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Disassociating from the Past: Feelings 1. Close your eyes, remember, breath deeply, empty your mind. 2.

Imagine yourself surrounded by nothing... it's complete blackness all around you. 3. Choose a color of light for a specific negative emotion. Place this light in a circle at your feet. 4. Step into the circle of negativity. Fully immerse yourself in the emotion. Fe el it mentally, and physically. Allow the feeling to take full effect in, and on you. Now, step out of the negativity light. Watch the light, and circle, dissol ve... You are in blackness again, feeling nothing. 5. Feeling nothing, choose a color of light for a specific opposing Positive emo tion. This emotion must be specific for implementing a positive outlook, both ex ternal and internal, about life AND yourself.Place this light in a circle at you r feet. 6. Step into this circle, surround yourself with the light of positive emotion. Fully immerse yourself with its effects, physically and emotionally. Identify wi th this emotion, the positivity. This is who and how you really are; instead of the false, previous immersion with the negative emotion. 7. Step out of this circle, but this time, allow it to remain in the moment with you. Notice, there is no negativity here, just positivity, and nothing. Realize , this is truth. Remind yourself that emotions are created by you, you create th e positivity in your life, and the negativity. 8. Watch the circle of positivity expand, allow it to take away all of the black ness, this way, even when you feel nothing, you still feel positive. Do this exercise 9 times or until you no longer associate, and identify, w ith negative emotions and their effects on you.

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