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THE DREAM SPELL This spell is to cause you to dream of the face of the man (or woman) you

will spend your life with. You may or may not know this person currently. Do not be surprised if it is not the person you expected. If your romantic notions happen to blossom in midsummer, you might consider this- On July 22, St. Magdalene's Eve, prepare a bath. In the water sprinkle lavender and rose petals and as in the Self-Blessing, you must envision yourself cleansing not only your body, but also your spirit. After you bathe, prepare for bed and say these words: Mother of All, Habondia, look favorably upon my quest, Bring to me a vision true, my lover's face at your behest. After you have said the incantation, place a sachet under your pillow with lavender and hypericum (St. John's Wort). Before you go to sleep pour a small glass of wine and just as you do in the full moon rite, say these words: To You Mother, I pour this libation (pour a few drops on the floor), and drink this toast. Drink the rest of the wine. Use your consecrated chalice or consecrate a new cup just for this purpose. Lay your head down and dream of your true love--it may not be who you thought!

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