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Chapter 7 Worksheets 1C 1 2C 3C 4A 5A 6B 7D 8B 9C 10 B

2(a) (i) 3C + SiO2 SiC + 2CO (ii) 180 kg (b) (i)

A lot of heat energy is needed to break the strong covalent bonds. (ii) It should not conduct electricity and it should not dissolve in water.

3(a) (b)(i) A lot of heat energy is neede to break the strong electrostatic forces of attraction that make up the ionic bond (ii) the magnesium ion and the oxide ion have double the charge of potassium ion and chloride ion so the electrostatic forces of attraction is stronger in magnesium oxide. (c)(i) the ions are in a fixed position and cannot move about freely to carry the electric current (ii) in the molten (liquid) state and when dissolved in water to form an aqueous solution 4 (a)(i) the electrons between the positive ions in the metallic structure are able to move about freely so the electrons can carry the electric current (ii) high melting point (b) (i) liquid (ii) covalent bonds. The low melting and boiling points suggest a simple molecular structure rather than an ionic lattice structure (iii) simple molecular structure (iv) titanium is a metal and chlorine is a non-metal so it should form an ionic compound. 5 (a)(i) Copper consist of a lattice of positive ions surrounded by a sea of electrons. The electrons are free to move about. (ii) E (b) D or F (c)(i) B (ii)

Section B 1(a) low melting point and does not conduct electricity (b) C60 (c) graphite and diamond 2(a)

(b)(i) all atoms in silicon dioxide are joined by strong covalent bonds. A lot of heat energy is needed to break these bonds. In carbon dioxide, there are weak forces of attraction between the molecules so only a little heat energy is needed to break the forces of attraction. (ii) No because there are no free moving electrons.

3(a)(i) the flat layers of atoms can slide (ii) the strong rigid structure prevents atoms from sliding (b)(i) cutting and drilling rock (ii) graphite has a very high melting point because a lot of heat energy is needed to break the strong covalent bonds between the carbon atoms in graphite.

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