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Para-neoplastic Syndrome (PNS) As its name implies, this syndrome is a number of diseases, disorders or symptoms that are associated

with the presence of cancerous cells or tissues within the body but is not due to the local presence of cancer cells, that is to say, the cancer cells are found in a tissue and the other tissues of the body suffer from disorders that are indirectly related to the cancer cells. These effects are mediated through two main ways: 1)The first one is through humoral factors,i.e. hormones or cytokines that are secreted by the noeplastic cells 2)The other is through the body's response to the tumour cells, i.e. the immune response of the body. Paraneoplastic syndromes are common among middle aged patients and to some extent among the elderly and the most commonly present with cancers of lung, breast, ovaries or the lymphatic system. It is also important to note that the symptoms of PNS may sometimes appear before the underlying malignancy is diagnosed, and this phenomenon is hypothetically related to the disease pathogenesis. In this typical example, the tumor cells begin expressing some tissue-restricted antigens, that is to say the

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