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The process regulated, accepted and used by any organization during the time of crisis.

This crisis can be of any form like environmental crisis, food crisis, disaster crisis, or generally, the situation, which is capable of hurting human civilization in any way weather economical and social. Today by many scientist and philosophers, three elements define proper meaning of word crisis. These elements are as follows: surprise element, organizational threat and little decision time. In context of crisis, management that works for preventing and avoiding threats. The main emphasis of crisis management is on planning a recovery system after any disaster has taken place. This plan needs high quality of resources including human power, techniques and skills that can help from coping with situation that causes crisis. Crisis management differs from emergency management as emergency management focus on first aid type of recoveries like putting fire out and other restoring processes. There are several categories of crises; Lerbinger categorized crisis in to sever types, they are as follows: natural disaster (droughts, tsunami, floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions), confrontation (PUSH boycott of Nike in United States), technological crisis (like Exxon Valdez fuel spill and Chernobyl disaster), organizational misdeeds, malevolence (Chicago 1982 Tylenol murders), rumors and workplace violence (DuPont's Lycra).

Why do global organizations prefer to have updated MIS systems in their Organizations? Explain it with the help of example. Describe various types of crisis with examples.

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