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Small Basic Mid Point Assessment for Learning

First Name ___________________________________________________________

Can you do the things listed below? Please circle the happy face if you can or a sad face if
you cant.
Learning Objective - Use Small Basic to create simple programs.
Success Criteria - I (Can):


Understand what a program is.


Understand that you have to use special programming commands.


Can use the Small Basic interface (the screen where you add the instructions, intellisense and
the screen where you see the results).


Understand that programs can show text or graphics.


Can write a simple program to show text and graphics.


Can write a simple program to move the turtle.


Can use colours with the turtle.


Can write a program to create shapes, patterns and objects.

Tell us what you liked or didnt like.

What did you like best?

What did you like least?

What did you find easy?

What did you find the most difficult?

Is there anything you would like to know?
Please turn over to add any other ideas and comments.

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