozzle also tends to slip out more in this position.

Everyone is different, so try the positions first and see which one you feel is most comfortable. It make take 5 minutes or longer for the enema bag to empty into your colon; you dont want to have to strain to hold your position.

Whichever position you choose, make sure you can reach you anus easily. If you find you cannot reach your anus in any of the positions, you will have to get assistance with your enema. You cannot do an enema sitting on the toilet or standing up, because in these positions the solution may not flow into the entire colon and you will also have to work against gravity to retain the solution.

6. Prepare for Insertion

Before you insert the nozzle into your anus make sure there is no air in the tubing; if air enters the intestines it will be more difficult to retain the enema and it may also cause uncomfortable cramping. You can make sure no air is left by unclamping the tube and letting a little of the enema solution spill out into a toilet or sink. Make sure the solution is coming out in a steady stream and no air bubbles are in the tubing. Clamp the tube to stop the flow. You can administer this step as you are filling your bag, but keep in mind that any solution in the tubing will cool much faster than what is in the bag. To keep the temperature comfortable, administer this step just before you are ready to start your enema. Check the position of the clamp, it should be placed a few inches up from the nozzle to ensure an easy reach.

Lubricate the anus and nozzle

You want to lubricate both the nozzle and your anus before insertion. Natural oils such as: olive, coconut, almond, grapeseed, or sesame work well.

Relax and breathe

Now you are ready to insert the nozzle into the anus. Make sure you are relaxed. Take a few deep breaths or massage your anus if you are feeling nervous.

7. Insert and Let It Flow

The tip of the nozzle should go passed your internal anal sphincter. About 3 inches is a good depth. Unclamp the tube and relax as the solution flows in. If the solution is not flowing, it is probably because the opening of the nozzle is blocked by the walls of the intestine. Pull the nozzle out of your anus just a little and the solution will begin to flow.

Keep you hand on the clamp to prevent the nozzle from slipping out and to make it easy to adjust the flow if you find the pressure to be too much. You can also hang the bag lower to reduce the pressure.

Remember to relax!
Stay relaxed as the solution continues to fill your colon. You will feel the stomach expanding, this is to be expected. The sensation of water filling and expanding the colon may be unpleasant or uncomfortable, but it will not be painful. You will get used to these sensations. Dont be in a rush to get all of the solution in, you want to make sure you are comfortable because this will increase your chances of being able to take it all in. You want to get as much of the solution in as possible, but if it enters too quickly it could stimulate peristaltic action and make you evacuate too soon. You may not be able to get all of the solution in on your first try, this is normal. If you are very constipated and the colon is already quite full of fecal matter, you may not be able to take in that much. Take in what you can while remaining comfortable. There is no need to tolerate pain or high levels of discomfort; you can always administer another enema once you have evacuated.

Enema Troubleshooting
Certain situations may arise as your colon fills up. There is nothing to worry about, they can all be relieved by simple measures. Leaking: Leaking of enema solution from the anus is usually due to weak muscles in the rectal area. If it is only a small amount leaking, dont worry, let it come out, you should have towels below you to soak up any leaks. If you think there is too much solution coming out, then stop the flow for 30 seconds, resume flow for 2-3 minutes, then rest and stop flow again 30 seconds. Continue in this manner to allow time for the solution to continue working its way deeper into the colon. If you are laying on your side or your back, then switch to the knees down position. You are less likely to leak when the buttocks is high in the air. Cramps: If cramps come, take a few deep breaths and relax. You can also try slowing the flow of the solution. If the cramps are more intense and you feel the need to evacuate, then clamp the tube to stop the flow and take a few moments to relax. The cramping will subside, usually in less than a minute, and you will be able to resume.

Pain:If you experience pain during your enema, it is usually because air was taken in with the enema. Clamp the tube to prevent any more solution from flowing in and try to dislodge the air. There are a few different methods to dislodge the air:

Breath heavily so that your abdomen moves in and out, this will help any gas in the intestines to move around. Using your hand, press on the area where you are feeling the pain and massage the abdomen in a counter-clockwise direction. As a preventative, be careful when your solution is getting low; you do not want to empty your bag completely as you will risk air entering the colon.

8. Remove the Nozzle and Retain the Enema

When you have finished emptying the enema or when you have taken in as much solution that you can comfortably hold, clamp the tube and slowly remove the nozzle from your anus. Lay in comfortable position on the floor. Slightly clench the anus to ensure the solution does not leak out. Tightly folding a towel and pressing it against the anus will also assist in retaining the fluid. Alternatively, you can use a retention plug, if your muscle control is weak, or you just want the feeling of extra security.

How long should you hold it in?

Try hold the enema in for at least 10-15mins. It takes time for the stools to soften and for any impacted matter to break away from the walls of the colon. The longer you can retain it, the better the results will be. It is often recommend to hold the enema for 30minutes, or even longer. J. Parsons recommends the most thorough holding procedure. He suggests that once the desired amount of solution has been injected into the colon, remain lying on the left side for 10minutes, then turn onto the back for 10minutes, then lay on the right for 10min, then, if you can tolerate it, turn to lay on your abdomen for 10min. Even though it is difficult to lay face down on the abdomen with distended bowels, Parsons recommends to remain in the position for the full 10min to ensure the loosening of the impacted fecal matter This will be a very difficult task in the beginning; if you make it to 10 minutes in any position youre doing really well! If it is not possible to hold the solution in for more than a few minutes on your first try, dont fret, your will be able to increase the maximum holding time with continued use.

Assist the movement of water with massage

While you are laying there, massage the abdomen in a counter-clockwise direction to assist the water to flow into the entire colon. Begin in the lower left corner of the abdomen and massage towards the ribcage to move the water up the descending colon. Next, massage across the upper abdomen to moving the water along the transverse colon and then massage down the right side of the abdomen to move the water into the ascending colon and the cecum area.

9. Evacuate the Enema

When your desired holding time has been reached or you feel a strong urge to evacuate, get up and move to the toilet. The entire enema will not come out in the first evacuation, so stay close to a toilet for the next 30-60 minutes. After the first evacuation, you can either lay back down and administer more abdominal massage (this time in the opposite direction to assist the flow out of the colon) or you can administer gentle twisting motions at the level of the abdomen to encourage more cleansing until the next urge comes. If you are familiar with the yogic technique nauli kriya, administering it at this time will promote further cleansing. After you are finished evacuating your anus may be tender, apply some more oil to help soothe the area.

10. After the Enema

Clean up
If there have been any spills on the towels, make sure to wash them separately and add disinfectant to your laundry cycle. Clean and sanitize your enema equipment thoroughly. Boiling it for a few minutes is the simplest and most effective method. Make sure to hang the bag and tubes to dry. It will take several days to dry completely. Never store your equipment while it is still wet as it may grow mold. Keep your enema equipment reserved for your personal use only; do not share it with anyone else.

Rest and nourish the body

After you have made your last evacuations, lay down and rest for a while. If you have administered a large enema, you may feel slightly depleted, this feeling will pass if you nourish the body and take it easy for the remainder of the day. After you have rested, you will probably want to eat something. Keep your meals light for the remainder of the day. Eat simple, nourishing foods such as rice, dhal, and steamed vegetables. Try avoid raw vegetables and fruits, pungent spices, dairy and meat. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, and drink plenty of fluids. You can resume your regular diet on the following day.

Questions and Considerations

How often should you use an enema?
The recommended frequency or enemas depends on what you are trying to achieve. Mae West and Veronica Lake, well known actresses from the 1930s and 40s, both claimed that their heath and beauty was attributed to the daily use of of high volume enemas. These women can be inspiring examples, but daily use is probably a bit extreme for most people. It is better to exercise moderation and only administer daily enemas in the case of severe illnesses. Daily enemas can be beneficial in the treatment of many chronic conditions, but do not attempt daily enemas for prolonged periods unless you are monitored by a knowledgeable health practitioner. Large enemas taken daily may upset the balance in the colon.

For general maintenance and colon health the recommended frequency varies from one a week to once a month. Doctors such as Hartland Law, author of Viavi Hygiene, advocate an enema once a week whereas others state that once a month is sufficient in healthy individuals. It is best to practice moderation and start slowly; in time you will know the frequency of use which is best for you.

Can enemas weaken the colon?

It is often claimed that repeated use of large enemas can weaken the colon. But the opposite is true. Dr. Moser, states that it is the frequent use of small volume enemas (1-2 cups) to induce bowel movement, which can cause dependency and may even distend the rectum and sigmoid areas of the colon. She states that the high volume enemas which fill the entire colon, actually strengthen and tone the muscles of the colon, and with repeated use will increase peristalsis, reducing the transit time of feces in the colon.

Are enemas safe?

Yes, enemas are very safe and provide wonderful health benefits. Complications are very rare in healthy adults. Use you equipment properly and within reasonable limits and you should have no problems. Read the precautions below to make sure you have no contraindications for enema therapy.


enema usage can result in dehydration, be sure to drink a lot of fluids the day you do your enema and replenish your electrolytes if you are using enemas on a regular basis.

Do not administer enemas if:

you have undiagnosed abdominal pain you have tumors or a perforation in the rectum or colon there has been recent surgery to your colon or rectum you suffer from acute flare up of Crohns disease, colitis, or diverticulitis you have a history of heart attacks, irregular heartbeat or renal failure you are less than 7 months pregnant (after 7 months check with your doctor before administering an enema) you suffer from a severe illness which causes weakness

Resources and Recommended Reading:

Emmet Densmore M.D, How Nature Cures, Comprising a New System of Hygiene J. Hewlett-Parsons, Naturopathic practice Jethro Kloss, Back To Eden Dr. Isabelle A. Moser, How and When to Be Your Own Doctor Dr. Kellogg, The home hand-book of domestic hygiene and rational medicine B. Macfadden, The Encyclopedia of Health and Physical Culture Dr. Swartout, Modern Medical Counselor Hartland Law MD, Viavi Hygiene Sanford Bennett, Old Age, Its Cause and Prevention

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7 Natural Enema Solutions You Can Use at Home

There are many enema solutions that one can use for colon cleansing and maintaining colon health. Below are the 7 most common and effective home made solutions that you can safely use at home. For more enema solutions, see the page on herbal enemas. ** Important ** Before administering any type of enema be sure to read the necessary preparations and precautions mentioned in Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Giving Yourself an Enema and Were Afraid to Ask. There you will find information about how to administer an enema safely and effectively. This article gives only information on specific solutions and includes the recipe for each type of enema.

Remember to use only filtered, chlorine-free water in your solutions and heat the enema solution to a comfortable temperature (between 37-40 deg C or 98 and 104 degrees F). Note that the recipes below are in litres, if you measure by quarts then use 1 quart of water for each litre. A litre is 1000ml and a quart is 946ml, the difference is negligible.

Natural Enema Solutions:

Acidophilus Enema Coffee Enema Epsom Salt Enema Lemon Juice Enema Milk and Molasses Enema Salt and Soda Enema Salt Water Enema

1. Acidophilus Enema
This simple enema will give a gentle cleansing of the colon and also replenish beneficial bacteria. When the live culture is administered directly into the colon there is a better chance for survival and propagation of the beneficial bacteria than when it is taken orally. A yoghurt or acidophilus enema is very helpful for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids or colon cancer. Because regular enema usage can deplete the population of beneficial bacteria in the colon, if you take regular enemas, it is a good idea to use an acidophilus enema from time to time. Either follow your regular enema with a small acidophilus enema, or substitute your regular enema with an acidophilus enema once in a while.

Acidophilus Enema Recipe:

4 Tbsp. probiotic yoghurt or 4-5 capsules dry acidophilus (break open the capsules) or 1 tsp. Powdered acidophilus 2 litres warm filtered water

Stir the yoghurt or acidophilus into the water. Administer and retain the enema for a minimum of 10 minutes to allow the beneficial bacteria to get deeper into the intestine.

2. Coffee Enema
While it might seem a little strange to inject your morning brew into your colon, the coffee enema is famed for its detoxification effects. The palmitates in coffee (kahweol and cafestol) enhance the action of glutathione S-transferase, a family of enzymes which play an important role in the bodies detoxification process. Coffee administered via enema does not go through the digestive system, and will not effect the body the same way as drinking coffee does. When coffee is administered rectally the hepatic portal veins carry the caffeine directly to the liver. Coffee contains caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline, substances which cause a dilation of the blood vessels and encourage the flow of bile. Bile is the means through which the liver eliminates stored toxins. Usually bile (including toxic bile) is reabsorbed 9-10 times by the intestinal walls before it is eliminated in the stool. By taking a coffee enema, which also flushes the contents of the colon, one can ensure the elimination of toxic bile from the system. The coffee enema is one of the most famous types of enema. It has become well known due to its promising effects in alternative cancer treatment. The coffee enema was used extensively in the 1940s, by Dr. Max Gerson, in the treatment plan of his cancer patients. There has been more recent research on the use of coffee enemas in cancer treatment through the work of Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez. Some of the coffee enemas fame can also be attributed to the 1930s Actress Mae West, who attributed her healthy and youthful appearance to her enema regime. Nowadays coffee enemas have become popular by those wishing to maintain a good state of heath by assisting the bodies detoxification process.

