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// Exercise 02.05.01 // Game of NIM: Accepts positive input only for initial total.

// #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int total, n; cout << "Welcome to NIM. Pick a starting total: "; cin >> total; while (total < 1) { cout << "Enter positive integer only. "; cout << "Pick starting total: "; cin >> total; } while (true) { // Pick best response and print results. if ((total % 3) == 2) { total = total - 2; cout << "I am subtracting 2." << endl; } else { total--; cout << "I am subtracting 1." << endl; } cout << "New total is " << total << endl; if (total == 0) { cout << "I win!" << endl; break; } // Get user s response; must be 1 or 2. cout << "Enter number to subtract (1 or 2): "; cin >> n; while (n < 1 || n > 2) { cout << "Input must be 1 or 2." << endl; cout << "Re-enter: " << endl; cin >> n; } total = total - n; cout << "New total is " << total << endl; if (total == 0) { cout << "You win!" << endl; break; } } system("PAUSE"); return 0; }

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