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Constitution Principles

• a fundamental, primary, or general law or
truth from which others are derived: the
principles of modern physics.
• a determining characteristic of something;
essential quality
• We the people….
• Believe that the constitution is the highest
law of the land and are willing to abide.
• The constitution:
– Is a contract b/w us and the government
– Est. powers and responsibilities of gov’t
– Est. rights and duties of the citizen
Why has it survived?
• General in nature/not
too specific
• Language is very
• Flexible/can be
How? Formal Amendment Process
To Propose: To Ratify:
2) 2/3 vote in both 2) Approval from ¾
Houses (38) of state
3) National Convention,
3) Special Conventions
requiring request w/ ¾ of states
from 2/3 of state present
legislatures There is a 7 year time
limit to ratify or it
essentially DIES.
How? Informal Amendment Process
1. Judicial Interpretation
– Judges change based on current situations
– i.e. Brown v. Board of Education
– Set PRECEDENT for future cases
2. Actions of Congress
– Creation of different “departments”, agencies
3. Actions of the President
– Executive orders
• Activities of Political Parties (Choosing candidates)
• Customs and Traditions
– SC Justices/term limits
(leave space to write b/w each)
1. Limited government
2. Supremacy and Rule of Law
3. Popular sovereignty
4. Separation of Powers
5. Checks and Balances
6. Judicial Review

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