Coffee Enema Recipe:

3 Tbsp organic coffee 1 litre filtered water

Add the coffee to the water and boil for 3 minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Cool the mixture to the appropriate temperature, filter and administer. Retain the enema for 12-15 minutes.
Cautions and Considerations:

To ensure the most thorough cleansing you may want to perform another enema 4-6 hours later. This will remove more of the bile that was released into the small intestine, as there may be some left over which was not eliminated in the first enema.

The coffee administered via enema goes directly to the liver and so do any chemicals that were used in the cultivation of that coffee. To lessen the toxic load, use only organically grown coffee in your enema. Although the coffee administered via an enema is not absorbed in the same way as when one drinks coffee, it is not advisable to administer a coffee enema in the evening, as some individuals can still experience side effects of caffeine. Those with a sensitivity to caffeine should not take a coffee enema. Do not use coffee enemas for more than 4-6 weeks. Regular usage of coffee enemas can deplete the bodys stores of iron as well as other vitamins and minerals.

3. Epsom Salt Enema

Epsom salts are available in most pharmacies and can also be found under the name magnesium sulfate. Epsom salts are commonly used in baths for relief of muscle aches and pains, but are often taken internally for relief from constipation. The high concentration of magnesium in epsom salts causes a relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract and promotes elimination of the colons contents. Using epsom salts in an enema is a faster and safer way to achieve effects than when taking the salts orally. An epsom salt solution will increase the amount of water in the intestine because it draws water into the colon. This results in a more thorough cleansing of the intestinal tract. An epsom salt enema is a good solution to use when suffering from stubborn constipation.

Epsom Salt Enema Recipe:

4 Tbsp epsom salts 2 litres warm filtered water

Add the epsom salts to warm water and mix well until all salts are dissolved. Administer the solution and retain for a comfortable amount of time.
Cautions and Considerations:

Do not administer an epsom salt enema if you have stomach pain, nausea, or vomitting. One tablespoon of epsom salts contains approximately 35grams of magnesium sulfate. This is a a lot! The recommended daily allowance for magnesium is around 300-400 miligrams. Excessive or improper use of epsom salts can result in hypermagnesemia, a condition which can lead to death. These cases are extremely rare and such dangers are usually related

to the oral ingestion of epsom salts. Still, the risk of toxicity must be noted as some absorption of magnesium sulfate can occur while retaining the salts in the colon.

4. Lemon Juice Enema

Lemon juice is a good cleansing enema which rids the colon of excess feces and helps to balance the pH levels in the colon. Relief from the discomfort and pain associated with colitis may be achieved by taking a lemon juice enema once per week. When used on a weekly basis, a lemon juice enema can provide relief from chronic constipation. A lemon juice enema is more effective at cleansing the colon than a plain or salt water enema, but generally not as comfortable to hold due to the nature of the lemon juice.

Lemon Juice Enema Recipe:

2/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (the juice of about 3 lemons) 2 litres warm filtered water

Squeeze the juice from the lemons, filter and mix with 2 litres of warm water. Administer and retain for a comfortable length of time.

A lemon juice solution is mildly irritating to the intestinal lining and may cause more cramping than other enema solutions. If you have a sensitive tract, you may want to use less lemon juice in your first enema to see how you react before using the full strength of this recipe.

5. Milk and Molasses Enema (M+M)

A milk and molasses enema is an efficient way of ridding the colon of excess fecal matter. This old school remedy was actually used in nursing until it was replaced by more convenient pre-made formulas.

A milk and molasses enema may produce explosive results, but this will vary from person to person depending on the concentration of bacteria in the colon. The high sugar content of this enema rapidly feeds the bacteria. The bacteria in the colon create gas as they metabolize the sugars present in the milk and molasses solution. This gas helps the enema to move further up the colon. Also, the high concentration of sugars in this solution creates and osmotic gradient which draws water into the colon, increasing its cleansing potential. The evacuation produced from a milk and molasses enema will generally be large and thorough, but this also depends on the amount of matter in ones colon. The milk and molasses enema is very effective because it is formulated to stimulate peristalsis. For this reason it may produce cramping. It is also quite difficult to retain for long periods of time because of the gas produced by the reaction happening between the milk, molasses, and the flora in the intestines. Since this is a strong evacuative enema, you do not need much volume for it to be effective. You can use anywhere between 1 and 2 cups of each milk and molasses, but make sure that they are in equal proportion.

Milk and Molasses Enema Recipe:

1-2 cups whole milk 1-2 cups blackstrap molasses

Warm the milk in a saucepan and bring to a slight boil, do not overheat the milk because you do not want it to curdle. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the molasses until the milk and molasses are mixed thoroughly. Cool to the appropriate temperature and administer. Retain for as long as possible. Considerations:

The M+M is one of the messier enema solutions out there. Use a disposable bag or an enema can with replaceable tubing, as it can be difficult to clean the bag after this enema. Also make sure you have a thick towel below you to soak up any leaks or spills. The consistency of a milk and molasses enema is much thicker than a water enema. In order for the solution to flow through the tube you need to hang the enema bag much higher than you usually would for a water-based enema. Administer this type of enema as fast as you can. Because this solution will cause cramping almost immediately, it will be difficult to hold your M+M enema for a long duration. Try at least to take in the entire amount of solution before you run to the toilet for an evacuation.

6. Salt and Soda Enema

Baking soda is a very alkaline substance, using it internally can help neutralize acids and in enema form it will be beneficiall for people with conditions involving excess acidity. This enema can also help restore the acid alkaline balance in times of illness. A salt and baking soda enema may be useful in people suffering from colitis as it helps to prevent and heal ulcers in the colon caused from excess acidity.

Salt and Soda Enema Recipe:

2 tsp pure sea salt 1 Tbsp baking soda 2 litres warm filtered water

Mix well until the salt and soda are dissolved. Administer and retain the enema for at least 10 minutes. Cautions:

Use salt and soda enemas in moderation; regular use of baking soda enemas may lead to excess alkalinity.

7. Salt Water Enema

A salt water enema is the most comfortable solution one can use. If you are doing enema for the first time, the salt water enema is the best choice. A saline solution has a neutral concentration gradient; it does not draw electrolytes from the body (which can happen with plain water enemas) and it does not draw water into the colon. Because the salt reduces the amount of water absorbed into the bloodstream, you will also experience less need for urination while holding this enema. Because a salt water enema does not draw water in or out of the colon it is also a good solution to use when a longer period of retention is desired. Since a salt water enema can be retained for longer periods it is also very effective for softening old fecal impaction.

Salt Water Enema Recipe:

2 tsp pure sea salt 2 litres warm filtered water

Mix well until all salt is dissolved. Administer and retain for as long as possible, or up to 40 minutes.


Phyllis A. Balch, Prescription for Nutritional Healing. David N. Talbott, John H. Holvey, The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy:12th Edition. Charlotte Gerson, Morton Walker D.P.M, The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses. Gar Hildenbrand, The Coffee Enema: What does it do? How does it work? The Colon Cleansing and Constipation Resource Center, Epsom Salts for Constipation Baths Boils and Other Uses. Dr. Denice Moffat, Enemas.

Related content:

1. Herbal Enemas for a Happy and Healthy Colon 2. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Giving Yourself an Enema and
Were Afraid to Ask 3. Squeeze with Ease How to Do an Oil Enema Without the Mess 4. How to Get Rid of Gas and Bloating Now and Forever 5. The Art of Fasting

Herbal Enemas for a Happy and Healthy Colon

Herbal enemas are for more than just cleansing the colon. Herbal enemas are a very efficient way to achieve healing effects because the active substances in the herbs are absorbed by the intestinal walls and go directly into the blood stream. When herbs are taken orally some of the active substances are altered, weakened, or destroyed by the gastric juices before they can be absorbed into the system.

Once administered, hold the herbal enema for 15-45 minutes. The longer you can hold it the better. As this will allow for more absorption of the active substances. If you have not done a recent colon cleanse or enema, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema before administering a herbal enema to achieve better effects. In this way, you will first clear out the majority of fecal matter before administering the herbal enema and more of the herbal solution will be absorbed. You can use plain water or salt water for your cleansing enema. To see more cleansing enema solutions, read the page 7 Natural Enema Solutions You Can Use at Home. **Important** Before administering any enema please read about the proper procedure for administering an enema and the contraindications for receiving an enema in. The page Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Giving Yourself an Enema and Were Afraid to Ask talks about this in detail. Also, please note that many of the herbal enemas listed below are recommended for mild and chronic inflammations of the intestinal tract, but do avoid using enemas during acute flare-ups of inflammatory bowel conditions. Most herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, consult a health-care practitioner before administering a herbal enema. Remember to use only filtered, chlorine-free water in your solutions and heat the enema solution to a comfortable temperature (between 37-40 deg C or 98 and 104 degrees F). Note that the herbal enema recipes below are in litres, if you measure by quarts then use 1 quart of water for each litre. A litre is 1000ml and a quart is 946ml, the difference is negligible.

Herbal Enema Solutions:

Aloe (Aloe vera) Burdock (Arctium lappa) Catnip (Nepeta cataria) Cats Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) Chamomile(Matricaria recutita) Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Garlic (Allium sativum) Neem (Azadirachta indica) Pau dArco (Tabebuia impetiginosa) Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) Yarrow (Achillea millefolium

1. Aloe Enema
Aloe Vera is a very soothing and healing plant with strong anti-inflammatory properties. An aloe vera enema is good for those suffering with hemorrhoids, as it will help to stop any bleeding associated with the hemorrhoids and aid in healing. An aloe vera enema will also promote healing of the intestinal tract and will be beneficial for those with irritable bowel or diverticulitis.

Aloe Vera Enema Recipe:

1/3 to cup aloe vera juice 2 litres warm filtered water

Combine the aloe vera juice and the water, mix well. Check that the temperature is comfortable and administer. Retain for 15- 45 minutes.

2. Burdock Enema
Burdock root is one of the best herbs for purifying the blood and correcting skin problems. A burdock enema aids in the elimination of calcium deposits and is beneficial for improving the functions of the kidneys and bladder.

Burdock Enema Recipe:

2 Tbsp burdock root 2 litres filtered water

Add the burdock to the water in a pot and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool to an appropriate temperature. Strain the solution and administer. Retain the solution 15- 45 minutes.

3. Catnip Enema
Catnip tea is very calming when taken internally. Taken as an enema it soothes and relaxes the intestinal tract, making it useful for those with stomach and digestive disorders. Catnip enemas ease pain and cramping in the colon, reduce intestinal gas and help relieve constipation. Catnip enemas also help to pull mucous from the colon. Catnip enemas are good to take in times of cold or flu, they also reduce fever quickly and are safe for use in both adults and children.

Catnip Enema Recipe:

2 Tbsp dried catnip leaves or 4 catnip tea bags 2 litres filtered water

Bring the water to a boil, remove from heat, add the catnip leaves and let steep for 15 minutes. Filter the tea, make sure it is a comfortable temperature and administer. Retain for 15- 45 minutes.

4. Cats Claw Enema

Cats claw is known for its immune-boosting properties and its efficiency in healing intestinal ailments. When taken as an enema cats claw will cleanse the colon and aid the healing of bowel disorders such as Chrons, colitis, diverticulitis, leaky gut syndrome, and hemorrhoids. Cats claw enemas can help in the reduction of intestinal parasites and, because of the immune boosting effects of the herb, they may also aid in restoring friendly bacteria in the colon.

Cats Claw Enema Recipe:

2 Tbsp cats claw powder 2 litres filtered water

Bring the water to a boil, remove from heat, add the cats claw powder and let steep for 15 minutes. Filter the tea, make sure it is a comfortable temperature and administer. Retain for 15- 45 minutes.

5. Chamomile Enema
Chamomile is a calming herb which promotes relaxation in the body when taken as a tea. A chamomile enema will calm the body as well as the digestive system. Chamomile enemas soothe an irritated intestinal tract and can reduce intestinal cramps or spasms caused by gas or inflammation. Chamomile enemas may also help relieve hemorrhoids, nausea, and sleeplessness.

Chamomile Enema Recipe:

2 Tbsp loose chamomile or 4 bags of chamomile tea 2 litres filtered water

Bring the water to a boil, remove from heat and add the chamomile. Let steep for 15 minutes. Cool to an appropriate temperature, filter and administer. Retain for 15-45 minutes. Cautions and Considerations:

Those with an allergy to ragweed should avoid the use of chamomile. Chamomile is a gentle sedative and may cause drowsiness.

6. Fenugreek Enema
Fenugreek seeds are used internally for inflammatory conditions throughout the body. Fenugreek seeds become mucilaginous when added to water, this mucilage helps to lubricate and protect the mucous membranes of the body. Because of their mucilaginous character, fenugreek seeds, when used in enemas are very soothing in cases of inflammations located in the digestive tract. They also protect against the formation of ulcers in the intestinal tract and relieve pain from existing ulcers.

Fenugreek Enema Recipe:

2 Tbsp fenugreek seeds 2 litres filtered water

Soak the fenugreek seeds in the water overnight. In the morning, boil the water with the seeds for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool to a comfortable temperature. Strain, administer and retain for 15-45 minutes.

