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APPENDICITIS Diagnoses adalah bentuk plural/jamak dari kata diagnosis Avoid: menghindari G.I.

tract = Gastro-Intestinal (lambung & usus) = saluran cerna Avoid malpractice claim? Communicate respectfully & openly with your patient (& family) Defend yourself when facing malpractice claim? Document (dated & signed) completely what you do & say to the patient In adults with appendicitis, vomiting comes before or after abdominal pain? In children with appendititis, vomiting often comes before or after abdominal pain? Where in the abdomen does the pain of appendicitis begin? After some time to where does the pain of appendicitis shift? What does pain that began near the umbilicus then shifted to the RLQ then becomes general abdomenal pain usually mean? What does a board hard abdomen mean? Peritonitis radang pd seluruh selaput abdomen. Perlu bedah segera! If a patient is vomiting yellow bile, who needs to examine him? Dr. Bedah!

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