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Objective : TO STUDY ABOUT DISTILLATION IN A BUBBLE CAP TRAY COLUMN Apparatus : Description : Distillation is a separation method in which mixture

components i n a liquid mixture are separated based on their relative volatilities. The distillation column provides an environment where the liquid and vapour phas es can approach equilibrium within a column. The apparatus consists of a 100mm diameter glass column (A) having 10 bubble cap plates P1 to P10. The column is provided with a thermosyphon re-boiler assembly (R) at the bottom of the column. The thermosyphon re boiler assembly consists of a glass flask (F) connected to a n electrically heated vessel (G) as shown in the diagram. A thermometer (T) measures the temperature of liquid inside the glass flask (F) . A vapour condenser (C1) is located at the top of the column which makes use of w ater to condense the vapour reaching the top of the column. The condensate from the condenser is drawn out and separated into two streams P and Q in proportions as desired. The stream P is returned to the column through a valve V1 and a flow meter R1. T he stream Q is sent to a cooler (C2) through a valve V2 and a flow meter R2. The liquid from the cooler is sent to the distillate receiver (E) through a valv e V3 or to the re boiler through a valve V4

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