7. Garlic Enema
Garlic is a strong anti-biotic, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic herb. Garlic enemas have been used traditionally to eliminate intestinal worms and other parasites. They are also becoming well known for reducing candida levels in the colon. A garlic enema can rid the colon of harmful bacteria which causes diarrhea and other symptoms of irritated bowel, giving relief of symptoms in just a few hours. Garlic enemas aid in the elimination of toxins and mucous from the colon, and are also known for their effectiveness at reducing fever. Allicin is the substance which gives garlic its beneficial properties. Crushing the garlic is necessary to release the allicin in garlic. After crushing let the garlic sit for 15-90 minutes before using to increase the amount of allicin being produced.

Taking garlic thorough enema is more effective than eating garlic, as it delivers the allicin directly into the colon. When garlic goes through the digestive system in undergoes various chemical changes and most of the allicin has been broken down into other components by the time it reaches the intestines.

Garlic Enema Recipe:

3 garlic cloves 2 litres filtered water

Crush the garlic cloves and let sit for 15 minutes. Add the garlic to the water and let the mixture sit for at least 2 hours or as long as overnight. This increases the amount of allicin in the solution. Strain the mixture and heat to an appropriate temperature. Administer and retain the enema for 15-45 minutes to achieve the most from its antibiotic effects. It is also common to combine garlic with an epsom salt enema or a catnip enema.
Cautions and Considerations:

If you have a high level of infection from candida or parasites, a garlic enema may provoke a strong die-off reaction. To lessen the severity of the die-off reaction start with one clove of garlic in your enema solution and gradually make the solution stronger by adding one clove per day. Do not use more than 4-5 cloves of garlic in a single solution. Garlic is a natural anti-biotic which may also kill some of the good bacteria in your colon if used in enemas regularly. To re-establish beneficial bacteria in your colon you can either alternate a garlic enema with an acidophilus enema, or supplement with oral probiotics and fermented foods. When using raw garlic in an enema you may experience a warming sensation around the anus, this normal. Stronger solutions may give a slight burning sensation and irritate the soft tissues in the anal canal. If you have a known sensitivity, then start with a more diluted solution.

8. Neem Enema
Neem is an excellent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-septic herb. The herb also detoxifies the blood and stimulates the immune system to fight off infections. Neem enemas can reduce candida, parasites and other infections of the colon. Neem enemas are also useful in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and skin conditions.

Neem Enema Recipe:

1 Tbsp neem leaf powder 2 litres filtered water

Boil the water, remove from heat and add the neem powder. Steep for 15 minutes. Filter and make sure the temperature is comfortable. Administer and retain for 15-45 minutes.

9. Pau dArco Enema

Also referred to as taheebo or lapacho, pau darco is a strong anti-fungal anti-viral herb which is often used to treat various infections in the body. A pau darco enema can aid the treatment of internal yeast or fungal overgrowth (candida) in the colon and will also aid in the reduction of parasites. Pau darco enhances the ability of the immune system to fight infection and is useful to those with a weakened immune system. It also purifies the blood, and can lessen the severity of conditions related with toxic blood, such are psoriasis and dermatitis. When taken as an enema, the active substances in pau darco reach the bloodstream faster than when taken orally.

Pau dArco Enema Recipe:

2 -3 Tbsp pau darco inner bark 2 litres filtered water

Place the water and the pau darco in a ceramic or glass pot. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Let the mixture cool to a comfortable temperature. Strain, administer and retains for 15-45 minutes.
Cautions and Considerations:

Due to its strong anti-fungal nature, the use of pau darco may cause some die-off reactions. If you have a serious infection of candida or parasites in the colon start with a weaker concentration of pau darco tea in your enema and increase the concentration gradually

10. Slippery Elm Enema

Slippery elm is one of the best herbs to take for any problem in the gastrointestinal tract. It aids in the correction of both constipation and diarrhea. It also helps to heal

hemorrhoids, and inflammatory conditions of the bowel such as Chrons and ulcerative colitis. Slippery elm is demulcent in nature, which means that it soothes and protects the mucous membranes of the body by forming a mucilaginous film or coating over the mucous membranes. This coating property of slippery elm heals the intestinal walls, relieves mild pain, irritation, and inflammation. Slippery elm protects the intestinal walls from excess acidity and the formation of ulcers. Using slippery elm in an enema is a great way to obtain its benefits. Slippery elm, is not only good for healing and soothing, it is also a very rich source of nutrients. It is very good to take as an enema when a person has trouble eating or keeping food down because the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in slippery elm will be absorbed through the bowel walls and help nourish the body.

Slippery Elm Enema Recipe:

2 Tbsp Slippery Elm powder 2 cups filtered water 1.5 litres warm filtered water

Boil 2 cups of water, remove from heat, add slippery elm powder and let steep for 5 minutes. Blend the mixture and add it to the remaining 1.5 litres of water. Make sure the mixture is an appropriate temperature, administer and retain for 15-45 minutes. Do not be tempted to use more of the slippery elm powder in your mixture, slippery elm absorbs a lot of water, and using too much will cause the enema solution to be too thick.

11. Yarrow Enema

Yarrow is a diaphorietc herb, administering it in an enema is good in times of colds, flu or fever. Yarrow is very soothing and healing for the mucous membranes of the body, therefore, yarrow enemas will aid in the reduction of abdominal cramps and inflammation in the intestinal tract. Yarrow enemas are useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids, diarrhea, and intestinal gas. Yarrow also helps to loosens and flush excess mucous from the intestinal tract.

Yarrow Enema Recipe:

2 Tbsp dried yarrow

2 litres filtered water

Boil the water, remove from heat and add the yarrow. Let steep for 15 minutes, strain, cool to an appropriate temperature and administer. Retain for 15-45 minutes.
Cautions and Considerations:

Yarrow contains lactone and salicylic acid which, in some people, may cause allergic reactions such as nausea or headache. If you have a known allergy to asprin, which has a high concentration of salicylic acid, avoid the use of yarrow.

Squeeze with Ease How to Do an Oil Enema Without the Mess

What is an Oil Enema?

An oil enema is the insertion of a small volume of unctuous substance into the rectum. Oil enemas, otherwise known as sneha basti are commonly used in Ayurvedic therapy as part of a complex cleansing therapy called panchakarma.

An oil enema can provide the following benefits:

lubrication of the rectum and colon preparation for higher-volume enemas relief from gas and bloating softening of hard stools relief of constipation reduction of other symptoms due to excess vata dosha a gentle complement to your cleansing regime

An oil enema is an effective alternative for individuals who are unable to administer high-volume enemas: pregnant women, the elderly, or people with weakness due to illness.

How to Give Yourself an Oil Enema

An oil enema can be a little more messy than a regular enema, but following the advice below will help to reduce the risks of spills and leaks, and help you to get the most benefit from your oil enema.

Buy the Appropriate Equipment

Using the right equipment is very important for giving yourself an oil enema without the mess. First of all, an enema bag is much too large for the volume of oil you will need, and it will take a much longer time to clean it afterwards. But, most imporatantly, if you use a bag you will not be able to acheive the appropriate pressure for injecting the oil all the way into to colon. You need a syringe to inject oil; since oil is an unctuous substance it will not flow as water does through enema tubing. There are a 2 types of syringes available:

Bulb Syringe - Bulb syringes range in volume from 1oz 26oz (30780ml). You will need nothing larger than an 8oz size (240ml) for an oil enema. These syringes are easy to find, however, they can get a little messy and may not be the best choice. Because the bulb self inflates when you release pressure from it, if you do not maintain a firm grip on the bulb for the entire time it is in your rectum, you will draw oil from your rectum back into the syringe. This means that you will end up with less oil in the colon than you were hoping for (you cant squeeze it back in because then you will also inject a fair amount of air). Also, along with the oil, the bacteria and matter from your rectum will be drawn into the syringe. That is not at all sanitary, as these bulbs are difficult to clean inside. You may not have problems using a smaller sized bulb syringe, but the larger the bulb the more difficult it will be. To make it easier to use, lay in a position where both of your hands can reach the enema syringe, or get assistance from another person. Standard Syringe - A larger sized standard syringe is preferable to a bulb syringe, because with this type of syringe, once the oil is injected into your rectum the syringe will not draw it back in. With a standard syringe you also do not have the same risk

of injecting air into the colon as you do with bulb syringes. These are easier than the bulbs to clean and sanitize for reuse. The only draw back is the standard syringe is more difficult to find in a variety of sizes. Sizes ranging from 30- 100ml/cc are common, but you may have difficulty finding this syringe with a larger volume than 100ml. If you want to inject more than 100ml of oil you can either refill the syringe once emptied, or fill more than one syringe and keep it in close reach.

Preparation for Oil Enema

Unlike the larger volume enemas, there is no preparation required for oil enema; however, oil enema should be done after a meal. Lunch time (between 10am and 2pm) is best because your bodys ability to absorb peaks at this time. Administer this enema while you still have a full stomach. Of course you still want to have the basics covered:

make sure the room is warm, because you will probably want to be naked from the waist down choose a comfortable spot; you will remain there for 30minutes after injection place some old towels where you be laying to catch any spills or leaks

How much oil should you use?

6o-90ml of oil is enough in most cases, but more oil (up to 240ml) can be safely administered.

What kind of oil should you use?

You can use any natural oils. Sesame, almond, and castor oil are commonly used. Castor oil is best if you are suffering from severe constipation because it is a purgative. Use sesame oil if you are the type of person who is prone to becoming cold and use almond oil if you are more prone to becoming hot. It is ideal if you can obtain a medicinally prepared herbal oil, as these are the most beneficial. Sacharadi thaila or Dhanwantaram thaila are the most suitable. Any ayurvedic supplier will have herbal medicinal oils. Choose the vasti pakam grade for injecting into your colon.

If you want increased absorption use the following Ayurvedic recipe for sneha vasti. The rock salt aids the absorption of oil and the dill seeds are a strong carminative. Small oil enema (matravasti)

60-90ml suitable oil (Sacharadi thaila or Dhanwantaram taila) 15g paste of Anethum sowa (roasted and powdered dill seeds) 10g powdered rock salt

Large oil enema

240ml suitable oil 30g paste of paste of Anethum sowa 15g powdered rock salt

Using a mortar and pestle, mix the salt, dill seeds and oil together. Once mixed, filter the through cheesecloth or fine muslin. Squeeze the cloth to get any remaining oil out.

Warm the oil

Heat the oil until lukewarm. The best way to heat the oil is by keeping it in another

container which is filled with warm water. You can also heat it over a low temperature on the stove. You will want it fairly warm, to increase its absorption in the colon, but make sure you do not heat the temperature above 104 degrees F (40 degrees C); if the oil is too hot it may scald the delicate lining of the rectum. Fill your syringe and make sure everything that you need is in place. You do not want to wait too long before you inject because the oil will cool rather quickly.

Insert and Inject

Before you begin , squeeze the syringe until a small amount of oil comes out; this will get rid of any air in the syringe. If you are using a bulb syringe, maintain your grip and make sure not to let the bulb inflate and draw the air back in. Lay on your left side with the left leg straight and right knee bent. You can rest your head on your left arm or on a pillow. Your right hand should be able to reach your anus, if it does not, you will need assistance to administer your enema. This position is usually the most comfortable for people. If it isnt working for you, then try the other positions outlined in How to Give Yourself an Enema. Lubricate the anus as well as the enema nozzle and gently guide the nozzle into the anus until you have passed the internal anal sphincter (about 3 inches). Remember

to relax! Once the nozzle is in, it is time to inject the oil; it will only take a moment to get all of the oil inside the colon. Leave a small amount of oil in the syringe, if you inject it all into the rectum, you risk injecting air as well. If you take in air, it will become more difficult to retain the enema.

Remove the nozzle and retain the oil

After the enema is administered, slowly remove the nozzle from the rectum and squeeze the muscles of your anus. Retain the oil for 30 minutes. If oil comes out before 30 minutes, then repeat the basti right away; oil which does not remain inside does not serve the purpose. While you are laying down, massage the abdomen in a counter clockwise direction to move the oil deeper into the intestinal tract. After you have held the oil enema for 30 minutes you can evacuate in the toilet. If oil does not come out, it is ok, this just means that it was absorbed into the tract. If it is going to come out, it will do so within 9 hours. If 9 hours has passed, then forget about it, it means it was all absorbed.

Be aware of post-enema leaking

Some oil may leak out, even a few hours after the enema; wear a pad or an old pair of underwear that you do not mid getting oil stains on. Keep in mind, that if you pass some gas after your oil enema, you are likely to pass some oil along with it. Of course, holding intestinal gas is never recommended, so either make sure you are wearing something that will absorb the oil or move to the toilet before expelling the gas. You will only have to be cautious about the possible leaks on the day which you took your enema; all remaining oil will be absorbed or expelled by the next day.

How often should you take an oil enema?

For maintenance purposes, an oil enema can be perfformmed daily, in doses under 60ml (usually 15-25ml is plenty for daily use). Volumes over 90ml should be done on an as needed basis, for a maximum of 7 consecutive days.

Do not administer oil enema is you are currently suffering from:

diabetes rhinitis cold or flu indigestion diarrhea obesity consumption of poison

How to Give an Enema (5)

By wikihow
An enema introduces liquids through a tube inserted into the bowel. Enemas are used to treat severe constipation and to introduce fluids in patients who can't receive them intravenously, as well as to administer certain drugs in liquid suspension. Done correctly, an enema is safe, effective and a natural alternative to laxatives and purgatives. Following are the steps for giving an enema.

