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OM ,W ,W c f c like juice, and Who was merciful to the king of elephants (Indradyumna)! Be my shelter. Bring compassion to me. By my understanding, right now I am indeed filled with demons. O M , fM !A . 1 OM ,W ,W f ,W bracelets, Who absolves the fear of demi-gods and priests, and Who holds the Earth! Quickly and please remove the weight of demons, who have defeated the demi-gods ,OL !OM , fM !A . 2

OM -

, W

A f f V , W Madhu! Absolve my troubles.||3||

,W c ,W

c f M , W f f ,W ,

c c W c

f f

OM , Who causes fear in the enemies, Who is born from the same womb as H (B ), W c f , W N ,W c ,W c c ,W P f H N , W M ! A troubles.||4||

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