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BACTERIA: Structure & Classification Morphology = Sise 2 ¥ 0 tam - 1-040 = Meehology : maintain by ngid c wt 3 Basic forms — Ce 8 = Classictheatten (Rated on ceil voll Gram ave @ Gar —¥€ Reokaryetic ceil 8, Structure : Basic Bacterium Component of Batten a: 1) Plata membrane 2 DNA 3)_copcule £) cel|_wall SJrbosemes ©) Cytoplasmn YD pF Chmbiae ) 8) flagella. Capsules : - ameyphars matenal COuter = polysaccharide spinhilert pha gocgtesis = k- antigen =view ence. Tex): !)Aetphes ross 2) Prevenken_of Neuthre phi Kelly engulfed back - J)Yrevenpion of Complement -med: batene' cell Lysis Hy Prevenyon of palymephonuchens Leukoce ru ggra We ot i 5) Toure co hot c 6) Protcebin ef anaerobes $- 0, tox, A) Acthesom Te host ceil 4) Debemnahim of colenra| byte Pivhancement of Ake patheqemeihy Speed m amixed trfeetion &) Recephrs fry bactentplase Wnctuct™r of ankbedty cgptenr- © MUREIN / PEPTIDOGLYCAN structure Peptidoglycan t SEES crates care eon, fe Tapes wee ee erat et peptone yi * eerie“ iateesioeeee See © nepemeterra apne rasa nate es eet Serene. Peptidogli¢an also call_as__murei Bacteri Important Chemical Components of Surface Structures ® Cell Well Peptidoglyeans: = Both Grom-positive and Gram-negative bacteria possess cell wall peptideglycans

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