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Clegg, Krugman: wrong diagnosis Recently, Clegg and Krugman have published independently an article where they compare the European austerity with a specific animal. Both are wrong. These animals have a function inside the chain of the animal kingdom, and it should be interesting to hear their opinions about humans. Really, the European austerity, or austerity, is the consequence of mismanagement of the unification of Germany. As I wrote the tumour has generated the metastasis. The metastasis now is to impose the Hartz IV known as fiscal agreement. It is the first fraud. The second fraud: why Germany asks borrow money at 0% nowadays? The answer is to keep the interest rate high of the indebted nations. The profits go to German banks. Not only!, part of the profits go to the Merkel's electoral campaign. As Krugman writes, as always we have to follow the money trail. Last year Merkel visited China and said to China's leaders: when I come back, I will eject Greece from the euro zone. The answer from China's leaders was: if you do that, we will sell the 25% of the European debt immediately. One of her hooligans Hans-Werner Sinn recently said in Barcelona: If Greece remains inside the euro, Greece will end in civil war. As you can see he keeps the same idea that her master. So, what is the best definition of the European austerity? The answer is stupidity. And of course we must apply Darwin: a stupid generates an environment to grow more stupid. By google, you will understand this panorama when you read The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity by Carlo Cipolla. If you are more interested in the topic, you can read, if you wish, Walter Pitkin A Short Introduction to the History of Human Stupidity. Pitkin found that the first to study this topic were Kemmerich with Aus der Geschite der menschlichen Dimmheit, and Lewenfield with ber Dummheit. There are a lot stupid inside European countries, it is not an exclusive of Germany, for example Spain starting with the Inquisition up to this date, but we need to recognize the merit to two German researchers to start to write about human stupidity. In conclusion, a wrong diagnosis implies wrong solutions. We must request to the Deputy Prime Minister of the UK government and a Nobel Prize of Economy to be more accurate. PS: Next paper: The sense of the roads, to laugh and be happy.

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