Preparing for the Enema

1. 1

Decide where the enema will be given. The three most common places to give an enema are on a bed, on the bathroom floor or in a bathtub. 2. Place the supporting hook at the right height. The hook should be from 18 to 24 inches (45 to 60 centimeters) above the surface where the recipient of the enema will be lying, so that the enema bag is suspended 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 centimeters) above the recipient's anus. This is high enough so that the enema solution will gradually flow out of the enema bag. Suspending the enema bag too high will increase the incoming pressure and thus the enema recipient's discomfort. Suspending the bag too low will cause the fluid to flow back into the enema bag, leaving little fluid to reach the colon 3. Prepare for spills or leakage. If giving an enema in the bedroom or bathroom floor, place a thick absorbent pad or towel where the recipient will be lying. If giving the enema in the bathtub, an absorbent towel is unnecessary, although you may wish to wipe spills off the recipient's buttocks or legs.

Preparing the Enema Solution

1. Choose the right water temperature. Most enemas should be given at close to human body temperature, or between 98 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit (37 to 40.5 degrees Celsius). Enemas may be given with water as cool as 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) or as hot as 113 degrees Fahrenheit (45

degrees Celsius). Using water colder than 86 degrees Fahrenheit may cause cramping, while using water hotter than 113 degrees Fahrenheit can scald the rectal area. 2 Add the necessary solute for the purpose of the enema. While tap water is sufficient for most enemas, it may be necessary to add something to make the enema more effective, or if the enema is intended for something other than colon cleansing. Mild soap is added to the enema solution when the enema is intended to relieve constipation. Enema soap is specially formulated to be mild enough for infants but able to handle the most severe constipation. Enema soap is available in packets in most medical supply stores or may be ordered by a local pharmacist. One packet is sufficient. (Liquid dishwashing detergent should not be substituted, as it will irritate the colon and may cause colitis.) If enema soap is not available, baking soda may be substituted. Salt is added to enemas that are designed to soften impacted stools rather than trigger the bowel to expel them. Generally, one teaspoon of salt should be added per pint of water (10 milliliters/cubic centimeters of salt per liter of water). Mineral oil also softens stools and lubricates the colon, but it may seep out of the anus for up to 24 hours after the enema is given. Sodium phosphate is added to commercial enema solutions designed to clean out the colon prior to a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. Sodium phosphate draws water from the bloodstream into the colon, but often triggers intense cramps in the process. Certain drugs that penetrate the body faster without going through the digestive tract, such as some cancer, arthritis and macular denegeration medicines, as well as a few anti-nausea drugs, can be added to the enema solution. Barium solution is used in enemas that are to be retained long enough to enable the colon to be displayed on an X-ray. 3. Fill the enema bag or syringe. The amount of enema solution the recipient will be able to accept varies according to the size of the recipient's colon and how much fecal matter is inside it. A child 11 years old or older has the same colon capacity, on average, as an adult. If using a pre-measured enema solution, a child aged 5 to 10 years can be given a full bottle of a child-sized enema, while a child aged 2 to 4 years needs only half a bottle.

4. Connect the bag to the tubing.

Administering the Enema

1. Coat the tubing nozzle with a lubricant. 2. Let enough enema solution flow through the tubing to force air out of it. This will reduce cramping when the enema is administered. 3. Lubricate the anus and rectal area. The lubricant should be applied generously to the exterior of the anus and as far up the rectal area as possible to both make the tube easier to insert and protect the skin around the rectal area. Afterward, wipe off your finger with a tissue. (Alternatively, you can put on rubber or latex gloves before applying the lubricant.) 4 Get the recipient into position. While there are several positions the enema recipient can be in, the 3 most common positions are Sims' position, the knee-chest position and lying on the back with knees bent. Sims' position can be used whether receiving an enema from someone else or giving an enema to yourself. To assume Sims' position, lie on your left side with your left leg straight and your right leg bent at the knee. Place your left arm behind your back and your right hand under the pillow at your head. If administering the enema to yourself, the flow regulating clamp should be placed where your left hand can reach it. Knee-chest position may be more comfortable for someone receiving an enema from someone else, particularly if the recipient is pregnant, and may also be called for in cases of severe constipation. In this position, the recipient gets on hands and knees, places 1 or more pillows under the chest and leans on them while turning the face sideways and resting it on another pillow his or her arms are wrapped around. It does not lend itself to controlling the enema flow if you're giving it to yourself, however. Use the lying on the back with knees bent position if giving yourself an enema while lying on the bathroom floor or in the bathtub. Put a pillow under your head and make sure you can reach the flow regulating clamp before you start. 5. Insert the tube into the rectum. Twist the tube back and forth while inserting it to make it easier to go in. The tube should be inserted no more than 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 centimeters) into the rectal area without forcing. Having the enema recipient "bear down" as though having a bowel movement may help the insertion process. 6. Let the enema solution flow into the colon slowly. A suggested flow rate is 4 to 8 ounces (118 to 236 milliliters) per minute. Have the enema recipient take slow, deep breaths; the recipient may feel the

stomach expand somewhat while receiving the enema, and the stomach and abdomen may also appear fuller. Stop the flow at the first sign of cramping and have the recipient take quick, shallow breaths, then resume the flow when the discomfort passes. Interrupt the flow as often as necessary for the enema recipient's comfort. Allow up to 15 minutes to administer a large-volume enema. 7. Massage the abdomen slowly and deeply in a counter-clockwise direction. This will work the enema solution higher into the colon and also help dislodge fecal material from the colon walls. Start from the lower left side of the body, work up to the rib cage and then work back down the right side. 8. Clamp off the tube once the enema is stopped. This will prevent backflow into the bag when it is time to evacuate the bowels. 9. Give the enema time to do its job. On average, the enema should be held between 5 to 15 minutes before evacuating, with the longer times desired for relieving constipation. If the recipient feels the urge to go before this time, have him or her take deep breaths by mouth to relax.

Evacuating the Enema

1. Get to the toilet. If the recipient is having trouble holding the enema in, either press the buttocks together or press a folded washcloth against them to help retain it. 2. Remove the enema tube 3. Have the recipient squat over the toilet. Squatting causes the thighs to push against the abdomen, helping to expel more of the enema solution at a given time. If squatting is too difficult, then let the recipient sit on the toilet as for a normal bowel movement. To further aid in expelling the enema solution, massage the recipient's abdomen in a clockwise direction. 4. Expel the enema. The enema solution, and any waste matter, should come out within a few minutes. If not, have the enema recipient lie down in the Sims or knee-chest position, wait until the urge to evacuate returns, and try again. In any case, it will likely take several evacuations to clear out all the enema solution.

Colon Cleansing: How To Give Yourself An Enema (6)

Description This section of the book is from the "How and When to Be Your Own Doctor" book, by Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with Steve Solomon, published in 1997. Colon Cleansing: How To Give Yourself An Enema Enemas have been medically out of favor for a long time. Most people have never had one. So here are simple directions to self-administer an effective enema series. The enema bag you select is important. It must hold at least two quarts and be rapidly refillable. The best American-made brand is made of rubber with about five feet of rubber hose ending in one of two different white hard plastic insertion tips. The bag is designed for either enemas or vaginal douches. It hangs from a detachable plastic "S" hook. When filled to the brim it holds exactly one-half gallon. The maker of this bag offers another model that costs about a dollar more and also functions as a hot water bottle. A good comforter it may make, but the dual purpose construction makes the bag very awkward to rapidly refill. I recommend the inexpensive model. The plastic insertion tips vary somewhat. The straight tubular tip is intended for enemas; the flared vaginal douche tip can be useful for enemas too, in that it somewhat restrains unintentional expulsion of the nozzle while filling the colon. However, its four small holes do not allow a very rapid rate of flow. To give yourself an enema, completely fill the bag with tepid water that does not exceed body temperature. The rectum is surprisingly sensitive to heat and you will flinch at temperatures only a degree or two higher than 98 Fahrenheit. Cooler water is no problem; some find the cold stimulating and invigorating. Fasters having difficulty staying warm should be wary of cold water enemas. These can drop core body temperature below the point of comfort. Make sure the flow clamp on the tube is tightly shut and located a few inches up the tube from the nozzle. Hang the filled bag from a clothes or towel hook,

shower nozzle, curtain rod, or other convenient spot about four to five feet above the bathroom floor or tub bottom. The higher the bag the greater the water pressure and speed of filling. But too much pressure can also be uncomfortable. You may have to experiment a bit with this. Various body positions are possible for filling the colon. None is correct or necessarily more effective than another. Experiment and find the one you prefer. Some fill their colon kneeling and bending forward in the bathtub or shower because there will likely be small dribbles of water leaking from around the nozzle. Usually these leaks do not contain fecal matter. Others prefer to use the bathroom floor. For the bony, a little padding in the form of a folded towel under knees and elbows may make the process more comfortable. You may
kneel and bend over while placing your elbows or hands on the floor, reach behind yourself and insert the nozzle. You may also lie on your back or on your side. Some think the left side is preferable because the colon attaches to the rectum on the left side of the body, ascends up the left side of the abdomen to a line almost as high as the solar plexus, then transverses the body to the right side where it descends again on the right almost to the groin. The small intestine attaches to the colon near its lower-right extremity. In fact these are the correct names given for the parts of the colon: Ascending, Descending and Transverse Colon along with the Sigmoid Colon or Rectum at the exit end. As you become more expert at filling your colon with water you will begin to become aware of its location by the weight, pressure and sometimes temperature of the water you're injecting. You will come to know how much of the colon has been filled by feel. You will also become aware of peristalsis as the water is evacuated vigorously and discover that sensations from a colon hard at work, though a bit uncomfortable, are not necessarily pain. Insertion of the nozzle is sometimes eased with a little lubricant. A bit of soap or KY jelly is commonly used. If the nozzle can be inserted without lubricant it will have less tendency to slip out. However, do not tear or damage the anus by avoiding necessary lubrication. After insertion, grip the clamp with one hand and open it. The flow rate can be controlled with this clamp. Keeping a hand on the clamp also prevents the nozzle from being expelled. Water will begin flowing into the colon. Your goal is to empty the entire bag into the colon before sensations of pressure or urgency to evacuate the water force you to remove the nozzle and head for the toilet. Relaxation of mind and body helps achieve this. You are very unlikely to achieve a half-gallon fill up on the first attempt. If painful pressure is experienced try closing the clamp for a moment to allow the water to begin working its way around the obstacle. Or, next time try hanging the bag lower, reducing its height above the body and thus lowering the water pressure. Or, try opening the clamp only partially. Or, try panting hard, so as to make the abdomen move rapidly in and out, sort of shaking the colon. This last technique is particularly good to get the water past a blockage of intestinal gas. It is especially important for Americans, whose culture does not teach one to be tolerant of discomfort, to keep in mind that pain is the body's warning that actual damage is being done

to tissues. Enemas can do no damage and pose no risk except to that rare individual with weak spots in the colon's wall from cancers. When an enema is momentarily perceived unpleasantly, the correct name for the experience is a sensation, not pain. You may have to work at increasing your tolerance for unpleasant sensations or it will take you a long time to achieve the goal of totally filling the colon with water. Be brave! And relax. A wise philosopher once said that it is a rough Universe in which only the tigers survive--and sometimes they have a hard time. Eventually it will be time to remove the nozzle and evacuate the water. Either a blockage (usually fecal matter, an air bubble, or a tight 'U' turn in the colon, usually at either the splenetic, or hepatic flexures located right below the rib cage) will prevent further inflow (undesirable) or else the bag will completely empty (good!) or the sensation of bursting will no longer be tolerable. Go sit on the toilet and wait until all the water has passed. Then refill the bag and repeat the process. Each time you fill the colon it will allow more water to enter more easily with less unpleasantness. Fasters and cleansers should make at least three attempts at a complete fill-up each time they do an enema session. Water and juice fasters will find that after the first few enemas, it will become very easy to inject the entire half-gallon of water. That is because there is little or no chime entering the colon. After a few days the entire colon will seem (this is incorrect) to be empty except when it is filled with water. This is the point to learn an advanced self-administered enema technique. An average colon empty of new food will usually hold about one gallon of water. That is average. A small colon might only hold 3/4 gallon, a large one might accept a gallon and a half, or even more. You'll need to learn to simultaneously refill the bag while injecting water, so as to achieve a complete irrigation of the whole colon. There are several possible methods. You might try placing a pitcher or half-gallon mason jar of tepid water next to the bag and after the bag has emptied the first time, stand up while holding the tube in the anus, refill the bag and then lie down again and continue filling. You might have an assistant do this for you. You might try hanging the bag from the shower head and direct a slow, continuous dribble of lukewarm water from the shower into the bag while you kneel or lie relaxed in the tub. This way the bag will never empty and you stop filling only when you feel fullness and pressure all the way back to the beginning of the ascending colon. Of course, hanging from a slowly running shower head the bag will probably overflow and you will get splashed and so will the bathroom floor when your wet body moves rapidly from the tub to the toilet. I've imagined making an enema bag from a two gallon plastic bucket with a small plastic hose barb glued into a hole drilled in the bottom or lower edge. If I were in the business of manufacturing enema bags I'd make them hold at least one gallon. A word of caution to those folks who have a pattern of overdoing it, or tend to think that more is better. This is not true when it comes to colon cleansing. Do not make more than three attempts to fill and clean the colon with an enema bag. Usually the colon begins to protest and won't accept any more fill-ups. When having colonics on a colonic machine it is a good idea to continue until the water comes back reasonably clear for that session. It is not a good idea for a faster to have colonics that last more than three-quarters of an hour to an hour maximum, or it will be too tiring. Even non-fasters find colonics tiring. After all, the colon is basically a big muscle that has become very lazy on a low-fiber diet.

