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Jean watson (b.

1940) received her nursing diploma from Lewis Gale Hospital, Ronoake, VA ; her BS in nursing from the University of Colorado, Boulder; her MS in phsychiatric-mental health nursing from the University of Colorado, Denver; and her PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She is currently Distinguished Proffesor, Drector, Center for Human Caring, cticed nursing in private practice, as a clinical consultant, nurse researcher, faculty member, and educational administrator. She is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and has received numerous other awards and honors, including a Visiting Kellog Fellowship at Western Australia Institute of Technology and an International Fulbright Award. She hold honorary doctorates Watson has been an invited distinguished lecturer in numerous countries such as Israel, Canada,Japan, Australia, and Taiwan as well as in the United States. She is the author of numerous articles, book chapters, and two books. Her research has been in the area of human caring and loss.

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