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LESSON PLAN STUDENT GLOBAL GOAL: To create independent learners. To help students develop as independent learners.

UNIT/TOPIC: Review DATE: 4/11/11 PURPOSE OF LESSON: The purpose of the lesson is to motivate students to increase their oral proficiency using the Chinese language. INCLUDES 5 Cs: (circle all that apply) 1 2 3 4 5

EX|PECTED STUDENT OUTCOME(S): Students will increase their oral proficiency by creating and conducting a survey in the target language and presenting the data orally to the class. Time: 15 minutes Materials needed: dry erase board, dry erase markers for teacher; worksheet for data analysis Vocabulary: None All previously learned vocabulary Sentence Patterns: None All previously learned sentence patterns. Activity 1: Teacher states the goal for the day: Increased oral proficiency. Instructional strategy: MODELING 1. The Teacher will posts a previously studied topic list a series of words on the board. 2. Ask the students if they were Given the following words, what would they want to know about the words/concepts? what vocabulary they remember from each of the concepts topic. Post the vocabulary they students give generate on the board with the appropriate concept topic. 3. Teacher asks students what questions they might ask in order to get more information about the topic. Teacher models a question or two about the Assessment Students will participate and answer comprehension questions. Does this assess the expected outcome? Students demonstrate knowledge of previously learned vocabulary. Students demonstrate knowledge of previously learned sentence patterns.

Time: 15 minutes Materials needed: prepared cue cards with previously studied different like items listed; topics on them. Vocabulary: None All previously learned vocabulary Sentence Patterns: None All previously learned sentence patterns.

listed concepts topic and writes the questions on the board. 4. Teacher asks a volunteering student or two to pose questions they have concerning the topic. What kinds of questions could they ask to find out that information? 5. Teacher explains the worksheet and the data collection process/analysis students will use for the rest of the days activities emphasizing that Eeach member of the group participates in generating the vocabulary which s/he records on his/her worksheet. Activity 2: Assessment 1. Teacher divides class into predetermined groups of three and moves them to separate tables. There is an adult observer at each of the tables. The role of the observer is to record the amount of Chinese language each student in the group uses, and, if necessary, to remind students to speak in Chinese. 2. These Students will be given select a cue card which contains a previously studied topic. set of vocabulary. and will Students generate a list of vocabulary that applies to the topic. Students will be given 2 3 minutes to generate the list. 3. and will be asked to Each student in the group will create develops a question using the vocabulary on recalled by the group list that they s/he could ask other classmates in the room. Each student at the group will be responsible for creating their his/her own question, writing it down and and Evaluation of questions created. Does this assess the expected outcome? Students made a topical list of previously learned vocabulary. Students developed questions using the vocabulary and used their Chinese to ask each other the questions.

records ALL of the questions on his/her worksheet. 4. Students practice asking their questions in Chinese in their it to group partners. Time: 10 minutes Activity 3: Materials needed: Timer Vocabulary: None All previously 1. Using the questions students created s/he learned vocabulary developed and recorded on the his/her worksheet, they each student will go around and , speaking Chinese, ask at least 10 students in Sentence Patterns: None All other groups the question assigned to them IN previously learned sentence CHINESE. patterns. 2. They will speak to at least ten other classmates and record their answers. 2. Students return to their groups when they have finished their surveying. Time: 5 minutes Materials needed: calculators (optional) Vocabulary: None All previously learned vocabulary Sentence Patterns: None All previously learned sentence patterns. Activity 4: 1. Students will return to their groups and , analyze their data they collected and prepare to present it in Chinese to the rest of their group. This data analysis presentation can include: observations, bar graphs, pie charts, and percentages of the whole. How does this need to be modified so that the focus is on the use of oral language? Assessment Student participation. Does this assess the expected outcome? Students speak Chinese as they ask classmates their questions. Students collect data on their worksheets. Assessment Evaluation of data created. Does this assess the expected outcome? Each student has a summary of his/her data to present to his/her group.

Time: 10 minutes Activity 5: Materials needed: video cameras Vocabulary: None All previously 1. With their groups, students will make observations learned vocabulary about the data collected with their group members. Each student is required to present make an observation they s/he made based on their his/her or Sentence Patterns: None All group data. This discussion The observations will previously learned sentence be videotaped by the adult observer for teacher patterns. review. 2. Groups identify one person who will report to the class. Presentations to the class will take place if time allows. 3. Ask the students how much of the time they used Chinese to communicate in their class today. Ask them to record their estimate of the time, of the time, of the class period under their name at the bottom of the worksheet. Remind them that by the end of their 2nd year of study of Chinese the goal is that they should be using their target language 80% of the time during the class. 4. Students hand in their worksheets, put the desks back in order and prepare to leave. 5. Tell students what they will be doing tomorrow before dismissing them. We had talked about having the groups present to the adult observer at the table.

Assessment View the video to ensure all students have participated. Does this assess the expected outcome? Each student presents data in Chinese. Each student records on his/her worksheet, own estimated use of Chinese during today/s class.

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