I've personally administered over five thousand colonics, taught several dozen fasters to selfadminister their own and stood by while they gave themselves one until they were quite expert. In all that experience I've only seen one person have a seriously bad result. This was a suicidally depressed water faster that I (mistakenly) allowed to administer their own colonics with my machine. This person not only took daily colonics, but allowed water to flow through their colon for as long as two hours at a time. Perhaps they were trying to wash out their mind? After several weeks of this extreme excess, the faster became highly confused and disoriented due to a severe electrolyte imbalance. They had to be taken off water fasting immediately and recovered their mental clarity in a few days. The loss of blood electrolytes happened because during colonics there occurs a sort of low-grade very slow reverse osmosis.

Administering an Enema (7)

For the recipient: Person receiving the enema

Pick a comfortable position. The position in which you take your enema should be comfortable so you can relax. Place a folded towel underneath you in case an accident should occur. Make sure the person dispensing the enema has clear access to your anus. Relaxation is the key for every aspect of an enema. Relaxation of the anus so the insertion of the nozzle is comfortable. Relaxing the whole body makes receiving the liquid as comfortable as possible. When receiving the enema solution breathe in the nose and out the mouth to help the solution flow in as comfortably as possible. Anal Lubrication. Have the administrator massage lubricant outside and inside your anus and rectum. This will help relax the anal muscles when the nozzle/rectal tube is inserted. You might want to take a couple of deep breaths as the nozzle passes your anal sphincter.

As the administrator starts the flow of enema solution, mentally picture yourself receiving the liquid. A good administrator will stop or slow the flow if you are experiencing any cramping. Many problems occur if you tense up or panic, try to relax, everything will be fine. If cramps do occur (and they sometimes do during your first enema) have the administrator stop or slow the flow, Take several deep breaths, and try massaging your abdomen. When you are relaxed, the administrator will turn the enema flow on again. If you feel the need to evacuate, ask the person administering the enema to stop the flow. "Relax", the need to expel will pass shortly as your colon relaxes and the enema continues deeper into the intestine. You will probably feel your stomach expanding somewhat. Try to relax and let your stomach expand naturally as the enema fills you. Breathe through the mouth while retaining the Enema Solution. Try to hold the enema for a few minutes. (Five to10 minutes is usually long enough for the enema to achieve a good evacuation.) the amount of enema liquid can vary from day to day as well as the length of time you can hold it. There are a multitude of variables regarding these aspects, so it's hard to find any kind of reliable average for the amount of enema liquid or the time to hold it.

When it is time to evacuate, take yourself (with the tube still in place) or you if you can remove the nozzle from your anus and not leak, then proceed to the toilet and release. Wait until you are in a position to evacuate before you remove the nozzle. If you are having trouble retaining the solution you can press a folded wash cloth tightly against your anus. This will help you retain the enema solution. After you evacuate, take several deep breaths and feel a lightness and euphoria that commonly follows a good enema.

The Administrator : Person administering the enema Directions for Administering a Retention Enema The administrator has most of the responsibility. The enema recipient is usually embarrassed and in a delicate position. You should respect their modesty in everything that you do. Communication between the recipient and person administering the enema is a very important tool to insure a successful procedure. The following advice should make the process go as smoothly as possible.

Positive Reinforcement: Words of encouragement to the recipient during the administration of the enema will be of great benefit for a positive outcome of the procedure. Telling the recipient, how good they are doing, and to relax and breathe correctly during the procedure will greatly increase the chances of a successful enema experience. Anal Lubrication: The recipients anal area needs lubrication to ease insertion of the colon tube or nozzle. The best lubricant we have found for this purpose is Liquid Silk (recommended for enema use) but you can use KY Jelly, Vaseline 13oz ) or even vegetable oil. Agloved finger is excellent for this purpose. It allows easier entrance to the rectum. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant to your finger tip and to the outside of the recipients anus. Next, press the tip of your finger into the center of the recipients anus. Use about enough pressure to crack an egg shell. Applying constant pressure for several seconds this will usually allow the anus to relax allowing you to insert a lubricated finger. Apply lubricant liberally working it in and out and around inside the anus and into the rectum. Assuming the recipient reacts positively to anal stimulation, they probably won't mind .

Suspend the enema bag: about 1 foot to 18 inches above the anus. Suspending an enema container higher than 18 in. produces a faster

flow and will and will increase the chance of cramping. A good tool for this is the IV Stand for Enemas If you need the best flow control of the enema solution. A ramp clamp is a good choice for flow control. Dropping the bag below the level of the anus will result in back-flow of waste into the enema bag during the procedure. Always open clamp and allow any air to escape tubing before inserting the nozzle or rectal tube. Inserting the: nozzle /rectal tube , Being careful and learning from the experience of your finger when you lubricated the anus. You should know about how much pressure will be required and the direction in which the nozzle should be pointed. The nozzle should slide in easily. Never Force an Enema Nozzle into the rectum. Next open the clamp slowly: Don't try to give the entire amount of solution at once. It can take as much as15 minutes to administer a large volume enema, add the solution very slowly, one-half to one cup per minute (4 to 8oz.). If the recipient has a full colon (Hasn't recently defecated) they may not be able to take the full amount of solution the first time. You can have them evacuate and then refill the container, and administer another enema. This procedure can be repeated until the recipient can take a complete filling without having to evacuate in between. If you have to repeat the procedure use only warm water for the solution. Using a soapy solution or irritating solution will irritate the anus and rectum and be very uncomfortable for the recipient. You want the recipient to come away with a positive experience from the enema procedure.

While filling the recipient: watch for signs of cramping. If this occurs you should slow or stop the flow until the recipient can relax. You might want to massage the recipients abdomen to encourage the solution further into the colon. When the recipient needs to evacuate you need to stop the flow and encourage the recipient to retain the enema solution. (five or 10 minutes this is usually enough time to achieve good results.) Then have them breathe only through the mouth while retaining the Enema Solution. Then while waiting for the recipient to expel their enema, It is a good time to clean the equipment.

Massaging the abdomen:

When receiving the enema: Massage abdomen in a counter-clockwise direction this will help move the solution higher into the colon. Start on the lower left side and slowly & deeply massage up and across just below the ribs and down the right side. Do this when you feel full in one particular area.

Massaging the abdomen during the administration of an enema will help the recipient except more of the enema solution. It will also help loosen fecal material along the colon walls. When expelling the enema: Massage abdomen in a clockwise direction this will help move the solution back toward the rectum and anus. Massaging the abdomen while expelling the enema helps move the solution and feces toward the rectum and out the anus.

How To Take An Enema (8)

A good enema program occurs when you are able to infuse enough filtered water into your colon to stimulate

peristalsis throughout the entire colon, thus cleansing the entire

colon -- not just the rectal or sigmoid areas. Once enough water is in the colon, you then expel it, along with the resulting waste, into the toilet. You then repeat the process one or two more times.

How to Take an Enema

This educational video explains how a new enema user can easily and effectively use an enema bag system to clear out the entire length of the colon. Kristina and a female model demonstrate how to set up and use an enema bag, how to prepare the enema solution, how to use an enema tubing clamp, how to lubricate and insert the enema nozzle, and how to easily take in two quarts of enema solution to fully cleanse the colon. The video also explains how to clean your enema equipment. Using this video along with a second video, Small Volume Enema, you will be able to take enemas in your own home that provide the same therapeutic effectiveness as colonics.

Find a comfortable, warm area where you can lie down to take your enema yet from which you can easily get up and reach the toilet. The bathroom floor can be ideal due to the proximity of the toilet. Many prefer to take an enema series right in a hot bathtub. In this way, you are more comfortable and relaxed as your body is slightly lifted off the ground. Others prefer to take their enema bag, a rubber mat, and their IV stand into their bedroom or sunny living room. Taking an enema in a sunny location is quite therapeutic, especially during the winter months. Try different locations until you find what works for you.

Prepare your first enema solution. Before you fill the bag, make sure the tubing clamp is shut tightly so that no water spills out as you are filling the bag. Using plain water often works well. The essential oils peppermint, frankincense, fennel, and lavender (1-3 drops of each) stimulate peristalsis and immune function. You can try them together or individually. I recommend them over soap, but if you want to use soap, use one teaspoon to one tablespoon of Dr. Bonner's Hemp Aloe Vera Pure Castile Soap. This will promote a positive musculature response, without chemical exposure, and move your bowels well. Water temperature of 98 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. Hang the enema bag at least two feet above your body. Some people find that preparing two to three enemas using two to three different enema bags, at the start of the enema series, works most easily. For this purpose, it is an excellent idea to own an IV stand.

Learn more about ENEMA SOLUTIONS


Use a non-petroleum lubricant on your enema nozzle. Petroleum-based products always take a toll on your liver. I like Super Salve the most, or a similar plant-based lubricant. I will use the sterile, water-soluble lubricating jellies such as KY Jelly or Surgilube. Olive oil and Vitamin E oil also work. Lie on your right side or your back, whichever makes insertion easier for you. Insert the lubricated nozzle.



Make sure you are comfortable, and then open the clamp. Keep the clamp in your hand or nearby so you can, without difficulty, control the flow of water into your body. Go slowly! The skill needed for successful colon cleansing is to let only a small amount of water enter your colon at a time. If you add water too quickly, you will stimulate peristaltic action in the sigmoid and the rectum, making it nearly impossible to get water into the transverse and ascending colon. If a hint of cramping occurs, immediately stop the flow and relax. Take a big breath and slowly let it out. When there is no more cramping, or 30 to 60 seconds have passed, resume filling your colon with small amounts of the enema solution until you have taken in 1 to 3 quarts, or you can no longer tolerate the amount of cramping that is occurring. You do not need to force yourself to withstand any pain. If you were only able to take a pint of solution before you experience consistent cramping, sit on the toilet, and let your bowel empty.
For a more comprehensive review of how to take an enema, view our instructional videos on DVD,

All About Enemas and Cleansing, Coffee Enemas, and Colon

Tubes, or please refer to our book, Kristina Amelong's Ten Days to Optimal Health:
A Guide to Nutritional Therapy and Colon Cleansing.


It can be helpful to gently massage your abdomen to assist the flow of the enema solution into the entire colon. Massage your colon from the bottom left corner of your abdomen toward your chest, moving the water up the descending colon, then across toward the right, moving the water through the transverse colon and finally down the right side into the ascending colon and the cecum area. Reverse the direction of massage when eliminating the enema solution. At our health center, we use a massage tool called a

percussion massager. It works wonders. If you have difficulty holding water or eliminating during an enema, you may also want to try a massager.

Some people find that being on their left or their right side at some point during an enema session can make a big difference. Give it a try. Turn over onto your left side and, while gently massaging the abdomen, take in more water. This will facilitate filling the entire colon. Others find that lifting the buttocks off the ground with the body propped up on a pillow or using the yoga position of a full shoulder stand (not recommended if you haven't tried this before) will further move the liquid into your colon. Try to retain the enema for about 5 to 15 minutes. Sit on the toilet and evacuate whenever you need to.


If you can't take all 2 quarts of water, that's okay. Take only what you can hold comfortably. On the first enema, you are most likely very full in the sigmoid and rectal area. This is where the nerve endings that stimulate peristalsis are, so it is very common to only be able to take a small amount of liquid on this first fill. Take the enema nozzle out and sit on the toilet. Make sure you have first closed the hose clamp.


After you have expelled your first enema and most of the fecal matter on the toilet, you will want to repeat the procedure. This time follow the same procedure, but now try to increase the volume of water. With your colon now empty, you will have room for more water. Taking into your colon 1 to 3 quarts of water is key to an effective enema series. Take only as much as you can comfortably hold. Do not put yourself in pain that lasts for more than a couple of passing seconds. Use pain as a guide to what your colon is comfortable with. Again, go slowly. Repeat the enema again if you have time and are still passing feces.

For the third enema in a series, I recommend that you use a therapeutic substance like bifidonate or my Olive Oil, Aloe Vera, and MSM Implant Kit with Peppermint Essential Oil.

