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Flashcard Set Title: "HESI Evolve MED Surg Mini questions"

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During a well-woman exam, a sexually active female client asks the nurse about a recent vaginal infection and says she is afraid she has another sexually transmitted infection. The client discloses her history of previous STI. Which condition should the nurse identify as the most prevalent STI in the United States among woman?

Do not leave the diaphragm in place longer than 8 hours after intercourse. Contact a healthcare provider when a

The nurse is teaching a female client who uses a contraceptive diaphragm about reducing the risk for toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Which information should the nurse include? A client is admitted with a medical diagnosis of Addisonian crisis. When completing the admission assessment, the nurse expects this client to exhibit which clinical manifestations?

Hypotension, Rapid weak pulse, and palpitations (Addisonian crisis=shock)

The nurse is caring for critically ill Neurogenic shock. Neurogenic shock is the rarest form of shock. It is caused by trauma to the spinal cord resulting in the sudden loss of autonomic and clients. Which client should be motor reflexes below the injury level. Without stimulation by sympathetic nervous system the vessel walls relax uncontrolled, resulting in a sudden monitored for teh development of decrease in peripheral vascular resistance, leading to vasodilation and hypotension. (Spinal cord injury) distributive shock? A client with A client is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of Type II diabtes mellitus and influenza. Which categories of One chronic and one acute illness. illness should the nurse should the
A 49 year old female client arrives at the clinin for an annual exam and asks the nurse why she becomes excessively diaphoretic and feels warm during nighttime. What is the nurse's best response? The nurse should be correct in withholding a dose of digoxin in a client with congestive heart failure without specific instruction from the healthcare provider if the client's When preparing a client who has had a total laryngectomy for discharge, which instruction is most important for the nurse to include in the discharge teaching?

Discuss perimenopause and related comfort measures.

Serum potassium level is 3. Tell the client to carry a medic alert card stating that he is a total neck breather.

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Flashcard Set Title: "HESI Evolve MED Surg Mini questions"

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The nurse is completing an admission interview and assessment on a client with a history of Parkinson's disease. Which question should provide information relevant to the client's plan of care? A 46 year old female client is admitted for acute renal failure secondary to diabetes and hypertension. Which test is the best indicator of adequate glomerular filtration?

Have you ever been frozen in one spot unable to move?

Serum creatinine

Despite several eye surgeries, a 78 year old client who lives alone has persistent vision problems. The visiting nurse is discussing painting the house with the client. The nurse suggests that the edge of the steps should be painted which color?

Medium Yellow

While working in the emergency room, the nurse is exposed to a client with active TB. When should the nurse plan to obtain a TB skin test?
The nurse is teaching a client with maple syrup disease, an autosomal recessive disorder, about the inheritance pattern. Which information should the nurse provide?

Four to six weeks after the exposure. Both genes of a pair must be affected for the disorder to occur.

A client is brought to the Emergency Review teh EKG tracing. Airway, breathing, and circulation are priorities in client assessment and Center after a snow-sking accident. treatment. Continuous cardiac monitoring is indicated (A) because hypothermic clients have an increased risk for dysrhythmias. Coagulations Which intervention is most important studies (A) and re-warming procedures (C and D) can be initiated after a review of the ECG tracing for the nurse to implement? The nurse is planning care for a client Administer analgesics prior to who is having abdominal surgey. To encouraging progressive activities achieve desired postoperative and ambulation. outcomes, the nurse includes
A client has a staging procedure for cancer of the breast and asks the nurse which type of breast cancer has the poorest prognosis. Which information should the nurse offer the client?

Inflammatory with peau d' orange

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Flashcard Set Title: "HESI Evolve MED Surg Mini questions"

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The nurse working in a postoperative surgical clinic is assessing a woman who had a left radical mastectomy for breast cancer. Which factor puts this client at greatest risk for developing lymphedema?

She sustained an insect bite to her left arm yesterday. Severe dysfunction of the cerebral cortex has occurred decorticatg=inward Completes education and becomes self-supporitng. Headache, diaphoresis, and palpitations Reposition the head to validate that the head is in the proper position to open the airway. Place a large tourniquet at the client's bedside. Valsalva's maneuver and coughing.

Physical examination of a comatose client reveals decorticate posturing. Which statement is accurate regarding this client's status based upon this finding?

Which milestone indicates to the nurse sucessful achievement of young adulthood? Which symptom should the nurse expect a client to exhibit who is known to have a pheochromocytomia? During CPR, when attempting to ventilate a client's lung, the nurse notes that the chest is nt moving. What action should the nurse take Which intervention should the nurse plan to implement when caring for a client who has just undergone a right above the knee amputation? Prior to a cardiac catheterization, which activity should the nurse have the client practice?

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