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Physics 1010 Project Autumn Papritz Part 1: Star Identification Star Name Distance from the Earth When

the visible Light left the star Size compared to the Sun Luminosity compared to the Sun Betelgeuse 640 light years 640 years ago 1,000 times the diameter of the sun 85,000-105,00 times brighter than the sun. Aldebaran 68 light years 68 years ago 44.2 times the diameter of the sun 425 times that of the sun Sirius 8.6 light years 8.6 years ago 1.7 times as massive as the sun 26 times that of the sun

Extra Credit: Coal Sack. The coal sack is a thick cloud of interstellar dust that comprises the nebula known as the Coalsack Dark Nebula as seen by the naked eye in the Orion constellation. Part 2: Equation Analysis Equation 1: E = mc2 1. E = Energy that any mass has at rest. M= mass. C= speed of light. C 2 is the proportionality constant of energy and mass. 2. C^2 is the speed of light squared. 34.7 billion miles^2/sec^2 3. Yes they are related. One cannot exist without the other. All mass is energy and, all energy is contained in mass. They are linked in so far as mass can be turned into energy and energy used is evidence of a change in mass. Mass is congealed energy. 4. This is true, as evidenced by the comparison of uranium and carbon. The relative small mass of uranium can create a significant amount of energy compared to carbon combustion that requires a significant larger amount of carbon to create an equal amount of energy as the uranium. Equation 2: d = gt2/2 5. I agree with statement B. (objects fall at the same speed and weight doesnt matter) Weight is not a variable in the equation so it is irrelevant what the size/weight of the object is in the distance it will fall or speed with which it will fall. Equation 3: v = gt 6. I again agree with the statement objects fall at the same speed and weight doesnt matter because weight is not a variable in the equation. 7. In our daily lives we handle objects of varying weight and when a bowl drops to the floor it appears to fall faster than the paper towel that fell along with it. What we have failed to do consider is air resistance in relation to the paper towel. When the paper

towel is wadded up the two items will appear to fall at the same time. In our daily interactions with dropping things, an experiment was not consciously performed to measure the velocity and speed of two separate items in a controlled environment. In our limited view we see that feathers, paper towels and, cotton t-shirts all seem to fall slower than heaver items because we are observing air resistance. Without air resistance these items fall at exactly the same speed. 8.The important physical property of mass that differentiates it from weight is inertia. What compensates for the difference in applied forces is the ratio to weight and mass is the same; therefore creating the same amount of acceleration that is kept constant by the force of gravity. Equation 4: e = 1 Tcold/Thot 9. In theory, No, but possible if the environment was near 0k it could be very close to ~99% efficient but it would still lose energy due to friction and resistance of the gears and mechanisms of the machine. Perhaps not factoring in friction, then yes in theory it could be possible. It would have to be a machine that operated in somewhat of a cold blooded environment, where it would have cold input and cold output. 10. No, in practice it is not possible. There is no environment that could create a low enough temperature that would allow for the heat engine to not output unrecoverable energy. The second law of thermodynamics proves that it is not possible. 11. and 12 No it is not possible in practice or theory, because the greatest amount of energy that can be created is dependent on the temperature difference between the hot reservoir and the cold sink. There is not enough temperature difference and it would not create enough pressure difference. 13. No it is not, because heat from the burning fuel is still expelled as waste and is therefore not 100% efficient. Heat is expelled through the exhaust and that is energy wasted. Part 3: Learning about a Law of Physics 1. The Law of Conservation of Energy can be stated as energy is constant. Energy can neither be created or destroyed it can be transformed between one form or another, and remains constant in an isolated system. 2. Real Life examples 1. When I am driving my big suburban in a parking lot and try to squeeze into a small parking spot, but I hit the car parked next to me. It shifts the car. I transferred energy from my car to the parked car. 2. In a game of pool the cue ball is shot at a stationary 8 ball. The energy from the cue ball is transferred as it hits the 8 ball sending it into motion. The energy from the cue ball is lost as it transfers its energy to the 8 ball, causing the cue ball to slow down while propelling the 8 ball forward 3. While playing the piano the energy from my fingers are transferred into the keys causing them to engage the keys, which then strike the strings causing the sound to resonate. Part 4: Explanation of Fermis Paradox and possible resolution


Fermis Paradox states that due to the size and age of the universe other technologically advanced planets like earth should exist, but due to the lack of observation of any existing life forms this hypothesis cannot be true. This is a paradox because it goes against common opinion that there could be intelligent life, and while it seems absurd to say that just because it hasnt been observed doesnt mean it cant exist, there is a point that we would have seen some kind of evidence in all of our space travel. It seems as if there should be other life forms in the universe. The universe is vast and there are older systems with similar planets to Earth. Theoretically, there should be life forms on those planets as well, who have developed interstellar travel. However, the lack of evidence of extraterrestrial visitors to our own planet, and to other parts of the observable universe, provide considerable doubt to this theory. If other life forms exist, then, as Fermi asks, where are they? 2. Four Resolutions One possible resolution is that astronomers would have stumbled across some unexplainable phenomenon that could not be explained without the root being intelligible civilization. One astronomical discovery supposedly uncovered the pulse of a civilization. Another discovery was believed to have been an industrial accident from energy outputs of a civilization. These discoveries, once thought to be connected to life were later disproved, as all subsequent observations have been, by natural explanations. This paradox could be disproved if an extensive search for intelligent life did uncover evidence that had no natural explanation other than intelligent civilization. Another resolution could be found in the disturbance of radio signals from communication of an alien civilization. It is believed that if intelligent life exists, they would have developed advanced technological communication methods that would interfere with our own radio frequencies. If disturbances in these frequencies are found to be sequential and non-accidental, it could be evidence of attempted communication or existence of intelligent life. The detection and observation of life on exoplanets could also provide resolution to the paradox. Exoplanets are planets residing outside our solar system, which may or may not contain intelligent life. We have not yet been able to observe these planets closely; therefore we do not know what life exists. The only information we can deduct is from their mass and orbit. Eventually it is believed that observations could be made of the surfaces of those planets orbiting in the habitable zone of a solar system that could lead to the discovery of intelligent life. The fourth possible resolution would be the discovery of possible alien constructs such as probes, colonies or other artifacts. It is theorized that other inhabited planets would seek to explore the universe as we do. In doing so they would leave behind evidence of this exploration through probes or other artifacts that we could detect. Perhaps if we did find a probe we would not recognize it as such, but the possibility exists that such devise or colonies could exist somewhere in the universe. That they are reaching out for us and we are reaching out for them, we just dont know it.

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