How to Enema (9)

A poorly functioning colon and slow detoxification of the body may be behind some of your ailments, from aches and pains to disease. Many don't think about cleansing the colon until they are constipated, but regular detoxification of the large gut can help prevent constipation and many other symptoms and future health problems. While there are a number of ways to cleanse the colon, the enema - the process of inserting water into the rectum through a nozzle to 'rinse' out the last segment of the large intestine - is one of the fastest and most effective, and it can be done right in your bathroom! The best time to enema is after your morning bowel movement so that the water can flow through uninhibited. The night before, you can drink a cup of fennel, peppermint, or senna tea to 'loosen things up.' Equipment:

an enema bag that can hold at least 1500ml (about 1.5 quarts) of fluid. The colon tube or nozzle is connected through a hose to the enema bag. Ideally, the enema bag should have a two-holed nozzle. some olive oil as a lubricant. Do not use petroleum-basd products (such as Vaseline). a plastic jug or bucket pure or distilled water, around 97 degrees farenheit a large towel or bath mat to lie down on

Set up: Hook the enema bag onto a doorknob (or other) about two to three feet above the floor of your bathroom. If the water is hung to high, the flow will be quite strong and

may cause some discomfort. Place the bag where the tube can reach your anus when you're lying flat on the floor. The bag must be placed at a point where the tube can easily reach your anus when you are laying flat on the floor. Set it up on the bathroom floor or in the bathtub. Clamp shut the tube near the nozzle on the enema bag. Fill the bag with warm water to the fill line on the bag. You will still have half of the solution left - you can use the remainder to repeat the enema for better results. Place the jug on the floor. Place the nozzle into the jug. Open the clamp to allow about half a cup of water to flow into the jug from the bag (this removes all the air from the tube). Rub a little lubricant onto the nozzle and around your anus. Place a towel or bathmat where you wish to lay down. Now you're ready to begin: Lie on your left side. Gently insert the nozzle from the enema bag into your anus, about two to three inches. Open the clamp on the nozzle and let the water flow. As the water flows in, gently but firmly massage your abdomen to help move things along. Continue to massage your belly throughout the rest of the process. When about one-third of the water has gone in, turn onto your back. After another one-third of the water has gone in, turn onto your right side. Once all of the water has been used, keep massaging your belly while slowly turning back onto your left side. Hold the water in for 10 to 15 minutes (or for as long as you can tolerate it). Gently remove the nozzle and sit on the toilet to release the water. Expect to have frequent bowel movements for at least the next hour. Remember to read the instructions on your enema kit carefully before trying the procedure, and just to be safe, check with your health practitioner first.

How to Do a Coffee Enema at Home (10)

And a Normal Water Enema too!

Ive had a lot of requests from people asking how to do an enema at home and especially how to do a coffee enema. Even if you never do an enema at home, its always good to know how its done! Personally I always travel with an enema bag just in caseits a great thing to have for any unexpected constipation or even food poisoning while on the road. You can set it up in minutes as long as you have a towel rack to hang the bag from and a toilet of course! An enema is done while laying on the floor, as opposed to a colema which is done on a colema board. Both use gravity-fed water, but with the colema board, when you feel the urge to release, you can simply let go. With an enema, you have to first clamp the line shut, remove the tip, stand up to sit on the toilet, and then release. So there are a few extra steps involved. It seems complicated but its actually very easy! The key is to use the clamp and always be ready to stop the flow of water when you feel full.

How to Do a Plain Water Enema

Before doing a coffee enema, you should always do a plain water enema and wash everything out until the water runs clear. Then you are ready for the coffee. If doing a cleanse at home, you should also do at least one water enema per day during the fasting or juicing phase of your cleanse.

1. Prepare the Water.

Buy distilled water in advance and have it ready for your enema. You can heat up some of the water to body temperature. If the water seems too hot to touch, then it is too hot for the enema! In that case, add room temperature water to bring down the temperature of the water.

2. Set up Enema Bag.

There are a few different types of enema bags out there. My favorite is the type that looks like a hot water bottle it has a wide top to add the water easily and clean afterwards. This type of enema bag comes with 2 different tips one is smaller and is for rectal insertion. The other is larger with several holes and it is for vaginal insertion. For an enema, you only need the smaller tip. You can screw the tip onto the end of the water line. Then, be sure the clamp is shutting the line so no water can pass through the hose. Next, hang you enema bag on a towel rack. You want to be sure that the tip can still be inserted comfortably. If the bag is hanging too high, you wont have any extra hose line to be able to insert the tip. The towel rack is usually more stable than trying to hang on a door knob. When you have the bag clipped and hanging, you are ready to add the water. Fill up the bag with distilled water warmed to body temperature. (If the water is cold, the colon will contract and things will not flow out so easily. If the water is too warm, the colon can relax too much and may become a bit floppy after the enema. Body temperature keeps things just right.)

3. Prepare towels for Comfort.

Enema at Home Set-Up

Lay one towel flat on the floor and use another for a pillow so you are comfortable during the enema.

4. Place plastic colander in toilet (optional).

This is an option for the hard-core cleansers who like to check out their mucoid plaque or look for worms during their enema. You can have a pair of plastic gloves on hand as well as a pair of chopsticks to thoroughly investigate all. Its best to buy the colander and chopsticks at a Dollar Store, and clean with hot water and vinegar every day during your cleanse.

5. Use olive oil or coconut oil for lubricant.

Have this ready in the bathroom so when you lie down, you have everything you need.

6. Play some music, turn the phone off and take a final pee.
Before you lie down to start your enema, empty your bladder by having a pee. Having any extra pressure in the bladder can make it harder to retain the water.

7. Fill the hose with water to remove air pocket.

Before you begin, its a good idea to clear the enema line from air. If you forget this step, the worst thing that will happen is you will get a big air pocket in your colon and have a nice release of gas with your exit water. When the bag is full of water, take the tip and aim it over the toilet. Release the clamp, allowing the water to flow. As soon as you see the water come out, clamp the line again. Now the line is full of water instead or air and you are ready to begin!

8. Relax!
Yes, your colon is now ready to be a 2-way street.. so dont think about it being 1-way only! The water helps rinse out old, undigested, fermented, rotting fecal matter. Once that gunk it out of your system, your whole body works better. This is a great thing, so rejoice and be grateful for all the good you are about to do for your body! Take a deep breath and relaxits going to be ok!

9. Ready for Insertion!

Enema Clamp Lie down on the floor, either on your right side or your back, whatever feels more comfortable (I prefer lying on my right side). Gently add some lubricant to the plastic tip and also to the rectal area. Take a breath, and on the exhale, insert the tip just enough (about 1 inch) so it rests comfortably inside the rectum. When you feel comfortable, release the clamp on the water line and let the water start to enter. Keep one hand on the clip so you can stop the flow at any time. As soon as you feel any pressure, stop the flow by clamping the line. Take a few deeps breaths and as you feel the water move deeper inside, release the line again to let more water flow inside. Repeat this as many times as you can. As soon as you feel the urge to release, clamp the line and remove the tip. Then stand up and sit on the toilet, releasing the water into the toilet.

10. Repeat until the Water Runs Clear.

Initially you may find it very difficult to retain any water. This is completely normal. As you become more comfortable with the process and as you go further into your cleanse, you will naturally find that you are able to retain more water before releasing. It is very normal to have to repeat this process a few times before you even go through one full enema bag (between 1 and 2 liters). It is recommended to repeat the process until the water runs clear. This may take 2 or 3 times of filling the enema bag, for a total of 2 to 6 liters of water.

How to Do a Coffee Enema

Before doing a coffee enema, you should always do a plain water enema and wash everything out until the water runs clear. Then you are ready for the coffee. It is absolute imperative that you use 100% certified organic coffee. Do not use anything less! Commercial grade coffee can damage the liver.

A coffee enema is an excellent way to clean the liver, but should only be done when the colon is clear. During a normal cleanse or at the end of a cleanse is a good time to do a coffee enema. Just doing one in the middle of eating a Standard American Diet (SAD) will not have a positive effect on the body. Please do not use this as a magic pill to try to clean your liver quickly. You can actually draw toxins into the liver if the colon is toxic, and then you will be doing more harm than good!

1. Prepare the Coffee.

Add 3 Tablespoons of ground organic coffee to 1 quart of distilled water. Let it boil for 3 minutes, then simmer for 20 minutes. Strain and cool until the water is at body temperature.

2. Retain for 12-15 minutes.

Use the same set-up as above, insert the 1 quart (strained) coffee and retain for 12-15 minutes. Lay on the right side during this time. Breathe deeply. Dr. Max Gerson found that all of the caffeine is absorbed from the fluid within 12 minutes.

3. Release.
Thats it! The coffee enema is an easy way to get the liver to dump bile and toxins quickly. It should be done only about 2 times per week during a cleanse, and definitely not any more than that if feeling unwell after the enema. Replenish your electrolytes after a coffee enema by drinking a fresh juice. Carrot, beet and celery juice is especially good after a coffee enema.

Enema - How a cleansing enema ensures the BEST body detoxification to help you live healthier and longer ...naturally!! (11)
An enema is a discreet and private method of self-administered colon cleansing. Most importantly, it is extremely Easy to do and Home Enemas are extremely popular. Almost everyone who undergoes the experience has almost identical responses of "Wow! I feel hooked already"
Why Enema

Our modern lifestyle has given birth to an ever-increasing bouquet of health disorders where diagnosis is vague. Physiological ailments such as lower backaches, indigestion, flatulence, acidity, chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome are widely rampant. So are psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, irritability and other neuroses. These - coupled with our prolonged unhealthy lifestyles - has given birth to systemic disorders such as obesity, faster Ageing, Cancers, Rheumatoid Arthritis and auto immune disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Crohn's Disease, etc.

These disorders have been linked to an insufficiently clean colon and a poor detoxification of the body. Experiences show that Enemas benefit greatly in such cases and help in maintaining youthfulness. The good part of our modern lifestyles is that Enemas are NOT a taboo any longer!
The "What & How" of an Enema

In this process, water (or the prescribed liquid) is inserted into the rectum through a colon tube or nozzle. The colon tube or nozzle is connected through a hose to an enema bag or tub which holds the liquid.

While lukewarm saline water is the most recommended, effective and safest for cleansing, certain additives may be prescribed for specific conditions as well as for therapeutic enemas. Depending upon the quantity of liquid required, an enema may be classified as a low volume or high volume enema. Low volume enemas may be sufficient for mild constipation. Certain therapeutic procedures such as coffee enema for cancer treatment and liver detox are also low volume procedures which do not require deep filling of the colon, and work on only the lower part of the descending colon, sigmoid colon and the rectum. A high volume enema, on the other hand, is meant for deeper cleanses and detoxification of the entire colon. It is used as part of cleansing programs or then to correct chronic imbalances created by an unhealthy lifestyle or other factors such as medications, personal disposition etc. An effective fasting program should also be accompanied by enemas to assist in the detoxification of the body. A fasting program slows down the excretory system, preventing the pushing out of the feces easily. It is here that an enema can help greatly. Enemas are best done in the morning soon after answering nature?s call. A relatively clean colon helps realize the fullest benefits of an enema by allowing an unobstructed flow of the water into the colon. If necessary, it may be wise to have a mild laxative the night before to assist in a clean colon before the enema process is undertaken
Enema Dangers

Are enemas dangerous? All the reported dangers of enemas can be traced to indiscriminate or improper practice. In our opinion, there has been no citation for enemas being harmful, if done as recommended. Possible Dangers listed are injury to anus or rectum due to improper insertion of the nozzle. Common sense should dictate this aspect and the golden rule applies ? never push when in pain; an easily implemented practice Another contraindication reported is for people with heart or kidney ailments, as enemas can cause an electrolytic imbalance. Once again, this only pertains to indiscriminate use or to special people who need specific medical advice before an enema.
MYTHS about Enema

Myth#1:It is Difficult Reality: Quite contrarily, it is one of the easiest methods of thorough colon cleansing. Following the instructions as provided in the enema instruction booklet will make you aware how wonderfully easy the procedure is.

Myth#2: It is Habit Forming Reality: In nature cure, patients who were given enema for months did not take even a day to leave it or live without it. Yes, if enemas are done incorrectly and without discretion, then rectal muscles can lose their natural disposition. Myth#3: It Weakens the Intestine Reality: It never weakens the intestine and rectum; instead taking enema rationally activates and strengthens them. Enema greatly contributes to the strength of the digestive system. It improves the blood circulation not only to the large intestine but also to the organs of the whole digestive system. It improves the digestion of food and also improves the secretion of the digestive juices/ enzymes.

How To do a Basic Enema (12)

Benefits of the Enema
"Enemas can be beneficial in restoring healthy bowel regularity. This is why I believe enemas should be used every day for a year by those who have problems with a sluggish, irregular or under active bowel. Many ingredients can be added to enema water to increase its effectiveness in some specific manner. Coffee enemas help detoxify the liver. Flaxseed tea enemas relieve inflammation in the bowel. Bentonite, a clay water, when added to enema water assists in absorbing and mobilizing toxins from the bowel wall. Acidophilus culture taken orally is helpful in detoxifying the bowel and in building friendly bacteria. Acidophilus implants can also be inserted rectally over night. I believe that each of the many health professions and approaches to health care have a special value. I do not believe, however, that any therapeutic method - no matter how sophisticated - can effectively overcome disease in a toxic laden body. The toxins must be eliminated first. Nor do I believe that any drug based therapy can restore or rejuvenate tissue damaged in the course of chronic disease. Only nutrients from foods can do that. I believe when we work with nature, we get the results nature intends us to get. A clean body nourished by natural foods and uplifting thoughts will put anyone on the path to right living that brings health as a natural consequence. It is interesting to note that the famous beauty queen, whom I knew, Mae West, was a great believer in the benefits of the enema. She started every day with a morning enema. I'm sure that this simple practice greatly contributed to her unusual vitality, bright mindedness and long lasting attractiveness, as true beauty is but a reflection of the beauty within." -- Bernard Jensen, D.C., Nutritionist

Excerpt is from: "Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management"

Modified text from

Basic Enema Procedure

The very last part of the colon, before reaching the rectum, is in an "S" shape and called the sigmoid colon. By the time stool gets to this part of the colon, most nutrients have been absorbed back into the bloodstream. Because the stool contains products of putrefaction at this point, there exists a special circulatory system between the sigmoid colon and the liver. There is a direct communication of veins called the enterohepatic

circulation. Have you ever felt sick just before having a bowel movement, when stool material has just moved into the rectum for elimination? As soon as the material is evacuated, you no longer feel sick. This is due of the toxic quality of the material and the enterohepatic circulation coming into play. Because of this, it is important to evacuate when you have the urge. The rectum should usually be empty. This circulatory system enables toxin to be sent directly to the liver for detoxification, rather than circulating them through the rest of the body and all of its vital organs including the brain. This system of veins carries rectal / sigmoid toxins directly to the liver for detoxification.

