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How to write your letter to the Bishop:

How long does our letter to the Bishop have to be? The letter is usually 1-2 pages. It should be double spaced, using font 11-12, and 5-6 paragraphs in length. Work on a rough draft in class. What should my letter to the Bishop include? * A brief introduction of yourself: Name, age, how long you have been at St. Luke's, personal interests, etc. A few sentences about your family. * You can share your Confirmation name with him, and why you chose it. Did you feel a connection to that Saint? How? How did they inspire you? *Write about "Who is God/Christ to me?"- What you have learned about your Faith. Has it been strengthened? or do you need some more work? Possibly personal challenges Christ had helped you with and how you feel your Faith Journey has helped prepare you for the sacrament of Confirmation. *What does being a member of the Catholic Church mean to you? Do you feel connected to the church? How? What are your plans after you are Confirmed? Do you want to help in Faith Formation? become a minister of Communion? a lector? *Share an interesting service hours project you may have completed for the sacrament. How that project touched your life. Example: helping with Room at the Inn, baking cookies for Kairos, or helping/organizing a food drive for the needy. *Finish up with: Why is being Confirmed important to me? - Share a personal story or event that made you feel closer to Christ. Remember: *If you have any questions, talk to your teacher, Ms. Cheryl or Ms. Carol. *Start your letter off with: Dear Bishop Jugis, *Be sure to sign your full name to your letter. *Keep track of when your Bishop letter is due. If you miss your date, you will have to mail your letter directly to the Bishop with a explanation of why your letter did not get mailed with the rest of the class. **Your letter is due (in class-ready to be mailed) on:________________________________

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