Sie sind auf Seite 1von 1


*-----structure types : BEGIN OF ty_emp, eno(10) TYPE n, name(20) TYPE c, dept(10) TYPE c, salary TYPE p DECIMALS 2, addr TYPE string, END OF ty_emp. *----table type types : tt_emp type standard table of ty_emp. *---internal table body and header data : it_emp type tt_emp, " body wa_emp type ty_emp. " header wa_emp-eno = '1234'. wa_emp-name = 'ajay'. wa_emp-dept = 'comp'. wa_emp-salary = '12000'. wa_emp-addr = 'hyd'. append wa_emp to it_emp. clear wa_emp. wa_emp-eno = '1267'. wa_emp-name = 'akshath'. wa_emp-dept = 'it'. wa_emp-salary = '17000'. wa_emp-addr = 'blore'. append wa_emp to it_emp. clear wa_emp. *---process and print LOOP AT it_emp into wa_emp. write : / wa_emp-eno,wa_emp-name, wa_emp-addr,wa_emp-dept,wa_emp-salary. ENDLOOP.

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