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How to remove missing values from SPSS data?

I'd like to perform a listwise deletion of missing values from my spss data set. any idea how to do this because it doesn't say anything in help, except for coding. much appreciated.
3 years ago ( 2010-10-27 09:44:26 +0000 ) Report Abuse


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Sorry I missread the question at first, the listwise way is this. Edited reply: Firstvarname = first variable in your data set Lastvarname = Last variable in your dataset 1) File -> New -> syntax: 2) Type in: Count NMissing= firstvarname to lastvarname (missing). Note: this will only work with numerical values, if you have some text variables in your data you will have to recode them into a numeric value or skip that variable. e.g. Step 2 the long way, typing in every numeric variable name. Replace Var1 etc with your variable names. 2) Count NMissing= var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var9 var12 var13 (missing). 3) Highlight the text, then press the play button. This will create a new variable "Nmissing" that tells you how much missing data each record has. The next step is just to select cases where that variable = 0. 4) Then click "data" -> "Select cases" -> "if conditions is satisfied" 5) Click "If...." button. 6) In the box at the top type in: Nmissing = 0 7) Click Continue 8) If you want, under output Check "copy selected cases to new dataset" and type ina new filename. 9) Click OK When you are running stats through SPSS, most of the functions default to removing listwise missing values anyway.

I work as a programmer with biostats, we have to use SPSS a lot.
Edited 3 years ago ( 2010-10-27 11:11:34 +0000 ) Report Abuse

Asker's Rating: Thanks so much for this Vad! Vad sam thank you so much that was amazing

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