Enema Solutions
Choose your cleansing solution based on your personal condition and desired effect. If you suffer from extreme allergic sensitivity, or serious illness or degenerative disease, distilled water is recommended. 1. Sea Salt Water Solution: distilled water plus 1 teaspoon of sea salt for each quart (liter) of water. The salt is optional, one can use simply distilled water. 2. Coffee Solution: Coffee enemas stimulate the natural peristaltic contractions of the colon, and help remove wastes and bile from liver and gallbladder, and musous from colon wall. When a coffee enema is used, caffeine from the coffee is preferentially absorbed into this system and goes directly to the liver where it becomes a very strong detoxicant. It causes the liver to produce more bile (which contains processed toxins) and moves bile out toward the small intestine for elimination. If you are overly sensitive to caffeine, you can substitute fresh garlic juice, or fresh lemon juice. Use organic coffee, fully caffeinated, or drip grind coffee. To one quart (liter) of boiling water, add 2 flat Tablespoons of coffee. Let it boil for 5 minutes, then turn off and let cool. 3. Oil Solution: Can offset the possible depleting aspects of colon irrigation while helping in the eliminative process. Oils, such as sesame or castor, are useful since they are calming to the nervous system. These can be used at room temperature, there is no need to heat them up. 4. Herbal Solutions: Combine herbs from the categories according to individual situation, and desired effect.

* Bitter herbs (wormwood, gentian, yarrow, turmeric, golden seal, aloe, willow bark) aid in the release of bile, help parasites, hypertension, fevers and heat. * Flaxseed tea makes a soothing solution. * Astringent herbs (comfrey root, slippery elm, bayberry bark, myrrh, cranesbill) tone the intestinal tissue and aid in prolapse and hemorrhoids. * Spicy herbs (red peppers, ginger, mustard seeds, cardamom, basil, oregano, marjoram, thyme, garlic, onion) stimulate circulation, aid digestion and eliminate gas. * Calming herbs (lavender, catnip, comfrey, valerian root) alleviate gas and are calming to the nervous system. * Eliminative Solution - For parasites, use equal parts garlic, wormwood and bayberry bark in a tea. 5. Nutritive Solution -For weak digestion and assimilation, deficient favorable bacteria, combine fermented barley or whole grain water, tamari soy sauce mixed w/water combined with a tea of marrow, meat, chicken, sesame, or olive oil. 6. Increase Friendly Bacteria Solution: Use buttermilk to help feed and multiply friendly bacteria.

You will need the following materials:

* A bag or bucket preferably one of clear plastic that you can see through, or enema bag which one can purchase at your local pharmacy. The see through enema bag is preferable, but an old fashioned type that doubles as a hot water bottle can be used although it is hard to tell how much is used at each pass. Do not use any bag with a strong odor. * A large pot with uncontaminated water. Chlorinated water should be boiled for 10 min. If you are making an herbal or coffee solution, then you will also need to boil the water. * Your other ingredients to add to the enema water.

* Elimination bucket (optional). You can make a portable elimination bucket simply with a 5 gallon bucket, and two short boards to put on the edges in a V shape, to act as a 'toilet seat'. This can be handy if one wants to do the enema in a room other than the bathroom. & don't forget to have a roll of toilet paper... * A large towel and a large plastic bag (optional).

1. If you are doing an herbal or coffee solution or need to sterilize your water, then boil it in the big pot and then add your herbs/coffee. Next allow it to cool down to a very comfortable, tepid temperature. Test with your finger. It should be the same temperature as a baby's bottle. Its safer to have it too cold than too warm; never use it hot or steaming; body temperature is good. If using coffee or herbs strain the water to remove any solid components. 2. Next, carry your pot and lay an old towel on the floor (or your bed if you are careful and know you won't spill - for safety, a piece of plastic can be placed under the towel). You can also do this in the bathroom on the toilet, but it's not as effective sitting upright. 3. Close the catheter clamp on your enema bag. Pour the solution into the enema bag. Put the tube end of the enema bag into the sink or the empty bucket, then loosen the clamp to allow the solution to run out to the end of the catheter tip and reclamp the bag when all the air has been removed from the enema tubing. Use a coat hanger to hang the enema bag at least two feet above the floor; on a door knob or towel rack or large nail. If using a bucket it can rest on a chair, shelf or be held. Make sure you don't put it too high, the strength of flow can be too strong and/or your hose won't reach. The solution should flow very gently into the rectum and distal sigmoid colon only. This is not a high enema or colonic. [Allowing caffeine solution to go well up into the colon may introduce caffeine into the general circulation as though you had taken it by mouth, and you will be very jittery.] 4. Lie down on the floor on your back or right side and gently insert the catheter. If you need lubrication, food grade vegetable oil such as olive oil, a vitamin E capsule, or KY jelly should be fine, unless you are chemically sensitive. It is generally a good idea to avoid petroleum products, such as vaseline.

5. Gently insert the tube into the rectum a few inches [one inch = 2,5cm] and then release the clamp and let the first 1/2 of the quart (liter) of the solution flow in. Clamp the tubing off as soon as there is the slightest amount of discomfort or fullness, then remove the catheter tip and void when you have to.Do not change positions or use an incline board to cause the enema to enter further into the colon; this defeats the purpose of this type of enema. Gently massage the abdomen in the area of the large intestine with small circles, starting with left side above pubic bone, going vertically up and then across body (under belly button), and over to right side and down. 6. Try to retain the enema for 10 minutes if possible while doing a gentle massage (described above), sometimes there will be an immediate urgency to get rid of it and that is fine. It helps to clean the stool out of the colon so that next time around you can hold more of the enema longer. Never force yourself to retain it if you feel that you can't. When you void, sit upright and use either the toilet or the large bucket, and doing a reverse massage of the large colon, starting with lower right side, moving up and across abdomen to left side and down, to assist with moving material out of the colon. Alternatively one can use the Quicken Touch technique during elimination. After you have emptied the bowel, proceed with the remaining 1/2 quart (liter) and likewise hold that for 10 minutes & do the massage, if able to, then void sitting upright. 7. When you have finished your session, rinse out the bag and hang it up to dry. Periodically run boiling water, peroxide, or other comparable anti microbial agent through the empty bag to discourage mold growth when not in use. 8. If you feel wired or hyper, or have palpitations or irregular heartbeats after a coffee enema, you should reduce the amount of coffee, usually by half for a few days or weeks. 9. Always discontinue enemas if there is any adverse reaction whatsoever, and discuss it with the doctor at your next appointment. If you find the enema helpful, do not use it more than once per day for any extended period without medical supervision. It should be noted that using enema can become addictive, where one relies on the technique to provoke normal elimination. If you see you are doing this, then you should seriously consider breaking this habit ASAP. The goal here is to establish normal health to the digestive system, by cleaning it out, so that elimination

happens naturally, not to be using enemas daily as a way to eliminate and cleanse.

Enema Information (13)

An enema is the cleansing of the colon or large intestine. It involves the injection of a solution into the rectum to soften the feces, distend the colon and rectum, and thereby cause the easy emptying of the bowel. An enema is often given for relieving constipation, cleanse the colon or part of a body detoxification program. The solution most commonly used is a mixture of mild soap and approximately a liter or two of warm water that is placed in a container with a flexible tube and enema nozzle. The end of the nozzle will be lubricated and inserted into the rectum, after which the solution will be slowly administered. Temperature? Most people find that a warm water enema can be held more easily than a cold one. Some people use a cool water enema when they need to force out water and material that is stuck in the bowel. The temperatures given are that of the water as it is poured into the bag. It cools off some before it gets into the colon. Don't try to judge temperature with your fingers, they're too unreliable. If you don't want to use a thermometer, use your tongue! It's a fairly reliable reference for body temperature. Cool water is 30 - 35 degrees C ( 86 - 95 degrees F ) Warm water is 40- 42 degrees C ( 104 - 108 degrees F ) Hot water is 43 - 45 degrees C( 110 113 degrees F ) Don't take water any hotter than 45 C or 113 F or you can scald the colon. You can take it as cold as you can stand, some take crushed ice enemas, but I suspect most people couldn't even accept water that cold into their bowel. Anatomy of the Colon? Please see the following diagram of the colon.

Positions? There are many positions in which an enema can be taken. Two of the most widely known are the "Sims" position and the "Knee-Chest"

position. The Sims position has the recipient lying on the left side, with the right knee brought up near the chest. The Knee-chest position has the enema supported by the knees and the shoulders, with the chest sagging down, so that the chest almost touches the floor. This places the abdomen nearly upside down, so that the water can flow down from the rectum to the transverse colon by gravity. In cases of deep-seated constipation, this position will help the water reach way up into the colon for a good cleaning out. It is also useful in a technique for floating air or gas in the colon above the water so that the air can be expelled. Lying on the back is a favorite position, especially for the first enema of a session. You can watch the bag slowly deflate, and you can also watch the abdomen expand as the water enters the colon. You should lie down so that you can prop your head against a wall, like a pillow. You will probably be most comfortable if the knees are raised. You will first see the belly swell very low, just above the crotch, as the sigmoid expands. Then you will see the left side start to bulge as the water enters the descending colon. You will be in a position to massage the bowel as well as feel the shape and position of your colon. Lying face down can be used, but pressing the belly on the floor restricts the abdomen's need to expand Lying face down and arching the back by raising the upper body on the elbows is a very stimulating position, and lifts the belly up from the floor. This presses the genital area against the floor, and leaves the hands free to massage the breasts, etc. Lying on the right side is the opposite of the Sims position, and causes the water to flow down into the cecum. When you do this, feel the ballooning out of the cecum, the part of the colon with the largest diameter.

Standing on the head uses gravity to force the water down into the transverse colon, which usually needs a good cleaning out anyway, but especially if you are quite constipated. Reclining in the bathtub is quite comfortable, except that the tub may be cold. You don't have to worry about leakage here.

Leaning over the edge of the bathtub is similar to getting on your hands and knees, but it leaves your hands and arms free, and is a little easier to stay in that position for a while. Capacity? Every individual has his or her own capacity, and it will change from each enema to the next. The cleanliness of the colon and the amount of gas present will have a great effect on the volume of water that can be taken. Medical researchers have determined that the average adult human colon has a capacity of 7 quarts. I believe that this measurement may have been made using colons removed from cadavers, who wouldn't complain about the pressure. It may be that the average colon has this capacity, but that no one except a woman who has just delivered a baby has that much room in the abdomen to allow the colon to expand to its fullest. You may want to experiment with this by taking the largest enema that is comfortable, and then rolling from side to side very slowly and seeing if the water runs downhill to distend the lower side more. You probably will find that the lower part of the colon will be noticeably more swollen, indicating that it is your abdomen that is unable to expand to allow the colon to accept any more fluid. Retention? Most people will find it difficult to retain an enema for more than 5 minutes. If the bowel is not clean, then the peristaltic action of the colon will push against the fecal masses and produce intense pressure. This will frequently happen with your first enema in a series. Not much to do but expel and try again. If you get a strong cramp and an urge to expel, getting up is the worst thing you can do. Making the descending colon vertical adds gravity to the force pushing out. This is how to have an accident. If you can, wait while lying down. The pressure will pass in 1015 seconds as the wave of peristalsis passes the sigmoid colon and reaches the end. Then you can get up and expel without straining to hold it in. If you must go to the toilet, and the pressure is intense, you can hold the buttocks together with both hands. This helps the anal muscles keep it in. Another method is to lie on your back, and massage the colon with both hands. Whenever you feel pressure building, or can feel a big bulge with your hands, massage around that area until the pressure relaxes.

