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St Thomas' Anglican Church

2002 Job Description

Senior Ladies Lunch Coordinator

The Luncheon of our Senior Ladies is held the second Tuesday of each month during the school year. No luncheon is held during July and August. In June the ladies go out to a restaurant of their choice for a wind-up lunch. Additionally, there is no lunch in January.
A festive Christmas tea is provided by other volunteers in December and therefore there is no luncheon that month.

Effectively, the riioritlis the Coordiriator is responsible for tlie luricheori are: September, October, November, February, March, April and May.
The day before the Tuesday luncheon, the Coordinator calls Herb Hesse at Salisbury Composite High School to remind him of the upcoming luncheon. The school provides the soup. biscuits and butter. On Tuesday morning between 1 1 :30 and 1 1 :45, the Coordinator picks up the lunch provisions from the school and takes them to the Teape Room at the church. The soup is put on to a cart along with the soup bowls.

If the tables are not set up, the Coordinator does so and sets the tables with place mats. cups, cutlery and napkins. Cream and sugars are placed on the tables so that they are within easy reach for the ladies. if tea and cotfee are not already made, tlie Coordinator does so.
Soup is served to the ladies. This is otien done bv the Rector, the Parish Administrator or others as they wish. I t is the Coordinator's responsibility to ensure this is done and she will do it as required. The Rector stays to have lunch and visit with the ladies. He also announces pertinent items and news of interest to them. Following the luncheon, the Coordinator puts the soiled dishes through the dishwasher in the downstairs kitchen. The soup pot and platters for Salisbury High School are cleaned and returned tlie same day. The total time comlnitment is approximately 2 Y i hours: - from I 1 :30 a.m. until about 2 p.m.

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