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Penulis : Wahyu Nurhadi Widodo Fakultas : Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Program Studi : Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia IPK

: 2.39 Pembimbing I : Dra. Ec Nurtjahja Moegni, Msi Pembimbing II : Dra. Ec Nurtjahja Moegni, Msi

Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Adversity Qoutient Terhadap Kinerja Agen Marketing PT.Asuransi Takaful Cabang Surabaya
Abstrak : Technology and human resources development require companies to be sensitive to changes, competitive, able to survive the pressure, competent in their field and continue to innovate. Human resources intelligence (IQ) and emotionally mature (EQ) was not necessarily to be successful. There's another major factor, namely AQ (Adversity Quotient). AQ is one's own intelligence in overcoming difficulties and likely to survive. This study aims to determine whether the elements in Adversity Quotient affect the performance of marketing agents in Surabaya, PT Asuransi Takaful either partially or simultaneously. Adversity Quotient is a framework that is able to predict how far one is able to survive the difficulties and the ability to overcome these difficulties, in other words can also be seen who is failing. In this study viewed the work environment, which is associated with performance. Performance is the effort spent by an individual on his work. A circuit or a number of jobs achieved in the period a person working in an organization related to the attitudes, values, behavior and motivation within the individual. Independent variables used are the elements of the Adversity Quotient of Control, Origin & Ownership, Reach, and Endurance. The data comes from a survey of marketing agent of PT Asuransi Takaful Surabaya. The method used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the control variables, origin and ownership, and reach significantly partially on performance, whereas no significant endurance partially on performance. Simultaneously, the elements in the Advisory Quotient significant effect on performance.

Keyword : Advisory Quotient, Performance, Regression

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