Some people recommend rolling from one side to the other every minute or so. The idea is that the water will flow repeatedly downhill, alternately filling the descending and sigmoid colon and then running down to the cecum. This is supposed to break up any masses in the transverse. Expulsion? Obviously, most people expel their enemas while seated on the toilet. This is probably not the best position for expelling water from the colon because of the need for the wide cecum to push the water up hill to the transverse, and then for the transverse to pump it back up its bag to get it to the descending. A large volume in the descending will cause the descending colon to slide down the left side and kink where it meets the sigmoid. If you can feel lots of water bulging on the left side, but can't get it out, you need to change positions. Get up and lie down for a moment, or get into the knee-chest position, or just turn around as if you are looking over your right shoulder. These techniques can un-kink the descending, and get the water passing out again. Some people prefer to expel in the bathtub, which is much easier, because the colon does not need to lift water to get it out. This is extremely messy, however, so don't do it unless you don't mind cleaning up. If the colon becomes severely blocked while holding an enema. Don't sit on the toilet for more that a few minutes if there is no water coming out. Sitting too long and straining are the chief causes of hemorrhoids. If nothing is coming out, lie down either face down or up, or lie on your left side, or get into the knee-chest position. These will help the water move, and soon you can go back to the toilet.

How To Enema (14)

Taking an enema at home is easy, and will help relieve constipation, cleanse the colon and promote normal bowel function.

When Is The Best Time To Enema? Upon arising in the morning is the best time to take an enema. Preferably after you have had your morning bowel movement and you have not eaten. If you are constipated, and cannot have a bowel movement, morning time is still the best time and the enema will help you to go.

How Many Times Can I Take An Enema? 1x a day if you are constipated. Take an enema as needed, depending on how constipated you are or ill.

Instructions For Water Enema:

1. First have a clean enema can or enema bucket. Stainless Steel is the most recommended . 2) Attach your long enema tubing to the enema bucket, and make sure the tubing clamp is on the tubing and in a closed position. 3) Attach the short enema nozzle to other end of long enema tubing. Place a small amount of olive oil on the tip of the nozzle for easy insertion. Now your enema bucket kit is ready. 4) Next fill your enema bucket with distilled water or purified water. The water should be lukewarm or cool. 5) Take your filled bucket and tubing to the bathtub or toilet and open the tubing clamp slightly so as to release a little of the solution into the tub or toilet. You will do this to remove any air bubbles from the tubing. Air bubbles should not be in the tubing when starting your enema. 5) Choose a comfortable place where you can lie down. A carpeted floor, the bed, or on a yoga mat is good.

6). Spread a towel on the bed or floor and a plastic sheeting over the towel. This will enable you to easily wipe up any spills that may occur underneath you. 7) Place the enema bucket on a nightstand, or hang at a height of 20" or more from where your rectum will be. The purpose is to make sure there is enough height so the flow from the bucket will be strong enough. You may have to try different heights to find which height works best for you. You can also try hanging the enema bucket on a nearby doorknob. **(for those who do not want to lie down, you may also take the enema in the shower/tub area. Simply hang the bucket on the shower rack, bend over and insert the enema nozzle from behind while standing in the tub.) 8) If you are performing the enema lying down, there are 2 positions possible : a) you can lie on your left side or right side, take the nozzle tip and insert into the rectum gently. b) you can kneel on both knees with rectum up, and gently insert the enema tip. 9) Slowly release the enema tubing clamp, to allow water to flow through the tube and into your rectum. 10) When you start to feel full or a little pressure within the rectum and colon, you should press the clamp shut, and shut off the flow. Hold the water in. 11) You may turn and lay on your back flat, and gently massage your abdomen in circular motion so as to help the water move in the colon, and wash the colon walls.

12) Finally, go to the toilet and release the water and have a bowel movement. 13) You may repeat the enema if you feel it is necessary. But generally only 1x a day is recommended for constipation

What is a high enema? And how do I do one? (15)

First, let's make sure we all know what the entire lower colon looks like, and what the names are for each section :

In a typical enema, 1 quart (or less) of solution is inserted into the sigmoid colon and expelled (as in a coffee enema, or other therapeutic enema). On the other hand, the typical goal of a high enema (2-4 quarts of solution, or more) is to cleanse the ENTIRE colon (the other reason we would want to place fluid/solution higher than the sigmoid colon would be to allow us to hydrate & nourish/medicate ourselves if that cannot be accomplished via mouth). How in the WORLD could I get fluid into the transverse and ascending colon? GRAVITY will be your friend here, as well as massage. First things first, this will obviously work best if you've recently had a bm, or have done a low-enema to remove the fecal matter from your sigmoid colon (after a coffee enema is good). Although this first way is likely the most effective & quickest overall, it also takes some practice (and being VERY in tune with your body, as well as being very careful!) If you have a long enough, soft/flexible enough tube attached to your enema bucket/bag (and a lot of patience) it is very possible to work the tubing past the corner of the descending/transverse colon, so that the solution is dumped into the transverse colon instead of the sigmoid. This is done by pushing the

tubing up 12-16" until it will go no further, releasing a bit of solution, while "twisting" and gently pushing the tubing (just the way you'd push soft tubing around any 'corner'. Utmost care must be taken while doing this as to not damage the tissue or wall of the colon). When doing a high enema like this you would lie on your right side, so the fluid would naturally travel toward the junction of the transverse/ascending colon, and then you would massage it around the corner (when doing this kind of massage, just imagine that you're pushing a water balloon through a tube smaller than the water "pushing with the fingers", but rather digging in deep with your entire hand, and shoving the 'water balloon' along :) After you've inserted the first 2 quarts, you will need to refill your enema bucket. Generally you can handle this by yourself (if you get all your ducks in a row and everything properly positioned), by having another container of solution 'at the ready', sitting up slightly and pouring it into your bucket. Obviously, the easiest way is to have someone do it for you. The most typical way to do a high enema to NOT try to manipulate the tubing around the corner of the descending/transverse junction, but rather to insert the tubing comfortably, changing your position and massaging the fluid throughout the colon. To do this, you want to place the enema bucket a bit higher (so the solution will flow with more force), and you would lay on your back with buttocks elevated (a slant board is perfect here, because you wouldn't be bending at the waist and possibly constricting the flow of the solution). OR you can assume the 'doggy style' position, resting your weight on your elbows forearms, with buttocks elevated). Either of these positions will cause the solution to flow (gravity) to the junction of the descending/transverse colon...and you'll be "water ballooning" it around the corner as it flows in. You should try to get the first 2 quarts in like this, before changing positions and rolling on to your right side...but sometimes rolling onto your right side will allow you to get in the last of the first two quarts, so don't hesitate to 'roll to the right' whenever you feel you're ready. Note, at ANY time you sense cramping or the urge to expel, simply clamp of the tubing/flow and do strong, rapid deep breathing (I find 'through the nose' to be most effective, but some find panting through the mouth to be). The first few/several times you do this (especially if you're an "enema newbie"), you may need to expel and start again. No worry, it's just part of the learning curve - it doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. Once on your right side, start with the final 2 quarts (or as much as you can hold, when first learning). Continue allowing the fluid to flow in...and don't hesitate to 'work with gravity'...if you feel it would be more effective 'doggy style', then switch back to that position to get more fluid in, while continuing to massage it around the corners. The more solution you can get it, the better! If you're able to get in more than a full quart on your first try, consider it a success! If you're able to get in TWO quarts on your first try, that's pretty amazing. And if you can get in more than 2 quarts on your first try, well then...we don't want to hear about it! (lol) Of

course we want to hear about it...and please share how/what you did :) The herb catnip is VERY relaxing, so adding some catnip tea to the solution would be beneficial. Remember, you'll likely be assimilating a LOT of plain/empty water into your bloodstream (which can imbalance electrolytes temporarily); using a solution of a weak herbal tea would be very beneficial (particularly an herb like comfrey leaf that's ultra-high in minerals/nutrients). How long do you retain the solution. As long as you can or would like to :) And lastly, if you are able to get enough solution into your lower colon and a substantial amount down the ascending colon to the cecum, you may experience what is known as a "cecum flush". I've never experienced it (grrrr), but what happens is a major colon contraction starting at the cecum that supposedly empties the colon entirely. That'd be SO cool (and SO cleansing for sure). So if that happens, don't freak out...let us know, and you can have the very first virtual "Cecum Flush" T-shirt and award on CZ! :) And of course, after doing a high enema, expect your bowel activity to slow until your colon can fill back up.

Clear Water Enema Procedures (16)

Copyright Bee Wilder It is best to do an enema right after a bowel movement so the bowel is empty. When selfadministering an enema is it easier to use a bulb syringe rather than an enema bag. An enema bag or bulb syringe (holds 8 ounces) can be purchased at a drug or medical supply store.

You will need the following materials

Enema Bag An enema bag has a long hose, clamp on the hose, and a nozzle or tip. When using an enema bag there must be a place to hang it up at door knob level or about 2 feet above the floor because it works on gravity. Do not hang the enema bag too high, like on a shower rod, because the liquid will go into the bowel too forcefully. The fluid should flow very gently into the rectum. Bulb Syringe When using a bulb syringe you will also need a container to hold the water. Select one that will not be used for any other purpose, and one with a wide enough top so it can easily be accessed with the syringe. Coconut oil or olive oil to use as a lubricant on the tip of the enema bag or bulb syringe and on the opening of the anus. Filtered ChlorineFree Water, at body temperature 1 quart (1 liter). Do not use chlorinated water since it will destroy the intestinal flora inside your colon. Boiling chlorinated water for 30 minutes in an uncovered pot removes the chlorine, or put the water in an open container for 24 hours to get rid of the chlorine. You will only be using 2 cups of water, but having more water makes it easier to fill up a bulb syringe. Cool the water with ice cubes if needed, OR heat the water slightly to body temperature whichever is required. The water should not be too hot or too cold. If it is too hot it will burn you, and if it is too cold will trigger the bowel to empty too quickly. Old Towel only used for doing enemas. It can be washed along with other towels as long as you use hot water. Large Plastic Bag to protect the floor. Optional small pillow for your head. Funnel or pitcher for putting the liquid in the enema bag.

How to Administer the Enema

Using a BulbType Syringe:

1. Take the tip off the bulb syringe and thoroughly wash it the bulb inside and out, and the tip using hot soapy water. Rinse the bulb and tip well. 2. Put 1 quart of chlorinefree body temperature water in the container you selected. 3. Take the container and the bulb syringe to the bathroom.

4. Spread out a large plastic bag on your bathroom floor near the toilet, and put the old towel over it (for comfort). 5. Ensure the bulb syringe, container, and lubricant are within easy reach. 6. Lie down on the towel on your back or on your right side, whichever is more comfortable for you. 7. Lubricate the tip of the syringe with coconut oil or olive oil. 8. Lubricate the opening to your anus and the area around it with coconut oil or olive oil. 9. Squeeze the bulb of the syringe until it is flattened as much as possible and without releasing it, put the tip into the water. 10. Release the bulb slowly, allowing it to fill completely it holds 1 cup (8 ounces). 11. Before inserting the tip into the anus, hold the bulb upright and squeeze it slightly to get rid of the air. You will know when a little liquid squirts out of the tip. 12. Gently insert the tip of the syringe into the anus pushing it in almost up to the bulb. Do not force it because it could cause damage to the rectum or anus. If it is difficult to insert apply more lubricant. 13. After it is inserted gently squeeze the bulb allowing the liquid to release slowly into the rectum. Do not put it in too fast because it will trigger the bowel to empty too quickly. 14. Fill the syringe the second time, and repeat the procedure; this is a total of 2 cups inserted into the anus. 15. Rest comfortably until you have the urge to empty your bowels, which may happen quite quickly, so be prepared to get up off of the floor. 16. When you are finished, rinse out the inside of the bulb syringe by filling it with hot soapy water, shake it well, and empty it. Do this a few times and then rinse it well. Thoroughly wash the outside of the bulb and tip with hot soapy water, rinsing them well. 17. Periodically rinse out the bulb with 3% hydrogen peroxide (available at the drug store) mixed 50/50 with water, and also soak the tip in the same solution. Rinse well afterward and allow the parts to air dry before putting them together.

Using an Enema Bag:

1. Spread out the large plastic bag on bathroom floor near the toilet, and put the old towel over it (for comfort). 2. Remove the tip at the end of the hose and thoroughly wash it with soapy water. Rinse it well. 3. Remove the hose from the bag and using a pitcher or funnel fill the bag with 2 1/2 cups of chlorinefree water. 4. Reattach the hose and insert the tip in the end of the hose. 5. Hold the bag over the sink and allow some water to go out of the tip to ensure there is no air in the hose or the tip. Clamp off the hose and take the enema bag to the bathroom. 6. Hang up the enema bag on a door knob or about 2 feet above the floor. 7. Ensure that the clamp on the hose is positioned low enough so you can reach it when lying down, and that the lubricant is within easy reach.

8. Lie down on the towel on your back or on your right side, whichever is more comfortable for you. 9. Lubricate the tip or nozzle with coconut oil or olive oil. 10. Lubricate the opening to your anus and the area around it with coconut oil or olive oil. 11. Gently insert the tip into the anus pushing it in about 4 inches. Do not force it because it could cause damage to the rectum or anus. If it is difficult to insert apply more lubricant. 12. Release the clamp on the hose and allow the liquid to flow into the rectum. Clamp off the hose when almost all of the liquid has flowed in. 13. Rest comfortably until you have the urge to empty your bowels, which may happen quite quickly, so be prepared to get up off of the floor. 14. When you are finished, wash the bag with hot soapy water, rinse it well and hang it up to dry. Also wash the tip thoroughly. 15. Periodically rinse the bag with 3% hydrogen peroxide (available at the drug store) mixed 50/50 with water, and soak the tip in the same solution. Rinse all parts well afterward and allow them to air dry

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