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\f0\fs22 \cf0 Lesson Plan Begun | \

Location | Shimatonbetsu Chugako\
Time | 10:30 - 11:20, 50 Minutes\
Classs Level | Junior High School Grade 2\
Number of Students | 1\
Material to Cover | One World Lesson 4-2, Pages 50-51\
Lesson Objectives:\
* Review last week`s work, page 48 have to?\
* Cover lesson 4-2, "shall," "will," and "would."\
Measurable Student Outcomes:\
* Performance on worksheets.\
* Student \
- Pencil\
- Textbook\
* Teacher\
- Worksheets\
- Chalk\
- Textbook\
Lesson Plan:\
* Total Physical Response Warmup [1], 5 Minutes\
* Review lesson 4-1, 5 Minutes\
- Write 48 sentence on board.\
- Student has to speak sentence out loud.\
* Shall, Will, Would you activity, [2] 20 minutes.\
- Write 6 shall, would, will you questions on board.\
- 1. Open the door. 2. Sit down. 3. Draw Goku. 4. Sing/ dance. 5.
Write your name on the board. 6. Take a nap.\
- Make student write down questions and answers I choose in journal one
at a time. If they say yes, then they have to do the action.\
* Cover other materials on pages 50 and 51.\
Extra Time:\
* Hangman\
* (English) \ \
* (Japanese) \\
* (English) \
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